Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_electronics(model_container, data_container, compartment):
    """Setup voltage and current clamp circuit using DiffAmp and PID and
    RC filter"""
    command = moose.PulseGen('%s/command' % (model_container.path))
    command.delay[0] = 20e-3
    command.width[0] = 50e-3
    command.level[0] = 100e-9
    command.delay[1] = 1e9
    lowpass = moose.RC('%s/lowpass' % (model_container.path))
    lowpass.R = 1.0
    lowpass.C = 5e-4
    vclamp = moose.DiffAmp('%s/vclamp' % (model_container.path))
    vclamp.saturation = 1e10
    iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('%s/iclamp' % (model_container.path))
    iclamp.gain = 0.0
    iclamp.saturation = 1e10
    pid = moose.PIDController('%s/pid' % (model_container.path))
    pid.gain = compartment.Cm / 100e-6  # Cm/dt is a good number for gain
    pid.tauI = 100e-6  # same as dt
    pid.tauD = 0.0
    pid.saturation = 1e10
    # Current clamp circuit: connect command output to iclamp amplifier
    # and the output of the amplifier to compartment.
    moose.connect(command, 'output', iclamp, 'plusIn')
    moose.connect(iclamp, 'output', compartment, 'injectMsg')
    # Setup voltage clamp circuit:
    # 1. Connect command output (which is now command) to lowpass
    # filter.
    # 2. Connect lowpass output to vclamp amplifier.
    # 3. Connect amplifier output to PID's command input.
    # 4. Connect Vm of compartment to PID's sensed input.
    # 5. Connect PID output to compartment's injectMsg.
    moose.connect(command, 'output', lowpass, 'injectIn')
    moose.connect(lowpass, 'output', vclamp, 'plusIn')
    moose.connect(vclamp, 'output', pid, 'commandIn')
    moose.connect(compartment, 'VmOut', pid, 'sensedIn')
    moose.connect(pid, 'output', compartment, 'injectMsg')
    command_table = moose.Table('%s/command' % (data_container.path))
    moose.connect(command_table, 'requestOut', command, 'getOutputValue')
    inject_table = moose.Table('%s/inject' % (data_container.path))
    moose.connect(inject_table, 'requestOut', compartment, 'getIm')
    return {
        'command_tab': command_table,
        'inject_tab': inject_table,
        'iclamp': iclamp,
        'vclamp': vclamp,
        'pid': pid,
        'command': command
Exemplo n.º 2
def Vclam(delay, width, delay_2, r, c, gain, sat, gain_p, tau_1, tau_2, psat):
    pulseg = moose.PulseGen('pulse')
    pulseg.firstDelay = delay
    pulseg.firstWidth = width
    pulseg.secondDelay = delay_2
    lp = moose.RC('lowpass')
    lp.R = r
    lp.C = c
    DA = moose.DiffAmp('diffamp')
    DA.gain = gain
    DA.saturation = sat
    pid = moose.PIDController('PID')
    pid.gain = gain_p
    pid.tauI = tau_1
    pid.tauD = tau_2
    pid.saturation = psat
    comp = moose.element("/proto")
    moose.connect(pulseg, "output", lp, "injectIn")
    moose.connect(lp, "output", DA, "plusIn")
    moose.connect(DA, "output", pid, "commandIn")
    moose.connect(comp, "VmOut", pid, "sensedIn")
    moose.connect(pid, "output", comp, "injectMsg")
    tab = moose.Table("/data/Im")
    moose.connect(tab, "requestOut", comp, "getIm")
    return tab
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, path):
     moose.Neutral.__init__(self, path)
     self.pulsegen = moose.PulseGen(path+"/pulse") # holding voltage/current generator
     self.pulsegen.count = 2
     self.pulsegen.baseLevel = -65.0e-3
     self.pulsegen.firstLevel = -40.0e-3
     self.pulsegen.firstWidth = 50.0e-3
     self.pulsegen.firstDelay = 2.0e-3
     self.pulsegen.secondDelay = 0.0
     self.pulsegen.trigMode = 2
     self.gate = moose.PulseGen(path+"/gate") # holding voltage/current generator
     self.gate.level[0] = 1.0
     self.gate.delay[0] = 0.0
     self.gate.width[0] = 1e3
     moose.connect(self.gate, 'output', self.pulsegen, 'input')
     self.lowpass = moose.RC(path + "/lowpass")  # lowpass filter
     self.lowpass.R = 1.0
     self.lowpass.C = 0.03
     self.vclamp = moose.DiffAmp(path + "/vclamp")
     self.vclamp.gain = 1.0
     self.vclamp.saturation = 1e10
     self.iclamp = moose.DiffAmp(path + "/iclamp")
     self.iclamp.gain = 0.0
     self.iclamp.saturation = 1e10
     self.pid = moose.PIDController(path + "/pid")
     self.pid.gain = 0.5
     self.pid.tauI = 0.02e-3
     self.pid.tauD = 0.005e-3
     self.pid.saturation = 1e7
     # Connect voltage clamp circuitry
     #moose.connect(self.pulsegen, "output", self.lowpass, "injectIn")
     moose.connect(self.lowpass, "output", self.vclamp, "plusIn")
     moose.connect(self.vclamp, "output", self.pid, "commandIn")
     #moose.connect(compartment, "VmOut", self.pid, "sensedIn")
     #moose.connect(self.pid, "output", compartment, "injectMsg")
     addmsg1 = moose.Mstring(path + '/addmsg1')
     addmsg1.value = './pid  output  ..  injectMsg'
     addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(path + '/addmsg2')
     addmsg2.value = '.. VmOut ./pid  sensedIn'
Exemplo n.º 4
 def createInputs(self):
     for inputs in self.network.findall(".//{" + nml_ns + "}inputs"):
         units = inputs.attrib['units']
         if units == 'Physiological Units':  # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
             Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
             Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
             Ifactor = 1e-6  # A from microA
             Vfactor = 1.0
             Tfactor = 1.0
             Ifactor = 1.0
         for inputelem in inputs.findall(".//{" + nml_ns + "}input"):
             inputname = inputelem.attrib['name']
             pulseinput = inputelem.find(".//{" + nml_ns + "}pulse_input")
             if pulseinput is not None:
                 ## If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec
                 ## and returns a reference to it. If it does,
                 ## it just returns its reference.
                 pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('/elec/pulsegen_' + inputname)
                 iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('/elec/iclamp_' + inputname)
                 iclamp.saturation = 1e6
                 iclamp.gain = 1.0
                 pulsegen.trigMode = 0  # free run
                 pulsegen.baseLevel = 0.0
                 pulsegen.firstDelay = float(
                     pulseinput.attrib['delay']) * Tfactor
                 pulsegen.firstWidth = float(
                     pulseinput.attrib['duration']) * Tfactor
                 pulsegen.firstLevel = float(
                     pulseinput.attrib['amplitude']) * Ifactor
                 pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6  # to avoid repeat
                 pulsegen.secondLevel = 0.0
                 pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0
                 ## do not set count to 1, let it be at 2 by default
                 ## else it will set secondDelay to 0.0 and repeat the first pulse!
                 #pulsegen.count = 1
                 moose.connect(pulsegen, 'output', iclamp, 'plusIn')
                 target = inputelem.find(".//{" + nml_ns + "}target")
                 population = target.attrib['population']
                 for site in target.findall(".//{" + nml_ns + "}site"):
                     cell_id = site.attrib['cell_id']
                     if 'segment_id' in site.attrib:
                         segment_id = site.attrib['segment_id']
                         segment_id = 0  # default segment_id is specified to be 0
                     ## population is populationname, self.populationDict[population][0] is cellname
                     cell_name = self.populationDict[population][0]
                     segment_path = self.populationDict[population][1][int(cell_id)].path+'/'+\
                     compartment = moose.Compartment(segment_path)
                     moose.connect(iclamp, 'output', compartment,
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, path, squid):
     self.path = path
     self.pulsegen = moose.PulseGen(path+"/pulse") # holding voltage/current generator
     self.pulsegen.count = 2
     self.pulsegen.firstLevel = 25.0
     self.pulsegen.firstWidth = 50.0
     self.pulsegen.firstDelay = 2.0
     self.pulsegen.secondDelay = 0.0
     self.pulsegen.trigMode = 2
     self.gate = moose.PulseGen(path + "/gate")  # holding voltage/current generator
     self.gate.level[0] = 1.0
     self.gate.delay[0] = 0.0
     self.gate.width[0] = 1e9
     moose.connect(self.gate, "output", self.pulsegen, "input")
     self.lowpass = moose.RC(path + "/lowpass")  # lowpass filter
     self.lowpass.R = 1.0
     self.lowpass.C = 0.03
     self.vclamp = moose.DiffAmp(path + "/vclamp")
     self.vclamp.gain = 0.0
     self.vclamp.saturation = 1e10
     self.iclamp = moose.DiffAmp(path + "/iclamp")
     self.iclamp.gain = 0.0
     self.iclamp.saturation = 1e10
     self.pid = moose.PIDController(path + "/pid")
     self.pid.gain = 0.5
     self.pid.tauI = 0.02
     self.pid.tauD = 0.005
     self.pid.saturation = 1e10
     # Connect current clamp circuitry
     moose.connect(self.pulsegen, "output", self.iclamp, "plusIn")
     moose.connect(self.iclamp, "output", squid.C, "injectMsg")
     # Connect voltage clamp circuitry
     moose.connect(self.pulsegen, "output", self.lowpass, "injectIn")
     moose.connect(self.lowpass, "output", self.vclamp, "plusIn")
     moose.connect(self.vclamp, "output", self.pid, "commandIn")
     moose.connect(squid.C, "VmOut", self.pid, "sensedIn")
     moose.connect(self.pid, "output", squid.C, "injectMsg")
     current_table = moose.Table("/data/Im")
     moose.connect(current_table, "requestOut", squid.C, "getIm")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def createInput(self, inputelem, Vfactor, Tfactor, Ifactor):
        """Create input """
        inputname = inputelem.attrib['name']
        pulseinput = inputelem.find(".//{" + nml_ns + "}pulse_input")
        if pulseinput is not None:
            ## If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec
            ## and returns a reference to it. If it does,
            ## it just returns its reference.
            pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('/elec/pulsegen_' + inputname)
            iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('/elec/iclamp_' + inputname)
            iclamp.saturation = 1e6
            iclamp.gain = 1.0
            pulsegen.trigMode = 0  # free run
            pulsegen.baseLevel = 0.0
            _logger.debug("Tfactor, Ifactor: %s, %s" % (Tfactor, Ifactor))
            _logger.debug("Pulsegen attributes: %s" % str(pulseinput.attrib))
            pulsegen.firstDelay = float(pulseinput.attrib['delay']) * Tfactor
            pulsegen.firstWidth = float(
                pulseinput.attrib['duration']) * Tfactor
            pulsegen.firstLevel = float(
                pulseinput.attrib['amplitude']) * Ifactor
            pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6  # to avoid repeat
            pulsegen.secondLevel = 0.0
            pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0
            ## do not set count to 1, let it be at 2 by default
            ## else it will set secondDelay to 0.0 and repeat the first pulse!
            #pulsegen.count = 1
            moose.connect(pulsegen, 'output', iclamp, 'plusIn')
            target = inputelem.find(".//{" + nml_ns + "}target")
            population = target.attrib['population']
            for site in target.findall(".//{" + nml_ns + "}site"):
                cell_id = site.attrib['cell_id']
                if 'segment_id' in site.attrib:
                    segment_id = site.attrib['segment_id']
                    segment_id = 0  # default segment_id is specified to be 0
                ## population is populationname, self.populationDict[population][0] is cellname
                cell_name = self.populationDict[population][0]
                segment_path = self.populationDict[population][1][int(cell_id)].path+'/'+\
                compartment = moose.element(segment_path)
                _logger.debug("Adding pulse at {0}: {1}".format(
                    segment_path, pulsegen.firstLevel))

                _logger.debug("Connecting {0}:output to {1}:injectMst".format(
                    iclamp, compartment))

                moose.connect(iclamp, 'output', compartment, 'injectMsg')
Exemplo n.º 7
def setup_vclamp(compartment, name, delay1, width1, level1, gain=0.5e-5):
    Sets up a voltage clamp with 'name' on MOOSE 'compartment' object:
    adapted from squid.g in DEMOS (moose/genesis)
    Specify the 'delay1', 'width1' and 'level1' of the voltage to be applied to the compartment.
    Typically you need to adjust the PID 'gain'
    For perhaps the Davison 4-compartment mitral or the Davison granule:
    0.5e-5 optimal gain - too high 0.5e-4 drives it to oscillate at high frequency,
    too low 0.5e-6 makes it have an initial overshoot (due to Na channels?)
    Returns a MOOSE table with the PID output.
    ## If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec and returns a reference to it.
    ## If it does, it just returns its reference.
    pulsegen = moose.PulseGen("/elec/pulsegen" + name)
    vclamp = moose.DiffAmp("/elec/vclamp" + name)
    vclamp.saturation = 999.0
    vclamp.gain = 1.0
    lowpass = moose.RC("/elec/lowpass" + name)
    lowpass.R = 1.0
    lowpass.C = 50e-6  # 50 microseconds tau
    PID = moose.PIDController("/elec/PID" + name)
    PID.gain = gain
    PID.tau_i = 20e-6
    PID.tau_d = 5e-6
    PID.saturation = 999.0
    # All connections should be written as source.connect('',destination,'')
    pulsegen.connect("outputSrc", lowpass, "injectMsg")
    lowpass.connect("outputSrc", vclamp, "plusDest")
    vclamp.connect("outputSrc", PID, "commandDest")
    PID.connect("outputSrc", compartment, "injectMsg")
    compartment.connect("VmSrc", PID, "sensedDest")

    pulsegen.trigMode = 0  # free run
    pulsegen.baseLevel = -70e-3
    pulsegen.firstDelay = delay1
    pulsegen.firstWidth = width1
    pulsegen.firstLevel = level1
    pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6
    pulsegen.secondLevel = -70e-3
    pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0

    vclamp_I = moose.Table("/elec/vClampITable" + name)
    vclamp_I.stepMode = TAB_BUF  # TAB_BUF: table acts as a buffer.
    vclamp_I.connect("inputRequest", PID, "output")

    return vclamp_I
Exemplo n.º 8
def setup_iclamp(compartment, name, delay1, width1, level1):
    moose.Neutral('/elec') # If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec and returns a reference to it. If it does, it just returns its reference.
    pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('/elec/pulsegen'+name)
    iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('/elec/iclamp'+name)
    iclamp.saturation = 1e6
    iclamp.gain = 1.0
    pulsegen.trigMode = 0 # free run
    pulsegen.baseLevel = 0.0
    pulsegen.firstDelay = delay1
    pulsegen.firstWidth = width1
    pulsegen.firstLevel = level1
    pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6
    pulsegen.secondLevel = 0.0
    pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0
    return pulsegen
Exemplo n.º 9
def wildcard_setup():
    a = moose.Neutral('/alfa')
    b = moose.Compartment('/alfa/bravo')
    c = moose.HHChannel('/alfa/bravo/charlie')
    f = moose.HHChannel2D('/alfa/bravo/foxtrot')
    e = moose.Neutral('/alfa/echo')
    d = moose.DiffAmp('/alfa/echo/delta')
    p = moose.PulseGen('/alfa/echo/papa')
    e1 = moose.Pool('/alfa/bravo/charlie/echo')
    g = moose.HHChannel('%s/golf' % (e1.path))
    f1 = moose.Neutral('/alfa/bravo/foxtail')
    c1 = moose.Neutral('/alfa/bravo/charlee')
    b.Rm = 2.0e6
    c.Gbar = 1e-9
    f.Gbar = 0.5e-6
    p.delay[0] = 10e-3
    d.gain = 3.0
    g.Gbar = 1e-6
Exemplo n.º 10
def setup_iclamp(compartment, name, delay1, width1, level1):
    Sets up a current clamp with 'name' on MOOSE 'compartment' object:
    Specify the 'delay1', 'width1' and 'level1' of the current pulse to be applied to the compartment.
    Returns the MOOSE pulsegen that sends the current pulse.
    ## If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec and returns a reference to it.
    ## If it does, it just returns its reference.
    pulsegen = moose.PulseGen("/elec/pulsegen" + name)
    iclamp = moose.DiffAmp("/elec/iclamp" + name)
    iclamp.saturation = 1e6
    iclamp.gain = 1.0
    pulsegen.trigMode = 0  # free run
    pulsegen.baseLevel = 0.0
    pulsegen.firstDelay = delay1
    pulsegen.firstWidth = width1
    pulsegen.firstLevel = level1
    pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6  # to avoid repeat
    pulsegen.secondLevel = 0.0
    pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0
    pulsegen.connect("output", iclamp, "plusIn")
    iclamp.connect("output", compartment, "injectMsg")
    return pulsegen
Exemplo n.º 11
    def attachInputToMoose(self, inElemXml, factors, savePlot=True):
        This function create StimulousTable in moose

        There can be two type of stimulous: random_stim or pulse_input.

        # If /elec doesn't exists it creates /elec and returns a reference to
        # it. If it does, it just returns its reference.
        inputName = inElemXml.get('name')

        random_stim = inElemXml.find('.//{' + nmu.nml_ns + '}random_stim')
        pulse_stim = inElemXml.find('.//{' + nmu.nml_ns + '}pulse_input')

        if random_stim is not None:
            utils.dump("INFO", "Generating random stimulous")
            utils.dump("TODO", "Test this Poission spike train table")

            # Get the frequency of stimulus
            frequency = moose_methods.toFloat(
                random_stim.get('frequency', '1.0')) / factors['Tfactor']
            amplitude = random_stim.get('amplitude', 1.0)
            synpMechanism = random_stim.get('synaptic_mechanism')

            # Create random stimulus
            vec = stimulus.generateSpikeTrainPoission(frequency,
            # Stimulus table
            tablePath = os.path.join(self.elecPath, "Stimulus")
            stimPath = os.path.join(tablePath, inputName)
            stim = moose.TimeTable(stimPath)
            stim.vec = vec

            if savePlot:
                self.plotVector(vec, tablePath)

            target = inElemXml.find(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}target")
            population = target.get('population')
            for site in target.findall(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}site"):
                cell_id = site.attrib['cell_id']
                if 'segment_id' in site.attrib:
                    segment_id = site.attrib['segment_id']
                    # default segment_id is specified to be 0
                    segment_id = 0

                # To find the cell name fetch the first element of tuple.
                cell_name = self.populationDict[population][0]
                if cell_name == 'LIF':
                               "LIF cell_name. Partial implementation",

                    LIF = self.populationDict[population][1][int(cell_id)]
                    m = self.connectSynapse(stim, LIF)
                    segId = '{0}'.format(segment_id)
                    segment_path = self.populationDict[population][1]\
                           [int(cell_id)].path + '/' + \
                    compartment = moose.Compartment(segment_path)
                    synchan = moose.SynChan(
                        os.path.join(compartment.path, '/synchan'))
                    synchan.Gbar = 1e-6
                    synchan.Ek = 0.0
                    self.connectWrapper(synchan, 'channel', compartment,
                    synchan.numSynapses = 1
                    m = self.connectSynapse(
                        stim, moose.element(synchan.path + '/synapse'))

        elif pulse_stim is not None:

            Ifactor = factors['Ifactor']
            Tfactor = factors['Tfactor']
            pulseinput = inElemXml.find(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}pulse_input")
            if pulseinput is None:
                           "This type of stimulous is not supported.",

            self.pulseGenPath = self.elecPath + '/PulseGen'
            pulseGenPath = '{}/{}'.format(self.pulseGenPath, inputName)
            pulsegen = moose.PulseGen(pulseGenPath)
            icClampPath = '{}/{}'.format(self.elecPath, 'iClamp')
            iclamp = moose.DiffAmp('{}/{}'.format(icClampPath, inputName))
            iclamp.saturation = 1e6
            iclamp.gain = 1.0

            # free run
            pulsegen.trigMode = 0
            pulsegen.baseLevel = 0.0
            pulsegen.firstDelay = float(pulseinput.attrib['delay']) * Tfactor
            pulsegen.firstWidth = float(
                pulseinput.attrib['duration']) * Tfactor
            pulsegen.firstLevel = float(
                pulseinput.attrib['amplitude']) * Ifactor

            # to avoid repeat
            pulsegen.secondDelay = 1e6
            pulsegen.secondLevel = 0.0
            pulsegen.secondWidth = 0.0

            # do not set count to 1, let it be at 2 by default else it will
            # set secondDelay to 0.0 and repeat the first pulse!
            #pulsegen.count = 1
            self.connectWrapper(pulsegen, 'output', iclamp, 'plusIn')

            # Attach targets
            target = inElemXml.find(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}target")
            population = target.attrib['population']
            for site in target.findall(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}site"):
                cell_id = site.attrib['cell_id']
                if 'segment_id' in site.attrib:
                    segment_id = site.attrib['segment_id']
                    # default segment_id is specified to be 0
                    segment_id = 0

                # population is populationName,
                # self.populationDict[population][0] is cellname
                cell_name = self.populationDict[population][0]
                if cell_name == 'LIF':
                                     "Rewrite this section",
                    LIF = self.populationDict[population][1][int(cell_id)]
                    self.connectWrapper(iclamp, 'output', LIF, 'injectMsg')
                    segment_path = self.populationDict[population][1]\
                    compartment = moose.Compartment(segment_path)

                    self.connectWrapper(iclamp, 'output', compartment,