Exemplo n.º 1
    def put(self, id):
        """ update one item
        # 1. parsing reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.id == id, obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST', 'id {} not found'.format(id)), 400

        # 3. assign request data to orm
            t = datetime.utcnow()
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())
            r.mtime = t

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': id})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'business'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'rate'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 2
    def post(self):
        """create data

        # 1. parsing reqest
        # 1.1 parsing 1st layer reqest

            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 1.3 check name unique
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.user_id == self.args['user_id'],
                             obj.business_id == self.args['business_id'],
                             obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is not None:
            return omitError(
                'user_id {}, business_id {} are duplicate'.format(
                    self.args['user_id'], self.args['business_id'])), 400

        # 2. validate follows spec
        if db.session.query(obj).filter(obj.isdel == False).count() > max:
            return omitError('CE_EXCEED_LIMIT', 'limit is {}'.format(max)), 400

        r = obj()
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': r.id})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'business'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'rate'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 3
    def post(self):
        """create data

         @api {post} /rest/objects/ipaddrs Create a IP Address item
         @apiVersion 0.0.1
         @apiName CreateIpAddr
         @apiVersion 0.0.1
         @apiGroup objects
         @apiPermission registered user
         todo validation <br/>
         todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0 <br/>
         todo muti-create

         @apiParam {Object}   ipaddrs       List of IP Addresses.
         @apiParam {String{..16}}   ipaddrs.addr1 1st IP Address.
         @apiParam {String{..16}}   ipaddrs.addr2 2ed IP Address.
         @apiParam {String{..255}}   [ipaddrs.description] this items's description.
         @apiParam {String="IPv4","IPv6"}   ipaddrs.ipVersion IP Address version.
         @apiParam {String{..50}}   ipaddrs.name items uniq name for record.
         @apiParam {String="Single","Range","Subnet"}   ipaddrs.type IP Address type, the possible values are 'Single', 'Range', 'Subnet'.
         @apiExample Example usage:
            BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
                "ipaddr" : {
                "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
                "type" : "Single",
                "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
                "addr1" : "",
                "description" : "xxx"
         curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddrs
         @apiSuccess {Object}   ipaddrs       List of IP Addresses.
         @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.addr1 1st IP Address.
         @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.addr2 2ed IP Address.
         @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.description this items's description.
         @apiSuccess {Number}   ipaddrs.id index in database.
         @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.ipVersion IP Address version.
         @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.name items uniq name for record.
         @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.type IP Address type, the possible values are 'Single', 'Range', 'Subnet'.

         @apiError CE_INVALID_PARAM invalid parameter
         @api {post} /rest/objects/ipaddrs 
         @apiErrorExample {json} we use invalid parameter pages
            BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
                "ipaddr" : {
                "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
                "type1" : "Single",
                "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
                "addr1" : "",
                "description" : "xxx"
            curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddrs
            HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
                "errorId": 2001,
                "message": "ValueError('[type]: (type Valid Error) Missing required parameter in dataDict, error=400: Bad Request',)"

         @apiError CE_NAME_CONFLICT name conflict
         @api {post} /rest/objects/ipaddrs 
         @apiErrorExample {json} we use duplicate name.
             BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
                "ipaddr" : {
                "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
                "type" : "Single",
                "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
                "addr1" : "",
                "description" : "xxx"
            curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddrs
            HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
                "errorId": 2004,
                "message": "IntegrityError('(sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: objects_ipaddrs.name',)"

         @apiError CE_EXCEED_LIMIT exceed max limit
         @api {post} /rest/objects/ipaddrs 
         @apiErrorExample {json} we create item exceed max.
            BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
                "ipaddr" : {
                "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
                "type" : "Single",
                "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
                "addr1" : "",
                "description" : "xxx"
            curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddrs
            HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
                "errorId": 2005,
                "message": "limit is 5"


        # 1. parsing reqest
        # 1.1 parsing 1st layer reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetRequestArgs(__head__, field_inputs)
        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 1.2 parsing 2ed layer reqest
            for v in set((v) for v in set(field_inputs).intersection(orgArgs)
                         if isinstance(field_inputs[v]['validator'], set)):
                _type = field_inputs[v]['validator']

                validator = next(iter(_type)).container.nested.items() \
                      if type(_type) is set else _type.items()

                # validate 2ed value
                # if is list, such as [{id: 1, name:2}, {id: 2, name:2}]
                for _k, _v in validator:
                    for __v in orgArgs[v]:
                        if (_v.get('required', False)):

                self.args[v] = self.args[v] if self.args.get(v, False) else []

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        logger.debug('parsed args = (%s)', self.args)

        # 2. validate follows spec
        if db.session.query(obj.id).count() > max:
            return omitError('CE_EXCEED_LIMIT', 'limit is {}'.format(max)), 400

        except Exception as error:
            return error.args

        r = obj()
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())
        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        return SerialObjOutput(r,
                               resource_fields=resource_fields), 200
Exemplo n.º 4
    def put(self, id):
            update one record

        @api {put} /rest/objects/ipaddr/:id update a IP Address item
        @apiVersion 0.0.1
        @apiName UpdateIpAddr
        @apiVersion 0.0.1
        @apiGroup objects
        @apiPermission registered user

        @apiParam {Number} id ipdate IP Address ID.
        todo validation<br />
        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0

        @apiParam {Object}   ipaddrs       List of IP Addresses.
        @apiParam {String{..16}}   ipaddrs.addr1 1st IP Address.
        @apiParam {String{..16}}   ipaddrs.addr2 2ed IP Address.
        @apiParam {String{..255}}   [ipaddrs.description] this items's description.
        @apiParam {String="IPv4","IPv6"}   ipaddrs.ipVersion IP Address version.
        @apiParam {String{..50}}   ipaddrs.name items uniq name for record.
        @apiParam {String="Single","Range","Subnet"}   ipaddrs.type IP Address type, the possible values are 'Single', 'Range', 'Subnet'.
        @apiExample Example usage:
           BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
               "ipaddr" : {
               "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
               "type" : "Single",
               "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
               "addr1" : "",
               "description" : "xxx"
        curl -X PUT -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddr/7
        @apiSuccess {Object}   ipaddrs       List of IP Addresses.
        @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.addr1 1st IP Address.
        @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.addr2 2ed IP Address.
        @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.description this items's description.
        @apiSuccess {Number}   ipaddrs.id index in database.
        @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.ipVersion IP Address version.
        @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.name items uniq name for record.
        @apiSuccess {String}   ipaddrs.type IP Address type, the possible values are 'Single', 'Range', 'Subnet'.

        @apiError CE_INVALID_PARAM invalid parameter
        @api {put} /rest/objects/ipaddr/:id
        @apiErrorExample {json} we use invalid member type1 in request body
           BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
               "ipaddr" : {
               "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
               "type1" : "Single",
               "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
               "addr1" : "",
               "description" : "xxx"
           curl -X PUT -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddr/7
           HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
               "errorId": 2001,
               "message": "ValueError('[type]: (type Valid Error) Missing required parameter in dataDict, error=400: Bad Request',)"

        @apiError CE_NAME_CONFLICT name conflict
        @api {post} /rest/objects/ipaddr/:id 
        @apiErrorExample {json} we use duplicate name.
            BODY=$(cat <<'EOF'
               "ipaddr" : {
               "name" : "test-ipaddr-${i}8",
               "type" : "Single",
               "ipVersion" : "IPv4",
               "addr1" : "",
               "description" : "xxx"
           curl -X PUT -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddr/7
           HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
               "errorId": 2004,
               "message": "IntegrityError('(sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: objects_ipaddrs.name',)"

        @apiError CE_NOT_EXIST item not found
        @api {get} /rest/objects/ipaddr/:id
        @apiErrorExample {json} we use not exist id
           curl -X PUT -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "${BODY}" http://localhost/rest/objects/ipaddr/17
           HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
               "errorId": 2003,
               "message": "id 17 not found"

        # 1. parsing reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetRequestArgs(__head__, field_inputs)
        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        except Exception as error:
            return error.args

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.id == id).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST', 'id {} not found'.format(id)), 400

        # 3. assign request data to orm
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())
        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        return SerialObjOutput(r,
                               resource_fields=resource_fields), 200
Exemplo n.º 5
    def post(self):
        """regist local user

        @api {post} /rest/admins regist local account
        @apiVersion 0.0.5
        @apiName RegistOneUser
        @apiGroup account
        @apiPermission registered user

        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0<br />
        todo validation<br />
        todo error / success return code in api

        @apiParam {Object[]}        user         user object
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   user.name    user name for display
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   user.login   user email for login
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   user.passHash user password encode with sha1
        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:

        curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "
        " http://localhost/rest/admins

        # 1. check id exist
            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)
        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError('CE_INVALID_PARAM', 'not found'), 400

        # 2. validate follows spec
        if db.session.query(obj).filter(obj.isdel == False).count() > max:
            return omitError('CE_EXCEED_LIMIT', 'limit is {}'.format(max)), 400

        # 3 check name unique
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.login == self.args['login'],
                             obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is not None:
            return omitError(
                'login {} is duplicate'.format(self.args['login'])), 400

        r = obj()
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        _resource_fields_post = resource_fields_post.copy()
        _resource_fields_post.pop('access_token', None)
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=_resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': r.id})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'system'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'regist'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 6
    def put(self, id):
        """ update one item
        # 1. parsing reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.id == id, obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST', 'id {} not found'.format(id)), 400

        # 3. assign request data to orm
            t = datetime.utcnow()
            if not self.args['passHash']:
                self.args['passHash'] = r.passHash

            # not allow others change expect itself
            # TODO: raise custome error
            check_permission(self.args['login'], r.login)

            # not allow change login name
            self.args['login'] = r.login

            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())
            r.mtime = t

        except Exception as error:
            if RuntimeError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_UNAUTHORIZED', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        _resource_fields_post = resource_fields_post.copy()
        _resource_fields_post.pop('access_token', None)
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=_resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'system'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'regist'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 7
    def post(self):
        """create data

        @api {post} /rest/customer/businesses Create a item
        @apiVersion 0.0.3
        @apiName CreateCustomerBusiness
        @apiGroup business
        @apiPermission registered user

        todo validation <br/>
        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0 <br/>
        todo muti-create <br />
        todo error / success return code in api

        @apiParam {Object}     data       object of business.
        @apiParam {Number}     data.id    item's uniq id.
        @apiParam {String}     data.name  item's name.
        @apiParam {Number}     data.cat   item's business industry category.
        @apiParam {float}      data.lat   item's entered latitude.
        @apiParam {float}      data.long  item's entered longitude.
        @apiParam {String}     data.address item's address
        @apiParam {String}     data.description item's description.
        @apiParam {String}     data.image_url  items's image url.
        @apiParam {Float}      data.rate item's rate, average from each comments
        @apiParam {Number}     data.deal  one of item's deal for display in list
        @apiParam {Object[]}   data.deals item's deals
        @apiParam {String}     data.deals.title item's deal title
        @apiParam {String}     data.deals.description item's deal description
        @apiParam {String}     data.open item open time with 24h format
        @apiParam {String}     data.open item close time with 24h format
        @apiParam {Number}     data.dist item's distance farward with your current location, the unit is meter
        @apiParam {Object}     data.images_url item images' path
        @apiParam {String}     data.images_url.bg item backgound images' path
        @apiParam {String}     data.images_url.icon item icon images' path

        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:

        curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '
                "features":"this is features",
                "address":"this is address",
                        "title":"10% Off Any Order",
                        "description":"Use this promo code and save on coffee, tea, and..."
                "meals":"this is meals",
                "description":"early Bird Special: Get  off.",
                "name":"Starbucks Coffee 31",
        }' http://localhost/rest/customer/businesses

        @apiError CE_INVALID_PARAM invalid parameter
        HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
            "errorId": 2001,
            "message": "ValueError('[cat]: (cat Valid Error) Missing required parameter in dataDict, error=400: Bad Request',)"

        @apiError CE_NAME_CONFLICT name conflict
        HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
            "errorId": 2004,
            "message": "IntegrityError('(sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: customer_businesses.name',)"

        @apiError CE_EXCEED_LIMIT exceed max limit
        HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
            "errorId": 2005,
            "message": "limit is 5"


        # 1. parsing reqest
        # 1.1 parsing 1st layer reqest

            #orgArgs = {'type': 'business', 'subtype': 'overview', 'data': {'name': 'Starbucks Coffee 1', 'description': 'early Bird Special: Get  off.', 'address': 'this is address', 'close': '2200', 'meals': 'this is meals', 'long': 23.5383, 'open': '0600', 'lat': 120.678, 'dist': 12245, 'cat': 1, 'images_url': {'icon': '/img/business/1/icon', 'bg': '/img/business/1/bg'}, 'features': 'this is features', 'deal': 200, 'deals': [{'description': 'Use this promo code and save on coffee, tea, and...', 'title': '10% Off Any Order'}]}}'

            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)
            j = request.get_json()
            orgdetailImgsUrlArgs, self.detailimgsurlargs = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                None, field_inputs_detail_images_url,
            #self.args= {'name': 'Starbucks Coffee 1', 'description': 'early Bird Special: Get  off.', 'address': 'this is address', 'close': '2200', 'meals': 'this is meals', 'long': '23.5383', 'open': '0600', 'lat': '120.678', 'dist': 12245, 'cat': 1, 'features': 'this is features', 'deal': 200, 'deals': [{'description': 'Use this promo code and save on coffee, tea, and...', 'title': '10% Off Any Order'}]} self.detailimgsurlargs= {'icon': '/img/business/1/icon', 'bg': '/img/business/1/bg'}}
            #print("self.args=", self.args, "self.detailimgsurlargs=", self.detailimgsurlargs)

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 1.3 check name unique
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.name == self.args['name'],
                             obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is not None:
            return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT',
                             'name {} conflict'.format(self.args['name'])), 400

        # 2. validate follows spec
        if db.session.query(obj).filter(obj.isdel == False).count() > max:
            return omitError('CE_EXCEED_LIMIT', 'limit is {}'.format(max)), 400

        r = obj()
        d = detail()
        _pics = []
        _deals = []
            _item = []
            for k, v in self.args.items():
                if k != "deals":
                    _item.append((k, v))
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, _item)

            # FIXME: hard code mapping
            for k, v in self.detailimgsurlargs.items():
                # (1, 'icon'), (2, 'bg'), (3, 'gallery')
                p = pics()
                if k == 'icon':
                    p.type = 1
                elif k == 'bg':
                    p.type = 2

                if p.type:
                    p.path = v

            for k, v in self.args.items():
                if v != None:
                    if k == 'deals':
                        deal = deals()
                        for v1 in v:  # each entry
                            for k2, v2 in v1.items():
                                setattr(deal, k2, v2)
                        setattr(d, k, v)
            #print("d.__dict__ = ", d.__dict__)

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
            # At this point, the object f has been pushed to the DB,
            # and has been automatically assigned a unique primary key id
            # refresh updates given object in the session with its state in the DB
            # (and can also only refresh certain attributes - search for documentation)

            d.business_id = r.id
            #print("d.__dict__ = ", d.__dict__)
            for v in _deals:
                v.business_id = r.id

            for v in _pics:
                v.business_id = r.id

        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        _d = db.session.query(detail).filter(detail.business_id == r.id).one()
        out = SerialObjOutput(_d,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        for k, v in field_inputs.items():
            if k not in ['id', 'image_url']:
                next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({k: orgArgs[k]})

            {'deals': orgArgs['deals']})
            {'images_url': orgArgs['images_url']})
        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': r.id})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'business'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'overview'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 8
    def put(self, id):
            update one item

        @api {put} /rest/customer/business/:id Update a item
        @apiVersion 0.0.5
        @apiName UpdateCustomerBusiness
        @apiGroup business
        @apiPermission registered user

        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0<br />
        todo long/lat validation<br />
        todo error / success return code in api <br />

        @apiParam {Object}     data       object of business.
        @apiParam {Number}     data.id    item's uniq id.
        @apiParam {String}     data.name  item's name.
        @apiParam {Number}     data.cat   item's business industry category.
        @apiParam {float}      data.lat   item's entered latitude.
        @apiParam {float}      data.long  item's entered longitude.
        @apiParam {String}     data.address item's address
        @apiParam {String}     data.description item's description.
        @apiParam {String}     data.image_url  items's image url.
        @apiParam {Float}      data.rate item's rate, average from each comments
        @apiParam {Number}     data.deal  one of item's deal for display in list
        @apiParam {Object[]}   data.deals item's deals
        @apiParam {String}     data.deals.title item's deal title
        @apiParam {String}     data.deals.description item's deal description
        @apiParam {String}     data.open item open time with 24h format
        @apiParam {String}     data.open item close time with 24h format
        @apiParam {Number}     data.dist item's distance farward with your current location, the unit is meter
        @apiParam {Object}     data.images_url item images' path
        @apiParam {String}     data.images_url.bg item backgound images' path
        @apiParam {String}     data.images_url.icon item icon images' path

        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
        curl -X PUT -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "
                "features":"this is features",
                "address":"this is address",
                        "title":"10% Off Any Order",
                        "description":"Use this promo code and save on coffee, tea, and..."
                "meals":"this is meals",
                "description":"early Bird Special: Get  off.",
                "name":"Starbucks Coffee 31",
        " http://localhost/rest/customer/business/1

        @apiError CE_INVALID_PARAM invalid parameter

           HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
               "errorId": 2001,
               "message": "ValueError('[cat]: (cat Valid Error) Missing required parameter in dataDict, error=400: Bad Request',)"

        @apiError CE_NAME_CONFLICT name conflict
        HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
            "errorId": 2004,
            "message": "IntegrityError('(sqlite3.IntegrityError) UNIQUE constraint failed: customer_businesses.name',)"

        @apiError CE_NOT_EXIST item not found
        HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST
            "errorId": 2003,
            "message": "id 17 not found"

        # 1. parsing reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)
            j = request.get_json()
            orgdetailImgsUrlArgs, self.detailimgsurlargs = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                None, field_inputs_detail_images_url,

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.id == id, obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST', 'id {} not found'.format(id)), 400

        # 3. assign request data to orm
            t = datetime.utcnow()

            _item = []
            for k, v in self.args.items():
                if k != "deals":
                    _item.append((k, v))
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, _item)

            r.mtime = t

            d = detail.query.filter(detail.business_id == id,
                                    detail.isdel == False).scalar()
            __deals = deals.query.filter(deals.business_id == id,
                                         deals.isdel == False).all()
            # TODO: mark isdel = True?
            #for v in __deals:
            #    v.isdel = True;

            _deals = []
            for k, v in self.args.items():
                if v != None:
                    if k == 'deals':
                        deal = deals()
                        for v1 in v:  # each entry
                            for k2, v2 in v1.items():
                                setattr(deal, k2, v2)
                        setattr(d, k, v)

            d.mtime = t

            _pics = []
            _ps = pics.query.filter(pics.business_id == id,
                                    pics.isdel == False).all()
            # FIXME: hard code mapping
            for k, v in self.detailimgsurlargs.items():
                # (1, 'icon'), (2, 'bg'), (3, 'gallery')
                p = pics()
                if k == 'icon':
                    p.type = 1
                elif k == 'bg':
                    p.type = 2

                if p.type:
                    p.path = v

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
            for v in __deals:

            for v in _ps:

            for v in _pics:

            for v in _deals:

        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        out = SerialObjOutput(d,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        for k, v in field_inputs.items():
            if k not in ['id', 'image_url']:
                next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({k: orgArgs[k]})

            {'deals': orgArgs['deals']})
            {'images_url': orgArgs['images_url']})
        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': id})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'business'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'overview'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 9
    def put(self, id):
        """ update one item
        """update comment 

        @api {put} /rest/customer/comment/:id create comment
        @apiVersion 0.0.5
        @apiName UpdateComment
        @apiGroup campaign
        @apiPermission registered user
        @apiParam {Number} id comment id

        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0<br />
        todo long/lat validation<br />
        todo metadata for counter of registerd devices<br />
        todo error / success return code in api

        @apiParam {Object}          data        object
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   data.content message's title
        @apiParam {Number}          data.business_id comment belong to the business_id 
        @apiParam {Number}          data.user_id  user who create it
        @apiParam {Number={0..5}}   data.rate    comment's rate
        @apiParam {String}          type         request's type
        @apiParam {String}          subtype      request's subtype
        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:

        curl -X PUT -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "
                "content":"Starbucks were all over Singapore and the quality ",
        }" http://localhost/rest/customer/comment/1

        HTTP/1.0 200 OK
                "content":"Starbucks were all over Singapore and the quality ",
                "mtime":"2016-08-31 04:16:42.091706",

        @apiSuccess {Object}          data        object
        @apiSuccess {String{..254}}   data.content message's title
        @apiSuccess {Number}          data.business_id comment belong to the business_id 
        @apiSuccess {Number}          data.user_id  user who create it
        @apiSuccess {Number}          data.id      comment's id
        @apiSuccess {String{..254}}   data.mtime   comment's modify time
        @apiSuccess {Number={0..5}}   data.rate    comment's rate
        @apiSuccess {String}          type         request's type
        @apiSuccess {String}          subtype      request's subtype

        # 1. parsing reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.id == id, obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST', 'id {} not found'.format(id)), 400

        # 3. assign request data to orm
            t = datetime.utcnow()
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())
            r.mtime = t

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # TODO: make sure tranaction
        _r = rates.query.filter(rates.user_id == self.args['user_id'],
                                rates.business_id == self.args['business_id'],
                                rates.isdel == False).scalar()

        if _r is None:
            return omitError(
                'CE_NOT_EXIST', 'user_id {}, business_id {} '.format(
                    self.args['user_id'], self.args['business_id'])), 400

        _r.rate = self.args['rate']

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': id})
            {'rate': self.args['rate']})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'business'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'comment'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 10
    def post(self):
        """create data
        """create comment 

        @api {post} /rest/customer/comments create comment
        @apiVersion 0.0.5
        @apiName CreateComment
        @apiGroup campaign
        @apiPermission registered user

        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0<br />
        todo long/lat validation<br />
        todo metadata for counter of registerd devices<br />
        todo error / success return code in api

        @apiParam {Object}          data        object
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   data.content message's title
        @apiParam {Number}          data.business_id comment belong to the business_id 
        @apiParam {Number}          data.user_id  user who create it
        @apiParam {Number={0..5}}   data.rate    comment's rate
        @apiParam {String}          type         request's type
        @apiParam {String}          subtype      request's subtype
        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:

        curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "
                "content":"Starbucks were all over Singapore and the quality ",
        }" http://localhost/rest/customer/comments

        HTTP/1.0 200 OK
                "content":"Starbucks were all over Singapore and the quality ",
                "mtime":"2016-08-31 04:16:42.091706",

        @apiSuccess {Object}          data        object
        @apiSuccess {String{..254}}   data.content message's title
        @apiSuccess {Number}          data.business_id comment belong to the business_id 
        @apiSuccess {Number}          data.user_id  user who create it
        @apiSuccess {Number}          data.id      comment's id
        @apiSuccess {String{..254}}   data.mtime   comment's modify time
        @apiSuccess {Number={0..5}}   data.rate    comment's rate
        @apiSuccess {String}          type         request's type
        @apiSuccess {String}          subtype      request's subtype


        # 1. parsing reqest
        # 1.1 parsing 1st layer reqest

            #orgArgs = {'type': 'business', 'subtype': 'comment', 'data': {"content": "Starbucks were all over Singapore and the quality" ,"business_id": 1, "user_id": 1}}'

            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)
            #print("self.args=", self.args)
            #return {}, 400

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 1.3 check name unique
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.user_id == self.args['user_id'],
                             obj.business_id == self.args['business_id'],
                             obj.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is not None:
            return omitError(
                'user_id {}, business_id {} are duplicate'.format(
                    self.args['user_id'], self.args['business_id'])), 400

        # 2. validate follows spec
        if db.session.query(obj).filter(obj.isdel == False).count() > max:
            return omitError('CE_EXCEED_LIMIT', 'limit is {}'.format(max)), 400

        r = obj()
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # TODO: make sure tranaction
        # 1.3 check name unique
        _r = rates.query.filter(rates.user_id == self.args['user_id'],
                                rates.business_id == self.args['business_id'],
                                rates.isdel == False).scalar()

        if _r is not None:
            return omitError(
                'user_id {}, business_id {} are duplicate'.format(
                    self.args['user_id'], self.args['business_id'])), 400

        _r = rates()
        _r.business_id = self.args['business_id']
        _r.user_id = self.args['user_id']
        _r.rate = self.args['rate']

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'id': r.id})
            {'rate': self.args['rate']})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'business'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'comment'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 11
    def post(self, id):
        """regist devices to one business for push notification

        @api {post} /rest/pushno/reg/:id regist devices
        @apiVersion 0.0.4
        @apiName RegistOneDevice
        @apiGroup pushno
        @apiPermission registered user

        @apiParam {Number} id business id, you can get from GetAllCustomerBusinesses.

        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0<br />
        todo long/lat validation<br />
        todo metadata for counter of registerd devices<br />
        todo error / success return code in api

        @apiParam {Object[]}        devices         List of devices
        @apiParam {Number}          devices.user_id registered user id
        @apiParam {Number=1, 2}     devices.type    device's type, 1 for andriod, 2 for ios
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   devices.dev_id  device's id
        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:

        curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "
        }" http://localhost/rest/pushno/reg/1
        # 1. parsing reqest
            # TODO:validate by array
            #orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_post)
            self.args = []
            j = request.get_json()
            for v in j[field_inputs_wrap_head]:
                v['business_id'] = id

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = business.query.filter(business.id == id,
                                  business.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST', 'id {} not found'.format(id)), 400

        # TODO: UniqueConstraint at __pushno_tablename__
        # 3. assign request data to orm
        _r = []
            for v in self.args:
                #print("v=", v)
                r = obj()
                _r.append(PrepareObjORM(r, v.items()))

        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 4. commit to save
            for v in _r:

        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        # FIXME: return array
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_post), 200

        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'pushno'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'reg'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 12
    def post(self, business_id):
        """push notification to all device under business id

        @api {post} /rest/pushno/send/:id send message to registed devices under business id
        @apiVersion 0.0.4
        @apiName SendNoticeToDevicesByBusinessId
        @apiGroup pushno
        @apiPermission registered user

        @apiParam {Number} id business id

        todo certificate with cookies / oauth 2.0<br />
        todo long/lat validation<br />
        todo metadata for counter of registerd devices<br />
        todo error / success return code in api

        @apiParam {Object}          data        push notification's body
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   data.title  message's title
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   data.message  message
        @apiParam {String{..254}}   data.url  message's url
        @apiExample {curl} Example usage:

        curl -X POST -H "mTag: xx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "
        }" http://localhost/rest/pushno/reg/1


        # 1. parsing reqest
        # 1.1 parsing 1st layer reqest

            orgArgs, self.args = GetTwoLayerRequestArgs(
                field_inputs_wrap_head, field_inputs_send)
        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 2. get orm from db
        r = business.query.filter(business.id == business_id,
                                  business.isdel == False).scalar()

        if r is None:
            return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST',
                             'id {} not found'.format(business_id)), 400

        # 2. validate follows spec
        r = obj.query.filter(obj.business_id == business_id,
                             obj.isdel == False).all()

        alert = {}
        alert['title'] = self.args['title']
        alert['message'] = self.args['message']
        alert['uri'] = self.args['uri']

        gcms = []
        apns = []
        for _r in r:
            # (1, 'andriod'), (2, 'ios')
            if _r.type == 1:
            elif _r.type == 2:

        # ref: http://pushjack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
        #logger.debug('gcm len %d, all items: %s', len(gcms), gcms)
        #>>> l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        #>>> [l[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(l), 2)]
        #[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]
        _l = gcms
        itemsPerPage = settings.GCM_MAX_BATCH_SEND
        for chunk in [
                _l[i:i + itemsPerPage] for i in range(0, len(_l), itemsPerPage)
            # FIXME: config it
            response = gcm_client.send(chunk,
            #logger.debug("gcm r:", response, dir(response))

            #gcm errors: [GCMInvalidRegistrationError (code=InvalidRegistration): Invalid registration ID for identifier XXXXX, GCMInvalidRegistrationError (code=InvalidRegistration): Invalid registration ID for identifier XXXXX, GCMInvalidRegistrationError (code=InvalidRegistration): Invalid registration ID for identifier XXXXX]
            #gcm failures: ['XXXXX', 'XXXXX', 'XXXXX']
            #gcm data: [{'multicast_id': 5353943955785430694, 'results': [{'error': 'InvalidRegistration'}, {'error': 'InvalidRegistration'}, {'error': 'InvalidRegistration'}], 'success': 0, 'failure': 3, 'canonical_ids': 0}]
            #logger.debug('gcm errors: %s', response.errors)
            #logger.debug('gcm failures: %s', response.failures)
            #logger.debug('gcm data: %s', response.data)

            # Successfully handled registration_ids
            for reg_id in response.successes:
                logger.debug('Successfully sent notification for reg_id %d',

            # Handling errors
            # FIXME: add error code
            if len(response.errors) > 0:
                logger.debug('gcm data: %s', response.data)
                return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST',
                                 '{} not found'.format(response.errors)), 400

        _l = apns
        itemsPerPage = settings.APNS_MAX_BATCH_SEND
        for chunk in [
                _l[i:i + itemsPerPage] for i in range(0, len(_l), itemsPerPage)
            response = apns_client.send(apns,
                                        expiration=int(time.time() + 604800),

            print("apns r:", dir(response))

            if len(response.errors) or len(response.token_errors) > 0:
                return omitError('CE_NOT_EXIST',
                                 '{} not '.format(response)), 400


        # 5. return all data to user
        out = SerialObjOutput(r,
                              resource_fields=resource_fields_send), 200

        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'gcm_nr': len(gcms)})
        next(iter(out))[field_inputs_wrap_head].update({'apns_nr': len(apns)})
        next(iter(out))['type'] = 'pushno'
        next(iter(out))['subtype'] = 'send'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 13
    def post(self):
        """Create new record, the content recieve from http such as below:

        Cookie: sid=<string>
        mTag: <string>
          "secpolicy" : {
            "name" : <string>,
            "interface" : {
              "ifName" : <string>
            "srcIpGroups" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more IpGroup objects...)
            "srcIpAddrs" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more IpAddr objects...)
            "dstIpGroups" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more IpGroup objects...)
            "dstIpAddrs" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more IpAddr objects...)
            "vlanGroups" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more VlanGroup objects...)
            "vlans" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more Vlan objects...)
            "servGroups" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more ServGroup objects...)
            "servs" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more Serv objects...)
            "userGroups" : [
              "id" : <long>
            (more UserGroup objects...)
            "schds" : [
              "id" : <long>
              "ipprofile" : {
                "id" : <long>
              "ipprofileLogOnly" : <boolean>,
              "acprofile" : {
                "id" : <long>
              "acprofileLogOnly" : <boolean>,
              "scprofile" : {
                "id" : <long>
              "scprofileLogOnly" : <boolean>,
              "action" : <string>,
              "logging" : <string>,
              "enabled" : <string>,
              "description" : <string>

        # 1. parsing reqest
        # 1.1 parsing 1st layer reqest
            orgArgs, self.args = GetRequestArgs(__sec_head__, field_inputs)
        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 1.2 parsing 2ed layer reqest
        #def t(x):
        #    print('ooooo', x, field_inputs[x], type(field_inputs[x]))
        #    return isinstance(field_inputs[x], set)
            #print(filter(t, field_inputs.keys()),
            #        'xxxx', field_inputs.items(),
            #        dict((k, v) for k, v in field_inputs.items() if isinstance(v['validator'], set)))
            #for k, v in field_inputs.items():
            #    print('bbbbb', v, type(v))
            for v in set((v) for v in set(field_inputs).intersection(orgArgs)
                         if isinstance(field_inputs[v]['validator'], set)):
                #for v in dict((k, v) for k, v in field_inputs.items()
                #        if isinstance(v['validator'], set)):
                #for v in filter(lambda v: isinstance(field_inputs[v], set), field_inputs):
                      field_inputs[v], v)
                _type = field_inputs[v]['validator']

                validator = next(iter(_type)).container.nested.items() \
                      if type(_type) is set else _type.items()

                # validate 2ed value
                # if is list, such as [{id: 1, name:2}, {id: 2, name:2}]
                for _k, _v in validator:
                    for __v in orgArgs[v]:
                        if (_v.get('required', False)):

                #self.args[v] = [self.args.get(v, None)]
                self.args[v] = self.args[v] if self.args.get(v, False) else []

        except Exception as error:
            logger.debug('traceback.format_exc(%s)', traceback.format_exc())
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        logger.debug('parsed args = (%s)', self.args)

        # 2. validate follows spec
        if db.session.query(sec.id).count() > max:
            return omitError('CE_EXCEED_LIMIT', 'limit is {}'.format(max)), 400

        # 3. assign request data to orm
        r = sec()
            print(type(self.args.items()), self.args.items())
            r = PrepareObjORM(r, self.args.items())
        except Exception as error:
            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        print('self.args.items()=', self.args.items())

        # 4. commit to save
        except Exception as error:
            logger.warning('session commit error(%s)', error)

            if exc.IntegrityError == type(error):
                return omitError('CE_NAME_CONFLICT', repr(error)), 400

            return omitError(ErrorMsg=repr(error)), 400

        # 5. return all data to user
        return SerialObjOutput(r, resource_fields=resource_fields), 200