Exemplo n.º 1
 def create_variable(name, attributes, t_chunk):
     # Normalize variable name
     name = name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_')
     var = nc.createVariable(name, 'f4', ('time', 'layer', 'x', 'y',), fill_value=fillvalue, chunksizes=(t_chunk, z_chunk, x_chunk, y_chunk,), zlib=True)
     for k, v in attributes.iteritems():
             var.setncattr(k, v)
             logger.exception("Could not set variable attribute {} on {}.  Check that its value is supported in NetCDF4.".format(k, name))
     return var
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_output_objects(self):
        headfile = tuple()
        cellfile = tuple()

        # Find output files we want to process.  These are the defaults if
        # no specific file is specified in the configuration
        for u, f, b in zip(self.mf.external_units, self.mf.external_fnames, self.mf.external_binflag):
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
            if ext == ".bud":
                cellfile = (u, f, b)
            elif ext == ".bhd":
                headfile = (u, f, b)

        # Headfile
        head_obj = None
        with LoggingTimer("Loading head file", logger.info):
                if self.head_file:
                    head_obj = flopy_binary.HeadFile(self.head_file, precision=self.precision)
                elif headfile:
                    head_obj = flopy_binary.HeadFile(headfile[1], precision=self.precision)
                    logger.warning("No Headfile found")
            except BaseException:
                logger.exception("Exception occured when trying to load the HeadFile into flopy. Skipping!")

        # Cell budget file
        cell_obj = None
        with LoggingTimer("Loading cell budget file", logger.info):
                if self.cbud_file:
                    cell_obj = flopy_binary.CellBudgetFile(self.cbud_file, precision=self.precision)
                elif cellfile:
                    cell_obj = flopy_binary.CellBudgetFile(cellfile[1], precision=self.precision)
                    logger.warning("No CellBudget file found")
            except BaseException:
                logger.exception("Exception occured when trying to load the CellBudgetFile into flopy. Skipping!")

        return dict(head_obj=head_obj,
Exemplo n.º 3
    def to_netcdf(self, output_file):

        fillvalue = -9999.9

        outputs = self.get_output_objects()
        head_obj = outputs["head_obj"]
        cell_obj = outputs["cell_obj"]

        if os.path.exists(output_file):

        with LoggingTimer("Setting up NetCDF file", logger.info):

            # Metadata
            z_size, x_size, y_size = self.zs.shape
            x_chunk = int(x_size / 4) + 1
            y_chunk = int(y_size / 4) + 1
            z_chunk = z_size
            min_vertical = np.min(self.zs)
            max_vertical = np.max(self.zs)

            nc = netCDF4.Dataset(output_file, "w")
            nc.setncattr("Conventions", "CF-1.6")
            nc.setncattr("date_created", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00Z"))
            nc.setncattr("geospatial_vertical_positive",   "up")
            nc.setncattr("geospatial_vertical_min",        min_vertical)
            nc.setncattr("geospatial_vertical_max",        max_vertical)
            nc.setncattr("geospatial_vertical_resolution", "variable")
            nc.setncattr("featureType", "Grid")
            nc.setncattr("origin_x", self.grid_x)
            nc.setncattr("origin_y", self.grid_y)
            nc.setncattr("origin_crs", self.config_crs)
            nc.setncattr("grid_rotation_from_origin", self.grid_rotation)
            for k, v in self.global_attributes.iteritems():
                    nc.setncattr(k, v)
                    logger.exception("Could not set global attribute {}.  Check that its value is supported in NetCDF4.".format(k))

            # Dimensions
            nc.createDimension('x', x_size)
            nc.createDimension('y', y_size)
            nc.createDimension('layer', z_size)

            # Metadata variables
            crs = nc.createVariable("crs", "i4")
            crs.long_name           = "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326"
            crs.epsg_code           = "EPSG:4326"
            crs.semi_major_axis     = float(6378137.0)
            crs.inverse_flattening  = float(298.257223563)

            # Latitude
            lat = nc.createVariable('latitude', 'f8', ('x', 'y',), chunksizes=(x_chunk, y_chunk,))
            lat.units         = "degrees_north"
            lat.standard_name = "latitude"
            lat.long_name     = "latitude"
            lat.axis          = "Y"
            lat[:]            = self.ys

            # Longitude
            lon = nc.createVariable('longitude', 'f8', ('x', 'y',), chunksizes=(x_chunk, y_chunk,))
            lon.units         = "degrees_east"
            lon.standard_name = "longitude"
            lon.long_name     = "longitude"
            lon.axis          = "X"
            lon[:]            = self.xs

            # Elevation
            ele = nc.createVariable('elevation', 'f8', ('layer', 'x', 'y',), chunksizes=(z_chunk, x_chunk, y_chunk,), zlib=True)
            ele.units         = "meters"
            ele.standard_name = "elevation"
            ele.long_name     = "elevation"
            ele.valid_min     = min_vertical
            ele.valid_max     = max_vertical
            ele.positive      = "down"
            ele[:]            = self.zs

            lay = nc.createVariable('layer', 'f4', ('layer',))
            lay.units         = ''
            lay.long_name     = 'layer'
            lay.positive      = "down"
            lay.axis          = 'Z'
            lay[:]            = np.arange(0, z_size)

            delc = nc.createVariable('delc', 'f4', ('x',))
            delc.units = 'meters'
            delc.long_name = "Column spacing in the rectangular grid"
            delc.setncattr("origin_x", self.grid_x)
            delc.setncattr("origin_y", self.grid_y)
            delc.setncattr("origin_crs", self.config_crs)
            if self.grid_units == 'feet':
                delc[:] = self.dis.delc.array[::-1] * 0.3048
                delc[:] = self.dis.delc.array[::-1]
            if self.grid_rotation != 0:
                delc.comments = textwrap.dedent("""This is the column spacing that applied to the UNROTATED grid. \
                                This grid HAS been rotated before being saved to NetCDF. \
                                To compute the unrotated grid, use the origin point and this array.""")

            delr = nc.createVariable('delr', 'f4', ('y'))
            delr.units = 'meters'
            delr.long_name = "Row spacing in the rectangular grid"
            delr.setncattr("origin_x", self.grid_x)
            delr.setncattr("origin_y", self.grid_y)
            delr.setncattr("origin_crs", self.config_crs)
            if self.grid_units == 'feet':
                delr[:] = self.dis.delr.array[::-1] * 0.3048
                delr[:] = self.dis.delr.array[::-1]
            if self.grid_rotation != 0:
                delr.comments = textwrap.dedent("""This is the row spacing that applied to the UNROTATED grid. \
                                This grid HAS been rotated before being saved to NetCDF. \
                                To compute the unrotated grid, use the origin point and this array.""")

            # Workaround for CF/CDM.
            # http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/netcdf-java/reference/StandardCoordinateTransforms.html
            # "explicit_field"
            exp  = nc.createVariable('VerticalTransform', 'S1')
            exp.transform_name           = "explicit_field"
            exp.existingDataField        = "elevation"
            exp._CoordinateTransformType = "vertical"
            exp._CoordinateAxes          = "layer"

        def create_time(time_values, t_chunk):
            nc.createDimension("time", len(time_values))
            time = nc.createVariable("time",    "f8", ("time",), chunksizes=(t_chunk,))
            time.units          = "{0} since {1}".format(self.time_units, self.base_date.isoformat().split('.')[0].split('+')[0] + "Z")
            time.standard_name  = "time"
            time.long_name      = "time of measurement"
            time.calendar       = "gregorian"
            time[:] = np.asarray(time_values)

        def create_variable(name, attributes, t_chunk):
            # Normalize variable name
            name = name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_')
            var = nc.createVariable(name, 'f4', ('time', 'layer', 'x', 'y',), fill_value=fillvalue, chunksizes=(t_chunk, z_chunk, x_chunk, y_chunk,), zlib=True)
            for k, v in attributes.iteritems():
                    var.setncattr(k, v)
                    logger.exception("Could not set variable attribute {} on {}.  Check that its value is supported in NetCDF4.".format(k, name))
            return var

        # Headfile
        if head_obj is not None:

            with LoggingTimer("Writing HEAD to file", logger.info):
                # Time
                time_values = head_obj.get_times()
                t_chunk = min(len(time_values), 100)
                create_time(time_values, t_chunk)

                attrs = dict(standard_name='head',
                             coordinates='time layer latitude longitude',
                head = create_variable('head', attrs, t_chunk)

                for i, time in enumerate(time_values):
                    head_array = head_obj.get_data(totim=time)
                    for f in self.fills:
                        head_array[head_array == f] = fillvalue
                    head_array[head_array <= -1e15] = fillvalue
                    head[i, :, :, :] = head_array[:, :, ::-1]


        if cell_obj is not None:
            if nc.variables.get("time") is None:
                # Time
                time_values = cell_obj.get_times()
                t_chunk = min(len(time_values), 100)
                create_time(time_values, t_chunk)

            for j, var_name in enumerate(cell_obj.unique_record_names()):
                standard_var_name = var_name.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')
                with LoggingTimer("Writing {} to file".format(standard_var_name), logger.info):
                    attrs = dict(units="{0}^3/time".format(self.grid_units),
                                 long_name=standard_var_name.upper().replace("_", ""),
                                 coordinates="time layer latitude longitude")
                    var = create_variable(standard_var_name, attrs, t_chunk)

                    # Average the flows onto the grid center
                    centered_variable = None
                    if standard_var_name in ["flow_right_face", "flow_front_face", "flow_lower_face"]:
                        vname = '{0}_centered'.format(standard_var_name)
                        if standard_var_name == "flow_right_face":
                            standard_name = "grid_directed_groundwater_velocity_in_the_u_direction"
                        elif standard_var_name == "flow_front_face":
                            standard_name = "grid_directed_groundwater_velocity_in_the_w_direction"
                        elif standard_var_name == "flow_lower_face":
                            standard_name = "grid_directed_groundwater_velocity_in_the_v_direction"
                        attrs = dict(units="{0}^3/time".format(self.grid_units),
                                     long_name=vname.upper().replace("_", ""),
                                     coordinates="time layer latitude longitude")
                        centered_variable = create_variable(vname, attrs, t_chunk)
                        centered_variable[:] = fillvalue

                    for i, time in enumerate(time_values):
                        cell_array = cell_obj.get_data(text=var_name, totim=time, full3D=True)
                        if isinstance(cell_array, list) and len(cell_array) == 1:
                            cell_array = cell_array[0]
                        elif isinstance(cell_array, list) and len(cell_array) > 1:
                            # Sum values if there are more than one in a grid cell.
                            # This was suggested by Chris L. on the 12/22/14 call.
                            cell_array = np.sum(cell_array, axis=0)
                        elif isinstance(cell_array, list) and len(cell_array) == 0:
                            # No data returned
                            logger.warning("No data returned for '{!s}' at time index {!s} ({!s}).".format(var_name.strip(), i, time))
                            cell_array = np.ma.zeros(var.shape[1:])
                            cell_array.mask = True

                        for f in self.fills:
                            cell_array[cell_array == f] = fillvalue
                        cell_array[cell_array <= -1e15] = fillvalue
                        cell_array[cell_array == 0.] = fillvalue
                            if len(cell_array.shape) == 2:
                                # Returned a 2D array, so set data to the top layer
                                var[i, 0, :, :] = cell_array[:, ::-1]
                                # Returned a 3D array
                                var[i, :, :, :] = cell_array[:, :, ::-1]
                        except IndexError:
                            logger.exception("Could not save variable {!s} into NetCDF file.  Trying to fit {!s} into {!s}".format(var_name.strip(), var[i, :, :, :].shape, cell_array.shape))

                        # Average the flows onto the grid center
                        if centered_variable is not None:
                            z, m, n = cell_array.shape
                            new_cell_data = var[i, :, :, :]
                            if standard_var_name == "flow_right_face":
                                # We lose the last column.
                                averaged_array = 0.5 * (new_cell_data[:, :, 0:n-1] + new_cell_data[:, :, 1:n])
                                centered_variable[i, :, :, 0:-1] = averaged_array
                            elif standard_var_name == "flow_lower_face":
                                # We lose the last row
                                averaged_array = 0.5 * (new_cell_data[:, 0:m-1, :] + new_cell_data[:, 1:m, :])
                                centered_variable[i, :, 0:-1, :] = averaged_array
                            elif standard_var_name == "flow_front_face":
                                # We lose the first vertical
                                averaged_array = 0.5 * (new_cell_data[0:z-1, :, :] + new_cell_data[1:z, :, :])
                                centered_variable[i, 1:, :, :] = averaged_array


        with LoggingTimer("Writing NetCDF file", logger.info):

        return nc