Exemplo n.º 1
def encryptDES(s):
    Generates a random DES key and IV, builds an DES cipher,
    encrypts passed 's' and returns (encrypted, (randomKey, randomIV))
    # get random IV Value and ARC Key
    iv = helpers.randomKey(8)
    key = helpers.randomKey(8)

    # Create DES Object and encrypt our payload
    desmain = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CFB, iv)
    encrypted = desmain.encrypt(s)

    return (encrypted, (key,iv) )
Exemplo n.º 2
def encryptARC(s):
    Generates a random ARC key and IV, builds an ARC cipher,
    encrypts passed 's' and returns (encrypted, (randomKey, randomIV))
    # get random IV Value and ARC Key
    iv = helpers.randomKey(8)
    key = helpers.randomKey(8)

    # Create ARC Object and encrypt our payload
    arc4main = ARC4.new(key)
    encrypted = arc4main.encrypt(s)

    return (encrypted, (key,iv) )
Exemplo n.º 3
def encryptARC(s):
    Generates a random ARC key and IV, builds an ARC cipher,
    encrypts passed 's' and returns (encrypted, (randomKey, randomIV))
    # get random IV Value and ARC Key
    iv = helpers.randomKey(8)
    key = helpers.randomKey(8)

    # Create ARC Object and encrypt our payload
    arc4main = ARC4.new(key)
    encrypted = arc4main.encrypt(s)

    return (encrypted, (key, iv))
Exemplo n.º 4
def encryptDES(s):
    Generates a random DES key and IV, builds an DES cipher,
    encrypts passed 's' and returns (encrypted, (randomKey, randomIV))
    # get random IV Value and ARC Key
    iv = helpers.randomKey(8)
    key = helpers.randomKey(8)

    # Create DES Object and encrypt our payload
    desmain = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CFB, iv)
    encrypted = desmain.encrypt(s)

    return (encrypted, (key, iv))
Exemplo n.º 5
def pyherion(code):
    Generates a crypted hyperion'esque version of python code using
    base64 and AES with a random key, wrapped in an exec() dynamic launcher.

    code = the python source code to encrypt

    Returns the encrypted python code as a string.

    imports = list()
    codebase = list()

    # strip out all imports from the code so pyinstaller can properly
    # launch the code by preimporting everything at compiletime
    for line in code.split("\n"):
        if not line.startswith("#"):  # ignore commented imports...
            if "import" in line:

    # generate a random 256 AES key and build our AES cipher
    key = helpers.randomKey(32)
    cipherEnc = AES.new(key)

    # encrypt the input file (less the imports)
    encrypted = EncodeAES(cipherEnc, "\n".join(codebase))

    # some random variable names
    b64var = helpers.randomString(5)
    aesvar = helpers.randomString(5)

    # randomize our base64 and AES importing variable
    imports.append("from base64 import b64decode as %s" % (b64var))
    imports.append("from Crypto.Cipher import AES as %s" % (aesvar))

    # shuffle up our imports

    # add in the AES imports and any imports found in the file
    crypted = ";".join(imports) + "\n"

    # the exec() launcher for our base64'ed encrypted string
    crypted += "exec(%s(\"%s\"))" % (
            "exec(%s.new(\"%s\").decrypt(%s(\"%s\")).rstrip('{'))\n" %
            (aesvar, key, b64var, encrypted)))

    return crypted
Exemplo n.º 6
def encryptAES(s):
    Generates a random AES key, builds an AES cipher,
    encrypts passed 's' and returns (encrypted, randomKey)
    # Generate Random AES Key
    key = helpers.randomKey()

    # Create Cipher Object with Generated Secret Key
    cipher = AES.new(key)

    # actually encrypt the text
    encrypted = EncodeAES(cipher, s)

    # return a tuple of (encodedText, randomKey)
    return (encrypted, key)
Exemplo n.º 7
def encryptAES(s):
    Generates a random AES key, builds an AES cipher,
    encrypts passed 's' and returns (encrypted, randomKey)
    # Generate Random AES Key
    key = helpers.randomKey()

    # Create Cipher Object with Generated Secret Key
    cipher = AES.new(key)

    # actually encrypt the text
    encrypted = EncodeAES(cipher, s)

    # return a tuple of (encodedText, randomKey)
    return (encrypted, key)
Exemplo n.º 8
def pyherion(code):
    Generates a crypted hyperion'esque version of python code using
    base64 and AES with a random key, wrapped in an exec() dynamic launcher.

    code = the python source code to encrypt

    Returns the encrypted python code as a string.

    imports = list()
    codebase = list()
    # strip out all imports from the code so pyinstaller can properly
    # launch the code by preimporting everything at compiletime
    for line in code.split("\n"):
        if not line.startswith("#"): # ignore commented imports...
            if "import" in line:
    # generate a random 256 AES key and build our AES cipher
    key = helpers.randomKey(32)
    cipherEnc = AES.new(key)

    # encrypt the input file (less the imports)
    encrypted = EncodeAES(cipherEnc, "\n".join(codebase))
    # some random variable names
    b64var = helpers.randomString(5)
    aesvar = helpers.randomString(5)

    # randomize our base64 and AES importing variable
    imports.append("from base64 import b64decode as %s" %(b64var))
    imports.append("from Crypto.Cipher import AES as %s" %(aesvar))

    # shuffle up our imports
    # add in the AES imports and any imports found in the file
    crypted = ";".join(imports) + "\n"

    # the exec() launcher for our base64'ed encrypted string
    crypted += "exec(%s(\"%s\"))" % (b64var,base64.b64encode("exec(%s.new(\"%s\").decrypt(%s(\"%s\")).rstrip('{'))\n" %(aesvar,key,b64var,encrypted)))

    return crypted
Exemplo n.º 9
def constrainedAES(s):
    Generates a constrained AES key which is later brute forced
    in a loop
    # Create our constrained Key
    small_key = helpers.randomKey(26)

    # Actual Key used
    real_key = small_key + str(helpers.randomNumbers())

    # Create Cipher Object with Generated Secret Key
    cipher = AES.new(real_key)

    # actually encrypt the text
    encrypted = EncodeAES(cipher, s)

    # return a tuple of (encodedText, small constrained key, actual key used)
    return (encrypted, small_key, real_key)
Exemplo n.º 10
def constrainedAES(s):
    Generates a constrained AES key which is later brute forced
    in a loop
    # Create our constrained Key
    small_key = helpers.randomKey(26)

    # Actual Key used
    real_key = small_key + str(helpers.randomNumbers())

    # Create Cipher Object with Generated Secret Key
    cipher = AES.new(real_key)

    # actually encrypt the text
    encrypted = EncodeAES(cipher, s)

    # return a tuple of (encodedText, small constrained key, actual key used)
    return (encrypted, small_key, real_key)