def removeSymlink(): clearTerm() modules.createNewLine() modules.printBlue(col,"This option will remove the symlink created in option [7].") modules.printBlue(col,"If you haven't used option [7], then this isn't necessary.") modules.printBlue(col,"However, this should be safe to run.") modules.printBlue(col,"Unless you already have another airscript-ng in /usr/local/bin.") modules.createNewLine() try: if modules.yesNo("Remove the symbolic link?",col): if functions.checkExistingSymlink(): modules.createNewLine() modules.printSuccess(col, "Found airscript-ng in /usr/local/bin.") if bashReturnValue("rm -f /usr/local/bin/airscript-ng") == "0": modules.printSuccess(col, "Successfully deleted the symlink.") modules.printGreen(col, "Typing 'airscript-ng' will no longer invoke it.") else: raise ValueError else: raise FileNotFoundError except(FileNotFoundError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "Symlink not found. No need to remove anything.") except(ValueError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "An error occured while removing the symlink.") modules.printYellow(col, "Try running this manually: unlink /usr/local/bin/airscript-ng") finally: functions.menuOrExit()
def removeResidualFiles(): clearTerm() modules.createNewLine() if modules.yesNo("Confirm delete all residual files?", col): bashRun("rm ~/.airscriptNG/ -rf 2>/dev/null") modules.printSuccess(col, "Successfully removed the files.") functions.menuOrExit()
def updateAptPackagesFull(): functions.getDependencies() modules.createNewLine() if modules.yesNo("Run apt update and full-upgrade?", col): bashRun("apt update && apt full-upgrade -y" " && apt autoremove -y && apt autoclean") modules.createNewLine() modules.stashAndPullUpdate(col)
def fetchGitHubDeps(): clearTerm() try: modules.createNewLine() modules.printBlue( col, "This will clone aircrack-ng, reaver, pixiewps and mdk4 from GitHub." ) modules.printBlue( col, "This is not normally required, as the script will automatically get" ) modules.printBlue( col, "any missing dependencies from However, you can get them" ) modules.printBlue( col, "from GitHub instead of, if you want.") modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow( col, "Warning: This may result in compatibility or instability issues!" ) modules.printYellow( col, "Warning: Compilation may take longer due to different procedures." ) modules.createNewLine() if modules.yesNo("Confirm download from GitHub?", col): modules.cloneAircrackGitHub() modules.cloneReaverGitHub() modules.clonePixiewpsGitHub() modules.cloneMDK4Deps() modules.createNewLine() modules.printSuccess(col, "Successfully built all dependencies.") except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, Exception): modules.createNewLine() finally: functions.menuOrExit()
def createSymlink(): clearTerm() modules.createNewLine() modules.printBlue(col,"Creating a symbolic link allows you to run airscript-ng from anywhere.") modules.printBlue(col,"Essentially, this adds an entry in /usr/local/bin.") modules.printBlue(col,"Next time you want to run airscript-ng, just type 'airscript-ng'.") modules.printBlue(col,"You can run this from anywhere, any folder you want.") modules.printBlue(col,"If you change your mind, you can always delete this using option [8].") modules.createNewLine() try: if sys.argv[0].lower().startswith("./"): FILE_NAME = sys.argv[0][2:] elif sys.argv[0].lower().startswith("/usr/local/bin/"): raise TypeError else: FILE_NAME = sys.argv[0] if modules.yesNo("Create the symbolic link?",col): if not functions.checkExistingSymlink(): modules.createNewLine() modules.printSuccess(col, "Adding Symbolic link -> /usr/local/bin/airscript-ng") if bashReturnValue("ls /usr/local/bin") == "0": if bashReturnValue("echo $PATH | grep \"/usr/local/bin\"") == "0": if bashReturnValue("ln -sf $(find $(pwd) -name {}) /usr/local/bin/airscript-ng".format(FILE_NAME)) == "0": modules.printSuccess(col, "Successfully created the symlink.") modules.printGreen(col, "Now you can type 'airscript-ng' from anywhere.") modules.printGreen(col, "Go ahead, quit and try typing: airscript-ng") else: raise ValueError else: raise FileNotFoundError else: raise NotADirectoryError else: raise FileExistsError except(FileExistsError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "Symbolic link already exists. Will not overwrite.") modules.printYellow(col, "Is this an error? You can delete the link manually.") modules.printYellow(col, "Try running this: unlink /usr/local/bin/airscript-ng") except(ValueError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "An error occured while creating the symlink.") modules.printYellow(col, "Run this manually:") modules.printYellow(col, "ln -sf $(find $(pwd) -name {}) /usr/local/bin/airscript-ng".format( FILE_NAME)) except(FileNotFoundError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "Unable to find /usr/local/bin in the $PATH env variable.") modules.printYellow(col, "If $PATH doesn't exist, then how are you running this?") modules.printYellow(col, "Otherwise, you can add to your $PATH variable by following this guide.") modules.printYellow(col, "Visit:") except(NotADirectoryError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "Unable to find the /usr/local/bin directory.") modules.printYellow(col, "Please choose a linux distro that utilises this directory.") modules.printYellow(col, "Otherwise, I can't add the Symlink.") except(TypeError): modules.createNewLine() modules.printYellow(col, "Wrong method of invocation.") modules.printYellow(col, "You're probably running this using 'airscript-ng'.") modules.printYellow(col, "That won't work. You'll have to run it manually for this occasion.") modules.printYellow(col, "Please head to where Airscript-ng is stored.") modules.printYellow(col, "Then run it manually with: ./airscript-ng") modules.printYellow(col, "If you're confused, please consult the file.") finally: functions.menuOrExit()