Exemplo n.º 1
def make_regular_pages(pages_struct, subdir):
	'''Main function to create regular pages.'''
	for page_group in pages_struct:
		# (info-prints)
		print("Page: ", os.path.join(subdir, page_group[0]))
		#print('Preprocessing:', page_group[0])
		#for subcontent in page_group[1:]:
		#	print(' Subcontent:', subcontent)
		#print('Page group:', page_group)
		# Preprocess page
		main_page_body_subst, plugin_blocks, plugin_blocks_pdf, main_page_tb_vals=preprocess_page_group(subdir, page_group)
		# (scan doctype)
		# Preprocess math content
		if config.PROCESS_MATH:
			main_page_body_subst_m = handle_math(subdir, page_group[0], main_page_body_subst)
			main_page_body_subst_m = main_page_body_subst
		# Generate the menus
		# main menu
		# (info-prints)
		#print('Generate main menu.')
		#print('Subdir:', subdir, 'Page group [0]:', page_group[0])
		main_menu=generate_main_menu(subdir, page_group[0])
		# section menu
		# (info-prints)
		#print('Generate section menu.')
		section_menu_list=generate_section_menu(subdir, page_group[0])
		# Finalize this page
		# prepare for final output
		final_opts, out_filepath=prepare_final(subdir, page_group, main_page_tb_vals, main_menu, section_menu_list, body_doctype)
		# (debug-print)
		#print("main page body subst: ", main_page_body_subst)
		# final pandoc processing
		final_html_subst=pandoc_pipe(main_page_body_subst_m, final_opts)
		# (debug-print)
		#print("final html subst: ", final_html_subst)
		# back substitute
		if plugin_blocks != []:
			final_html=back_substitute(final_html_subst, plugin_blocks)
		# write out
		# (info-print)
		print('Writing:', out_filepath)
		write_out(final_html, out_filepath)
		# PDF production
		if config.PRODUCE_PDF:
			# (info-print)
			print("Produce a PDF.")
			# (plugins must provide blocks for pdf's)
			generate_pdf(subdir, page_group[0], main_page_body_subst, plugin_blocks_pdf, main_page_tb_vals)
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_pdf(subdir, filename_md, page_body_subst, plugin_blocks_pdf, title_block_vals):
	'''Main PDF generator function.'''
	# working directory
	# needs to be the CONTENT_DIR to include images atm.,
	# (--> could evtl. be improved)
	# the directory is cleaned up and the resulting PDF 
	# is _moved_ to PUBLISH_DIR below,
	wd = os.path.join(config.CONTENT_DIR, subdir)
	filename_pdf = filename_md.split('.')[0]+'.pdf'
	# back substitute the plugin blocks into the page body
	if plugin_blocks_pdf != []:
		# (debug-print)
		#print("plugin blocks pdf: ", plugin_blocks_pdf)
		page_body = back_substitute(page_body_subst, plugin_blocks_pdf)
		page_body = page_body_subst
	# create pandoc options for title block values
	opts = []
	for index, tb_value in enumerate(title_block_vals):
	# (debug-print)
	#print("page body (for pdf):", page_body)
	# set working directory to the respective content subdir
	cwd = os.getcwd()
	# call pandoc
	pandoc_command = ['pandoc', '-o', filename_pdf]
	args = pandoc_command+opts
	proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
	input = page_body.encode()
	stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(input=input)
	# cleanup the subdir from temporary files
	files = os.listdir('.')
	tmpfiles = []
	for file in files:
		if '-eps-converted-to.pdf' in file:
	for tmpfile in tmpfiles:
	# move the pdf to the publish directory
	inpath = os.path.join(wd, filename_pdf)
	outdir = os.path.join(config.PUBLISH_DIR, subdir)
	# (using copy + remove since shutil.move doesn't overwrite)
	shutil.copy(inpath, outdir)