def main(args): """Bot main function.""" # Load configurations config = load_config(args.config) sleep.interval = config['request_interval'] sleep.window = config['request_window'] # Twitter OAuth Authentication log.success('Authenticating on Twitter API') twitter_auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(config['consumer_key'], config['consumer_secret']) twitter_auth.set_access_token(config['access_token'], config['access_token_secret']) # Initialize Twitter API twitter_api = tweepy.API(twitter_auth) # Search for tweets containing terms from config file for term in config['terms']: tweets = search_tweets(twitter_api, term, config['tweets_count'], False) like_tweets(twitter_api, tweets) # Add gathered tweets to favorites # Show favorites get_favorites(twitter_api, 0, False)
def load_config(conf): """Load configuration from file.""" log.success('Loading configurations from {file}'.format(file=conf)) config = dict() if conf: try: with open(conf, 'rt') as conf_fd: config = json.load(conf_fd) except FileNotFoundError: log.error('Specified configuration file not found') sys.exit(1) except Exception: log.error('An error occured while parsing configuration file') sys.exit(1) return config
def like_tweets(api, tweets): """Add specified tweets to favorites.""" log.success('Adding gathered tweets to favorites') for tweet in tweets: try: result = api.create_favorite(tweet['id_str']) except tweepy.error.TweepError as e: # Already favorited if e.response is not None and e.response.status_code in set([429]): sleep.sleep_window() elif not e.api_code or (e.api_code and e.api_code not in set([139])): # log.debug(e.response.__dict__) log.debug(e) continue sleep.sleep_interval() # Sleep to prevent API rate limit return result
def get_home_timeline(api, limit=100, display=True): """Get home timeline.""" log.success('Gathering home timeline') result = handle_request(tweepy.Cursor(api.home_timeline).items(limit)) tweets = [] if result: for tweet in result: tweets += [{'id_str': tweet.id_str, 'text': tweet.text}] count = len(tweets) log.bold('{count} tweet{s}'.format(count=count, s='' if count == 1 else 's')) if display: for tweet in tweets:'{tweet}'.format(tweet=tweet['text'])) sleep.sleep_interval() # Sleep to prevent API rate limit return tweets
def get_followers(api, limit=100, display=True): """Get followers list.""" log.success('Gathering followers') result = handle_request(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers).items(limit)) users = [] if result: for user in result: users += [{'id_str': user.id_str, 'screen_name': user.screen_name}] count = len(users) log.bold('{count} user{s}'.format(count=count, s='' if count == 1 else 's')) if display: for user in users:'@{name}'.format(name=user['screen_name'])) sleep.sleep_interval() # Sleep to prevent API rate limit return users
def search_tweets(api, term, limit=100, display=True): """Search for tweets containing specified term.""" log.success('Gathering {count} tweet{s} containing \'{term}\''.format( count=limit, s='' if limit == 1 else 's', term=term)) result = handle_request(tweepy.Cursor(, q=term).items(limit)) tweets = [] if result: for tweet in result: tweets += [{'id_str': tweet.id_str, 'text': tweet.text}] count = len(tweets) log.bold('{count} tweet{s} containing \'{term}\''.format( count=count, s='' if count == 1 else 's', term=term)) if display: for tweet in tweets:'{tweet}'.format(tweet=tweet['text'])) sleep.sleep_interval() # Sleep to prevent API rate limit return tweets
def window(self, value): """Define window.""" log.success('Updating request window to {value}'.format( value=self.pretty_time(value))) self.request_window = value
def interval(self, value): """Define interval.""" log.success('Updating request interval to {value}'.format( value=self.pretty_time(value))) self.request_interval = value