Exemplo n.º 1
    def bookmark(self, task, delimiter):  #pragma: no cover
        """Bookmarks handling. loads and saves the bookmarks as
        a csv file.
        :param task: either load or save
        :type task: string
        :param delimiter: delimiter to use for creating the csv file
        :type delimiter: string
        :raises : none
        :returns : none

        if task not in ALLOWED_BOOKMARK_TASKS:
            logger.info("Not allowed bookmark task requested {}, "\

        bookmarks = IO()
        if task == "load":
                bookmarks.csv_load(self.bookmarks_file, delimiter)
                for line in bookmarks.row_list:
                    line[0] = self._frequency_pp(line[0])
                    self.tree.insert('', tk.END, values=line)
            except InvalidPathError:
                logger.info("No bookmarks file found, skipping.")

        if task == "save":
            for item in self.tree.get_children():
                values = self.tree.item(item).get('values')
                values[0] = self._frequency_pp_parse(values[0])
            bookmarks.csv_save(self.bookmarks_file, delimiter)
Exemplo n.º 2
class AppConfig(object):
    """This class reads the status of the UI and and parses the data
    so that it's suitable to be saved as a csv, and the reverse


    def __init__(self, alternate_config_file):  #pragma: no cover
        """Default config, they will be overwritten when a conf is loaded
        this will be used to write a default config file.
        If the command line specifies a config file we note it in
        alternate_config_file and we use it, otherwise we check for
        the default one.

        :param alternate_config_file: config file passed as input argument
        :type alternate_config_file: string
        :raises: none

        self.io = IO()
        self.default_config_file = ".rig-remote/rig-remote.conf"
        self.config_file = None
        self.config = DEFAULT_CONFIG

        if alternate_config_file:
            self.config_file = alternate_config_file
            logger.info("No custom config file specified...")
            self.config_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),

    def read_conf(self):  # pragma: no cover
        """Read the configuration file.
        If the default one doesn't exist we create one with sane values.
        and then we re-read it.

        :param: none
        :raises: none
        :returns: none

        if os.path.isfile(self.config_file):
            logger.info("Using config file:{}".format(self.config_file))
            self.io.csv_load(self.config_file, "=")
            for row in self.io.row_list:
                self.config[row[0].strip()] = row[1].strip()

    def write_conf(self):
        """Writes the configuration to file. If the default config path
        is missing it will be created. If this is not possible the config file
        will not be saved.

        :param: none
        :raises: IOError, OSError if it is not possible to write the config
        :returns: none

        self.io.row_list = []
        # checking the directory path for default config file
        except IOError:
            logger.info("Error while trying to create default config "\
                              "path as {}".format(self.config_file))
        except OSError:
            logger.info("The default config directory already exists..")

        for key in self.config.keys():
            row = []
        self.io.csv_save(self.config_file, "=")