Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_menus(ctx):
        """ Cache cli:cli or cli:menu list.
            @param ctx (Cli2xxx) Execution context. """
        modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.TRACE, "Caching menu list...")

        # ctx.cache.menus already computed. See read_all_nodes().
        #ctx.cache.menus.extend(ctx.xml.xpath_set(None, "/cli:cli"))
        #ctx.cache.menus.extend(ctx.xml.xpath_set(None, "//cli:menu[@name]"))

        # For each cli:menu[@ref], find out the respective menu.
        for _xml_menu_ref in ctx.cache.menu_refs:
            _menu_ref_name = ctx.xml.attr_value(_xml_menu_ref, "@ref")
            if _menu_ref_name is None:
                # If _xml_menu_ref, it must be because it has an @ref attribute!
                ctx.Utils.abort(ctx, _xml_menu_ref, "Internal error")
            for _xml_menu in ctx.cache.menus:
                _menu_name = ctx.xml.attr_value(_xml_menu, "@name")
                if _menu_name is None:
                    ctx.Utils.abort(ctx, _xml_menu,
                                    "Missing '@name' attribute for menu")
                if _menu_name == _menu_ref_name:
                    # Menu reference found
                    _xml_menu_ref.cli_Cli2xxx_menu = _xml_menu
            # Eventually check the menu reference has been resolved
            if getattr(_xml_menu_ref, "cli_Cli2xxx_menu", None) is None:
                ctx.Utils.abort(ctx, _xml_menu_ref,
                                "No such menu '%s'" % _menu_ref_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def warn(ctx, xml_node, message):
     """ Display warning.
         @param ctx (Cli2xxx) Execution context.
         @param xml_node (XML node) Context node.
         @param message (str) Warning message. """
     modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.WARNING,
                ctx.Utils.node_location(ctx, xml_node) + ": " + message)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def set_encoding(self, encoding):
     """ Automatic encoding setter.
         @param encoding (str) Encoding name. """
         self._codec = codecs.lookup(encoding)
     except LookupError:
         modlog.log(self.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.WARNING,
                    "Unknown encoding '%s'" % encoding)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def abort(ctx, xml_node, message):
     """ Abort current execution.
         @param ctx (Cli2xxx) Execution context.
         @param xml_node (XML node) Context node.
         @param message (str) Error message.
         @throw (...) """
     modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.ERROR,
                ctx.Utils.node_location(ctx, xml_node) + ": " + message)
     raise ctx.Utils.ExecutionStoppedException()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def compute_main_infos(ctx):
     """ Cache main information.
         @param ctx (Cli2xxx) Execution context. """
     if ctx.__class__.__name__ == "Cli2Help":
         modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.TRACE,
                    "Caching main infos...")
         ctx.cache.cli_name = ctx.xml.attr_value(ctx.xml.root_node(),
         ctx.cache.page_title = (
             "%s - %s" % (ctx.cache.cli_name,
                              ctx, "Command Line Interface documentation")))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def compute_command_lines(ctx):
        """ Cache command line informations. One cli:endl by command line.
            Command lines are attached to their respective menu.
            @param ctx (Cli2xxx) Execution context. """
        modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.TRACE, "Caching command lines...")

        # For each menu, create a command list.
        for _xml_menu in ctx.cache.menus:
            _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_commands = []

        # For each cli:tag[@id], find-out the respective menu.
        for _xml_endl in ctx.cache.endls:
            _xml_menu = ctx.cache.owner_menu(ctx, _xml_endl)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def xpath_node(self, xml_focus, xpath):
     """ XML node XPath query.
         @param xml_focus (XML node) Current XML node, None for an absolute XPath expression.
         @param xpath (str) XPath expression to evaluate.
         @return (XML node) XML node if found, first one if several found, None if nothing found. """
     _xml_node = None
     _set = self.xpath_set(xml_focus, xpath)
     if len(_set) > 0:
         if len(_set) > 1:
                 self.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.WARNING,
                 "xpath_node('%s'): several node found, but only one is returned"
                 % xpath)
         _xml_node = _set[0]
     return _xml_node
Exemplo n.º 8
    def load_file(self, path):
        """ Load an XML file.
            @param path (str) XML file path.
            @return (boolean) True for success, False otherwise. """
        #modlog.log(self.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.TRACE, "load_file(%s)" % path)
            self._doc = xml.parse(path)
            self._path = path
            self._doc.getroot().cli_XmlInDoc_parent = None
            for _parent in self._doc.getiterator():
                for _child in _parent:
                    _child.cli_XmlInDoc_parent = _parent

            return True
        except xml.ParseError, _pe:
            modlog.log(self.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.ERROR, str(_pe))
            return False
Exemplo n.º 9
    def compute_tags(ctx):
        """ Cache tag informations.
            @param ctx (Cli2xxx) Execution context. """
        modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.TRACE,
                   "Caching tag informations...")

        # For each menu, create tag caches.
        for _xml_menu in ctx.cache.menus:
            _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_ids = {}
            _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_refs = []

        # For each cli:tag[@id] nodes, find out the respective menu.
        for _xml_tag in ctx.cache.tag_ids:
            _xml_menu = ctx.cache.owner_menu(ctx, _xml_tag)
            _tag_id = ctx.xml.attr_value(_xml_tag, "@id")
            _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_ids[_tag_id] = _xml_tag
            _xml_tag.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_refs = []
            if ctx.xml.attr_value(_xml_tag, "@hollow") != "yes":
                # Self reference anticipation.

        # For each cli:tag[@ref], find out the respective menu and cli:tag[@id].
        for _xml_tag in ctx.cache.tag_refs:
            _xml_menu = ctx.cache.owner_menu(ctx, _xml_tag)
            _tag_id = ctx.xml.attr_value(_xml_tag, "@ref")
            if _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_ids.has_key(_tag_id):
                _xml_tag.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_id = _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_ids[
                ctx.Utils.abort(ctx, _xml_tag,
                                "No such tag identifier '%s'" % _tag_id)

        # For each tag identifier, find out the latest common node.
        for _xml_menu in ctx.cache.menus:
            for _tag_id in _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_ids.keys():
                _xml_tag_id = _xml_menu.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_ids[_tag_id]
                _xml_common_parents = None
                for _xml_tag_ref in _xml_tag_id.cli_Cli2xxx_tag_refs:
                    # Compute list of parents.
                    _xml_parents = []
                    _xml_parent = _xml_tag_ref
                    while _xml_parent is not None:
                        if _xml_parent != _xml_menu:
                            _xml_parent = ctx.xml.parent_node(_xml_parent)
                            _xml_parent = None
                    # Compute the intersection with common parents computed until then.
                    if _xml_common_parents is None:
                        _xml_common_parents = _xml_parents
                        _xml_common_parents2 = []
                        for _xml_parent in _xml_common_parents:
                            if _xml_parent in _xml_parents:
                        _xml_common_parents = _xml_common_parents2
                    # Determine whether this is a backward tag[@ref]
                    _xml_tag_ref.cli_Cli2xxx_is_backward = ctx.xml.is_ancestor_or_self(
                        _xml_tag_id, _xml_tag_ref)
                # Store the latest common parent computed
                if _xml_common_parents is None:
                    modlog.log(ctx.MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.WARNING,
                               "No tag reference for tag '%s'" % _tag_id)
                    _xml_tag_id.cli_Cli2xxx_common_parent = None
                elif len(_xml_common_parents) > 0:
                    _xml_tag_id.cli_Cli2xxx_common_parent = ctx.cache.node(
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    """ Main function. """

    # Get the file content
    input_file = open(CLI_LOG, "rb")
    arstr_lines = input_file.readlines()

    # Analyze each line
    i_line = 0
    while i_line < len(arstr_lines):
        modlog.log(MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG, "Line %d:" % (i_line))
        str_line = arstr_lines[i_line]
        debug_line(i_line, str_line)

        # Remove end of lines
        modlog.log(MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG, " Removing end of line:")
        arstr_lines[i_line] = str_line = str_line.replace("\r", "").replace(
            "\n", "")
        debug_line(i_line, str_line)

        # Telnet special characters
        modlog.log(MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG,
                   " Processing telnet special characters:")
        arstr_lines[i_line] = str_line = str_line.replace("\xa7", "ç").replace(
            "\xc3ç", "ç")
        arstr_lines[i_line] = str_line = str_line.replace("\xa9", "é").replace(
            "\xc3é", "é")
        debug_line(i_line, str_line)

        # Remove traces menu (debug mode)
        b_remove_line = False
        if re.search(r"traces          Traces menu", str_line):
            b_remove_line = True
        if re.search(r"traces          Menu de configuration de traces",
            b_remove_line = True
        # Remove check menu (debug mode)
        if re.search(r"check           Check CLI stuff", str_line):
            b_remove_line = True
        if re.search(r"check           Vérifications du CLI", str_line):
            b_remove_line = True
        if b_remove_line:
            modlog.log(MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG, " Removing debug line!")
            del arstr_lines[i_line]

        # Backspaces
        while re.search(r".[\b][\b]*  *[\b][\b]*", str_line):
            modlog.log(MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG, " Backspaces found!")
            arstr_lines[i_line] = str_line = re.sub(
                r"(.*)[^\b][\b]([\b]*) ( *)[\b]([\b]*)(.*)", r"\1\2\3\4\5",
            debug_line(i_line, str_line)

        i_line += 1

    # Eventually write the file over
    output_file = open(CLI_LOG, "wb")
    for str_line in arstr_lines:
        modlog.log(MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG, "Writing line")
        debug_line(-1, str_line)
Exemplo n.º 11
def debug_line(i_line, str_line):
    """ Print out the given line for debug. """
        MODLOG_FILTER, modlog.DEBUG,
        "  line[%d] = '%s'" % (i_line, str_line.replace("\b", "\\b").replace(
            "\r", "\\r").replace("\n", "\\n")))