Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_variables(strings: list, parent_name: str, children: list,
                    variables: dict):
    Given a set of variables and values, place them into the variables dictionary.
    Variables are specified by '=' rather than ':', which indicates attributes.
    #print(strings, children, type(children[0]))
    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    key_values = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name, sep="=", num=1)

    for pair in key_values:
        name = pair[0]
        value = pair[1]
        val = None

        my_name = parent_name + ">" + name

        if len(value) > 0:
            if value[0] == '#':
                val = get_subobject(value, children, my_name, variables)

                val = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            raise SyntaxError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo character string following equality sign."\

        variables[name] = val
    return variables
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_colour(strings: list, parent_name: str, variables: dict):
    Parse string representation of a colour.
    If No value is given, raise ValueError
    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    colours = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name)

    if len(colours) != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "\nFile Trace: {0}\nInvalid number of colour attributes:\n {1}".
            format(parent_name, string))
        name = colours[0][0]
        value = colours[0][1]

        if name == col_name:
            # value is one of the default colour names
            return colour.get_colour_name(value, parent_name)

        cols = value.split(",")
        vec = [0] * len(cols)
        i = 0
        while i < len(cols):
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(cols[i], parent_name, variables)
            if tmp == None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "\nStack Trace: {0}\nMissing colour component.\n '{1}'".
                vec[i] = tmp
            i += 1

        if name == "" or name == rgb_str:
            if len(cols) != 3:
                raise ValueError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nInvalid rgb colour length\n string: '{1}'"\
                                 .format(parent_name, value))
                return tuple(vec)
            raise NameError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nUnknown name: '{1}'".format(
                parent_name, name))
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_vector(strings: list, parent_name: str, variables: dict):
    Given a string representation of a vector parse it.
    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    key_values = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name)

    if len(key_values) != 1:
        raise ValueError("\nFile Trace: {0}\nInvalid number of Vector attributes:\n '{1}'"\
                         .format(parent_name, string))
        name = key_values[0][0]
        value = key_values[0][1]

        string_ls = value.split(",")
        n = len(string_ls)

        vec = [0] * n
        i = 0
        while i < n:
            sub_str = string_ls[i]

            if sub_str == '':
                raise ValueError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nCannot Make vector of zero length."\
                tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(sub_str, parent_name, variables)
                if tmp == None:
                    raise ValueError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nMissing vector component.\n '{1}'"\
                    vec[i] = tmp
            i += 1

        if name == "" or name == cart_str:
            return vector.Vector(vec)
        elif name == polar_str:
            radius = vec[0]
            angles = vec[1:len(vec)]
            return vector.Vector.polar_vector(radius, angles)
            raise NameError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nUnknown keyword '{1}'."\
                            .format(parent_name, name))
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_screen(strings: list, child_obj: list, parent_name, variables: dict):
    Given a string that represents a screen object, and a set of the subchildren,
    return the screen object.

    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    key_values = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name)

    width = constants.screen_width
    height = constants.screen_height

    screen_col = colour.white
    text_col = colour.black

    msg = None
    title_size = 100
    label_size = 50

    scale = -1

    for pair in key_values:
        name = pair[0]
        value = pair[1]

        my_name = parent_name + ">" + name

        if name == w_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                width = int(tmp)

        elif name == h_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                height = int(tmp)

        elif name == scl_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                scale = tmp

        elif name == back_str:
            screen_col = get_colour_key_value(value, child_obj, my_name,
        elif name == txt_col_str:
            text_col = get_colour_key_value(value, child_obj, my_name,

        elif name == default_msg:
            msg = value

        elif name == title_size_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                title_size = int(tmp)
        elif name == label_size_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                label_size = int(tmp)

        elif name == '':
            line_eqs = parse.parse_key_values(value,
            # this should be length 1
            err = False

            if not isinstance(line_eqs, tuple):
                err = True
            elif line_eqs[0] == '':
                err = True

            if err:
                raise SyntaxError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo Attribute corresponds to\nString: '{1}'"\
                                  .format(parent_name, value))
                var = line_eqs[0]
                val = parse.parse_maths_string(line_eqs[1],
                                               parent_name + ">" + var,

                variables[var] = val

            raise NameError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nUnknown keyword '{1}'"\
                           .format(parent_name, name))

    return draw.UniverseScreen(width, height, scale, screen_col, text_col,
                               label_size, title_size, msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_body(strings: list, child_obj: list, parent_name: str,
               variables: dict):
    Given a string that represents a body object, and it's children objects, 
    return a body object.

    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    key_values = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name)
    #print("Body objects:", child_obj)
    X = None
    V = None

    mass = 0
    charge = 0
    radius = 0
    col = colour.black
    name = ""

    trail_col = colour.white
    max_trail = 0
    skip_num = 0

    anchor = False
    elasticity = 1
    collide = False
    drag = False

    for pair in key_values:
        keyword = pair[0]
        value = pair[1]

        key_name = parent_name + ">" + keyword

        if keyword == x_str:
            X = get_vector_key_value(value, child_obj, key_name, variables)

        elif keyword == v_str:
            V = get_vector_key_value(value, child_obj, key_name, variables)

        elif keyword == m_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, key_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                mass = tmp

        elif keyword == q_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, key_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                charge = tmp

        elif keyword == r_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, key_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                radius = tmp

        elif keyword == name_str:
            name = value

        elif keyword == col_str:
            col = get_colour_key_value(value, child_obj, key_name, variables)

        elif keyword == anch_str:
            anchor = True
            if value != "":
                anchor = get_bool(value, parent_name)

        elif keyword == collide_str:
            collide = True
            if value != "":
                collide = get_bool(value, parent_name)
        elif keyword == elast_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, key_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                elasticity = tmp

        elif keyword == drag_str:
            drag = True
            if value != "":
                drag = get_bool(value, parent_name)

        elif keyword == trail_col_str:
            trail_col = get_colour_key_value(value, child_obj, key_name,
        elif keyword == skip_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, key_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                skip_num = int(tmp)
        elif keyword == max_trail_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, key_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                max_trail = int(tmp)

        elif keyword == '':
            line_eqs = parse.parse_key_values(value,
            # this should be length 1
            err = False

            if not isinstance(line_eqs, tuple):
                err = True
            elif line_eqs[0] == '':
                err = True

            if err:
                raise SyntaxError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo Attribute corresponds to\nString: '{1}'"\
                                  .format(parent_name, value))
                var = line_eqs[0]
                val = parse.parse_maths_string(line_eqs[1],
                                               parent_name + ">" + var,

                variables[var] = val

            raise NameError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nUnknown keyword '{1}'"\
                           .format(parent_name, keyword))

    if X == None:
        raise ValueError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo Position vector was passed to body '{1}'."\
                         .format(parent_name, string))
    if V == None:
        raise ValueError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo Velocity vector was passed to body '{1}'."\
                         .format(parent_name, string))

    id = -1
    b = body.Body(id, X, V, mass, radius, charge, col, name)

    # final adjustments
    if anchor:

    b.can_collide = collide
    b.elasticity = elasticity

    b.drag = drag

    b.trail_history.max_num = max_trail
    b.trail_history.colour = trail_col
    b.trail_history.skip_num = skip_num

    #print(b.trail_history, name, b.trail_history.max_num)
    return b
Exemplo n.º 6
def parse_universe(strings: list, children_obj, parent_name: str,
                   variables: dict):
    Given a string that represents a universe object, and it's children objects,
    return a universe object.
    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    key_values = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name)

    # skim bodies out from universe object.
    child_num = 0
    for child in children_obj:
        if isinstance(child, body.Body):
            child_num += 1
            child.id = child_num

    bodies = [None] * child_num
    i = 0
    c = 0
    while c < child_num:
        obj = children_obj[i]
        if isinstance(obj, body.Body):
            bodies[c] = obj
            c += 1
        i += 1

    # format remainding values.
    dim = 2
    centre = None
    resistance = False
    energy_consv = False

    passed_dim = False

    max_speed = -1
    relativistic = False

    disp_trail = False
    assertion = False
    random = False
    shuffle_body = False

    wall = None
    elasticity = 1
    all_wall_collide = True

    can_control = False

    nlaw = 2
    nmetric = 2

    for pair in key_values:
        keyword = pair[0]
        value = pair[1]

        my_name = parent_name + ">" + keyword

        if keyword == dim_str:
            dim = int(value)
            passed_dim = True

        elif keyword == centre_str:
            centre = get_vector_key_value(value, children_obj, my_name,

        elif keyword == rest_str:
            resistance = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == energy_consv_str:
            energy_consv = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == max_v_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                max_speed = tmp
        elif keyword == relat_str:
            relativistic = True
            if value != "":
                relativistic = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == trail_str:
            disp_trail = True
            if value != "":
                disp_trail = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == wall_str:
            wall = get_vector_key_value(value, children_obj, my_name,
            if isinstance(wall, vector.Vector):
                # have vector so that the box is wall dimensions, rather than 2*wall dimensions
                wall = wall / 2

        elif keyword == elast_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                elasticity = tmp

        elif keyword == wall_collide_str:
            if value != "":
                all_wall_collide = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == control_str:
            can_control = True
            if value != "":
                can_control = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == nlaw_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                nlaw = tmp
        elif keyword == nmetric_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                nmetric = tmp

        elif keyword == assert_str:
            assertion = True
            if value != "":
                assertion = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == random_col_str:
            random = True
            if value != "":
                random = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == shuffle_str:
            shuffle_body = True
            if value != "":
                shuffle_body = get_bool(value, my_name)

        elif keyword == '':
            line_eqs = parse.parse_key_values(value,
            # this should be length 1
            err = False

            if not isinstance(line_eqs, tuple):
                err = True
            elif line_eqs[0] == '':
                err = True

            if err:
                raise SyntaxError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo Attribute corresponds to\nString: '{1}'"\
                                  .format(parent_name, value))
                var = line_eqs[0]
                val = parse.parse_maths_string(line_eqs[1],
                                               parent_name + ">" + var,

                variables[var] = val

            raise NameError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nUnknown keyword '{1}'"\
                           .format(parent_name, keyword))

    if centre == None:
        centre = vector.Vector.zero_vector(dim)

    uni = universe.Universe(centre, *bodies)
    uni.resistance = resistance
    uni.conserve_energy = energy_consv

    uni.relativistic = relativistic
    uni.max_speed = max_speed

    uni.display_trails = disp_trail
    uni.random = random
    uni.assertion = assertion
    uni.shuffle = shuffle_body

    uni.wall = wall
    uni.elasticity = elasticity
    uni.all_wall_collide = all_wall_collide

    uni.can_control = can_control

    uni._nlaw = nlaw
    uni._nmetric = nmetric
    return uni
Exemplo n.º 7
def parse_constants(strings: list, parent_name: str, variables: dict):

    if len(strings) != 1:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 1)
    string = strings[0]

    key_values = parse.parse_key_values(string, parent_name)
    consts = constants.Constants()

    for pair in key_values:
        name = pair[0]
        value = pair[1]
        my_name = parent_name + ">" + name

        if name == g_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.G = tmp
        elif name == e_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.E = tmp
        elif name == R_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.R = tmp

        elif name == dist_err_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.distance_error = tmp

        elif name == t_del_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.time_delay = int(tmp)
        elif name == update_num_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.update_number = int(tmp)
        elif name == time_step_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.time_step = tmp

        elif name == max_dist_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.max_dist = tmp

        elif name == warning_str:
            if value != "":
                b = get_bool(value, my_name)
                consts.warning = b
                consts.warning_possible = b

        elif name == random_seed_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.seed = tmp

        elif name == control_scale_str:
            tmp = parse.parse_maths_string(value, my_name, variables)
            if tmp != None:
                consts.control_scale = tmp

        elif name == '':
            line_eqs = parse.parse_key_values(value,
            # this should be length 1
            err = False

            if not isinstance(line_eqs, tuple):
                err = True
            elif line_eqs[0] == '':
                err = True

            if err:
                raise SyntaxError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nNo Attribute corresponds to\nString: '{1}'"\
                                  .format(parent_name, value))
                var = line_eqs[0]
                val = parse.parse_maths_string(line_eqs[1],
                                               parent_name + ">" + var,

                variables[var] = val

            raise NameError("\nStack Trace: {0}\nUnknown keyword '{1}'"\
                           .format(parent_name, name))

    return consts
Exemplo n.º 8
def parse_forloop(strings: list, parent_name: str, children, variables: dict):
    Given a for loop and set of arguments, return the iterator.
    Children is a parser object.
    if len(strings) != 2:
        param_error(parent_name, strings, 2)
    args = strings[0]
    string = strings[1]

    output = []

    # format parsing
    parts = args.split(";")
    if len(parts) != 3:
        raise SyntaxError("\nStack Trace: {0}\Invalid number of parameters in 'for' loop object.\nRequire three.\n '{1}'"\
                            .format(parent_name, args))

    start_str = parts[0]
    end_str = parts[1]
    loop_str = parts[2]
    i = 0 #start
    while i < N: #end
        i += 1 #loop

    start_pairs_full = parse.parse_key_values(start_str,
    loop_pairs_full = parse.parse_key_values(loop_str,

    start_pairs = start_pairs_full[0]
    loop_pairs = loop_pairs_full[0]

    i = start_pairs[0]
    j = loop_pairs[0]

    if len(start_pairs) > 1:
        variables[i] = parse.parse_maths_string(start_pairs[1], parent_name,

    cont = True
    while cont:
        check = parse.parse_maths_string(end_str, parent_name, variables)

        if not check:
            cont = False
            # MAIN BODY
            for child in children:
                result = child.objectify(variables, parent_name + ">")

            # end main body

            if len(loop_pairs) > 1:
                variables[j] = parse.parse_maths_string(
                    loop_pairs[1], parent_name, variables)

    return output