print(' fx = {}'.format(fx)) # Save to solution history x_hist = args[0] fx_hist = args[1] x_hist.append(x) fx_hist.append(fx) bounds = [(0, 10) for i in range(10)] x_hist = list() fx_hist = list() args = (x_hist, fx_hist) res = minimize(fun, bounds, args=args, callback=callback, workers=1) # Print optimization result print(res) if __name__ == "__main__": # Plot solution history fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) ax[0].plot(x_hist) ax[0].set_title('x') ax[1].plot(fx_hist) ax[1].set_title('f(x) = np.sum(x ** 2) + random.random()') ax[1].set_xlabel('Generation')
def con_minimize( fun, bounds, constr=(), x0=None, args=(), callback=None, options={}, workers=None ): """Constrained minimization of `fun` using Genetic Algorithm. This function is a wrapper over modestga.minimize(). The constraints are defined as a tuple of functions (`fcon1(x, *args)`, `fcon2(x, *args)`, `...`). The algorithm searches for a solution minimizing `fun(x, *args)` and satisfying the conditions (`fcon1(x, *args) >= 0`, `fcon2(x, *args) >= 0`, `...`). `callback` arguments: `x`, `fx`, `ng`, `*args`. `fx` is the function value at the generation `ng`. Returns an optimization result object with the following attributes: - x - numpy 1D array, optimized parameters, - message - str, exit message, - ng - int, number of generations, - fx - float, final function value. :param fun: function to be minimized :param bounds: tuple, parameter bounds :param constr: tuple, functions defining constraints :param x0: numpy 1D array, initial parameters :param args: tuple, positional arguments to be passed to `fun` and to `fcon` :param callback: function, called after every generation :param options: dict, GA options :param workers: int, number of processes to use (will use all CPUs if None) :return: OptRes, optimization result """ # Wrap cost function with constraints def fun_soft_con(x, *augmented_args): # Unpack constraints and arguments fcore = augmented_args[0] # Function to be minimized fcons = augmented_args[1] # Constraints user_args = augmented_args[2:] # Arguments # Evaluate core function ycore = fcore(x, *user_args) # Initialize penalty penalty = 0.0 # Update penalty # (the more negative fcon() is, the higher penalty) for f in fcons: ycon = np.max([f(x, *user_args) * -1.0, 0.0]) pscale = ycore / (ycon + 1e-6) penalty += ycon * pscale return ycore + penalty # Run minimization augmented_args = (fun, constr, *args) res = modestga.minimize( fun=fun_soft_con, bounds=bounds, x0=x0, args=augmented_args, callback=callback, options=options, workers=workers, ) # Extend result with contraint violation info res.constr = [fcon(res.x, *args) for fcon in constr] return res
def estimate(self): # Objective function self.logger.debug("Instantiating ObjectiveFun") objective_fun = ObjectiveFun(self.fmu_path, self.inp, self.known, self.est, self.ideal, self.ftype) self.logger.debug(f"ObjectiveFun: {objective_fun}") # Initial guess x0 = [MODESTGA.scale(x.value, x.lo, x.hi) for x in self.est] self.logger.debug("modestga x0 = {}".format(x0)) # Save initial guess in summary row = pd.DataFrame(index=[0]) for x, c in zip(x0, MODESTGA.TMP_SUMMARY.columns): row[c] = x row[MODESTGA.ERR] = np.nan row[MODESTGA.METHOD] = MODESTGA.NAME MODESTGA.TMP_SUMMARY = MODESTGA.TMP_SUMMARY.append(row, ignore_index=True) # Parameter bounds b = [(0.0, 1.0) for x in self.est] self.logger.debug(f"bounds = {b}") out = minimize( objective_fun, bounds=b, x0=x0, args=(), callback=MODESTGA._callback, options=self.options, workers=self.workers, ) self.logger.debug(f"out = {out}") outx = [ MODESTGA.rescale(x, ep.lo, ep.hi) for x, ep in zip(out.x.tolist(), self.est) ] self.logger.debug("modestga x = {}".format(outx)) # Update summary self.summary = MODESTGA.TMP_SUMMARY.copy() self.summary.index += 1 # Adjust iteration counter = MODESTGA.ITER # Rename index # Update error self.summary[MODESTGA.ERR] = list( map(objective_fun, self.summary[[ for x in self.est]].values)) for ep in self.est: name = # list(map(...)) - for Python 2/3 compatibility self.summary[name] = list( map(lambda x: MODESTGA.rescale(x, ep.lo, ep.hi), self.summary[name])) # Rescale # Reset temp placeholder MODESTGA.TMP_SUMMARY = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.summary_cols) # Return DataFrame with estimates par_vec = outx par_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ for x in self.est], index=[0]) for col, x in zip(par_df.columns, par_vec): par_df[col] = x return par_df
def task(self, **kwargs): """ Args: kwargs (dict, optional): keyword arguments: bounds (2D array_like of float): array of min/max pairs for optimization constraints etc method (str): optimization method y (1D array_like of float): target of inverse problem (only if 'self' is of type Inverse), shape: (nOut) Returns: (2-tuple of 1D array of float): model input at optimum and corresponding model output, shape: (nInp) and shape: (nOut) Note: - requires initial point(s) self.x for getting input number: nInp - if inverse problem solution then self.y is required as target """ Base.task(self, **kwargs) bounds = kwargs.get('bounds', None) method = self.kwargsGet(kwargs, ('method', 'methods'), None) if method is not None: self.method = method self.write('+++ method: ', self.method) # sets target for Inverse if type(self).__name__ in ('Inverse'): y = kwargs.get('y', None) self.y = np.atleast_1d(y) if y is not None else self.y assert self.model is not None xIni = self.x.copy() self._history = [] for x0 in xIni: self._trialHistory = [] if self.method.startswith('bas'): res = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(func=self.objective, x0=x0, niter=100, T=1.0, stepsize=0.5, minimizer_kwargs=None, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=False, niter_success=None) x = np.atleast_1d(res.x) y = np.atleast_1d( success = 'success' in res.message[0] elif self.method.startswith('dif'): if bounds is None: bounds = [(-10, 10)] * len(x0) res = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution( func=self.objective, bounds=bounds, strategy='best1bin', maxiter=None, popsize=15, tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, seed=None, disp=False, polish=True, init='latinhypercube') x, y = res.x, success = res.success elif self.method == 'ga': validKeys = ['tol', 'options', 'bounds'] kw = {k: kwargs[k] for k in validKeys if k in kwargs} res = mg.minimize( fun=self.objective, x0=x0, # method=self.method, # TODO . **kw) x, y = np.atleast_1d(res.x), np.atleast_1d(res.fx) success = True # TODO . else: res = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun=self.objective, x0=x0, method=self.method, ) x = np.atleast_1d(res.x) kw = self.kwargsDel(kwargs, 'x') y = self.model.predict(x=res.x, **kw)[0] success = res.success self._history.append(self._trialHistory) if not success: self.write('+++ error message: ', res.message) x = [None] * x.size y = [None] * y.size nTrial = len(self._history[0]) if nTrial > 1: self.write('+++ Optima of all trials:') for iTrial, history in enumerate(self._history): self.write(' [' + str(iTrial) + '] x: ', history[-1][0], '\n y: ', history[-1][1], '\n objective: ', history[-1][2]) # self._history[iTrial][iLast=-1][jObj=2] -> list of best obj. finalObjectives = [hist[-1][2] for hist in self._history] if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Inverse': absFinalObj = np.abs(finalObjectives) iTrialBest = finalObjectives.index(min(absFinalObj)) else: iTrialBest = finalObjectives.index(min(finalObjectives)) else: iTrialBest = 0 # y: self._history[iTrialBest][iLast=-1][jY=1] historyBest = self._history[iTrialBest] finalBest = historyBest[-1] self.x, self.y = finalBest[0], finalBest[1] objectiveBest = finalBest[2] self.write('+++ Best trial:\n [' + str(iTrialBest) + '] x: ', self.x, '\n y: ', self.y, '\n objective: ', objectiveBest) return self.x, self.y
def minimizeLeastSquares(self, method, c0, **kwargs): """ Minimizes least squares: sum(self.f(self.X)-self.Y)^2)/X.size for SINGLE initial fit param set Updates self.ready and self.weights according to success of optimizer Args: method (str): optimizing method for minimizing objective function [recommendation: 'BFGS' or 'L-BFGS-B' if ill-conditioned 'Nelder-Mead' or 'Powell' if noisy data] c0 (1D array_like of float): initial guess of fit parameter set kwargs (dict, optional): keyword arguments: bounds (2-tuple of float or 2-tuple of 1D array_like of float): list of pairs (xMin, xMax) limiting x ... specific optimizer options Returns: (dict {str: float or int or str}): results, see Model.train() """ results = self.initResults('method', method) self.weights = None # required by Model.predict() self.ready = True # required by Model.predict() if method in self.scipyMinimizers: if method.startswith('bas'): nItMax = kwargs.get('nItMax', 100) res = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(func=self.meanSquareErrror, x0=c0, niter=nItMax, T=1.0, stepsize=0.5, minimizer_kwargs=None, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=False, niter_success=None) if 'success' in res.message[0]: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(res.x) results['iterations'] = res.nit results['evaluations'] = res.nfev else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) elif method.startswith('dif'): nItMax = kwargs.get('nItMax', None) res = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution( func=self.meanSquareErrror, bounds=[[-10, 10]] * c0.size, strategy='best1bin', maxiter=nItMax, popsize=15, tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, seed=None, disp=False, polish=True, init='latinhypercube') if res.success: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(res.x) results['iterations'] = res.nit results['evaluations'] = res.nfev else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) else: validKeys = ['nItMax', 'adaptive', 'goal'] kw = {} if any(k in kwargs for k in validKeys): kw['options'] = {} kw['options']['maxiter'] = kwargs.get('nItMax', None) if method == 'Nelder-Mead': kw['options']['xatol'] = kwargs.get('goal', 1e-4) try: res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun=self.meanSquareErrror, x0=c0, method=method, **kw) if res.success: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(res.x) results['iterations'] = res.nit \ if method != 'COBYLA' else -1 results['evaluations'] = res.nfev else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) except scipy.optimize.OptimizeWarning: results['weights'] = None self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) elif method in self.scipyRootFinders: nItMax = kwargs.get('nItMax', 0) if method.startswith('lm'): res = scipy.optimize.root( fun=self.difference, x0=c0, args=(), method='lm', jac=None, tol=None, callback=None, options={ # 'func': None,mesg:_root_leastsq() got multiple # values for argument 'func' 'col_deriv': 0, 'xtol': 1.49012e-08, 'ftol': 1.49012e-8, 'gtol': 0., 'maxiter': nItMax, 'eps': 0.0, 'factor': 100, 'diag': None }) if res.success: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(res.x) results['iterations'] = -1 results['evaluations'] = res.nfev else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) else: print("\n??? method:'" + str(method) + "' not implemented") elif method in self.scipyEquationMinimizers: if method.startswith('leastsq'): x, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ier = scipy.optimize.leastsq( self.difference, c0, full_output=True) if ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(x) results['iterations'] = -1 results['evaluations'] = infodict['nfev'] else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', mesg) elif method == 'least_squares': res = scipy.optimize.least_squares(self.difference, c0) if res.success: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(res.x) results['iterations'] = -1 results['evaluations'] = res.nfev else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) elif method in self.geneticMinimizers: if 'modestga' in sys.modules and method == 'ga': assert method != 'ga' or 'modestga' in sys.modules validKeys = ['tol', 'options', 'bounds'] # see scipy's minimize kw = {k: kwargs[k] for k in validKeys if k in kwargs} res = mg.minimize( fun=self.meanSquareErrror, x0=c0, # TODO method=method, **kw) if True: # TODO res.success: results['weights'] = np.atleast_1d(res.x) results['iterations'] = -1 # res.nit results['evaluations'] = # TODO res.nfev =? ng else: self.write('\n??? ', method, ': ', res.message) else: assert 0, '??? LightGray, invalid method: ' + str(method) self.weights = results['weights'] self.ready = self.weights is not None return results
fx_hist = args[1] x_hist.append(x) fx_hist.append(fx) bounds = [(-5.12, 5.12) for i in range(N)] x_hist = list() fx_hist = list() args = (x_hist, fx_hist) options = { 'generations': 500, } res = minimize(fun, bounds, args=args, callback=callback, options=options) # Print optimization result print(res) if __name__ == "__main__": # Plot solution history fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) ax[0].plot(x_hist, alpha=0.1, color='k') ax[0].set_title('x') ax[1].plot(fx_hist, color='k') ax[1].set_title('f(x) = RASTRIGIN FUNC.') ax[1].set_xlabel('Generation')