Exemplo n.º 1
    def addWishList(self, request):
        """Adds a session to a user wishlist"""
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()

        # User is logged in
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        # Check if parameters were provided
        if not request.websafeSessionKey:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('websafeSessionKey are required')

        # check that session exists
        session_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSessionKey)
        session = session_key.get()
        if not session:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No session found with key: %s' % request.websafeSessionKey)

        new_wishlist_session = UserWishList(

        return UserWishListForm(
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _addSessionToUserWishList(self, request):
        """Add a Session to a User's WishList"""
        # preload necessary data items
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = getUserId(user)

        # Check the required fields are present
        if not request.sessionKey:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'session Key' field required")

        # Obtain the session key
        # Then obtain the session using the session key
        # If session does not exist, return session does not exist
           s_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.sessionKey)
           if s_key is not None:
              session = s_key.get()
        except ProtocolBufferDecodeError: 
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session key Invalid")

        if  not session:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session does not exist")

        # copy from user wish list from to dict
        data = {field.name: getattr(request, field.name) for field in request.all_fields()}
        data['userID'] = user_id
        # generate Profile Key based on user ID and User Wish list
        # ID based on Profile key get user wish list key from ID
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
        userwishlist_id = UserWishList.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=p_key)[0]
        userwishlist_key = ndb.Key(UserWishList, userwishlist_id, parent=p_key)

        # Save the key and conference web safe key
        data['key'] = userwishlist_key
        data['conferenceWsk'] = session.websafeConferenceKey

        # create UserWishList, send email to user confirming
        # creation of User wish list & return (modified) User wish list Form
        userwishlist = UserWishList(**data)

        return self._copyUserWishListToForm(userwishlist)