Exemplo n.º 1
    def cluster_info(self):
        Print some info about the clusters file.
        from monty.pprint import pprint_table

        tab_ = []
        print('There are {} clusters:'.format(self.size()))
        for points, number in sorted(self._cluster_info.items()):
            singular = int(number) == 1
            col1 = 'There {}:'.format('is' if singular else 'are')
            col2 = '{}'.format(number)
            col3 = '{}-point cluster{}'.format(points,
                                               ' ' if singular else 's')
            tab_.append([col1, col2, col3])

        pprint_table(tab_, out=sys.stdout)
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_hints(ecuts, etotals, atols_mev, min_numpts=1, stream=sys.stdout):
    de_low, de_normal, de_high = [a / (1000 * Ha_to_eV) for a in atols_mev]

    etotal_inf = etotals[-1]

    ihigh = check_conv(etotals, de_high, min_numpts=min_numpts)
    inormal = check_conv(etotals, de_normal)
    ilow = check_conv(etotals, de_low)

    accidx = {"H": ihigh, "N": inormal, "L": ilow}

    table = []; app = table.append

    app(["iter", "ecut", "etotal", "et-e_inf [meV]", "accuracy",])
    for idx, (ec, et) in enumerate(zip(ecuts, etotals)):
        line = "%d %.1f %.7f %.3f" % (idx, ec, et, (et-etotal_inf) * Ha_to_eV * 1.e+3)
        row = line.split() + ["".join(c for c, v in accidx.items() if v == idx)]

    if stream is not None:
        pprint_table(table, out=stream)

    ecut_high, ecut_normal, ecut_low = 3 * (None,)
    exit = (ihigh != -1)

    if exit:
        ecut_low = ecuts[ilow]
        ecut_normal = ecuts[inormal]
        ecut_high = ecuts[ihigh]

    aug_ratios = [1, ]
    aug_ratio_low, aug_ratio_normal, aug_ratio_high = 3 * (1,)

    #if not monotonic(etotals, mode="<", atol=1.0e-5):
    #    logger.warning("E(ecut) is not decreasing")
    #    wf_results.push_exceptions("E(ecut) is not decreasing:\n" + str(etotals))

    return AttrDict(
        exit=ihigh != -1,
        low={"ecut": ecut_low, "aug_ratio": aug_ratio_low},
        normal={"ecut": ecut_normal, "aug_ratio": aug_ratio_normal},
        high={"ecut": ecut_high, "aug_ratio": aug_ratio_high})
Exemplo n.º 3
 def show_character_table(self, stream=sys.stdout):
     """Write a string with the character_table on the given stream."""
     table = self.character_table
     pprint_table(table, out=stream)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def show_character_table(self, stream=sys.stdout):
     """Write a string with the character_table on the given stream."""
     table = self.character_table
     pprint_table(table, out=stream)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_print(self):
     table = [["one", "two"], ["1", "2"]]