Exemplo n.º 1
def edit_data(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name):
    table = "Follow_up_Data"
    col_list = names.name_follow_up()
    enter = view_multiple(conn, table, col_list, file_number)
    if enter == "Add data":
        data = follow_up(file_number, user_name)
        data.to_sql("Follow_up_Data", conn, index=False, if_exists="append")
    if enter == "Re-enter data":
        table = "Follow_up_Data"
        col_list = ["File_number"] + names.name_follow_up()
        sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list[:-2]) + " FROM '" + table +
               "' WHERE File_number = '" + file_number + "'")
        df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
        follow_up_period = list(df.loc[:, "Follow_up_Period"])
        delete_data = True
        while delete_data:
            check_delete = False
            while not check_delete:
                col_data = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Which entry do you want to modify?", follow_up_period)
                check_delete = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                    "Are you sure you want to delete data for follow-up period "
                    + col_data)
            delete_rows(cursor, table, "Follow_up_Period", col_data)
            add_data(conn, file_number, user_name)
            delete_data = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                "Do you want to re-enter another follow up period")
Exemplo n.º 2
def mammo_asym():
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement
    asym = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Is asymmetry present")
    if asym:
        asym_loc = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Location of Asymmetry", ["Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both"])
        asym_quad = lesion_location(asym_loc)
        asym_depth = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Depth of Asymmetry", ["Anterior", "Middle", "Posterior", "Other"])
        asym_dist = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Distance from nipple of Asymmetry",
            ["<0.5 cm", ">0.5 cm", "Other"])
        pect_check = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Is distance from Pectoralis Major described for Asymmetry")
        if pect_check:
            asym_pect = input("Distance from Pectoralis Major (cm): ")
            asym_pect = "NA"
        mammo_asymm = lesion_location(asym_loc, [
            "Type of Asymmetry in Right Breast",
            "Type of Asymmetry in Left Breast"
        ], [
            "Asymmetry", "Global asymmetry", "Focal asymmetry",
            "Developing asymmetry", "Other"
        asym_quad, asym_depth, asym_dist, asym_pect, mammo_asymm = ("NA", ) * 5
        asym_loc = "Not Present"
    data_list = [
        asym_loc, asym_quad, asym_depth, asym_dist, asym_pect, mammo_asymm
    return data_list
Exemplo n.º 3
 def create_block_id(self):
     block_id_list = []
     block_no = int(self.block_no)
     block_id_chunks = list(divmod(block_no, 26))
     chunk = block_id_chunks[0]
     suffix = [i for i in range(chunk)]
     if chunk == 0:
         for j in range(block_id_chunks[1]):
             alph_list = string.ascii_uppercase[j]
         for i in range(chunk):
             if i == chunk - 1:
                 for j in range(block_id_chunks[1]):
                     alph_list = string.ascii_uppercase[j] + str(i)
                 for j in range(26):
                     alph_list = string.ascii_uppercase[j] + suffix[i]
     print((", ").join(block_id_list))
     check_list = ask.ask_y_n("Is block list correct?")
     while not check_list:
         block_id_list = []
         for i in range(block_no):
             id = input('Block id of block number ' + str(i + 1) + ': ')
         print((", ").join(block_id_list))
         check_list = ask.ask_y_n("Is block list correct?")
     return block_id_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def metastasis(file_number, user_name):
    check = False
    while not check:
        met_has = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Has the patient been examined for metastatic disease?")
        if not met_has:
            met_has = "Not examined for metastatic disease"
            met_has = "Examined for metastatic disease"
        date_last = input("Date of last follow-up: ")
        recur = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Has the patient experienced a recurrence?")
        if recur:
            time_recur = input("Time to disease recurrence: ")
            nature_recur = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Nature of recurrence", ["Distant", "Local", "Other"])
            if nature_recur == "Distant":
                distant_site = input("Site of distant recurrence: ")
                distant_site = "NA"
            time_recur, nature_recur, distant_site = ("NA", ) * 3
        status = patient_status()
        last_update = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
        data_list = [
            met_has, date_last, time_recur, nature_recur, distant_site, status,
            user_name, last_update
        col_list = names.names_longterm("metastasis")
        check = review_input(file_number, col_list, data_list)
    return data_list
Exemplo n.º 5
def mammo_arch():
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement
    mammo_arch = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
        "Is Architectural distortion present")
    if mammo_arch:
        mammo_arch = "Architectural distortion present"
        arch_loc = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Location of Distortion", ["Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both"])
        arch_quad = lesion_location(arch_loc)
        arch_depth = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Depth of Architectural Distortion",
            ["Anterior", "Middle", "Posterior", "Other"])
        arch_dist = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Distance from nipple of Architectural Distortion",
            ["<0.5 cm", ">0.5 cm", "Other"])
        pect_check = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Is distance from Pectoralis Major described for "
            "Architectural Distortion")
        if pect_check:
            arch_pect = input("Distance from Pectoralis Major (cm): ")
            arch_pect = "NA"
        mammo_arch = "Architectural distortion not present"
        arch_loc = "Not Present"
        arch_quad, arch_depth, arch_dist, arch_pect = ("Not Present", ) * 4
    data_list = [
        mammo_arch, arch_loc, arch_quad, arch_depth, arch_dist, arch_pect
    return data_list
Exemplo n.º 6
 def add_data(self):
     enter = ask.ask_y_n("Enter Surgery Block information?")
     if enter:
         data = SurgeryBlockData.surgery_block_information_1(self)
         col_list = names(self.module_list[0])
         sql.update_multiple(self.conn, self.cursor, self.table, col_list,
                             self.file_number, data)
     enter = ask.ask_y_n(
         "Enter Surgery Block information (Tumour Details) ?")
     if enter:
         col_list = names(self.module_list[1])
         data, block_data_df = SurgeryBlockData.surgery_block_information_2(
         sql.update_multiple(self.conn, self.cursor, self.table, col_list,
                             self.file_number, data)
     enter = ask.ask_y_n("Enter Surgery Block information (Node Details)?")
     if enter:
         col_list = names(self.module_list[2])
         data = SurgeryBlockData.surgery_block_information_3(self)
         sql.update_multiple(self.conn, self.cursor, self.table, col_list,
                             self.file_number, data)
     enter = ask.ask_y_n("Enter Pathological Stage?")
     if enter:
         col_list = names(self.module_list[3])
         data = SurgeryBlockData.path_stage(self)
         sql.update_multiple(self.conn, self.cursor, self.table, col_list,
                             self.file_number, data)
Exemplo n.º 7
def cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    table_cancer = "Previous_Cancer_History"
    type_of_cancer_list = []
    year_diagnosis_list = []
    treat_all = []
    type_all = []
    duration_all = []
    data_return = []
    add_cancer = True
    while add_cancer:
        type_of_cancer = input("Type of Cancer: ")
        year_diagnosis = input("Year of diagnosis: ")
        col = ("File_number, Type_Cancer, Year_diagnosis")
        data = file_number, type_of_cancer, year_diagnosis
        insert(conn, cursor, table_cancer, col, data)
        print("Please enter the type of treatment used: ")
        treatment = [
            "Surgery", "Radiation", "Chemotherapy", "Hormone", "Alternative",
        treat_list = []
        type_list = []
        duration_list = []
        treated, type, duration = ("NA", ) * 3
        for index in treatment:
            treat = ask_y_n(index)
            if treat:
                type_treat = input("Type of " + index)
                duration_treat = input("Duration of " + index)
                data = index, type_treat, duration_treat
                columns = [index, ("Type_" + index), ("Duration_" + index)]
                treated = "; ".join(treat_list)
                type = "; ".join(type_list)
                duration = "; ".join(duration_list)
                update_multiple(conn, cursor, table_cancer, columns,
                                file_number, data)
            elif not treat:
                index_no = "No " + index
                type_treat, duration_treat = ("NA", ) * 2
                data = index_no, type_treat, duration_treat
                columns = [index, ("Type_" + index), ("Duration_" + index)]
                update_multiple(conn, cursor, table_cancer, columns,
                                file_number, data)
        add_cancer = ask_y_n("Additional cancer history")
    all_data = [
        type_of_cancer_list, year_diagnosis_list, treat_all, type_all,
    for index in all_data:
        data_joint = "|".join(index)
    return tuple(data_return)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def edit_table(df, id_col, df_col):
     rows = df.shape[0]
     for row in range(0, rows):
         print(df.iloc[row].to_string() + '\n')
     to_correct = ask.ask_y_n("Are entries correct?")
     if not to_correct:
         to_correct = ask.ask_y_n("Re-enter entire table?")
         if to_correct:
             return to_correct, df
             change_row = True
             while change_row:
                 id_list = list(df[id_col])
                 id_change = input("Enter " + id_col + " to change: ")
                 index = id_list.index(id)
                 to_do = True
                 while to_do:
                     print(df.loc[index, :])
                     col_change = ask.ask_option("Name of column to change", df_col)
                     old_val = df.loc[index, col_change]
                     print(old_val + '\n')
                     new_val = input("Enter correct value for " + col_change + ' for ' + id_change + ": ")
                     df.loc[index, col_change] = new_val
                     print(df.iloc[index].to_string() + '\n')
                     to_do = ask.ask_y_n("Make more changes to " + id_col + ' ' + id_change + '?')
                 change_row = ask.ask_y_n("Change another row?")
             to_correct = False
     return to_correct, df
Exemplo n.º 9
 def add_data(self):
     enter = ask.ask_y_n("Enter Biopsy Block Report information?")
     if enter:
         data = BiopsyData.biopsy_report_info(self)
         sql.update_multiple(self.conn, self.cursor, self.table, names("biopsy_report_info"), self.file_number, data)
     enter = ask.ask_y_n("Enter Tumour Biopsy data?")
     if enter:
         data = BiopsyData.tumour_biopsy_data(self)
         sql.update_multiple(self.conn, self.cursor, self.table, names("tumour_biopsy_data"), self.file_number, data)
Exemplo n.º 10
def tox_table(file_number, drug_cyc, tox_all):
    tox_index = 0
    check_tox = False
    while not check_tox:
        tox = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Were there any toxic effects in  administration of " + drug_cyc)
        if tox:
            add_tox = True
            while add_tox:
                tox_present = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Toxic effects of type", chemo.toxicity())
                tox_grade = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    ("the grade of " + tox_present + "? "),
                    ["Mild", "Moderate", "Severe", "Other"])
                treatment = input("Treatment given for " + tox_grade + " " +
                                  tox_present + " (include all details): ")
                resp_treatment = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    ("Response to treatment given for " + tox_grade + " " +
                    ["Partial", "Complete", "No Effect", "Other"])
                cyc_tox = input("Cycle at which toxicity occurred: ")
                change_tox = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Changes to treatment", [
                        "No change", "Therapy changed due to toxicity",
                        "Therapy stopped  due to toxicity",
                        "Therapy changed due to other reasons",
                        "Therapy stopped due to other reasons"
                if change_tox == "Therapy changed due to toxicity" or change_tox == "Therapy changed due to other "\
                    change = input("Please describe changes to Therapy: ")
                    change_tox = change_tox + ": " + change
                check = False
                while not check:
                    data = [
                        file_number, drug_cyc, tox_present, tox_grade,
                        treatment, resp_treatment, cyc_tox, change_tox
                    tox_all.loc[tox_index] = data
                    check = review_df_row(tox_all)
                tox_index = tox_index + 1
                add_tox = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                    'Add another toxicity type?')
            tox_present, tox_grade, treatment, resp_treatment, cyc_tox, change_tox = (
                "No Toxicity", ) * 6
            data = [
                file_number, drug_cyc, tox_present, tox_grade, treatment,
                resp_treatment, cyc_tox, change_tox
            tox_all.loc[tox_index] = data
        check_tox = review_df(tox_all)
    return tox_all
Exemplo n.º 11
def habits(file_number):
    module_name = "habits"
    check = False
    while not check:
        category = "Diet"
        options = ["Vegetarian", "Non-Vegetarian", "Ovo-Vegetarian", "Other"]
        diet = ask_option(category, options)
        alcohol = ask_y_n("Alcohol consumption")
        if alcohol:
            alcohol_consump = "Alcohol Consumption"
            alcohol_age = input("Consumption of alcohol from which age (yrs): ")
            alcohol_quant = input("Quantity of alcohol consumed per week: ")
            alcohol_duration = input("Duration of alcohol consumption: ")
            alcohol_comments = input("Additional comments for alcohol consumption: ")
            alcohol_consump = "No Alcohol Consumption"
            alcohol_age, alcohol_quant, alcohol_duration, alcohol_comments = ("NA",) * 4
        data_list_alc = [diet, alcohol_consump, alcohol_age, alcohol_quant, alcohol_duration, alcohol_comments]
        tobacco = ask_y_n("Tobacco exposure (Passive and/or Active)")
        if tobacco:
            tobacco = "Tobacco consumption"
            exposure_type = ask_option("Mode of exposure to Tobacco", ["Passive", "Active", "Other"])
            if exposure_type =="Passive":
                tobacco_type_partic = ask_option("Mode of passive consumption", ["Home", "Work", "Commute",
                                                                                 "Social Interactions"])
                if tobacco_type_partic == "Home":
                    tobacco_type_who = input ("What is the specific source?")
                    tobacco_passive = tobacco_type_partic + (" : ") + tobacco_type_who

                    tobacco_passive = tobacco_type_partic
                tobacco_passive = "NA"
            tobacco_type = ask_option("Type of tobacco use", ["Cigarette", "Beedi", "Gutkha", "Pan Masala",
                                                              "Jarda/Maava", "Hookah", "Nicotine Patch", "Mishri",
            tobacco_age = input("Consumption of tobacco from which age (yrs): ")
            tobacco_freq = input ("Frequency of tobacco consumption: ")
            tobacco_quant = input("Quantity of tobacco consumed per week: ")
            tobacco_duration = input("Duration of tobacco consumption: ")
            tobacco_comments = input("Additional comments for tobacco consumption: ")
            tobacco = "No Tobacco Consumption"
            exposure_type, tobacco_type, tobacco_passive, tobacco_age, tobacco_freq, tobacco_quant, tobacco_duration, \
            tobacco_comments = ("NA",) * 8
        other_del_habits = input("Other Deleterious Habits (if present give details): ")
        data_list_tob = [tobacco, exposure_type, tobacco_passive,tobacco_type, tobacco_age, tobacco_freq,
                         tobacco_quant, tobacco_duration, tobacco_comments, other_del_habits]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        data_list = data_list_alc + data_list_tob
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def stage(pt, pn, m):
     path_stage = "pT" + pt + "N" + pn + 'M' + m
     clinical_stage = 'NA'
     print("Pathological Stage: " + path_stage)
     check = ask.ask_y_n("Is pathological stage correct")
     if not check:
         path_stage = input("Please enter correct pathological stage: ")
     if m in {"1", "2", "3"}:
         clinical_stage = "IV"
     elif m == "0":
         if pn == "3":
             clinical_stage = "IIIC"
         elif pn == "2":
             if pt == "4":
                 clinical_stage = "IIIB"
                 clinical_stage = "IIIA"
         elif pn == "1mi":
             clinical_stage = "IB"
         elif pn == "1":
             if pt == "0" or pt == "1":
                 clinical_stage = "IIA"
             elif pt == "2":
                 clinical_stage = "IIB"
             elif pt == "3":
                 clinical_stage = "IIIA"
             elif pt == "4":
                 clinical_stage = "IIIB"
                 clinical_stage = input("Clinical Staging: ")
         elif pn == "0":
             if pt == "is":
                 clinical_stage = "0"
             elif pt == "1":
                 clinical_stage = "IA"
             elif pt == "2":
                 clinical_stage = "IIA"
             elif pt == "3":
                 clinical_stage = "IIB"
             elif pt == "4":
                 clinical_stage = "IIIB"
                 clinical_stage = input("Clinical Staging: ")
         print("Clinical stage " + clinical_stage)
             "Based on TNM status", path_stage,
             "and TABLE 2 of Giuliano et al., 2017, CA CANCER J "
             "CLIN 2017;67:290–303")
         check = ask.ask_y_n("Is clinical stage correct")
         if not check:
             clinical_stage = input("Please enter correct clinical stage: ")
     return path_stage, clinical_stage
Exemplo n.º 13
def add_data(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name):
    #file_row(cursor, file_number)
    table = "HormoneTherapy_Survival"
    enter = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Enter Hormone Therapy Details?")
    if enter:
        col_list = names.names_longterm(module_name="hormone")
        data = hormone(file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
    enter = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Enter Recurrence and follow-up status?")
    if enter:
        col_list = names.names_longterm(module_name="metastasis")
        data = metastasis(file_number, user_name)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
Exemplo n.º 14
def follow_up(file_number, user_name):
    follow = True
    follow_index = 0
    col_list = ["File_number"] + names.name_follow_up()
    follow_up_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=col_list)
    while follow:
        check = False
        while not check:
            time_follow = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Follow-up Period", [
                "3 months", "6 months", "9 months", "1 year",
                "1 year, 3 months", "1 year, 6 months", "1 year, 9 months",
                "2 years", "2 years, 6 months", "3 years", "3 years, 6 months",
                "4 years", "4 years, 6 months", "5 years", "6 years",
                "7 years", "8 years", "9 years", "10 years", "Other"
            follow_notes = input("Details of follow up information: ")
            follow_report = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                "Does follow-up contain other reports (USG/Mammography)?")
            follow_mammo, follow_usg = ("NA", ) * 2
            if follow_report:
                follow_mammo = input("Results of Mammography: ")
                follow_usg = input("Results of USG abdomen/Pelvis: ")
            follow_other = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                "Are there other reports in follow-up?")
            if not follow_other:
                other_type, other_result = ("NA", ) * 2
                other_type_list = []
                other_result_list = []
                while follow_other:
                    other_type = input("Type of other report: ")
                    other_result = input("Result of " + other_type + ": ")
                    follow_other = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                        "Add more reports?")
                all_data = [other_type_list, other_result_list]
                all_data = ask_y_n_statement.join_lists(all_data, "; ")
                other_type, other_result = all_data
            last_update = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
            data_list = [
                file_number, time_follow, follow_notes, follow_mammo,
                follow_usg, other_type, other_result, user_name, last_update
            follow_up_data.loc[follow_index] = data_list
            check = review_df(follow_up_data.loc[follow_index])
        follow_index = follow_index + 1
        follow_up_period = list(follow_up_data.loc[:, "Follow_up_Period"])
        print("Follow up periods added: " + "; ".join(follow_up_period))
        follow = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Add another follow-up period?")
    return follow_up_data
Exemplo n.º 15
def family_cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    add_family = True
    type_cancer_list, relation_degree_list, type_relation_list, age_detect_list = [], [], [], []
    all_data = []
    while add_family:
        type_of_cancer = input("Type of Cancer: ")
        relation_to_patient = ask_option(
            "Relation to patient",
            ["Immediate Family", "Maternal Family", "Paternal Family"])
        type_relation = input("Specific Relationship:")
        age_at_detection_yrs = input('Age at detection (yrs) :')
        family_history = file_number, type_of_cancer, relation_to_patient, type_relation, age_at_detection_yrs
        family_history_list = "; ".join([
            type_of_cancer, relation_to_patient, type_relation,
        columns = 'File_number, Type_Cancer, Relation_to_Patient, Type_Relation, Age_at_detection_yrs'
        table = "Family_Cancer_History"
        insert(conn, cursor, table, columns, family_history)
        add_family = ask_y_n("Add more family cancer history? ")
    all_data_flat = "|".join(all_data)
    return (all_data_flat)
Exemplo n.º 16
def clinical_tests(test):
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement
    test_name = test[0]
    data_list = []
    test_done = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Has " + test_name + " been done?")
    if test_done:
        test_done = test_name + " done"
        for index in range(1, len(test)):
            abnormal = test[index]
            test_diag = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Diagnosis",
                                                     ["Normal", abnormal])
            if test_diag == abnormal:
                test_details = input("Please provide details of " + abnormal +
                                     " diagnosis: ")
                test_details = "NA"
        test_done = test_name + " not done"
        for index in range(1, len(test)):
            not_done = ("NA", ) * 2
    return data_list
Exemplo n.º 17
def birads():
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement

    mammo_birads = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
        ["0", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "IVA", "IVB", "IVC", "V", "Other"])
    check = False
    while not check:
        if mammo_birads == "0":
            mammo_birads_det = "Incomplete – Need Additional Imaging Evaluation"
        elif mammo_birads == "I":
            mammo_birads_det = "Negative"
        elif mammo_birads == "II":
            mammo_birads_det = "Benign"
        elif mammo_birads == "III":
            mammo_birads_det = "Probably Benign"
        elif mammo_birads == "IV":
            mammo_birads_det = "Suspicious"
        elif mammo_birads == "IVA":
            mammo_birads_det = "Low suspicion for malignancy"
        elif mammo_birads == "IVB":
            mammo_birads_det = "Moderate suspicion for malignancy"
        elif mammo_birads == "IVC":
            mammo_birads_det = "High suspicion for malignancy"
        elif mammo_birads == "V":
            mammo_birads_det = "Highly Suggestive of Malignancy"
            mammo_birads_det = input("Details of BI-RADS category: ")
        print("BI-RAD " + mammo_birads + ": " + mammo_birads_det)
        check = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Is this correct?")
    data_list = [mammo_birads, mammo_birads_det]
    return tuple(data_list)
Exemplo n.º 18
def tox_table(file_number, cyc_name, week, drug_cyc):
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement
    import additional_tables.chemo as chemo
    import pandas as pd
    import modules.pccm_names as names
    from sql.add_update_sql import review_df as review
    tox_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=names.names_nact("Tox_table"))
    tox_index = 0
    drugs = "/".join(drug_cyc)
    check_tox = False
    while not check_tox:
        tox = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Were there any toxic effects in  " +
                                        week + " of " + cyc_name)
        tox_grade_list, tox_list, tox_treatment, resp_treatment_list = [
            list([]) for _ in range(4)
        if tox:
            for index in chemo.toxicity():
                tox_grade = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    ("the grade of " + index + " in " + cyc_name + "? "),
                    ["Mild", "Moderate", "Severe", "Not Present", "Other"])
                if tox_grade not in {"Not Present"}:
                    tox = index
                    check = False
                    while not check:
                        treatment = input("Treatment given for " + tox_grade +
                                          " " + index +
                                          " (include all details): ")
                        resp_treatment = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                            ("Response to treatment given for " + tox_grade +
                             " " + index),
                            ["Partial", "Complete", "No Effect", "Other"])
                        data = [
                            file_number, week, cyc_name, drugs, tox, tox_grade,
                            treatment, resp_treatment
                        tox_all.loc[tox_index] = data
                        check = review(tox_all.loc[tox_index])
                    tox_index = tox_index + 1
            tox = "No Toxicity"
            tox_grade, treatment, resp_treatment = ("NA", ) * 3
            tox_list = ["No Toxicity"]
            tox_grade_list, tox_treatment, resp_treatment_list = [["NA"]] * 3
            data = [
                file_number, week, cyc_name, drugs, tox, tox_grade, treatment,
            tox_all.loc[tox_index] = data

        all_data = [
            tox_grade_list, tox_list, tox_treatment, resp_treatment_list
        response = ask_y_n_statement.join_lists(all_data, "; ")
        check_tox = review(tox_all)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 19
def drug_add(file_number, cyc_name, cycle_number, week, patient_wt,
             drug_per_week, drug_index):
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask
    from sql.add_update_sql import review_df as review
    import additional_tables.chemo as chemo
    drug_add = True
    drug_cyc = []
    while drug_add:
        check_drug = False
        while not check_drug:
            drug = ask.ask_option("Drug used for therapy " + cyc_name,
            dose = input("Dose of " + drug + " in " + week + " of " +
                         cyc_name + ": ")
            dose_unit = input("Dose unit: ")
            cyc_freq = input("Cycle Frequency: ")
            data_week = [
                file_number, cycle_number, week, patient_wt, drug,
                float(dose), dose_unit, cyc_freq
            drug_per_week.loc[drug_index] = data_week
            check_drug = review(drug_per_week.loc[drug_index])
            drug_index = drug_index + 1
        drug_add = ask.ask_y_n("Add another drug")
    return drug_per_week, drug_cyc, drug_index
Exemplo n.º 20
def birads():
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement

    check = False
    while not check:
        mammo_birads = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("BI-RADS Category", [
            "Category 0", "Category 1", "Category 2", "Category 3",
            "Category 4", "Category 4A", "Category 4B", "Category 4C",
            "Category 5", "Other"
        if mammo_birads == "Category 0":
            mammo_birads_det = "Incomplete – Need Additional Imaging Evaluation"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 1":
            mammo_birads_det = "Negative"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 2":
            mammo_birads_det = "Benign"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 3":
            mammo_birads_det = "Probably Benign"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 4":
            mammo_birads_det = "Suspicious"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 4A":
            mammo_birads_det = "Low suspicion for malignancy"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 4B":
            mammo_birads_det = "Moderate suspicion for malignancy"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 4C":
            mammo_birads_det = "High suspicion for malignancy"
        elif mammo_birads == "Category 5":
            mammo_birads_det = "Highly Suggestive of Malignancy"
            mammo_birads_det = input("Details of BI-RADS category: ")
        birad = mammo_birads + ": " + mammo_birads_det
        check = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Is this correct?")
    data_list = birad
    return data_list
Exemplo n.º 21
def abvs(file_number):
    module_name = "abvs"
    check = False
    while not check:
        abvs = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Automated Breast Volume Scanner (ABVS) done?")
        if abvs:
            abvs = "Automated Breast Volume Scanner done"
            abvs_date = input("Date of examination of ABVS: ")
            abvs_acc = input("Accession number of ABVS: ")
            abvs_lesion = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Location of lesion",
                                                       ["Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not present"])
            if abvs_lesion in {"Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both"}:
                abvs_lesion_data = radio_tables_old.lesion_location(abvs_lesion)
                abvs_lesion_data = "NA"
            abvs_size = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Size of lesion", ["<2 cm", "2-5 cm", ">5 cm", "Other"])
            abvs_dist = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Distance from Skin (cm)", ["<0.5 cm", ">0.5 cm", "Other"])
            abvs_pect = input("Distance from Pectoralis Major (cm): ")
            abvs_diagnosis = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("ABVS Diagnosis",
                                                          ["Normal", "Benign", "Suspicious", "Diagnostic for Cancer"])
            abvs = "Automated Breast Volume Scanner done"
            abvs_date, abvs_acc, abvs_lesion, abvs_lesion_data, abvs_size, abvs_dist, abvs_pect, \
            abvs_diagnosis = ("NA",) * 8

        data_list = [abvs, abvs_date, abvs_acc, abvs_lesion, abvs_lesion_data, abvs_size, abvs_dist, abvs_pect,
        columns_list = names(module_name)
        check = add_update_sql.review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def print_table(self, writer, table):
     modules = table_dicts.table_module_dict(table)
     if table == 'Patient_Information_History':
         output_type = ask_y_n('Do you want a research print out for ' +
                               table + '?')
         if output_type:
             modules = table_dicts.table_module_research(table)
     columns = []
     if not modules:
         modules = 'no_modules'
         columns = table_dicts.db_dict(table, modules)
         for module in modules:
             cols = table_dicts.db_dict(table, module)
             columns = columns + cols
     if table != 'Block_list':
         col_list = table_dicts.create_col_list(columns)
         col_list = columns
     sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
     df = pd.read_sql(sql, self.conn)
     number = df.shape[0]
     return number
Exemplo n.º 23
def drug_table_enter(file_number, drug_table):
    drug_add = True
    drug_index = 0
    while drug_add:
        check_drug= False
        while not check_drug:
            drug = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Drug used for therapy", chemo.drug_list())
                dose = input("Dose of " + drug  +" (actual dose ammount without unit, numbers only): ")
                dose_x = float(dose)
                print ('ERROR: enter numbers only')
                dose = input("Dose of " + drug  +" (actual dose ammount without unit, numbers only): ")
            dose_unit = input("Dose unit: ")
            cyc_freq_week = input("Cycle Frequency (frequency per week, so three weekly is 3 and weekly is 1): ")
                number_cycle = input("Number of cycles actually given: ")
                dose_x = int(number_cycle)
                print('ERROR: enter numbers only')
                number_cycle = input("Number of cycles actually given: ")
                drug_dose = float(dose) * int(number_cycle)
            data_drug = [file_number, number_cycle, drug, str(drug_dose), dose_unit, cyc_freq_week]
            drug_table.loc[drug_index] = data_drug
            check_drug, drug_table = review_df_row(drug_table)
            drug_index = drug_index + 1
        drug_add = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Add another drug")
    return drug_table
Exemplo n.º 24
 def review_input(self):
     col_number = len(self.data)
     print("Entries for database are as follows : ")
     for index in range(0, col_number):
         print(self.columns[index] + ": " + self.data[index])
     ans = ask.ask_y_n("Are entries for file " + self.file_number + " correct ?", True, False)
     return ans
Exemplo n.º 25
def check_file(conn, cursor, table, file_number, user_name, folders):
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement
    import add_edit.add_new as add_new
    import add_edit.edit_record as edit_record
    sql = "SELECT rowid FROM " + table + " WHERE File_number = ?"
    cursor.execute(sql, (file_number, ))
    data = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(data) == 0:
        if table != "Follow_up_Data":
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + table + "(File_number) VALUES ('" +
                           file_number + "')")
        print(file_number + " does not exist in table " + table +
              ". Enter new record")
        add_new.add_new(conn, cursor, file_number, table, user_name, folders)
        todo = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            file_number + " already exists in table " + table + ".", [
                "Edit record", "Add new record for same file number",
                "Edit None"
        if todo == "Edit record":
            edit_record.edit_record(conn, cursor, file_number, table,
                                    user_name, folders)
        elif todo == "Add new record for same file number":
            print("Add additional record module TBD")
    ask = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Add another table?")
    return ask
Exemplo n.º 26
def metastasis(file_number, user_name):
    check = False
    while not check:
        met_has = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Has the patient been examined for metastatic disease?")
        if not met_has:
            met_has = "Not examined for metastatic disease"
            met_has = "Examined for metastatic disease"
        date_last = input("Date of last follow-up: ")
        recur = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Has the patient experienced a recurrence?")
        if recur:
            time_recur = input("Time to disease recurrence: ")
            nature_recur = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Nature of recurrence", ["Distant", "Local", "Other"])
            if nature_recur == "Distant":
                distant_site = input("Site of distant recurrence: ")
                distant_site = "NA"
            time_recur, nature_recur, distant_site = ("NA", ) * 3
        status = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
            "Status at last follow up",
            ["Survivor", "Deceased", "Lost to follow-up", "Other"])
        if status == "Survivor":
            type_survivor = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "the Survivor is ", [
                    "disease Free", "with recurrence",
                    "disease free with no known recurrence", "with disease"
            status = status + ": " + type_survivor
        if status == "Deceased":
            type_death = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Cause of death",
                ["due to disease", "due to unrelated causes", "not known"])
            status = status + ": " + type_death
        last_update = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
        data_list = [
            met_has, date_last, time_recur, nature_recur, distant_site, status,
            user_name, last_update
        col_list = names.names_longterm("metastasis")
        check = review_input(file_number, col_list, data_list)
    return data_list
Exemplo n.º 27
 def review_df_row(df):
     check_row = len(df) - 1
     check = ask.ask_y_n("Is data entered correct?")
     if check:
         return check, df
         df = df.drop(df.index[check_row])
         return check, df
Exemplo n.º 28
def add_data(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name):
    table = "Clinical_Exam"
    #file_row(cursor, file_number)
    enter =ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Enter Clinical Examination information")
    if enter:
        data = clinical_exam_initial(file_number, user_name)
        add_update_sql.update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.name_clinical("clinical_exam_initial"),
                                       file_number, data)
    enter = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Enter Nipple Cytology report?")
    if enter:
        data = nipple_cytology(file_number)
        add_update_sql.update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.name_clinical("nipple_cytology"), file_number,
    enter = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Enter results of other clinical tests?")
    if enter:
        data = other_test(file_number)
        add_update_sql.update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.name_clinical("other_test"), file_number,
Exemplo n.º 29
def review_input(file_number, columns, data):
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask_y_n_statement
    col_number = len(data)
    print("Entries for database are as follows : ")
    for index in range(0, col_number):
        print(columns[index] + ": " + data[index])
    ans = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
        "Are entries for file " + file_number + " correct ?", True, False)
    return ans
Exemplo n.º 30
def review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list):
    import modules.ask_y_n_statement as ask
    sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list) + ' FROM ' + table +
           " WHERE File_number = '" + file_number + "'")
    data = cursor.execute(sql)
    data_list = data.fetchall()
    data_list = list(data_list[0])
    col_number = len(col_list)
    if data_list == [None] * len(data_list):
        print("This section of the database has not been entered")
        enter = ask.ask_y_n("Do you want to enter now")
        return enter
    if None in set(data_list):
        print("Some entries are missing from the database: ")
        for index in range(0, col_number):
            print(col_list[index] + " : " + str(data_list[index]))
        enter = ask.ask_option("Do you want to proceed?",
                               ["Edit all", "Add new data only"])
        if enter == "Edit all":
            return True
            edit_few(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data_list)
        print("Entries present in database are as follows : ")
        for index in range(0, col_number):
            print(col_list[index] + " : " + str(data_list[index]))
        enter = ask.ask_option("Do you want to",
                               ["Edit all", "Edit some entries", "Edit None"])
        if enter == "Edit some entries":
            for index in range(0, col_number):
                print(col_list[index] + " : " + str(data_list[index]))
                edit = ask.ask_y_n("Edit")
                if edit:
                    data = input("Data for " + col_list[index] + ": ")
                    update_single(conn, cursor, table, col_list[index],
                                  file_number, data)
            return False
        elif enter == "Edit all":
            return True
            return False