Exemplo n.º 1
    def _helper_compute_DMD_from_data(self,
        if adv_vecs is None:
            adv_vecs = vecs[:, 1:]
            vecs = vecs[:, :-1]
        correlation_mat = inner_product(vecs, vecs)
        cross_correlation_mat = inner_product(vecs, adv_vecs)
        V, Sigma, dummy = util.svd(correlation_mat)  # dummy = V.T
        U = vecs.dot(V).dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5))

        # Truncate if necessary
        if max_num_eigvals is not None and (max_num_eigvals < Sigma.size):
            V = V[:, :max_num_eigvals]
            Sigma = Sigma[:max_num_eigvals]
            U = U[:, :max_num_eigvals]

        A_tilde = inner_product(U, adv_vecs).dot(V).dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5))
        eigvals, W, Z = util.eig_biorthog(A_tilde, scale_choice='left')
        build_coeffs_proj = V.dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5)).dot(W)
        build_coeffs_exact = (V.dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5)).dot(W).dot(
        modes_proj = vecs.dot(build_coeffs_proj)
        modes_exact = adv_vecs.dot(build_coeffs_exact)
        adj_modes = U.dot(Z)
        spectral_coeffs = np.abs(
                                   np.mat(vecs[:, 0]).T)).squeeze())
        return (modes_exact, modes_proj, spectral_coeffs, eigvals, W, Z, Sigma,
                V, correlation_mat, cross_correlation_mat)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_svd(self):
        num_internals_list = [10, 50]
        num_rows_list = [3, 5, 40]
        num_cols_list = [1, 9, 70]
        for num_rows in num_rows_list:
            for num_cols in num_cols_list:
                for num_internals in num_internals_list:
                    left_mat = np.mat(
                        np.random.random((num_rows, num_internals)))
                    right_mat = np.mat(
                        np.random.random((num_internals, num_cols)))
                    full_mat = left_mat * right_mat
                    L_sing_vecs, sing_vals, R_sing_vecs = util.svd(full_mat)

                    U, E, V_comp_conj = np.linalg.svd(full_mat,
                    V = np.mat(V_comp_conj).H
                    if num_internals < num_rows or num_internals < num_cols:
                        U = U[:, :num_internals]
                        V = V[:, :num_internals]
                        E = E[:num_internals]

                    np.testing.assert_allclose(L_sing_vecs, U)
                    np.testing.assert_allclose(sing_vals, E)
                    np.testing.assert_allclose(R_sing_vecs, V)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _helper_compute_DMD_from_data(self, vecs, adv_vecs,
     correlation_mat = inner_product(vecs, vecs)
     W, Sigma, dummy = util.svd(correlation_mat) # dummy = W.
     U = vecs.dot(W).dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5))
     ritz_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(inner_product(
         U, adv_vecs).dot(W).dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5)))
     eig_vecs = np.mat(eig_vecs)
     ritz_vecs = U.dot(eig_vecs)
     scaling = np.linalg.lstsq(ritz_vecs, vecs[:, 0])[0]
     scaling = np.mat(np.diag(np.array(scaling).squeeze()))
     ritz_vecs = ritz_vecs.dot(scaling)
     build_coeffs = W.dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5)).dot(eig_vecs).dot(scaling)
     mode_norms = np.diag(inner_product(ritz_vecs, ritz_vecs)).real
     return ritz_vals, ritz_vecs, build_coeffs, mode_norms
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_svd(self):
     num_internals_list = [10, 50]
     num_rows_list = [3, 5, 40]
     num_cols_list = [1, 9, 70]
     for num_rows in num_rows_list:
         for num_cols in num_cols_list:
             for num_internals in num_internals_list:
                 left_mat = np.mat(np.random.random((num_rows, num_internals)))
                 right_mat = np.mat(np.random.random((num_internals, num_cols)))
                 full_mat = left_mat*right_mat
                 L_sing_vecs, sing_vals, R_sing_vecs = util.svd(full_mat)
                 U, E, V_comp_conj = np.linalg.svd(full_mat, full_matrices=0)
                 V = np.mat(V_comp_conj).H
                 if num_internals < num_rows or num_internals < num_cols:
                     U = U[:,:num_internals]
                     V = V[:,:num_internals]
                     E = E[:num_internals]
                 np.testing.assert_allclose(L_sing_vecs, U)
                 np.testing.assert_allclose(sing_vals, E)
                 np.testing.assert_allclose(R_sing_vecs, V)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _helper_compute_DMD_from_data(self, vec_array, adv_vec_array,
        # Create lists of vecs, advanced vecs for inner product function
        vecs = [vec_array[:, i] for i in range(vec_array.shape[1])]
        adv_vecs = [adv_vec_array[:, i] for i in range(adv_vec_array.shape[1])]

        # Compute DMD
        correlation_mat = inner_product(vecs, vecs)
        W, Sigma, dummy = util.svd(correlation_mat) # dummy = W.
        U = vec_array.dot(W).dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5))
        U_list = [U[:,i] for i in range(U.shape[1])]
        ritz_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(inner_product(
            U_list, adv_vecs).dot(W).dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5)))
        eig_vecs = np.mat(eig_vecs)
        ritz_vecs = U.dot(eig_vecs)
        scaling = np.linalg.lstsq(ritz_vecs, vec_array[:, 0])[0]
        scaling = np.mat(np.diag(np.array(scaling).squeeze()))
        ritz_vecs = ritz_vecs.dot(scaling)
        build_coeffs = W.dot(np.diag(Sigma**-0.5)).dot(eig_vecs).dot(scaling)
        ritz_vecs_list = [np.array(ritz_vecs[:,i]).squeeze() 
            for i in range(ritz_vecs.shape[1])]
        mode_norms = np.diag(inner_product(ritz_vecs_list, ritz_vecs_list)).real

        return ritz_vals, ritz_vecs, build_coeffs, mode_norms
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_svd(self):
        # Set tolerance for testing eigval/eigvec property
        test_atol = 1e-10

        # Check tall, fat, and square arrays
        num_rows_list = [100]
        num_cols_list = [50, 100, 150]

        # Loop through different array sizes
        for num_rows in num_rows_list:
            for num_cols in num_cols_list:

                # Check real and complex data
                for is_complex in [True]:

                    # Generate a random array with elements in [0, 1]
                    array = np.random.random((num_rows, num_cols))
                    if is_complex:
                        array = array + 1j * np.random.random(
                            (num_rows, num_cols))

                    # Compute full set of singular values to help choose
                    # tolerance levels that guarantee truncation (otherwise
                    # tests won't actually check those features).
                    sing_vals_full = np.linalg.svd(array, full_matrices=0)[1]
                    atol_list = [np.median(sing_vals_full), None]
                    rtol_list = [
                        np.median(sing_vals_full) / np.max(sing_vals_full),

                    # Loop through different tolerance cases
                    for atol in atol_list:
                        for rtol in rtol_list:

                            # For all arrays, check that the output of util.svd
                            # satisfies the definition of an SVD.  Do this by
                            # checking eigval/eigvec properties, which must be
                            # satisfied by the sing vecs and sing vals, even if
                            # there is truncation.  The fact that the singular
                            # vectors are eigenvectors of a normal array ensures
                            # that they are unitary, so we don't have to check
                            # that separately.
                            L_sing_vecs, sing_vals, R_sing_vecs = util.svd(
                                array, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
                                array.dot(array.conj().T.dot(L_sing_vecs)) -
                                array.conj().T.dot(array.dot(R_sing_vecs)) -

                            # If either tolerance is nonzero, make sure that
                            # something is actually truncated, otherwise force
                            # test to quit.  To do this, make sure the eigvec
                            # array is not square.
                            if rtol and sing_vals.size == sing_vals_full.size:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Failed to choose relative tolerance that '
                                    'forces truncation.')
                            if atol and sing_vals.size == sing_vals_full.size:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Failed to choose absolute tolerance that '
                                    'forces truncation.')

                            # If necessary, test that tolerances are satisfied
                            if atol:
                                self.assertTrue(abs(sing_vals[-1]) > atol)
                            if rtol:
                                    (abs(sing_vals[0]) / abs(sing_vals[-1]) >
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_svd(self):
        # Set tolerance for testing eigval/eigvec property
        test_atol = 1e-10

        # Check tall, fat, and square arrays
        num_rows_list = [100]
        num_cols_list = [50, 100, 150]

        # Loop through different array sizes
        for num_rows in num_rows_list:
            for num_cols in num_cols_list:

                # Check real and complex data
                for is_complex in [True]:

                    # Generate a random array with elements in [0, 1]
                    array = np.random.random((num_rows, num_cols))
                    if is_complex:
                        array = array + 1j * np.random.random(
                            (num_rows, num_cols))

                    # Compute full set of singular values to help choose
                    # tolerance levels that guarantee truncation (otherwise
                    # tests won't actually check those features).
                    sing_vals_full = np.linalg.svd(array, full_matrices=0)[1]
                    atol_list = [np.median(sing_vals_full), None]
                    rtol_list = [
                        np.median(sing_vals_full) / np.max(sing_vals_full),

                    # Loop through different tolerance cases
                    for atol in atol_list:
                        for rtol in rtol_list:

                            # For all arrays, check that the output of util.svd
                            # satisfies the definition of an SVD.  Do this by
                            # checking eigval/eigvec properties, which must be
                            # satisfied by the sing vecs and sing vals, even if
                            # there is truncation.  The fact that the singular
                            # vectors are eigenvectors of a normal array ensures
                            # that they are unitary, so we don't have to check
                            # that separately.
                            L_sing_vecs, sing_vals, R_sing_vecs = util.svd(
                                array, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
                                array.dot(array.conj().T.dot(L_sing_vecs)) -
                                L_sing_vecs.dot(np.diag(sing_vals ** 2)),
                                array.conj().T.dot(array.dot(R_sing_vecs)) -
                                R_sing_vecs.dot(np.diag(sing_vals ** 2)),

                            # If either tolerance is nonzero, make sure that
                            # something is actually truncated, otherwise force
                            # test to quit.  To do this, make sure the eigvec
                            # array is not square.
                            if rtol and sing_vals.size == sing_vals_full.size:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Failed to choose relative tolerance that '
                                    'forces truncation.')
                            if atol and sing_vals.size == sing_vals_full.size:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Failed to choose absolute tolerance that '
                                    'forces truncation.')

                            # If necessary, test that tolerances are satisfied
                            if atol:
                                self.assertTrue(abs(sing_vals[-1]) > atol)
                            if rtol:
                                    abs(sing_vals[0]) / abs(sing_vals[-1])
                                    > rtol))