Exemplo n.º 1
def unsubscribe(request, location_slug):
    ''' unsubscribe route '''
    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('unsubscribe@ for location: %s' % location)
    return HttpResponse(status=200)
 def decorator(request, location_slug, *args, **kwargs):
     location = get_location(location_slug)
     user = request.user
     if user.is_authenticated() and location and user in location.house_admins.all():
         return original_func(request, location_slug, *args, **kwargs)
     elif request.user.is_authenticated():
         return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
         from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
         path = request.get_full_path()
         login_url = settings.LOGIN_URL
         return redirect_to_login(path, login_url)
Exemplo n.º 3
def unsubscribe(request, location_slug):
    ''' unsubscribe route '''
    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('unsubscribe@ for location: %s' % location)
    return HttpResponse(status=200)
Exemplo n.º 4
def announce(request, location_slug):
    ''' email all people signed up for event activity notifications at this location.'''

    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        logger.error('location not found')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('announce@ for location: %s' % location)

    # Make sure this person can post to our list
    sender = request.POST.get('from')
    location_event_admins = EventAdminGroup.objects.get(
    allowed_senders = [user.email for user in location_event_admins]
    # have to be careful here because the "sender" email address is likely a
    # substring of the entire 'from' field in the POST request, ie, "Jessy Kate
    # Schingler <*****@*****.**>"
    this_sender_allowed = False
    for sender_email in allowed_senders:
        if sender_email in sender:
            this_sender_allowed = True
    if not this_sender_allowed:
        # TODO - This could send a response so they know they were blocked
        logger.warn("Sender (%s) not allowed.  Exiting quietly." % sender)
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    weekly_notifications_on = EventNotifications.objects.filter(
    remindees_for_location = [
        notify.user for notify in weekly_notifications_on

    jessy = User.objects.get(id=1)
    for user in [
        #for user in remindees_for_location:
        send_announce(request, user, location)

    return HttpResponse(status=200)
Exemplo n.º 5
def announce(request, location_slug):
    ''' email all people signed up for event activity notifications at this location.'''

    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        logger.error('location not found')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('announce@ for location: %s' % location)

    # Make sure this person can post to our list
    sender = request.POST.get('from')
    location_event_admins = EventAdminGroup.objects.get(location=location).users.all()
    allowed_senders = [user.email for user in location_event_admins]
    # have to be careful here because the "sender" email address is likely a
    # substring of the entire 'from' field in the POST request, ie, "Jessy Kate
    # Schingler <*****@*****.**>"
    this_sender_allowed = False
    for sender_email in allowed_senders:
        if sender_email in sender:
            this_sender_allowed = True
    if not this_sender_allowed:
        # TODO - This could send a response so they know they were blocked
        logger.warn("Sender (%s) not allowed.  Exiting quietly." % sender)
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    weekly_notifications_on = EventNotifications.objects.filter(location_weekly = location)
    remindees_for_location = [notify.user for notify in weekly_notifications_on]

    jessy = User.objects.get(id=1)
    for user in [jessy,]:
    #for user in remindees_for_location:
        send_announce(request, user, location)

    return HttpResponse(status=200)
Exemplo n.º 6
def residents(request, location_slug):
    ''' email all residents at this location.'''

    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        logger.error('location not found')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('residents@ for location: %s' % location)

    # we think that message_headers is a list of strings
    header_txt = request.POST.get('message-headers')
    message_headers = json.loads(header_txt)
    message_header_keys = [item[0] for item in message_headers]

    # make sure this isn't an email we have already forwarded (cf. emailbombgate 2014)
    # A List-Id header will only be present if it has been added manually in
    # this function, ie, if we have already processed this message.
    if request.POST.get('List-Id') or 'List-Id' in message_header_keys:
        # mailgun requires a code 200 or it will continue to retry delivery
        logger.debug('List-Id header was found! Dropping message silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    #if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_headers or message_headers['Auto-Submitted'] != 'no':
    if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_header_keys:
        logger.info('message appears to be auto-submitted. reject silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    recipient = request.POST.get('recipient')
    from_address = request.POST.get('from')
    logger.debug('from: %s' % from_address)
    sender = request.POST.get('sender')
    logger.debug('sender: %s' % sender)
    subject = request.POST.get('subject')
    body_plain = request.POST.get('body-plain')
    body_html = request.POST.get('body-html')

    # Add all the residents at this location
    resident_emails = []
    for r in location.residents():

    # Now loop through all the emails and build the bcc list we will use.
    # This makes sure there are no duplicate emails.
    bcc_list = []
    for email in resident_emails:
        if email not in bcc_list:
    logger.debug("bcc list: %s" % bcc_list)

    # Make sure this person can post to our list
    #if not sender in bcc_list:
    #    # TODO - This shoud possibly send a response so they know they were blocked
    #    logger.warn("Sender (%s) not allowed.  Exiting quietly." % sender)
    #    return HttpResponse(status=200)
    if sender in bcc_list:

    # Include attachements
    attachments = []
    for attachment in request.FILES.values():
        attachments.append(("attachment", attachment))

    # prefix subject, but only if the prefix string isn't already in the
    # subject line (such as a reply)
    if subject.find(location.email_subject_prefix) < 0:
        prefix = "[" + location.email_subject_prefix + "] "
        subject = prefix + subject
    logger.debug("subject: %s" % subject)

    # add in footer
    text_footer = '''\n\n-------------------------------------------\n*~*~*~* %s residents email list *~*~*~* ''' % location.name
    body_plain = body_plain + text_footer

    if body_html:
        html_footer = '''<br><br>-------------------------------------------<br>*~*~*~* %s residents email list *~*~*~* ''' % location.name
        body_html = body_html + html_footer

    # send the message
    list_address = "residents@%s.%s" % (location.slug, settings.LIST_DOMAIN)
    mailgun_data = {
        "from": from_address,
        "to": [
        "bcc": bcc_list,
        "subject": subject,
        "text": body_plain,
        "html": body_html,
        # attach some headers: LIST-ID, REPLY-TO, MSG-ID, precedence...
        # Precedence: list - helps some out of office auto responders know not to send their auto-replies.
        "h:List-Id": list_address,
        "h:Precedence": "list",
        # Reply-To: list email apparently has some religious debates
        # (http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-admin/node11.html) but seems
        # to be common these days
        "h:Reply-To": list_address,
    return mailgun_send(mailgun_data, attachments)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test80085(request, location_slug):
    ''' test route '''
    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('test80085@ for location: %s' % location)

    # we think that message_headers is a list of strings
    header_txt = request.POST.get('message-headers')
    message_headers = json.loads(header_txt)
    message_header_keys = [item[0] for item in message_headers]

    # make sure this isn't an email we have already forwarded (cf. emailbombgate 2014)
    # A List-Id header will only be present if it has been added manually in
    # this function, ie, if we have already processed this message.
    if request.POST.get('List-Id') or 'List-Id' in message_header_keys:
        # mailgun requires a code 200 or it will continue to retry delivery
        logger.debug('List-Id header was found! Dropping message silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    #if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_headers or message_headers['Auto-Submitted'] != 'no':
    if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_header_keys:
        logger.info('message appears to be auto-submitted. reject silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    recipient = request.POST.get('recipient')
    to = request.POST.get('To')
    from_address = request.POST.get('from')
    logger.debug('from: %s' % from_address)
    sender = request.POST.get('sender')
    logger.debug('sender: %s' % sender)
    subject = request.POST.get('subject')
    body_plain = request.POST.get('body-plain')
    body_html = request.POST.get('body-html')

    # retrieve the current house admins for this location
    bcc_list = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']
    logger.debug("bcc list: %s" % bcc_list)

    # Make sure this person can post to our list
    #if not sender in bcc_list:
    #    # TODO - This shoud possibly send a response so they know they were blocked
    #    logger.warn("Sender (%s) not allowed.  Exiting quietly." % sender)
    #    return HttpResponse(status=200)

    # usually we would remove the sender from receiving the email but because
    # we're testing, let 'em have it.
    #if sender in bcc_list:
    #    bcc_list.remove(sender)

    # pass through attachments
    # logger.debug(request)
    # logger.debug(request.FILES)
    # for attachment in request.FILES.values():
    #     # JKS NOTE! this does NOT work with unicode-encoded data. i'm not
    #     # actually sure that we should *expect* to receive unicode-encoded
    #     # attachments, but it definitely breaks (which i disocvered because
    #     # mailgun sends its test POST with a unicode-encoded attachment).
    #     a_file = default_storage.save(attachment.name, ContentFile(attachment.read()))
    # attachments = {}
    # num = 0
    # for attachment in request.FILES.values():
    #     attachments["attachment-%d" % num] = (attachment.name, default_storage.open(attachment.name, 'rb').read())
    #     #default_storage.delete(attachment.name)
    #     num+= 1

    attachments = []
    for attachment in request.FILES.values():
        attachments.append(("inline", attachment))

    # prefix subject, but only if the prefix string isn't already in the
    # subject line (such as a reply)
    if subject.find('EN Test') < 0:
        prefix = "[EN Test!] "
        subject = prefix + subject
    logger.debug("subject: %s" % subject)

    # add in footer
    text_footer = '''\n\n-------------------------------------------\nYou are receiving this email because someone at Embassy Network wanted to use you as a guinea pig. %mailing_list_unsubscribe_url%'''
    body_plain = body_plain + text_footer
    if body_html:
        html_footer = '''<br><br>-------------------------------------------<br>You are receiving this email because someone at Embassy Network wanted to use you as a guinea pig.'''
        body_html = body_html + html_footer

    # send the message
    list_address = "test80085@" + location.slug + ".mail.embassynetwork.com"
    mailgun_data = {
        "from": from_address,
        "to": [
        "bcc": bcc_list,
        "subject": subject,
        "text": body_plain,
        "html": body_html,
        # attach some headers: LIST-ID, REPLY-TO, MSG-ID, precedence...
        # Precedence: list - helps some out of office auto responders know not to send their auto-replies.
        "h:List-Id": list_address,
        "h:Precedence": "list",
        # Reply-To: list email apparently has some religious debates
        # (http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-admin/node11.html) but seems
        # to be common these days
        "h:Reply-To": from_address
    return mailgun_send(mailgun_data, attachments)
Exemplo n.º 8
def residents(request, location_slug):
    ''' email all residents at this location.'''

    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        logger.error('location not found')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('residents@ for location: %s' % location)

    # we think that message_headers is a list of strings
    header_txt = request.POST.get('message-headers')
    message_headers = json.loads(header_txt)
    message_header_keys = [item[0] for item in message_headers]

    # make sure this isn't an email we have already forwarded (cf. emailbombgate 2014)
    # A List-Id header will only be present if it has been added manually in
    # this function, ie, if we have already processed this message.
    if request.POST.get('List-Id') or 'List-Id' in message_header_keys:
        # mailgun requires a code 200 or it will continue to retry delivery
        logger.debug('List-Id header was found! Dropping message silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    #if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_headers or message_headers['Auto-Submitted'] != 'no':
    if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_header_keys:
        logger.info('message appears to be auto-submitted. reject silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    recipient = request.POST.get('recipient')
    from_address = request.POST.get('from')
    logger.debug('from: %s' % from_address)
    sender = request.POST.get('sender')
    logger.debug('sender: %s' % sender)
    subject = request.POST.get('subject')
    body_plain = request.POST.get('body-plain')
    body_html = request.POST.get('body-html')

    # Add all the residents at this location
    resident_emails = []
    for r in location.residents():

    # Now loop through all the emails and build the bcc list we will use.
    # This makes sure there are no duplicate emails.
    bcc_list = []
    for email in resident_emails:
        if email not in bcc_list:
    logger.debug("bcc list: %s" % bcc_list)

    # Make sure this person can post to our list
    #if not sender in bcc_list:
    #    # TODO - This shoud possibly send a response so they know they were blocked
    #    logger.warn("Sender (%s) not allowed.  Exiting quietly." % sender)
    #    return HttpResponse(status=200)
    if sender in bcc_list:

    # Include attachements
    attachments = []
    for attachment in request.FILES.values():
        attachments.append(("attachment", attachment))

    # prefix subject, but only if the prefix string isn't already in the
    # subject line (such as a reply)
    if subject.find(location.email_subject_prefix) < 0:
        prefix = "["+location.email_subject_prefix + "] "
        subject = prefix + subject
    logger.debug("subject: %s" % subject)

    # add in footer
    text_footer = '''\n\n-------------------------------------------\n*~*~*~* %s residents email list *~*~*~* '''% location.name
    body_plain = body_plain + text_footer

    if body_html:
        html_footer = '''<br><br>-------------------------------------------<br>*~*~*~* %s residents email list *~*~*~* '''% location.name
        body_html = body_html + html_footer

    # send the message
    list_address = "residents@%s.%s" % (location.slug, settings.LIST_DOMAIN)
    mailgun_data =  {"from": from_address,
        "to": [recipient, ],
        "bcc": bcc_list,
        "subject": subject,
        "text": body_plain,
        "html": body_html,
        # attach some headers: LIST-ID, REPLY-TO, MSG-ID, precedence...
        # Precedence: list - helps some out of office auto responders know not to send their auto-replies.
        "h:List-Id": list_address,
        "h:Precedence": "list",
        # Reply-To: list email apparently has some religious debates
        # (http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-admin/node11.html) but seems
        # to be common these days
        "h:Reply-To": list_address,
    return mailgun_send(mailgun_data, attachments)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test80085(request, location_slug):
    ''' test route '''
    # fail gracefully if location does not exist
        location = get_location(location_slug)
        # XXX TODO reject and bounce back to sender?
        return HttpResponse(status=200)
    logger.debug('test80085@ for location: %s' % location)

    # we think that message_headers is a list of strings
    header_txt = request.POST.get('message-headers')
    message_headers = json.loads(header_txt)
    message_header_keys = [item[0] for item in message_headers]

    # make sure this isn't an email we have already forwarded (cf. emailbombgate 2014)
    # A List-Id header will only be present if it has been added manually in
    # this function, ie, if we have already processed this message.
    if request.POST.get('List-Id') or 'List-Id' in message_header_keys:
        # mailgun requires a code 200 or it will continue to retry delivery
        logger.debug('List-Id header was found! Dropping message silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    #if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_headers or message_headers['Auto-Submitted'] != 'no':
    if 'Auto-Submitted' in message_header_keys:
        logger.info('message appears to be auto-submitted. reject silently')
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    recipient = request.POST.get('recipient')
    to = request.POST.get('To')
    from_address = request.POST.get('from')
    logger.debug('from: %s' % from_address)
    sender = request.POST.get('sender')
    logger.debug('sender: %s' % sender)
    subject = request.POST.get('subject')
    body_plain = request.POST.get('body-plain')
    body_html = request.POST.get('body-html')

    # retrieve the current house admins for this location
    bcc_list = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']
    logger.debug("bcc list: %s" % bcc_list)

    # Make sure this person can post to our list
    #if not sender in bcc_list:
    #    # TODO - This shoud possibly send a response so they know they were blocked
    #    logger.warn("Sender (%s) not allowed.  Exiting quietly." % sender)
    #    return HttpResponse(status=200)

    # usually we would remove the sender from receiving the email but because
    # we're testing, let 'em have it.
    #if sender in bcc_list:
    #    bcc_list.remove(sender)

    # pass through attachments
    # logger.debug(request)
    # logger.debug(request.FILES)
    # for attachment in request.FILES.values():
    #     # JKS NOTE! this does NOT work with unicode-encoded data. i'm not
    #     # actually sure that we should *expect* to receive unicode-encoded
    #     # attachments, but it definitely breaks (which i disocvered because
    #     # mailgun sends its test POST with a unicode-encoded attachment).
    #     a_file = default_storage.save(attachment.name, ContentFile(attachment.read()))
    # attachments = {}
    # num = 0
    # for attachment in request.FILES.values():
    #     attachments["attachment-%d" % num] = (attachment.name, default_storage.open(attachment.name, 'rb').read())
    #     #default_storage.delete(attachment.name)
    #     num+= 1

    attachments = []
    for attachment in request.FILES.values():
        attachments.append(("inline", attachment))

    # prefix subject, but only if the prefix string isn't already in the
    # subject line (such as a reply)
    if subject.find('EN Test') < 0:
        prefix = "[EN Test!] "
        subject = prefix + subject
    logger.debug("subject: %s" % subject)

    # add in footer
    text_footer = '''\n\n-------------------------------------------\nYou are receiving this email because someone at Embassy Network wanted to use you as a guinea pig. %mailing_list_unsubscribe_url%'''
    body_plain = body_plain + text_footer
    if body_html:
        html_footer = '''<br><br>-------------------------------------------<br>You are receiving this email because someone at Embassy Network wanted to use you as a guinea pig.'''
        body_html = body_html + html_footer

    # send the message
    list_address = "test80085@"+location.slug+".mail.embassynetwork.com"
    mailgun_data = {"from": from_address,
            "to": [recipient, ],
            "bcc": bcc_list,
            "subject": subject,
            "text": body_plain,
            "html": body_html,
            # attach some headers: LIST-ID, REPLY-TO, MSG-ID, precedence...
            # Precedence: list - helps some out of office auto responders know not to send their auto-replies.
            "h:List-Id": list_address,
            "h:Precedence": "list",
            # Reply-To: list email apparently has some religious debates
            # (http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-admin/node11.html) but seems
            # to be common these days
            "h:Reply-To": from_address
    return mailgun_send(mailgun_data, attachments)