Exemplo n.º 1
def test_code():
    """`Code` makers should return a random code"""

    # Configured with the default character set
    maker = text_makers.Code(quotas.Quota(4))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert len(assembled) == 4
    assert set(assembled).issubset(set(maker.default_charset))

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert len(finished) == 4
    assert set(assembled).issubset(set(maker.default_charset))

    # Configured with a custom charset
    custom_charset = 'ABCDEF1234567890'
    maker = text_makers.Code(quotas.Quota(6), custom_charset)

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert len(assembled) == 6
    assert set(assembled).issubset(set(custom_charset))

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert len(finished) == 6
    assert set(assembled).issubset(set(custom_charset))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_list_of():
    `ListOf` makers should return a list of values generated by calling a maker
    multiple times.

    # Configured to not reset sub-maker
    maker = makers.ListOf(selection_makers.Cycle(list('abcde')),

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert assembled == [[i, None] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0]]

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert finished == list('abcdea')

    # Check that calling the maker again continues from where we left off
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert assembled == [[i, None] for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1]]

    # Configured to reset sub-maker
    maker = makers.ListOf(selection_makers.Cycle(list('abcde')),

    # Call the maker twice
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assembled = maker._assemble()

    # Check the result was reset after the first call
    assert assembled == [[i, None] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0]]
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_factory_assemble():
    The `Factory.assemble` method should return a quota of assembled
    documents/dictionaries for the given blueprint.

    # Configure the blueprint
    class DragonBlueprint(blueprints.Blueprint):

        _frame_cls = Dragon
        _meta_fields = {'dummy_prop'}

        name = makers.Static('Burt')
        breed = makers.Static('Fire-drake')
        dummy_prop = makers.Static('foo')

    # Configure the factory
    factory = Factory()

    # Assemble a list of documents using the factory
    documents = factory.assemble(DragonBlueprint, quotas.Quota(10))

    # Check the assembled output of the factory is as expected
    for document in documents:
        assert document == {
            'breed': 'Fire-drake',
            'dummy_prop': 'foo',
            'name': 'Burt'
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_factory_finish():
    The `Factory.assemble` method should return a list of finished
    documents/dictionaries and meta documents/dictionaries in the form
    `[(document, meta_document), ...]` from a blueprint and list of preassembled

    # Configure the blueprint
    class DragonBlueprint(blueprints.Blueprint):

        _frame_cls = Dragon
        _meta_fields = {'dummy_prop'}

        name = makers.Static('Burt')
        breed = makers.Static('Fire-drake')
        dummy_prop = makers.Static('foo')

    # Configure the factory
    factory = Factory()

    # Assemble a list of documents using the factory
    documents = factory.assemble(DragonBlueprint, quotas.Quota(10))

    # Finish the assembled documents
    documents = factory.finish(DragonBlueprint, documents)

    # Check the assembled output of the factory is as expected
    for document in documents:
        assert document == {
            'breed': 'Fire-drake',
            'name': 'Burt',
            'dummy_prop': 'foo'
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_markov():
    """`Markov` makers should return random text built from a text body"""

    # Set up markov word database
    with open('tests/factory/data/markov.txt') as f:
        text_makers.Markov.init_word_db('test', f.read())

    # Configured to return a body of text
    maker = text_makers.Markov('test', 'body', quotas.Quota(5))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert len(assembled.split('\n')) == 5

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert len(finished.split('\n')) == 5

    # Configured to return a paragraph
    maker = text_makers.Markov('test', 'paragraph', quotas.Quota(5))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    paragraphs = [p for p in assembled.split('.') if p.strip()]
    assert len(paragraphs) == 5

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    paragraphs = [p for p in finished.split('.') if p.strip()]
    assert len(paragraphs) == 5

    # Configured to return a sentence
    maker = text_makers.Markov('test', 'sentence', quotas.Quota(5))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    words = [w for w in assembled.split(' ') if w.strip()]
    assert len(words) == 5

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    words = [w for w in finished.split(' ') if w.strip()]
    assert len(words) == 5
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_quota():
    The base `Quota` should convert to a quantity identical to the one it is
    initialized with.

    quota = quotas.Quota(5)

    # Check quota converted to an integer
    assert int(quota) == 5

    # Check quota converted to a float
    assert float(quota) == 5.0
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_lorem():
    """`Lorem` makers should return lorem ipsum"""

    # Configured to return a body of text
    maker = text_makers.Lorem('body', quotas.Quota(5))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert len(assembled.split('\n')) == 5

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert len(finished.split('\n')) == 5

    # Configured to return a paragraph
    maker = text_makers.Lorem('paragraph', quotas.Quota(5))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    paragraphs = [p for p in assembled.split('.') if p.strip()]
    assert len(paragraphs) == 5

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    paragraphs = [p for p in finished.split('.') if p.strip()]
    assert len(paragraphs) == 5

    # Configured to return a sentence
    maker = text_makers.Lorem('sentence', quotas.Quota(5))

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    words = [w for w in assembled.split(' ') if w.strip()]
    assert len(words) == 5

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    words = [w for w in finished.split(' ') if w.strip()]
    assert len(words) == 5
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_counter():
    """`Counter` makers should return a number sequence"""

    # Configured with defaults
    maker = number_makers.Counter()

    for i in range(1, 100):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert assembled == i

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert finished == i

    # Configuered with custom start from and step
    maker = number_makers.Counter(quotas.Quota(10), quotas.Quota(5))

    for i in range(10, 100, 5):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert assembled == i

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert finished == i

    # Reset should reset the counter to the initial start from value

    # Check the assembled result
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert assembled == 10

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert finished == 10
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_factory_populate(mongo_client, mocker):
    The `Factory.populate` method should return populate a database collection
    using using a blueprint and list of preassembled documents/dictionaries.

    # Configure the blueprint
    class DragonBlueprint(blueprints.Blueprint):

        _frame_cls = Dragon
        _meta_fields = {'dummy_prop'}

        name = makers.Static('Burt')
        breed = makers.Static('Fire-drake')
        dummy_prop = makers.Static('foo')

    # Configure the factory
    factory = Factory()

    # Assemble a list of documents using the factory
    documents = factory.assemble(DragonBlueprint, quotas.Quota(10))

    # Add listeners for fake and faked
    Dragon._on_fake = lambda sender, frames: print('qwe')
    Dragon._on_faked = lambda sender, frames: None

    mocker.spy(Dragon, '_on_fake')
    mocker.spy(Dragon, '_on_faked')

    Dragon.listen('fake', Dragon._on_fake)
    Dragon.listen('faked', Dragon._on_faked)

    # Populate the database with our fake documents
    frames = factory.populate(DragonBlueprint, documents)

    # Check each maker reset method was called
    assert Dragon._on_fake.call_count == 1
    assert Dragon._on_faked.call_count == 1

    # Check the frames created
    for frame in frames:
        assert frame._id is not None
        assert frame.name == 'Burt'
        assert frame.breed == 'Fire-drake'
        assert frame.dummy_prop
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_factory_reassemble():
    The `Blueprint.reassemble` method should reassemble the given fields in a
    list of preassembled documents/dictionaries.

    # Configure the blueprint
    class DragonBlueprint(blueprints.Blueprint):

        _frame_cls = Dragon
        _meta_fields = {'dummy_prop'}

        name = makers.Static('Burt')
        breed = makers.Static('Fire-drake')
        dummy_prop = makers.Static('foo')

    # Configure the factory
    factory = Factory()

    # Assemble a list of documents using the factory
    documents = factory.assemble(DragonBlueprint, quotas.Quota(10))

    # Re-configure the blueprint and factory
    class DragonBlueprint(blueprints.Blueprint):

        _frame_cls = Dragon
        _meta_fields = {'dummy_prop'}

        name = makers.Static('Fred')
        breed = makers.Static('Cold-drake')
        dummy_prop = makers.Static('bar')

    factory = Factory()

    # Reassemble the documents
    factory.reassemble(DragonBlueprint, {'breed', 'name'}, documents)

    # Check the reassembled output of the factory is as expected
    for document in documents:
        assert document == {
            'breed': 'Cold-drake',
            'dummy_prop': 'foo',
            'name': 'Fred'
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_one_of():
    `OneOf` makers should return one value at random (optionally weighted) from
    a list of items (python types of or makers).

    # Seed the random generator to ensure test results are consistent

    # Configured to return an item from a list of python types
    maker = selection_makers.OneOf(['foo', 'bar', 'zee'])

    counts = {'foo': 0, 'bar': 0, 'zee': 0}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert assembled[0] in [0, 1, 2] and assembled[1] == None

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert finished in ['foo', 'bar', 'zee']

        # Count the occurances
        counts[finished] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. evenly distributed
    for value in ['foo', 'bar', 'zee']:
        assert int(round(counts[value] / 100)) == 3

    # Configured to return an item from a list of makers
    maker = selection_makers.OneOf(

    counts = {'foo': 0, 'bar': 0, 'zee': 0}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert assembled[0] in [0, 1, 2]
        assert assembled[1] in ['foo', 'bar', 'zee']

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert finished in ['foo', 'bar', 'zee']

        # Count the occurances
        counts[finished] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. evenly distributed
    for value in ['foo', 'bar', 'zee']:
        assert int(round(counts[value] / 100)) == 3

    # Configured to return using a weighted bias
    maker = selection_makers.OneOf(
        ['foo', 'bar', 'zee'],

    counts = {'foo': 0, 'bar': 0, 'zee': 0}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert assembled[0] in [0, 1, 2] and assembled[1] == None

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert finished in ['foo', 'bar', 'zee']

        # Count the occurances
        counts[finished] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. distributed based on the weights
    assert int(round(counts['foo'] / 100)) == 1
    assert int(round(counts['bar'] / 100)) == 3
    assert int(round(counts['zee'] / 100)) == 6
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_some_of():
    `SomeOf` makers should return a list of values at random (optionally
    weighted) from a list of items (python types of or makers).

    # Seed the random generator to ensure test results are consistent

    # Define the choices we'll be sampling from
    choices = ['foo', 'bar', 'zee', 'oof', 'rab', 'eez']
    choices_range = range(0, len(choices))
    choices_set = set(choices)

    # Configured to return a sample from a list of python types
    maker = selection_makers.SomeOf(list(choices), quotas.Quota(3))

    counts = {c: 0 for c in choices}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert len(assembled) == 3
        for item in assembled:
            assert item[0] in choices_range and item[1] == None

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert len(set(finished)) == 3
        assert set(finished).issubset(choices_set)

        # Count occurances
        for value in finished:
            counts[value] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. evenly distributed
    for value in choices:
        assert int(round(counts[value] / 100)) == 5

    # Configured to return a sample from a list of makers
    maker = selection_makers.SomeOf([makers.Static(c) for c in choices],

    counts = {c: 0 for c in choices}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert len(assembled) == 3
        for item in assembled:
            assert item[0] in choices_range and item[1] in choices

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert len(set(finished)) == 3
        assert set(finished).issubset(choices_set)

        # Count occurances
        for value in finished:
            counts[value] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. evenly distributed
    for value in choices:
        assert int(round(counts[value] / 100)) == 5

    # Configured to return a sample from a list of python types weighted
    maker = selection_makers.SomeOf(list(choices),
                                    weights=[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32])

    counts = {c: 0 for c in choices}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert len(assembled) == 3
        for item in assembled:
            assert item[0] in choices_range and item[1] == None

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert len(finished) == 3
        assert set(finished).issubset(choices_set)

        # Count occurances
        for value in finished:
            counts[value] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. based on the weights
    for i, value in enumerate(choices):

        count = counts[value] / 1000
        prob = maker.p(i, 3, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32])
        tol = prob * 0.15

        assert count > (prob - tol) and count < (prob + tol)

    # Configured to return a sample from a list of python types with replacement
    maker = selection_makers.SomeOf([makers.Static(c) for c in choices],

    not_uniques = 0
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert len(assembled) == 3
        for item in assembled:
            assert item[0] in choices_range and item[1] in choices

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert len(finished) == 3
        assert set(finished).issubset(choices_set)

        # Count occurances of values with non-unique values
        if len(set(value)) < 3:
            not_uniques += 1

    # Check that some values where generated with non-unique items
    assert not_uniques > 0

    # Configured to return a sample from a list of python types weighted with
    # replacement.
    maker = selection_makers.SomeOf(list(choices),
                                    weights=[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32],

    counts = {c: 0 for c in choices}
    for i in range(0, 1000):
        # Check the assembled result
        assembled = maker._assemble()
        assert len(assembled) == 3
        for item in assembled:
            assert item[0] in choices_range and item[1] == None

        # Check the finished result
        finished = maker._finish(assembled)
        assert len(finished) == 3
        assert set(finished).issubset(choices_set)

        # Count occurances
        for value in finished:
            counts[value] += 1

    # Confirm the counts are approx. (+/- 15% tolerance) based on the weights
    weight = 1
    for value in choices:
        count = counts[value]
        prob = (weight / 63.0) * 3000.0
        tol = prob * 0.15

        assert count > (prob - tol) and count < (prob + tol)

        weight *= 2
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_image_url():
    `ImageURL` makers should return the URL for a placeholder image service such
    as `http://fakeimg.pl`.

    # Generate an image URL for the default service provider
    maker = image_makers.ImageURL(
        options={'text': 'foo'}

    # Check the assembled result
    image_url = '//fakeimg.pl/100x200/DDDDDD/888888/?text=foo'
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert assembled == image_url

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert finished == image_url

    # Configured for a custom service provider
    def placehold_it_formatter(
        """Generage an image URL for the placehold.it service"""

        # Build the base URL
        image_tmp = '{service_url}/{width}x{height}/{background}/{foreground}'
        image_url = image_tmp.format(

        # Check for a format option
        fmt = ''
        if 'format' in options:
            fmt = options.pop('format')
            image_url += '.' + fmt

        # Add any other options
        if options:
            image_url += '?' + urlencode(options)

        return image_url

    maker = image_makers.ImageURL(
        options={'text': 'foo', 'format': 'png'},

    # Check the assembled result
    image_url = '//placehold.it/100x200/DDDDDD/888888.png?text=foo'
    assembled = maker._assemble()
    assert assembled == image_url

    # Check the finished result
    finished = maker._finish(assembled)
    assert finished == image_url