Exemplo n.º 1
class EventExecutor(threading.Thread):
    Polls the event queue and executes event handlers for each event
    def __init__(self, event_queue):
        self.__event_queue = event_queue
        # TODO: several handlers for one event
        self.__event_handlers = {}
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def run(self):
        while True:
            event_msg = self.__event_queue.get()
            event = event_msg.topic.rpartition('/')[2]
            if event in self.__event_handlers:
                handler = self.__event_handlers[event]
                    self.log.debug("Executing handler for event %r" % event)
                    self.log.exception("Error processing %r event" % event)

                self.log.debug("Event handler not found for event : %r" % event)

    def register_event_handler(self, event, handler):
        self.__event_handlers[event] = handler

    def terminate(self):
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading environment variables...")
        clustering_enable= os.environ.get('CLUSTER')

        if clustering_enable == 'true':

            # start server
            log.info("Starting Hadoop Namenode ...")

            format_namenode_command = "exec ${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop namenode -format"
            env_var = os.environ.copy()
            p = subprocess.Popen(format_namenode_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()

            start_command = "exec ${HADOOP_HOME}/sbin/start-all.sh"
            env_var = os.environ.copy()
            p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()

            log.debug("Hadoop Namenode started successfully")


            # start server
            log.info("Starting Hadoop Datanode ...")

            start_command = "exec ${HADOOP_HOME}/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start datanode"
            env_var = os.environ.copy()
            p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()

            log.debug("Hadoop Datanode started successfully")
class DefaultHealthStatisticsReader(IHealthStatReaderPlugin):
    Default implementation for the health statistics reader

    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultHealthStatisticsReader, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def stat_cartridge_health(self, ca_health_stat):
        ca_health_stat.memory_usage = DefaultHealthStatisticsReader.__read_mem_usage()
        ca_health_stat.load_avg = DefaultHealthStatisticsReader.__read_load_avg()

        self.log.debug("Memory read: %r, CPU read: %r" % (ca_health_stat.memory_usage, ca_health_stat.load_avg))
        return ca_health_stat

    def __read_mem_usage():
        return psutil.virtual_memory().percent

    def __read_load_avg():
        (one, five, fifteen) = os.getloadavg()
        cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

        return (one / cores) * 100
Exemplo n.º 4
 def run_plugin(self, values):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
     # php_start_command = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND"
     php_start_command = "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart"
     p = subprocess.Popen(php_start_command, shell=True)
     output, errors = p.communicate()
     log.debug("Apache server started: [command] %s, [output] %s" % (php_start_command, output))
Exemplo n.º 5
class EventSubscriber(threading.Thread):
    Provides functionality to subscribe to a given topic on the Stratos MB and
    register event handlers for various events.

    def __init__(self, topic, ip, port):

        self.__event_queue = Queue(maxsize=0)
        self.__event_executor = EventExecutor(self.__event_queue)

        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        self.__mb_client = None
        self.__topic = topic
        self.__subscribed = False
        self.__ip = ip
        self.__port = port

    def run(self):
        #  Start the event executor thread
        self.__mb_client = mqtt.Client()
        self.__mb_client.on_connect = self.on_connect
        self.__mb_client.on_message = self.on_message

        self.log.debug("Connecting to the message broker with address %r:%r" % (self.__ip, self.__port))
        self.__mb_client.connect(self.__ip, self.__port, 60)
        self.__subscribed = True

    def register_handler(self, event, handler):
        Adds an event handler function mapped to the provided event.
        :param str event: Name of the event to attach the provided handler
        :param handler: The handler function
        :return: void
        :rtype: void
        self.__event_executor.register_event_handler(event, handler)
        self.log.debug("Registered handler for event %r" % event)

    def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
        self.log.debug("Connected to message broker.")
        self.log.debug("Subscribed to %r" % self.__topic)

    def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
        self.log.debug("Message received: %s:\n%s" % (msg.topic, msg.payload))

    def is_subscribed(self):
        Checks if this event subscriber is successfully subscribed to the provided topic
        :return: True if subscribed, False if otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        return self.__subscribed
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]

        mgt_console_https_port = None
        pt_http_port = None
        pt_https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:9443;
        #                          NAME:pt-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;
        #                          NAME:pt-https|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4502|PROXY_PORT:7243"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "mgt-console" and protocol == "https":
                        mgt_console_https_port = port
                    if name == "pt-http" and protocol == "http":
                        pt_http_port = port
                    if name == "pt-https" and protocol == "https":
                        pt_https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service management console https port: %s" % mgt_console_https_port)
        log.info("Kubernetes service pass-through http port: %s" % pt_http_port)
        log.info("Kubernetes service pass-through https port: %s" % pt_https_port)

        # export environment variables
        self.export_env_var('CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT', mgt_console_https_port)
        self.export_env_var('CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTP_PROXY_PORT', pt_http_port)
        self.export_env_var('CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT', pt_https_port)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring WSO2 ESB...")
        config_command = "python /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("WSO2 ESB configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting WSO2 ESB...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 ESB started successfully")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/startup.sh"
        log.info("Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s" % tomcat_start_command)

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started: [command] %s, [output] %s" % (p.args, output))
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]

        mgt_console_https_port = None
        pt_http_port = None
        pt_https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:9443"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "mgt-console" and protocol == "https":
                        mgt_console_https_port = port
                    if name == "pt-http" and protocol == "http":
                        pt_http_port = port
                    if name == "pt-https" and protocol == "https":
                        pt_https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service management console https port: %s" % mgt_console_https_port)

        if mgt_console_https_port is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = .*/CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = %s/g\" %s" % (mgt_console_https_port, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/templates/wso2is-5.0.0/configs.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated management console https proxy port: %s in IS template module" % mgt_console_https_port)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring WSO2 IS...")
        config_command = "exec /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("WSO2 IS configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS started successfully")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        # start server
        log.info("Starting APACHE STORM SUPERVISOR...")

        start_command = "${CARBON_HOME}/bin/storm supervisor"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("APACHE STORM SUPERVISOR started successfully")
Exemplo n.º 10
    def execute_script(bash_file, extension_values):
        """ Execute the given bash files in the <PCA_HOME>/extensions/bash folder
        :param bash_file: name of the bash file to execute
        :return: tuple of (output, errors)
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        command = working_dir[:-2] + "bash/" + bash_file
        current_env_vars = os.environ.copy()

        log.debug("Execute bash script :: %s" % command)
        p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=extension_values)
        output, errors = p.communicate()

        return output, errors
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring APACHE STORM UI...")
        config_command = "exec /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("APACHE STORM UI configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting APACHE STORM UI...")

        start_command = "${CARBON_HOME}/bin/storm ui"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("APACHE STORM UI started successfully")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        event_name = values["EVENT"]
        log.debug("Running extension for %s" % event_name)
        extension_values = {}
        for key in values.keys():
            extension_values["STRATOS_" + key] = values[key]
            # log.debug("%s => %s" % ("STRATOS_" + key, extension_values["STRATOS_" + key]))

            output, errors = ExtensionExecutor.execute_script(event_name + ".sh")
        except OSError:
            raise RuntimeError("Could not find an extension file for event %s" % event_name)

        if len(errors) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Extension execution failed for script %s: %s" % (event_name, errors))

        log.info("%s Extension executed. [output]: %s" % (event_name, output))
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Starting tomcat metadata publisher...")
        # publish callback and issuer id from tomcat for IS to pickup
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        # hostname_entry = {"key": "TOMCAT_HOSTNAME", "values": member_hostname}
        cluster_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        tomcat_http_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "tomcat-http" and protocol == "http":
                        tomcat_http_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of tomcat http transport: %s" % tomcat_http_port)

        callback_url = "http://%s:%s/travelocity.com/home.jsp" % (cluster_hostname, tomcat_http_port)

        callback_url_property = {"key": "CALLBACK_URL", "values": [callback_url]}
        mdsclient.put(callback_url_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: CALLBACK_URL: %s" % callback_url)

        issuer_property = {"key": "SSO_ISSUER", "values": ["travelocity.com"]}
        mdsclient.put(issuer_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: SSO_ISSUER: travelocity.com")

        log.info("Tomcat metadata publisher completed")
Exemplo n.º 14
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting tomcat server starter plugin...")

        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
            log.debug("Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s" % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get("SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" % saml_endpoint)

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
        log.info("Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s" % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        tomcat_http_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "tomcat-http" and protocol == "http":
                        tomcat_http_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of tomcat http transport: %s" % tomcat_http_port)
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = tomcat_http_port

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")

        log.info("Tomcat server starter plugin completed")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        f = open(TEMP_FILE_PATH, "w+")
            "USE mysql;\n"
            "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\n"
            "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n"
            "UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('" + MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD + "') WHERE user='******';")

        log.info("Temp File created")

        mysql_command = "/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --verbose=0 < "+TEMP_FILE_PATH
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(mysql_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("%s file executed" %TEMP_FILE_PATH)

        mysql_start_command = "service mysql restart"
        p = subprocess.Popen(mysql_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("mysql started successfully")

        # get local ip as to export to metadata
        get_local_ip_cmd = "awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' /etc/hosts"
        local_ip = subprocess.check_output(get_local_ip_cmd, shell=True)

        if local_ip is not None:
            local_ip = local_ip[0:-1]
        log.info("local IP from /etc/hosts : %s " % local_ip)

        # publishing to metadata service
        mysql_host = {"key": "MYSQL_HOST", "values": local_ip}
        mysql_password = {"key": "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", "values": MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}
        mysql_username = {"key": "MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME", "values": "root"}

Exemplo n.º 16
    def execute_script(bash_file, extension_values):
        """ Execute the given bash files in the <PCA_HOME>/extensions/bash folder
        :param bash_file: name of the bash file to execute
        :return: tuple of (output, errors)
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        command = working_dir[:-2] + "bash/" + bash_file
        current_env_vars = os.environ.copy()

        log.debug("Execute bash script :: %s" % command)
        p = subprocess.Popen(command,
        output, errors = p.communicate()

        return output, errors
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
            log.debug("Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s" % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get("SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" % saml_endpoint)

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
        log.info("Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s" % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint

        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]
        payload_ports = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"].split("|")
        if values.get("LB_CLUSTER_ID") is not None:
            port_no = payload_ports[2].split(":")[1]
            port_no = payload_ports[1].split(":")[1]
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = port_no

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")
Exemplo n.º 18
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        event_name = values["EVENT"]
        log.debug("Running extension for %s" % event_name)
        extension_values = {}
        for key in values.keys():
            extension_values["STRATOS_" + key] = values[key]
            os.environ["STRATOS_" + key] = values[key]
            # log.debug("%s => %s" % ("STRATOS_" + key, extension_values["STRATOS_" + key]))

            output, errors = ExtensionExecutor.execute_script(
                event_name + ".sh", extension_values)
        except OSError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Could not find an extension file for event %s" % event_name)

        if len(errors) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Extension execution failed for script %s: %s" %
                               (event_name, errors))

        log.info("%s Extension executed. [output]: %s" % (event_name, output))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get(
                    "SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" %

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
            "Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s"
            % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint

        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]
        payload_ports = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"].split("|")
        if values.get("LB_CLUSTER_ID") is not None:
            port_no = payload_ports[2].split(":")[1]
            port_no = payload_ports[1].split(":")[1]
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = port_no

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")
Exemplo n.º 20
    class __CartridgeAgentConfiguration:
        def __init__(self):
            # set log level
            self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

            self.__payload_params = {}
            self.__properties = None
            """ :type : ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser """


            self.application_id = None
            """ :type : str """
            self.service_group = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_clustered = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.member_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.network_partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cartridge_key = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.app_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.repo_url = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.ports = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.log_file_paths = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.is_multitenant = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.persistence_mappings = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_commits_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.is_checkout_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.listen_address = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_internal_repo = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.tenant_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.min_count = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_private_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_public_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.super_tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.deployment = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.manager_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.worker_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.dependant_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.export_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.import_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_primary = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.artifact_update_interval = None
            """ :type : str """
            self.lvs_virtual_ip = None
            """ :type : str """

            self.initialized = False
            """ :type : bool """

                self.service_group = self.__payload_params[constants.SERVICE_GROUP] \
                    if constants.SERVICE_GROUP in self.__payload_params \
                    else None

                if constants.CLUSTERING in self.__payload_params and \
                        str(self.__payload_params[constants.CLUSTERING]).strip().lower() == "true":
                    self.is_clustered = True
                    self.is_clustered = False

                self.application_id = self.read_property(constants.APPLICATION_ID)
                self.service_name = self.read_property(constants.SERVICE_NAME)
                self.cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.CLUSTER_ID)
                self.cluster_instance_id = self.read_property(constants.CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ID, False)
                self.member_id = self.read_property(constants.MEMBER_ID, False)
                self.network_partition_id = self.read_property(constants.NETWORK_PARTITION_ID, False)
                self.partition_id = self.read_property(constants.PARTITION_ID, False)
                self.cartridge_key = self.read_property(constants.CARTRIDGE_KEY)
                self.app_path = self.read_property(constants.APPLICATION_PATH, False)
                self.repo_url = self.read_property(constants.REPO_URL, False)
                self.ports = str(self.read_property(constants.PORTS)).split("|")
                self.dependant_cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.DEPENDENCY_CLUSTER_IDS, False)
                self.export_metadata_keys = self.read_property(constants.EXPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)
                self.import_metadata_keys = self.read_property(constants.IMPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)
                self.lvs_virtual_ip = self.read_property(constants.LVS_VIRTUAL_IP,False)

                    self.log_file_paths = str(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read log file path : %r" % ex.get_message())
                    self.log_file_paths = None

                is_multi_str = self.read_property(constants.MULTITENANT)
                self.is_multitenant = True if str(is_multi_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                    self.persistence_mappings = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read persistence mapping : %r" % ex.get_message())
                    self.persistence_mappings = None

                    is_commit_str = self.read_property(constants.COMMIT_ENABLED)
                    self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                        is_commit_str = self.read_property(constants.AUTO_COMMIT)
                        self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                    except ParameterNotFoundException:
                            "%r is not found and setting it to false" % constants.COMMIT_ENABLED)
                        self.is_commits_enabled = False

                auto_checkout_str = self.read_property(constants.AUTO_CHECKOUT, False)
                self.is_checkout_enabled = True if str(auto_checkout_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                self.listen_address = self.read_property(
                    constants.LISTEN_ADDRESS, False)

                    int_repo_str = self.read_property(constants.INTERNAL)
                    self.is_internal_repo = True if str(int_repo_str).strip().lower() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.log.info(" INTERNAL payload parameter is not found")
                    self.is_internal_repo = False

                self.tenant_id = self.read_property(constants.TENANT_ID)
                self.lb_cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.LB_CLUSTER_ID, False)
                self.min_count = self.read_property(constants.MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT, False)
                self.lb_private_ip = self.read_property(constants.LB_PRIVATE_IP, False)
                self.lb_public_ip = self.read_property(constants.LB_PUBLIC_IP, False)
                self.tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(constants.TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)
                self.super_tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(constants.SUPER_TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)

                    self.deployment = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - manager service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.manager_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - worker service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.worker_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                    self.is_primary = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.is_primary = None

                    self.artifact_update_interval = self.read_property(constants.ARTIFACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.artifact_update_interval = "10"

            except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                raise RuntimeError(ex)

            self.log.info("Cartridge agent configuration initialized")

            self.log.debug("service-name: %r" % self.service_name)
            self.log.debug("cluster-id: %r" % self.cluster_id)
            self.log.debug("cluster-instance-id: %r" % self.cluster_instance_id)
            self.log.debug("member-id: %r" % self.member_id)
            self.log.debug("network-partition-id: %r" % self.network_partition_id)
            self.log.debug("partition-id: %r" % self.partition_id)
            self.log.debug("cartridge-key: %r" % self.cartridge_key)
            self.log.debug("app-path: %r" % self.app_path)
            self.log.debug("repo-url: %r" % self.repo_url)
            self.log.debug("ports: %r" % str(self.ports))
            self.log.debug("lb-private-ip: %r" % self.lb_private_ip)
            self.log.debug("lb-public-ip: %r" % self.lb_public_ip)
            self.log.debug("dependant_cluster_id: %r" % self.dependant_cluster_id)
            self.log.debug("export_metadata_keys: %r" % self.export_metadata_keys)
            self.log.debug("import_metadata_keys: %r" % self.import_metadata_keys)
            self.log.debug("artifact.update.interval: %r" % self.artifact_update_interval)
            self.log.debug("lvs-virtual-ip: %r" % self.lvs_virtual_ip)

        def __read_conf_file(self):
            Reads and stores the agent's configuration file
            :return: void

            conf_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/agent.conf"
            self.log.debug("Config file path : %r" % conf_file_path)
            self.__properties = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

            # set calculated values
            param_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/payload/launch-params"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH, param_file)

            plugins_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/plugins"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PLUGINS_DIR, plugins_dir)

            plugins_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/extensions/py"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.EXTENSIONS_DIR, plugins_dir)

        def __read_parameter_file(self):
            Reads the payload file of the cartridge and stores the values in a dictionary
            :return: void

            param_file = self.read_property(constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH, False)
            self.log.debug("Param file path : %r" % param_file)

                if param_file is not None:
                    metadata_file = open(param_file)
                    metadata_payload_content = metadata_file.read()
                    for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","):
                        if param.strip() != "":
                            param_value = param.strip().split("=")
                                if str(param_value[1]).strip().lower() == "null" or str(param_value[1]).strip() == "":
                                    self.__payload_params[param_value[0]] = None
                                    self.__payload_params[param_value[0]] = param_value[1]
                            except IndexError:
                                # If an index error comes when reading values, keep on reading

                    # self.payload_params = dict(
                    #     param.split("=") for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","))
                    self.log.error("File not found: %r" % param_file)
            except Exception as e:
                    "Could not read launch parameter file: %s" % e)

        def read_property(self, property_key, critical=True):
            Returns the value of the provided property
            :param str property_key: the name of the property to be read
            :return: Value of the property,
            :rtype: str
            :exception: ParameterNotFoundException if the provided property cannot be found

            if self.__properties.has_option("agent", property_key):
                temp_str = self.__properties.get("agent", property_key)
                self.log.debug("Reading property: %s = %s", property_key, temp_str)
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str.strip() != "" and temp_str.strip().lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if property_key in self.__payload_params:
                temp_str = self.__payload_params[property_key]
                self.log.debug("Reading payload parameter: %s = %s", property_key, temp_str)
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str != "" and temp_str.strip().lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if critical:
                raise ParameterNotFoundException("Cannot find the value of required parameter: %r" % property_key)
                return None

        def get_payload_params(self):
            return self.__payload_params
Exemplo n.º 21
class DefaultArtifactCheckout(IArtifactCheckoutPlugin):
    Default implementation for the artifact checkout handling
    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultArtifactCheckout, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def checkout(self, repo_info):
        Checks out the code from the remote repository.
        If local repository path is empty, a clone operation is done.
        If there is a cloned repository already on the local repository path, a pull operation
        will be performed.
        If there are artifacts not in the repository already on the local repository path,
        they will be added to a git repository, the remote url added as origin, and then
        a pull operation will be performed.

        :param Repository repo_info: The repository information object
        :return: A tuple containing whether it was an initial clone or not, and if the repo was updated on
        subsequent calls or not
        :rtype: tuple(bool, bool)
        new_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)

        # check whether this is the first artifact updated event for this tenant
        existing_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id)
        if existing_git_repo is not None:
            # check whether this event has updated credentials for git repo
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(
            ) and new_git_repo.repo_url != existing_git_repo.repo_url:
                # add the new git_repo object with updated credentials to repo list

                # update the origin remote URL with new credentials
                    "Changes detected in git credentials for tenant: %s" %
                (output, errors) = AgentGitHandler.execute_git_command(
                    ["remote", "set-url", "origin", new_git_repo.repo_url],
                if errors.strip() != "":
                        "Failed to update git repo remote URL for tenant: %s" %

        git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
        if AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id) is not None:
            # has been previously cloned, this is not the subscription run
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(git_repo):
                    "Executing git pull: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                updated = AgentGitHandler.pull(git_repo)
                    "Git pull executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                # not a valid repository, might've been corrupted. do a re-clone
                    "Local repository is not valid. Doing a re-clone to purify."
                git_repo.cloned = False
                    "Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                    "Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            # subscribing run.. need to clone
            self.log.info("Cloning artifacts from %s for the first time to %s",
                          git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
                "Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s, [repo path] %s",
                git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url,
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                    "Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Git clone operation failed: %s" % e)
                # If first git clone is failed, execute retry_clone operation
                self.log.info("Retrying git clone operation...")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading the Complete Topology in order to get the dependent ip addresses ...")

        topology_str = values["TOPOLOGY_JSON"]
        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % topology_str)

        zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = None
        nimbus_member_default_private_ip = None

        if topology_str is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_str["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_str["serviceMap"][service_name]
                if service_name == "zookeeper" :
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        # add member map
                        for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                            member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                            if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

                if service_name == "nimbus" :
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        # add member map
                        for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                            member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                            if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                nimbus_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

        if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = .*/ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = %s/g\" %s" % (zookeeper_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/apache-storm-0.9.5/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated zookeeper hostname: %s in Apache Storm template module" % zookeeper_member_default_private_ip)

        if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = .*/ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = %s/g\" %s" % (nimbus_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/apache-storm-0.9.5/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated nimbus hostname: %s in Apache Storm template module" % nimbus_member_default_private_ip)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring Apache Storm Supervisor...")
        config_command = "exec /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("Apache Storm configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting Apache Storm...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/storm supervisor"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Apache Storm started successfully")
Exemplo n.º 23
class DefaultArtifactCheckout(IArtifactCheckoutPlugin):
    Default implementation for the artifact checkout handling

    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultArtifactCheckout, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def checkout(self, repo_info):
        Checks out the code from the remote repository.
        If local repository path is empty, a clone operation is done.
        If there is a cloned repository already on the local repository path, a pull operation
        will be performed.
        If there are artifacts not in the repository already on the local repository path,
        they will be added to a git repository, the remote url added as origin, and then
        a pull operation will be performed.

        :param Repository repo_info: The repository information object
        :return: A tuple containing whether it was an initial clone or not, and if the repo was updated on
        subsequent calls or not
        :rtype: tuple(bool, bool)
        new_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)

        # check whether this is the first artifact updated event for this tenant
        existing_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id)
        if existing_git_repo is not None:
            # check whether this event has updated credentials for git repo
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(
                    new_git_repo) and new_git_repo.repo_url != existing_git_repo.repo_url:
                # add the new git_repo object with updated credentials to repo list

                # update the origin remote URL with new credentials
                self.log.info("Changes detected in git credentials for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)
                (output, errors) = AgentGitHandler.execute_git_command(
                    ["remote", "set-url", "origin", new_git_repo.repo_url], new_git_repo.local_repo_path)
                if errors.strip() != "":
                    self.log.error("Failed to update git repo remote URL for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)

        git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
        if AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id) is not None:
            # has been previously cloned, this is not the subscription run
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(git_repo):
                self.log.debug("Executing git pull: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                updated = AgentGitHandler.pull(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git pull executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s [SUCCESS] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, updated)
                # not a valid repository, might've been corrupted. do a re-clone
                self.log.debug("Local repository is not valid. Doing a re-clone to purify.")
                git_repo.cloned = False
                self.log.debug("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)

                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            # subscribing run.. need to clone
            self.log.info("Cloning artifacts from %s for the first time to %s",
                          git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
            self.log.info("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s, [repo path] %s",
                          git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)

            if Config.backup_initial_artifacts:
                self.log.info("Default artifact backup disabled")

                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Git clone operation failed: %s" % e)
                # If first git clone is failed, execute retry_clone operation
                self.log.info("Retrying git clone operation...")

    def check_and_backup_initial_artifacts(self, initial_artifact_dir):
        verifies if there are any default artifacts by checking the 'initial_artifact_dir' and
        whether its empty, and takes a backup to a directory  initial_artifact_dir_backup in the
        same location

        :param initial_artifact_dir: path to local artifact directory
        # copy default artifacts (if any) to a a temp location
        # if directory name is dir, the backup directory name would be dir_backup
        if self.initial_artifacts_exists(initial_artifact_dir):
            self.log.info("Default artifacts exist at " + initial_artifact_dir)
            self.log.info("No default artifacts exist at " + initial_artifact_dir)

    def initial_artifacts_exists(self, dir):
            return os.path.exists(dir) and os.listdir(dir)
        except OSError as e:
            self.log.error('Unable to check if directory exists | non-empty, error: %s' % e)
            return False

    def backup_initial_artifacts(self, src):
        self.log.info('Initial artifacts exists, taking backup to ' + Utils.strip_trailing_slash(src)
                      + constants.BACKUP_DIR_SUFFIX +
                      ' directory')
            shutil.copytree(src, Utils.strip_trailing_slash(src) + constants.BACKUP_DIR_SUFFIX)
        except OSError as e:
            self.log.error('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting wso2is metadata handler...")

        # read tomcat app related values from metadata
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SSO_ISSUER and CALLBACK_URL to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None:
                if mds_response.properties.get("SSO_ISSUER") is None or \
                        mds_response.properties.get("CALLBACK_URL") is None:
                    mds_response = None
        # mds_response = mdsclient.get()
        issuer = mds_response.properties["SSO_ISSUER"]
        acs = mds_response.properties["CALLBACK_URL"]

        # add a service provider in the security/sso-idp-config.xml file
        # is_root = values["APPLICATION_PATH"]
        is_root = os.environ.get("CARBON_HOME")
        sso_idp_file = "%s/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml" % is_root

        # <SSOIdentityProviderConfig>
        #     <ServiceProviders>
        #         <ServiceProvider>
        #         <Issuer>wso2.my.dashboard</Issuer>
        #         <AssertionConsumerService>https://is.wso2.com/dashboard/acs</AssertionConsumerService>
        #         <SignAssertion>true</SignAssertion>
        #         <SignResponse>true</SignResponse>
        #         <EnableAttributeProfile>false</EnableAttributeProfile>
        #         <IncludeAttributeByDefault>false</IncludeAttributeByDefault>
        #         <Claims>
        #             <Claim>http://wso2.org/claims/role</Claim>
        #         </Claims>
        #         <EnableSingleLogout>false</EnableSingleLogout>
        #         <SingleLogoutUrl></SingleLogoutUrl>
        #         <EnableAudienceRestriction>true</EnableAudienceRestriction>
        #         <AudiencesList>
        #             <Audience>carbonServer</Audience>
        #         </AudiencesList>
        #         <ConsumingServiceIndex></ConsumingServiceIndex>
        #     </ServiceProvider>
        with open(sso_idp_file, "r") as f:
            sp_dom = parse(f)

        root_element = sp_dom.documentElement
        sps_element = sp_dom.getElementsByTagName("ServiceProviders")[0]

        sp_entry = sp_dom.createElement("ServiceProvider")

        sp_entry_issuer = sp_dom.createElement("Issuer")

        sp_entry_acs = sp_dom.createElement("AssertionConsumerService")

        sp_entry_sign_resp = sp_dom.createElement("SignResponse")

        sp_entry_sign_assert = sp_dom.createElement("SignAssertion")

        sp_entry_single_logout = sp_dom.createElement("EnableSingleLogout")

        sp_entry_attribute_profile = sp_dom.createElement(



        with open(sso_idp_file, 'w+') as f:
            root_element.writexml(f, newl="\n")
        # root_element.writexml(f)

        # data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("http://ip.jsontest.com/").read())
        # ip_entry = data["ip"]

        # publish SAML_ENDPOINT to metadata service
        # member_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        member_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        # read kubernetes service https port
        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if protocol == "https":
                        https_port = port

            "Kubernetes service port of wso2is management console https transport: %s"
            % https_port)

        saml_endpoint = "https://%s:%s/samlsso" % (member_hostname, https_port)
        saml_endpoint_property = {
            "key": "SAML_ENDPOINT",
            "values": [saml_endpoint]
        mdsclient.put(saml_endpoint_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: SAML_ENDPOINT: %s" %

        # start servers
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS server")

        # set configurations
        carbon_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/CLUSTER_HOST_NAME/%s/g\" %s" % (
            member_hostname, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(carbon_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set carbon.xml hostname")

        catalina_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/STRATOS_IS_PROXY_PORT/%s/g\" %s" % (

        p = subprocess.Popen(catalina_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set catalina-server.xml proxy port")

        wso2is_start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(wso2is_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS server started")

        log.info("wso2is metadata handler completed")
Exemplo n.º 25
class EventSubscriber(threading.Thread):
    Provides functionality to subscribe to a given topic on the Stratos MB and
    register event handlers for various events.

    def __init__(self, topic, ip, port, username, password):

        self.__event_queue = Queue(maxsize=0)
        self.__event_executor = EventExecutor(self.__event_queue)

        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        self.__mb_client = None
        self.__topic = topic
        self.__subscribed = False
        self.__ip = ip
        self.__port = port
        self.__username = username
        self.__password = password

    def run(self):
        #  Start the event executor thread
        self.__mb_client = mqtt.Client()
        self.__mb_client.on_connect = self.on_connect
        self.__mb_client.on_message = self.on_message
        if self.__username is not None:
            self.log.debug("Message broker credentials are... %s:%s" % (self.__username, self.__password))
            self.__mb_client.username_pw_set(self.__username, self.__password)

        self.log.debug("Connecting to the message broker with address %r:%r" % (self.__ip, self.__port))
        self.__mb_client.connect(self.__ip, self.__port, 60)
        self.__subscribed = True

    def register_handler(self, event, handler):
        Adds an event handler function mapped to the provided event.
        :param str event: Name of the event to attach the provided handler
        :param handler: The handler function
        :return: void
        :rtype: void
        self.__event_executor.register_event_handler(event, handler)
        self.log.debug("Registered handler for event %r" % event)

    def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
        self.log.debug("Connected to message broker.")
        self.log.debug("Subscribed to %r" % self.__topic)

    def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
        self.log.debug("Message received: %s:\n%s" % (msg.topic, msg.payload))

    def is_subscribed(self):
        Checks if this event subscriber is successfully subscribed to the provided topic
        :return: True if subscribed, False if otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        return self.__subscribed
Exemplo n.º 26
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # read tomcat app related values from metadata
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SSO_ISSUER and CALLBACK_URL to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None:
                if mds_response.properties.get("SSO_ISSUER") is None or \
                        mds_response.properties.get("CALLBACK_URL") is None:
                    mds_response = None
        # mds_response = mdsclient.get()
        issuer = mds_response.properties["SSO_ISSUER"]
        acs = mds_response.properties["CALLBACK_URL"]

        # add a service provider in the security/sso-idp-config.xml file
        # is_root = values["APPLICATION_PATH"]
        is_root = os.environ.get("CARBON_HOME")
        sso_idp_file = "%s/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml" % is_root

        # <SSOIdentityProviderConfig>
        #     <ServiceProviders>
        #         <ServiceProvider>
        #         <Issuer>wso2.my.dashboard</Issuer>
        #         <AssertionConsumerService>https://is.wso2.com/dashboard/acs</AssertionConsumerService>
        #         <SignAssertion>true</SignAssertion>
        #         <SignResponse>true</SignResponse>
        #         <EnableAttributeProfile>false</EnableAttributeProfile>
        #         <IncludeAttributeByDefault>false</IncludeAttributeByDefault>
        #         <Claims>
        #             <Claim>http://wso2.org/claims/role</Claim>
        #         </Claims>
        #         <EnableSingleLogout>false</EnableSingleLogout>
        #         <SingleLogoutUrl></SingleLogoutUrl>
        #         <EnableAudienceRestriction>true</EnableAudienceRestriction>
        #         <AudiencesList>
        #             <Audience>carbonServer</Audience>
        #         </AudiencesList>
        #         <ConsumingServiceIndex></ConsumingServiceIndex>
        #     </ServiceProvider>
        with open(sso_idp_file, "r") as f:
            sp_dom = parse(f)

        root_element = sp_dom.documentElement
        sps_element = sp_dom.getElementsByTagName("ServiceProviders")[0]

        sp_entry = sp_dom.createElement("ServiceProvider")

        sp_entry_issuer = sp_dom.createElement("Issuer")

        sp_entry_acs = sp_dom.createElement("AssertionConsumerService")

        sp_entry_sign_resp = sp_dom.createElement("SignResponse")

        sp_entry_sign_assert = sp_dom.createElement("SignAssertion")

        sp_entry_single_logout = sp_dom.createElement("EnableSingleLogout")

        sp_entry_attribute_profile = sp_dom.createElement(



        with open(sso_idp_file, 'w+') as f:
            root_element.writexml(f, newl="\n")
        # root_element.writexml(f)

        # data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("http://ip.jsontest.com/").read())
        # ip_entry = data["ip"]

        # publish SAML_ENDPOINT to metadata service
        # member_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        member_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]
        payload_ports = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"].split("|")
        if values.get("LB_CLUSTER_ID") is not None:
            port_no = payload_ports[2].split(":")[1]
            port_no = payload_ports[1].split(":")[1]
        saml_endpoint = "https://%s:%s/samlsso" % (member_hostname, port_no)
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        hostname_entry = {"key": "SAML_ENDPOINT", "values": saml_endpoint}
        properties_data = [hostname_entry]
        publish_data.properties = properties_data

        mdsclient.put(publish_data, app=True)

        # start servers
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS server")

        # set configurations
        carbon_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/CLUSTER_HOST_NAME/%s/g\" %s" % (
            member_hostname, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(carbon_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set carbon.xml hostname")

        catalina_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/STRATOS_IS_PROXY_PORT/%s/g\" %s" % (

        p = subprocess.Popen(catalina_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set catalina-server.xml proxy port")

        wso2is_start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(wso2is_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS server started")
Exemplo n.º 27
    class __CartridgeAgentConfiguration:
        def __init__(self):
            # set log level
            self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

            self.__payload_params = {}
            self.__properties = None
            """ :type : ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser """


            self.application_id = None
            """ :type : str """
            self.service_group = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_clustered = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.member_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.network_partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cartridge_key = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.app_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.repo_url = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.ports = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.log_file_paths = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.is_multitenant = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.persistence_mappings = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_commits_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.is_checkout_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.listen_address = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_internal_repo = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.tenant_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.min_count = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_private_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_public_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.super_tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.deployment = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.manager_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.worker_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.dependant_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.export_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.import_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_primary = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.artifact_update_interval = None
            """ :type : str """

            self.initialized = False
            """ :type : bool """

                self.service_group = self.__payload_params[constants.SERVICE_GROUP] \
                    if constants.SERVICE_GROUP in self.__payload_params \
                    else None

                if constants.CLUSTERING in self.__payload_params and \
                        str(self.__payload_params[constants.CLUSTERING]).strip().lower() == "true":
                    self.is_clustered = True
                    self.is_clustered = False

                self.application_id = self.read_property(
                self.service_name = self.read_property(constants.SERVICE_NAME)
                self.cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.CLUSTER_ID)
                self.cluster_instance_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ID, False)
                self.member_id = self.read_property(constants.MEMBER_ID, False)
                self.network_partition_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.NETWORK_PARTITION_ID, False)
                self.partition_id = self.read_property(constants.PARTITION_ID,
                self.cartridge_key = self.read_property(
                self.app_path = self.read_property(constants.APPLICATION_PATH,
                self.repo_url = self.read_property(constants.REPO_URL, False)
                self.ports = str(self.read_property(
                self.dependant_cluster_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.DEPENDENCY_CLUSTER_IDS, False)
                self.export_metadata_keys = self.read_property(
                    constants.EXPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)
                self.import_metadata_keys = self.read_property(
                    constants.IMPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)

                    self.log_file_paths = str(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read log file path : %r" %
                    self.log_file_paths = None

                is_multi_str = self.read_property(constants.MULTITENANT)
                self.is_multitenant = True if str(
                    is_multi_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                    self.persistence_mappings = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read persistence mapping : %r" %
                    self.persistence_mappings = None

                    is_commit_str = self.read_property(
                    self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(
                        is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                        is_commit_str = self.read_property(
                        self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(
                            is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                    except ParameterNotFoundException:
                            "%r is not found and setting it to false" %
                        self.is_commits_enabled = False

                auto_checkout_str = self.read_property(constants.AUTO_CHECKOUT,
                self.is_checkout_enabled = True if str(
                    auto_checkout_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                self.listen_address = self.read_property(
                    constants.LISTEN_ADDRESS, False)

                    int_repo_str = self.read_property(constants.INTERNAL)
                    self.is_internal_repo = True if str(
                        int_repo_str).strip().lower() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.log.info(" INTERNAL payload parameter is not found")
                    self.is_internal_repo = False

                self.tenant_id = self.read_property(constants.TENANT_ID)
                self.lb_cluster_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.LB_CLUSTER_ID, False)
                self.min_count = self.read_property(
                    constants.MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT, False)
                self.lb_private_ip = self.read_property(
                    constants.LB_PRIVATE_IP, False)
                self.lb_public_ip = self.read_property(constants.LB_PUBLIC_IP,
                self.tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(
                    constants.TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)
                self.super_tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(
                    constants.SUPER_TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)

                    self.deployment = self.read_property(constants.DEPLOYMENT)
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - manager service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.manager_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - worker service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.worker_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                    self.is_primary = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.is_primary = None

                    self.artifact_update_interval = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.artifact_update_interval = "10"

            except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                raise RuntimeError(ex)

            self.log.info("Cartridge agent configuration initialized")

            self.log.debug("service-name: %r" % self.service_name)
            self.log.debug("cluster-id: %r" % self.cluster_id)
            self.log.debug("cluster-instance-id: %r" %
            self.log.debug("member-id: %r" % self.member_id)
            self.log.debug("network-partition-id: %r" %
            self.log.debug("partition-id: %r" % self.partition_id)
            self.log.debug("cartridge-key: %r" % self.cartridge_key)
            self.log.debug("app-path: %r" % self.app_path)
            self.log.debug("repo-url: %r" % self.repo_url)
            self.log.debug("ports: %r" % str(self.ports))
            self.log.debug("lb-private-ip: %r" % self.lb_private_ip)
            self.log.debug("lb-public-ip: %r" % self.lb_public_ip)
            self.log.debug("dependant_cluster_id: %r" %
            self.log.debug("export_metadata_keys: %r" %
            self.log.debug("import_metadata_keys: %r" %
            self.log.debug("artifact.update.interval: %r" %

        def __read_conf_file(self):
            Reads and stores the agent's configuration file
            :return: void

            conf_file_path = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/agent.conf"
            self.log.debug("Config file path : %r" % conf_file_path)
            self.__properties = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

            # set calculated values
            param_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split(
                "modules")[0] + "/payload/launch-params"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH,

            plugins_dir = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/plugins"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PLUGINS_DIR, plugins_dir)

        def __read_parameter_file(self):
            Reads the payload file of the cartridge and stores the values in a dictionary
            :return: void

            param_file = self.read_property(constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH, False)
            self.log.debug("Param file path : %r" % param_file)

                if param_file is not None:
                    metadata_file = open(param_file)
                    metadata_payload_content = metadata_file.read()
                    for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","):
                        if param.strip() != "":
                            param_value = param.strip().split("=")
                                if str(param_value[1]).strip().lower(
                                ) == "null" or str(
                                        param_value[1]).strip() == "":
                                        param_value[0]] = None
                                        param_value[0]] = param_value[1]
                            except IndexError:
                                # If an index error comes when reading values, keep on reading

                    # self.payload_params = dict(
                    #     param.split("=") for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","))
                    self.log.error("File not found: %r" % param_file)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Could not read launch parameter file: %s" %

        def read_property(self, property_key, critical=True):
            Returns the value of the provided property
            :param str property_key: the name of the property to be read
            :return: Value of the property,
            :rtype: str
            :exception: ParameterNotFoundException if the provided property cannot be found

            if self.__properties.has_option("agent", property_key):
                temp_str = self.__properties.get("agent", property_key)
                self.log.debug("Reading property: %s = %s", property_key,
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str.strip(
                ) != "" and temp_str.strip().lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if property_key in self.__payload_params:
                temp_str = self.__payload_params[property_key]
                self.log.debug("Reading payload parameter: %s = %s",
                               property_key, temp_str)
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str != "" and temp_str.strip(
                ).lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if critical:
                raise ParameterNotFoundException(
                    "Cannot find the value of required parameter: %r" %
                return None

        def get_payload_params(self):
            return self.__payload_params
Exemplo n.º 28
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting wso2is metadata handler...")

        # read tomcat app related values from metadata
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
            log.debug("Waiting for SSO_ISSUER and CALLBACK_URL to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                      % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None:
                if mds_response.properties.get("SSO_ISSUER") is None or \
                        mds_response.properties.get("CALLBACK_URL") is None:
                    mds_response = None
        # mds_response = mdsclient.get()
        issuer = mds_response.properties["SSO_ISSUER"]
        acs = mds_response.properties["CALLBACK_URL"]

        # add a service provider in the security/sso-idp-config.xml file
        # is_root = values["APPLICATION_PATH"]
        is_root = os.environ.get("CARBON_HOME")
        sso_idp_file = "%s/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml" % is_root

        # <SSOIdentityProviderConfig>
        #     <ServiceProviders>
        #         <ServiceProvider>
        #         <Issuer>wso2.my.dashboard</Issuer>
        #         <AssertionConsumerService>https://is.wso2.com/dashboard/acs</AssertionConsumerService>
        #         <SignAssertion>true</SignAssertion>
        #         <SignResponse>true</SignResponse>
        #         <EnableAttributeProfile>false</EnableAttributeProfile>
        #         <IncludeAttributeByDefault>false</IncludeAttributeByDefault>
        #         <Claims>
        #             <Claim>http://wso2.org/claims/role</Claim>
        #         </Claims>
        #         <EnableSingleLogout>false</EnableSingleLogout>
        #         <SingleLogoutUrl></SingleLogoutUrl>
        #         <EnableAudienceRestriction>true</EnableAudienceRestriction>
        #         <AudiencesList>
        #             <Audience>carbonServer</Audience>
        #         </AudiencesList>
        #         <ConsumingServiceIndex></ConsumingServiceIndex>
        #     </ServiceProvider>
        with open(sso_idp_file, "r") as f:
            sp_dom = parse(f)

        root_element = sp_dom.documentElement
        sps_element = sp_dom.getElementsByTagName("ServiceProviders")[0]

        sp_entry = sp_dom.createElement("ServiceProvider")

        sp_entry_issuer = sp_dom.createElement("Issuer")

        sp_entry_acs = sp_dom.createElement("AssertionConsumerService")

        sp_entry_sign_resp = sp_dom.createElement("SignResponse")

        sp_entry_sign_assert = sp_dom.createElement("SignAssertion")

        sp_entry_single_logout = sp_dom.createElement("EnableSingleLogout")

        sp_entry_attribute_profile = sp_dom.createElement("EnableAttributeProfile")



        with open(sso_idp_file, 'w+') as f:
            root_element.writexml(f, newl="\n")
        # root_element.writexml(f)

        # data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("http://ip.jsontest.com/").read())
        # ip_entry = data["ip"]

        # publish SAML_ENDPOINT to metadata service
        # member_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        member_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        # read kubernetes service https port
        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if protocol == "https":
                        https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of wso2is management console https transport: %s" % https_port)

        saml_endpoint = "https://%s:%s/samlsso" % (member_hostname, https_port)
        saml_endpoint_property = {"key": "SAML_ENDPOINT", "values": [ saml_endpoint ]}
        mdsclient.put(saml_endpoint_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: SAML_ENDPOINT: %s" % saml_endpoint)

        # start servers
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS server")

        # set configurations
        carbon_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/CLUSTER_HOST_NAME/%s/g\" %s" % (member_hostname, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(carbon_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set carbon.xml hostname")

        catalina_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/STRATOS_IS_PROXY_PORT/%s/g\" %s" % (https_port, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(catalina_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set catalina-server.xml proxy port")

        wso2is_start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(wso2is_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS server started")

        log.info("wso2is metadata handler completed")
class DefaultArtifactCheckout(IArtifactCheckoutPlugin):
    Default implementation for the artifact checkout handling

    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultArtifactCheckout, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def checkout(self, repo_info):
        Checks out the code from the remote repository.
        If local repository path is empty, a clone operation is done.
        If there is a cloned repository already on the local repository path, a pull operation
        will be performed.
        If there are artifacts not in the repository already on the local repository path,
        they will be added to a git repository, the remote url added as origin, and then
        a pull operation will be performed.

        :param Repository repo_info: The repository information object
        :return: A tuple containing whether it was an initial clone or not, and if the repo was updated on
        subsequent calls or not
        :rtype: tuple(bool, bool)
        new_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)

        # check whether this is the first artifact updated event for this tenant
        existing_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id)
        if existing_git_repo is not None:
            # check whether this event has updated credentials for git repo
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(
                    new_git_repo) and new_git_repo.repo_url != existing_git_repo.repo_url:
                # add the new git_repo object with updated credentials to repo list

                # update the origin remote URL with new credentials
                self.log.info("Changes detected in git credentials for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)
                (output, errors) = AgentGitHandler.execute_git_command(
                    ["remote", "set-url", "origin", new_git_repo.repo_url], new_git_repo.local_repo_path)
                if errors.strip() != "":
                    self.log.error("Failed to update git repo remote URL for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)

        git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
        if AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id) is not None:
            # has been previously cloned, this is not the subscription run
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(git_repo):
                self.log.debug("Executing git pull: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                updated = AgentGitHandler.pull(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git pull executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s [SUCCESS] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, updated)
                # not a valid repository, might've been corrupted. do a re-clone
                self.log.debug("Local repository is not valid. Doing a re-clone to purify.")
                git_repo.cloned = False
                self.log.debug("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            # subscribing run.. need to clone
            self.log.info("Cloning artifacts from %s for the first time to %s",
                          git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
            self.log.info("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s, [repo path] %s",
                          git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Git clone operation failed: %s" % e)
                # If first git clone is failed, execute retry_clone operation
                self.log.info("Retrying git clone operation...")