Exemplo n.º 1
def test_tight_mask():

        from utilities import gauss_edge
        from morphology import binarize, dilation
    rad, width = 13, 78
    ndilate = 1
    kernel_size = 3
    gauss_standard_dev = 3
    obj = ndimage_utility.model_disk(rad, (width, width)).astype(numpy.float)
    mask = obj + numpy.random.rand(width, width) * 0.2
    emmask = eman2_utility.numpy2em(mask)
    threshold = unary_classification.otsu(mask.ravel())

    if 1 == 1:
        m1 = eman2_utility.EMAN2.Util.get_biggest_cluster(
            binarize(emmask, threshold))
        for i in xrange(ndilate):
            m1 = dilation(m1)
        if kernel_size > 0:
            m1 = gauss_edge(m1, kernel_size, gauss_standard_dev)
        m2 = ndimage_utility.tight_mask(mask, threshold, ndilate, kernel_size,
        m3 = eman2_utility.em2numpy(m1)
        #print numpy.sum(m3), numpy.sum(m2), numpy.max(m3), numpy.max(m2), numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((m3-m2)**2)), numpy.sqrt(numpy.max((m3-m2)**2))
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(m3, m2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_tight_mask():
        from utilities  import gauss_edge
        from morphology import binarize, dilation
    except: return
    rad, width = 13, 78
    obj = ndimage_utility.model_disk(rad, (width, width)).astype(numpy.float)
    mask = obj + numpy.random.rand(width,width)*0.2
    emmask = eman2_utility.numpy2em(mask)
    threshold = unary_classification.otsu(mask.ravel())
    if 1 == 1:
        m1 = eman2_utility.EMAN2.Util.get_biggest_cluster(binarize(emmask, threshold))
        for i in xrange(ndilate): m1 = dilation(m1)
        if kernel_size > 0: m1 = gauss_edge(m1, kernel_size, gauss_standard_dev)
        m2 = ndimage_utility.tight_mask(mask, threshold, ndilate, kernel_size, gauss_standard_dev)[0]
        m3 = eman2_utility.em2numpy(m1)
        #print numpy.sum(m3), numpy.sum(m2), numpy.max(m3), numpy.max(m2), numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((m3-m2)**2)), numpy.sqrt(numpy.max((m3-m2)**2))
        numpy.testing.assert_allclose(m3, m2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_biggest_object():
        from morphology import binarize
    except: return
    rad, width = 13, 78
    obj = ndimage_utility.model_disk(rad, (width, width)).astype(numpy.float)
    mask = obj + numpy.random.rand(width,width)*0.2
    emmask = eman2_utility.numpy2em(mask)
    threshold = unary_classification.otsu(mask.ravel())
    embin = binarize(emmask, threshold)
    m1 = eman2_utility.EMAN2.Util.get_biggest_cluster(embin)
    m2 = ndimage_utility.biggest_object(mask>threshold)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(eman2_utility.em2numpy(m1), m2)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_biggest_object():
        from morphology import binarize
    rad, width = 13, 78
    obj = ndimage_utility.model_disk(rad, (width, width)).astype(numpy.float)
    mask = obj + numpy.random.rand(width, width) * 0.2
    emmask = eman2_utility.numpy2em(mask)
    threshold = unary_classification.otsu(mask.ravel())
    embin = binarize(emmask, threshold)
    m1 = eman2_utility.EMAN2.Util.get_biggest_cluster(embin)
    m2 = ndimage_utility.biggest_object(mask > threshold)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(eman2_utility.em2numpy(m1), m2)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():

    import os, sys

    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:

    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = progname + " volume binarymask smoothmask --variance --repair"
    parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)
                      help="variance map")
                      help="repair map")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])

    if (len(args) != 3):
        print("usage: " + usage)
        return None

    if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
        from utilities import disable_bdb_cache
    from utilities import get_im
    from morphology import adaptive_mask, binarize
    v = get_im(args[0])
    m = adaptive_mask(v, 2.0, 2)
    bm = binarize(m, 0.5)

    adaptive_mask(v, 2.0, 2, 9, 3).write_image(args[2])
    if (options.variance != None):
        from fundamentals import rot_avg_image
        from morphology import square_root
        trovc = rot_avg_image(get_im(options.variance))
        nc = trovc.get_xsize() // 2
        trovc /= trovc[nc, nc, nc]
Exemplo n.º 6
def adaptive_mask2D(img, nsigma = 1.0, ndilation = 3, kernel_size = 11, gauss_standard_dev =9):
			adaptive_mask - create a mask from a given image.
			img: input image
			nsigma: value for initial thresholding of the image.
			mask: The mask will have values one, zero, with Gaussian smooth transition between two regions.
	from utilities  import gauss_edge, model_circle
	from morphology import binarize, dilation
	nx = img.get_xsize()
	ny = img.get_ysize()
	mc = model_circle(nx//2, nx, ny) - model_circle(nx//3, nx, ny)
	s1 = Util.infomask(img, mc, True)
	mask = Util.get_biggest_cluster(binarize(img, s1[0]+s1[1]*nsigma))
	for i in xrange(ndilation):   mask = dilation(mask)
	#mask = gauss_edge(mask, kernel_size, gauss_standard_dev)
	return mask
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():

	import os,sys

	arglist = []
	for arg in sys.argv:
		arglist.append( arg )

	progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
	usage = progname + " volume binarymask smoothmask --variance --repair"
	parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION)
	parser.add_option("--variance", type="string",    default=None,         help="variance map")
	parser.add_option("--repair",   type="string",    default="repair.hdf", help="repair map")

	(options, args) = parser.parse_args( arglist[1:] )

	if( len(args) != 3):
		print "usage: " + usage
		return None

	if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
		from utilities import disable_bdb_cache
	from utilities import get_im
	from morphology import adaptive_mask, binarize
	v = get_im( args[0] )
	m = adaptive_mask( v , 2.0, 2)
	bm = binarize( m, 0.5 )
	bm.write_image( args[1] )

	adaptive_mask( v , 2.0, 2, 9, 3).write_image( args[2] )
	if(options.variance != None):
		from fundamentals import rot_avg_image
		from morphology import square_root
		trovc = rot_avg_image(get_im(options.variance))
		nc = trovc.get_xsize()//2
		trovc /= trovc[nc,nc,nc]
		square_root(trovc).write_image( options.repair )
Exemplo n.º 8
def do_volume_mrk02(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
	from EMAN2          import Util
	from mpi            import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from filter         import filt_table
	from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	import types

	# Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
	data     = ref_data[0]
	Tracker  = ref_data[1]
	iter     = ref_data[2]
	mpi_comm = ref_data[3]
	# # For DEBUG
	# print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
	# print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
	# print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
	# print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))
	if(mpi_comm == None):  mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
	myid  = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
	nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)
	try:     local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
	except:  local_filter = False
	# volume reconstruction
	if( type(data) == types.ListType ):
		if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
			vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
		vol = data

	if myid == 0:
		from morphology import threshold
		from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
		from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
		import types
		nx = vol.get_xsize()
		if(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
			mask3D = model_circle(int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"]*float(nx)/float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"])+0.5), nx, nx, nx)
		elif(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
			from utilities import adaptive_mask
			mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
			if( type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType ):  mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
			else:  mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
			nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
			if( nx != nxm):
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				mask3D = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask3D,scale=float(nx)/float(nxm)),nx,nx,nx)
				nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
				assert(nx == nxm)

		stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
		vol -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
		vol = threshold(vol)
		Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
		if( Tracker["PWadjustment"] ):
			from utilities    import read_text_file, write_text_file
			rt = read_text_file( Tracker["PWadjustment"] )
			ro = rops_table(vol)
			#  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
			for i in xrange(1,len(ro)):  ro[i] = (rt[i]/ro[i])**Tracker["upscale"]
			#write_text_file(rops_table(filt_table( vol, ro),1),"foo.txt")
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
				ny = vol.get_ysize()
				y = float(ny)
				from math import exp
				for i in xrange(len(ro)):  ro[i] *= \

			if local_filter:
				# skip low-pass filtration
				vol = fft( filt_table( vol, ro) )
				if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
					vol = fft( filt_table( filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"]), ro) )
					vol = fft( filt_table( filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"]), ro) )
			del ro
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
				ny = vol.get_ysize()
				y = float(ny)
				ro = [0.0]*(ny//2+2)
				from math import exp
				for i in xrange(len(ro)):  ro[i] = \
				filt_table(vol, ro)
				del ro
			if not local_filter:
				if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
					vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
					vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"])
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]: vol = fft(vol)

	if local_filter:
		from morphology import binarize
		if(myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
		else:  nx = 0
		nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node = 0)
		#  only main processor needs the two input volumes
		if(myid == 0):
			mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
			locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
			lx = locres.get_xsize()
			if(lx != nx):
				if(lx < nx):
					from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
					mask = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask,scale=float(lx)/float(nx)),lx,lx,lx)
					vol = fdecimate(vol, lx,lx,lx)
				else:  ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume","user function",1)
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			lx = 0
			locres = model_blank(1,1,1)
			vol = model_blank(1,1,1)
		lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node = 0)
		if( myid != 0 ):  mask = model_blank(lx,lx,lx)
		bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
		from filter import filterlocal
		vol = filterlocal( locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0, nproc)

		if myid == 0:
			if(lx < nx):
				from fundamentals import fpol
				vol = fpol(vol, nx,nx,nx)
			vol = threshold(vol)
			vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)#  This will have to be corrected.
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
			vol = model_blank(nx,nx,nx)
		if myid == 0:
			#from utilities import write_text_file
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			vol = threshold(vol)
			vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)#  This will have to be corrected.
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
	# broadcast volume
	bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
	return vol
Exemplo n.º 9
def do_volume_mrk03(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
	from EMAN2          import Util
	from mpi            import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from filter         import filt_table
	from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nnw_MPI  #  recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	import types

	# Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
	data     = ref_data[0]
	Tracker  = ref_data[1]
	iter     = ref_data[2]
	mpi_comm = ref_data[3]
	# # For DEBUG
	# print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
	# print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
	# print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
	# print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))
	if(mpi_comm == None):  mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
	myid  = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
	nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)
	try:     local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
	except:  local_filter = False
	# volume reconstruction
	if( type(data) == types.ListType ):
		if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
			#vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
			#		symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nnw_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["bckgnoise"], Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
				symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
		vol = data

	if myid == 0:
		from morphology import threshold
		from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
		from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
		import types
		nx = vol.get_xsize()
		if(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
			mask3D = model_circle(int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"]*float(nx)/float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"])+0.5), nx, nx, nx)
		elif(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
			from utilities import adaptive_mask
			mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
			if( type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType ):  mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
			else:  mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
			nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
			if( nx != nxm):
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				mask3D = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask3D,scale=float(nx)/float(nxm)),nx,nx,nx)
				nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
				assert(nx == nxm)

		stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
		vol -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
		vol = threshold(vol)
		Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
		if not local_filter:
			if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
				vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
				vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"])

	if local_filter:
		from morphology import binarize
		if(myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
		else:  nx = 0
		nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node = 0)
		#  only main processor needs the two input volumes
		if(myid == 0):
			mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
			locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
			lx = locres.get_xsize()
			if(lx != nx):
				if(lx < nx):
					from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
					mask = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask,scale=float(lx)/float(nx)),lx,lx,lx)
					vol = fdecimate(vol, lx,lx,lx)
				else:  ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume","user function",1)
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			lx = 0
			locres = model_blank(1,1,1)
			vol = model_blank(1,1,1)
		lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node = 0)
		if( myid != 0 ):  mask = model_blank(lx,lx,lx)
		bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
		from filter import filterlocal
		vol = filterlocal( locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0, nproc)

		if myid == 0:
			if(lx < nx):
				from fundamentals import fpol
				vol = fpol(vol, nx,nx,nx)
			vol = threshold(vol)
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
			vol = model_blank(nx,nx,nx)
		if myid == 0:
			#from utilities import write_text_file
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			vol = threshold(vol)
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
	# broadcast volume
	bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
	return vol
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:
    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = progname + """ firstvolume  secondvolume  maskfile  outputfile  --wn  --step  --cutoff  --radius  --fsc  --res_overall  --out_ang_res  --apix  --MPI

	Compute local resolution in real space within area outlined by the maskfile and within regions wn x wn x wn
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=global_def.SPARXVERSION)

        "Size of window within which local real-space FSC is computed. (default 7)"
        help="Shell step in Fourier size in pixels. (default 1.0)")
                      help="Resolution cut-off for FSC. (default 0.5)")
        "If there is no maskfile, sphere with r=radius will be used. By default, the radius is nx/2-wn (default -1)"
        "Save overall FSC curve (might be truncated). By default, the program does not save the FSC curve. (default none)"
        "Overall resolution at the cutoff level estimated by the user [abs units]. (default None)"
        "Additionally creates a local resolution file in Angstroms. (default False)"
        "Pixel size in Angstrom. Effective only with --out_ang_res options. (default 1.0)"
                      help="Use MPI version.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])

    if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4:
        print("See usage " + usage)

    if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:

    res_overall = options.res_overall

    if options.MPI:
        sys.argv = mpi.mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)

        number_of_proc = mpi.mpi_comm_size(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        myid = mpi.mpi_comm_rank(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        main_node = 0
        global_def.MPI = True
        cutoff = options.cutoff

        nk = int(options.wn)

        if (myid == main_node):
            #print sys.argv
            vi = utilities.get_im(sys.argv[1])
            ui = utilities.get_im(sys.argv[2])

            nx = vi.get_xsize()
            ny = vi.get_ysize()
            nz = vi.get_zsize()
            dis = [nx, ny, nz]
            dis = [0, 0, 0, 0]

        global_def.BATCH = True

        dis = utilities.bcast_list_to_all(dis, myid, source_node=main_node)

        if (myid != main_node):
            nx = int(dis[0])
            ny = int(dis[1])
            nz = int(dis[2])

            vi = utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
            ui = utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz)

        if len(args) == 3:
            m = utilities.model_circle((min(nx, ny, nz) - nk) // 2, nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            if (myid == main_node):
                m = morphology.binarize(utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
                m = utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[3]
        utilities.bcast_EMData_to_all(m, myid, main_node)
        """Multiline Comment0"""
        freqvol, resolut = statistics.locres(vi, ui, m, nk, cutoff,
                                             options.step, myid, main_node,

        if (myid == 0):
            # Remove outliers based on the Interquartile range
            output_volume(freqvol, resolut, options.apix, outvol, options.fsc,
                          options.out_ang_res, nx, ny, nz, res_overall)

        cutoff = options.cutoff
        vi = utilities.get_im(args[0])
        ui = utilities.get_im(args[1])

        nn = vi.get_xsize()
        nk = int(options.wn)

        if len(args) == 3:
            m = utilities.model_circle((nn - nk) // 2, nn, nn, nn)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            m = morphology.binarize(utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
            outvol = args[3]

        mc = utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn, 1.0) - m

        vf = fundamentals.fft(vi)
        uf = fundamentals.fft(ui)
        """Multiline Comment1"""
        lp = int(nn / 2 / options.step + 0.5)
        step = 0.5 / lp

        freqvol = utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn)
        resolut = []
        for i in range(1, lp):
            fl = step * i
            fh = fl + step
            v = fundamentals.fft(filter.filt_tophatb(vf, fl, fh))
            u = fundamentals.fft(filter.filt_tophatb(uf, fl, fh))
            tmp1 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(v, v)
            tmp2 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(u, u)

            do = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask(
                        EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(tmp1, tmp2))), m, True)[0]

            tmp3 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(u, v)
            dp = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask(tmp3, m, True)[0]
            resolut.append([i, (fl + fh) / 2.0, dp / do])

            tmp1 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp1, nk)
            tmp2 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp2, nk)
            tmp3 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp3, nk)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp1, tmp2)

            tmp1 = morphology.square_root(morphology.threshold(tmp1))

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp1, m)
            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.add_img(tmp1, mc)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp3, m)
            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.add_img(tmp3, mc)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.div_img(tmp3, tmp1)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp3, m)
            freq = (fl + fh) / 2.0
            bailout = True
            for x in range(nn):
                for y in range(nn):
                    for z in range(nn):
                        if (m.get_value_at(x, y, z) > 0.5):
                            if (freqvol.get_value_at(x, y, z) == 0.0):
                                if (tmp3.get_value_at(x, y, z) < cutoff):
                                    freqvol.set_value_at(x, y, z, freq)
                                    bailout = False
                                    bailout = False
            if (bailout): break
        # remove outliers
        output_volume(freqvol, resolut, options.apix, outvol, options.fsc,
                      options.out_ang_res, nx, ny, nz, res_overall)
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_adaptive_slab_mask(volume, membrane_height):
    Creates an adaptive mask which detects the membrane density 
    and cuts regions accordingly.
    ============= z-height 
    ------------- 1st cut: user defined membrane height
    ------------- 2nd cut: density detected cut
    ---/\./\./\-- 3rd cut: thresholding to detect noise
    ---oooooooo-- Image z-center
    print 'Adaptively masking the membrane..'
    nx = volume.get_xsize()
    ny = volume.get_ysize()
    nz = volume.get_zsize()
    z_center = int(nz / 2) - 1 
    # Calculate first cut
    first_cut = int((nz - membrane_height) / 2) - 1
    # Calculate second cut
    second_cut = first_cut
    # Niko Grigorieff says that for alignments highest resolution should not be more than 15 A
    vol_lp = volume.low_pass(1.0 / 15.0) 
    vol_lp_thrs = EMVol(vol_lp * binarize(vol_lp, vol_lp.get_mean() + vol_lp.get_std()))
    dens_profile = vol_lp_thrs.z_density_profile()
    dens_profile_change = [d1 - d2 for d1, d2 in zip(dens_profile[1:], dens_profile)]
    change_max_indices = get_local_maxima(dens_profile_change)
    if(change_max_indices[0] < z_center):
        second_cut = change_max_indices[0] - 20  # Breathing space of 20 voxels
    change_max_possible = []
    for i in change_max_indices:
        if i < z_center:
    second_cut = dens_profile_change.index(max([dens_profile_change[c] for c in change_max_possible]))
    if (second_cut < first_cut):
        second_cut = first_cut
    # Calculate third cut
    third_cut = z_center
    # third_cut = second_cut + int(nz*0.1)
    # if(third_cut >= z_center):
    #    third_cut = z_center
    print 'Cuts applied: {} {} {}' .format(first_cut, second_cut, third_cut)
    # Generate the mask
    threshold_mask = binarize(volume, volume.get_mean() + 0.5 * volume.get_std())
    mask = model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
    for ix in range(0, nx):
        for iy in range(0, ny):
            for iz in range(third_cut, nz - third_cut):
                mask[ix, iy, iz] = 1
    for ix in range(0, nx):
        for iy in range(0, ny):
            for iz in range(second_cut, third_cut) + range(nz - third_cut, nz - second_cut):
                mask[ix, iy, iz] = threshold_mask[ix, iy, iz]
    return mask
Exemplo n.º 12
def do_volume_mrk02(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
    from EMAN2 import Util
    from mpi import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
    from filter import filt_table
    from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
    from utilities import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
    from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
    import types

    # Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
    data = ref_data[0]
    Tracker = ref_data[1]
    iter = ref_data[2]
    mpi_comm = ref_data[3]

    # # For DEBUG
    # print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
    # print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
    # print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
    # print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))

    if (mpi_comm == None): mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
    myid = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
    nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)

        local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
        local_filter = False
    # volume reconstruction
    if (type(data) == types.ListType):
        if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
            vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
              symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
            vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
              symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
        vol = data

    if myid == 0:
        from morphology import threshold
        from filter import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
        from utilities import model_circle, get_im
        import types
        nx = vol.get_xsize()
        if (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
            mask3D = model_circle(
                int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"] * float(nx) /
                    float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"]) + 0.5), nx, nx, nx)
        elif (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
            from utilities import adaptive_mask
            mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
            if (type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType):
                mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
                mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
            nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
            if (nx != nxm):
                from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
                mask3D = Util.window(
                    rot_shift3D(mask3D, scale=float(nx) / float(nxm)), nx, nx,
                nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
                assert (nx == nxm)

        stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
        vol -= stat[0]
        Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
        vol = threshold(vol)
        Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
        if (Tracker["PWadjustment"]):
            from utilities import read_text_file, write_text_file
            rt = read_text_file(Tracker["PWadjustment"])
            ro = rops_table(vol)
            #  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
            for i in xrange(1, len(ro)):
                ro[i] = (rt[i] / ro[i])**Tracker["upscale"]
            #write_text_file(rops_table(filt_table( vol, ro),1),"foo.txt")
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
                ny = vol.get_ysize()
                y = float(ny)
                from math import exp
                for i in xrange(len(ro)):                    ro[i] *= \

            if local_filter:
                # skip low-pass filtration
                vol = fft(filt_table(vol, ro))
                if (type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType):
                    vol = fft(
                        filt_table(filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"]), ro))
                    vol = fft(
                            filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"],
                                      Tracker["falloff"]), ro))
            del ro
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
                ny = vol.get_ysize()
                y = float(ny)
                ro = [0.0] * (ny // 2 + 2)
                from math import exp
                for i in xrange(len(ro)):                    ro[i] = \
                filt_table(vol, ro)
                del ro
            if not local_filter:
                if (type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType):
                    vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
                    vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"],
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]: vol = fft(vol)

    if local_filter:
        from morphology import binarize
        if (myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
        else: nx = 0
        nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node=0)
        #  only main processor needs the two input volumes
        if (myid == 0):
            mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
            locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
            lx = locres.get_xsize()
            if (lx != nx):
                if (lx < nx):
                    from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
                    mask = Util.window(
                        rot_shift3D(mask, scale=float(lx) / float(nx)), lx, lx,
                    vol = fdecimate(vol, lx, lx, lx)
                    ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume",
                          "user function", 1)
            stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
            vol -= stat[0]
            Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
            lx = 0
            locres = model_blank(1, 1, 1)
            vol = model_blank(1, 1, 1)
        lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node=0)
        if (myid != 0): mask = model_blank(lx, lx, lx)
        bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
        from filter import filterlocal
        vol = filterlocal(locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0,

        if myid == 0:
            if (lx < nx):
                from fundamentals import fpol
                vol = fpol(vol, nx, nx, nx)
            vol = threshold(vol)
            vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)  #  This will have to be corrected.
            Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
            del mask3D
            # vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
            vol = model_blank(nx, nx, nx)
        if myid == 0:
            #from utilities import write_text_file
            stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
            vol -= stat[0]
            Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
            vol = threshold(vol)
            vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)  #  This will have to be corrected.
            Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
            del mask3D
            # vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
    # broadcast volume
    bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
    return vol
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
	import sys
	import os
	import math
	import random
	import pyemtbx.options
	import time
	from   random   import random, seed, randint
	from   optparse import OptionParser

	progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
	usage = progname + """ [options] <inputfile> <outputfile>

	Generic 2-D image processing programs.


	1.  Phase flip a stack of images and write output to new file:
		sxprocess.py input_stack.hdf output_stack.hdf --phase_flip
	2.  Resample (decimate or interpolate up) images (2D or 3D) in a stack to change the pixel size.
	    The window size will change accordingly.
		sxprocess input.hdf output.hdf  --changesize --ratio=0.5

	3.  Compute average power spectrum of a stack of 2D images with optional padding (option wn) with zeroes or a 3-D volume.
		sxprocess.py input_stack.hdf powerspectrum.hdf --pw [--wn=1024]

	4.  Generate a stack of projections bdb:data and micrographs with prefix mic (i.e., mic0.hdf, mic1.hdf etc) from structure input_structure.hdf, with CTF applied to both projections and micrographs:
		sxprocess.py input_structure.hdf data mic --generate_projections format="bdb":apix=5.2:CTF=True:boxsize=64

    5.  Retrieve original image numbers in the selected ISAC group (here group 12 from generation 3):
    	sxprocess.py  bdb:test3 class_averages_generation_3.hdf  list3_12.txt --isacgroup=12 --params=originalid

    6.  Retrieve original image numbers of images listed in ISAC output stack of averages:
    	sxprocess.py  select1.hdf  ohk.txt

    7.  Adjust rotationally averaged power spectrum of an image to that of a reference image or a reference 1D power spectrum stored in an ASCII file.
    	Optionally use a tangent low-pass filter.  Also works for a stack of images, in which case the output is also a stack.
    	sxprocess.py  vol.hdf ref.hdf  avol.hdf < 0.25 0.2> --adjpw
   	 	sxprocess.py  vol.hdf pw.txt   avol.hdf < 0.25 0.2> --adjpw

    8.  Generate a 1D rotationally averaged power spectrum of an image.
		sxprocess.py  vol.hdf --rotwp=rotpw.txt
    	# Output will contain three columns:
       (1) rotationally averaged power spectrum
       (2) logarithm of the rotationally averaged power spectrum
       (3) integer line number (from zero to approximately to half the image size)

    9.  Apply 3D transformation (rotation and/or shift) to a set of orientation parameters associated with projection data.
    	sxprocess.py  --transfromparams=phi,theta,psi,tx,ty,tz      input.txt  output.txt
    	The output file is then imported and 3D transformed volume computed:
    	sxheader.py  bdb:p  --params=xform.projection  --import=output.txt
    	mpirun -np 2 sxrecons3d_n.py  bdb:p tvol.hdf --MPI
    	The reconstructed volume is in the position of the volume computed using the input.txt parameters and then
    	transformed with rot_shift3D(vol, phi,theta,psi,tx,ty,tz)

   10.  Import ctf parameters from the output of sxcter into windowed particle headers.
	    There are three possible input files formats:  (1) all particles are in one stack, (2 aor 3) particles are in stacks, each stack corresponds to a single micrograph.
	    In each case the particles should contain a name of the micrograph of origin stores using attribute name 'ptcl_source_image'.
        Normally this is done by e2boxer.py during windowing.
	    Particles whose defocus or astigmatism error exceed set thresholds will be skipped, otherwise, virtual stacks with the original way preceded by G will be created.
		sxprocess.py  --input=bdb:data  --importctf=outdir/partres  --defocuserror=10.0  --astigmatismerror=5.0
		#  Output will be a vritual stack bdb:Gdata
		sxprocess.py  --input="bdb:directory/stacks*"  --importctf=outdir/partres  --defocuserror=10.0  --astigmatismerror=5.0
		To concatenate output files:
		cd directory
		e2bdb.py . --makevstack=bdb:allparticles  --filt=G
		IMPORTANT:  Please do not move (or remove!) any input/intermediate EMAN2DB files as the information is linked between them.

   11. Scale 3D shifts.  The shifts in the input five columns text file with 3D orientation parameters will be DIVIDED by the scale factor
		sxprocess.py  orientationparams.txt  scaledparams.txt  scale=0.5
   12. Generate 3D mask from a given 3-D volume automatically or using threshold provided by user.
   13. Postprocess 3-D or 2-D images: 
   			for 3-D volumes: calculate FSC with provided mask; weight summed volume with FSC; estimate B-factor from FSC weighted summed two volumes; apply negative B-factor to the weighted volume. 
   			for 2-D images:  calculate B-factor and apply negative B-factor to 2-D images.
   14. Winow stack file -reduce size of images without changing the pixel size. 


	parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION)
	parser.add_option("--order", 				action="store_true", help="Two arguments are required: name of input stack and desired name of output stack. The output stack is the input stack sorted by similarity in terms of cross-correlation coefficent.", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--order_lookup", 		action="store_true", help="Test/Debug.", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--order_metropolis", 	action="store_true", help="Test/Debug.", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--order_pca", 			action="store_true", help="Test/Debug.", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--initial",				type="int", 		default=-1, help="Specifies which image will be used as an initial seed to form the chain. (default = 0, means the first image)")
	parser.add_option("--circular", 			action="store_true", help="Select circular ordering (fisr image has to be similar to the last", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--radius", 				type="int", 		default=-1, help="Radius of a circular mask for similarity based ordering")
	parser.add_option("--changesize", 			action="store_true", help="resample (decimate or interpolate up) images (2D or 3D) in a stack to change the pixel size.", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--ratio", 				type="float", 		default=1.0, help="The ratio of new to old image size (if <1 the pixel size will increase and image size decrease, if>1, the other way round")
	parser.add_option("--pw", 					action="store_true", help="compute average power spectrum of a stack of 2-D images with optional padding (option wn) with zeroes", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--wn", 					type="int", 		default=-1, help="Size of window to use (should be larger/equal than particle box size, default padding to max(nx,ny))")
	parser.add_option("--phase_flip", 			action="store_true", help="Phase flip the input stack", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--makedb", 				metavar="param1=value1:param2=value2", type="string",
					action="append",  help="One argument is required: name of key with which the database will be created. Fill in database with parameters specified as follows: --makedb param1=value1:param2=value2, e.g. 'gauss_width'=1.0:'pixel_input'=5.2:'pixel_output'=5.2:'thr_low'=1.0")
	parser.add_option("--generate_projections", metavar="param1=value1:param2=value2", type="string",
					action="append", help="Three arguments are required: name of input structure from which to generate projections, desired name of output projection stack, and desired prefix for micrographs (e.g. if prefix is 'mic', then micrographs mic0.hdf, mic1.hdf etc will be generated). Optional arguments specifying format, apix, box size and whether to add CTF effects can be entered as follows after --generate_projections: format='bdb':apix=5.2:CTF=True:boxsize=100, or format='hdf', etc., where format is bdb or hdf, apix (pixel size) is a float, CTF is True or False, and boxsize denotes the dimension of the box (assumed to be a square). If an optional parameter is not specified, it will default as follows: format='bdb', apix=2.5, CTF=False, boxsize=64.")
	parser.add_option("--isacgroup", 			type="int", 		help="Retrieve original image numbers in the selected ISAC group. See ISAC documentation for details.", default=-1)
	parser.add_option("--isacselect", 			action="store_true", 		help="Retrieve original image numbers of images listed in ISAC output stack of averages. See ISAC documentation for details.", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--params",	   			type="string",      default=None,    help="Name of header of parameter, which one depends on specific option")
	parser.add_option("--adjpw", 				action="store_true",	help="Adjust rotationally averaged power spectrum of an image", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--rotpw", 				type="string",   	default=None,    help="Name of the text file to contain rotationally averaged power spectrum of the input image.")
	parser.add_option("--transformparams",		type="string",   	default=None,    help="Transform 3D projection orientation parameters using six 3D parameters (phi, theta,psi,sx,sy,sz).  Input: --transformparams=45.,66.,12.,-2,3,-5.5 desired six transformation of the reconstructed structure. Output: file with modified orientation parameters.")

	# import ctf estimates done using cter
	parser.add_option("--input",              	type="string",		default= None,     		  help="Input particles.")
	parser.add_option("--importctf",          	type="string",		default= None,     		  help="Name of the file containing CTF parameters produced by sxcter.")
	parser.add_option("--defocuserror",       	type="float",  		default=1000000.0,        help="Exclude micrographs whose relative defocus error as estimated by sxcter is larger than defocuserror percent.  The error is computed as (std dev defocus)/defocus*100%")
	parser.add_option("--astigmatismerror",   	type="float",  		default=360.0,            help="Set to zero astigmatism for micrographs whose astigmatism angular error as estimated by sxcter is larger than astigmatismerror degrees.")

	# import ctf estimates done using cter
	parser.add_option("--scale",              	type="float", 		default=-1.0,      		  help="Divide shifts in the input 3D orientation parameters text file by the scale factor.")
	# generate adaptive mask from an given 3-D volume
	parser.add_option("--adaptive_mask",        action="store_true",                      help="create adavptive 3-D mask from a given volume", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--nsigma",              	type="float",	default= 1.,     	      help="number of times of sigma of the input volume to obtain the the large density cluster")
	parser.add_option("--ndilation",            type="int",		default= 3,     		  help="number of times of dilation applied to the largest cluster of density")
	parser.add_option("--kernel_size",          type="int",		default= 11,     		  help="convolution kernel for smoothing the edge of the mask")
	parser.add_option("--gauss_standard_dev",   type="int",		default= 9,     		  help="stanadard deviation value to generate Gaussian edge")
	parser.add_option("--threshold",            type="float",	default= 9999.,           help="threshold provided by user to binarize input volume")
	parser.add_option("--ne",                   type="int",		default= 0,     		  help="number of times to erode the binarized  input image")
	parser.add_option("--nd",                   type="int",		default= 0,     		  help="number of times to dilate the binarized input image")
	parser.add_option("--postprocess",          action="store_true",                      help="postprocess unfiltered odd, even 3-D volumes",default=False)
	parser.add_option("--fsc_weighted",         action="store_true",                      help="postprocess unfiltered odd, even 3-D volumes")
	parser.add_option("--low_pass_filter",      action="store_true",      default=False,  help="postprocess unfiltered odd, even 3-D volumes")
	parser.add_option("--ff",                   type="float", default=.25,                help="low pass filter stop band frequency in absolute unit")
	parser.add_option("--aa",                   type="float", default=.1,                 help="low pass filter falloff" )
	parser.add_option("--mask",           type="string",                                  help="input mask file",  default=None)
	parser.add_option("--output",         type="string",                                  help="output file name", default="postprocessed.hdf")
	parser.add_option("--pixel_size",     type="float",                                   help="pixel size of the data", default=1.0)
	parser.add_option("--B_start",     type="float",                                      help="starting frequency in Angstrom for B-factor estimation", default=10.)
	parser.add_option("--FSC_cutoff",     type="float",                                   help="stop frequency in Angstrom for B-factor estimation", default=0.143)
	parser.add_option("--2d",          action="store_true",                      help="postprocess isac 2-D averaged images",default=False)
	parser.add_option("--window_stack",                     action="store_true",          help="window stack images using a smaller window size", default=False)
	parser.add_option("--box",           type="int",		default= 0,                   help="the new window size ") 
 	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

	global_def.BATCH = True
	if options.phase_flip:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 2:
			print "must provide name of input and output file!"
		from EMAN2 import Processor
		instack = args[0]
		outstack = args[1]
		nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(instack)
		from filter import filt_ctf
		for i in xrange(nima):
			img = EMData()
			img.read_image(instack, i)
				ctf = img.get_attr('ctf')
				print "no ctf information in input stack! Exiting..."
			dopad = True
			sign = 1
			binary = 1  # phase flip
			assert img.get_ysize() > 1	
			dict = ctf.to_dict()
			dz = dict["defocus"]
			cs = dict["cs"]
			voltage = dict["voltage"]
			pixel_size = dict["apix"]
			b_factor = dict["bfactor"]
			ampcont = dict["ampcont"]
			dza = dict["dfdiff"]
			azz = dict["dfang"]
			if dopad and not img.is_complex(): ip = 1
			else:                             ip = 0
			params = {"filter_type": Processor.fourier_filter_types.CTF_,
	 			"defocus" : dz,
				"Cs": cs,
				"voltage": voltage,
				"Pixel_size": pixel_size,
				"B_factor": b_factor,
				"amp_contrast": ampcont,
				"dopad": ip,
				"binary": binary,
				"sign": sign,
				"dza": dza,
			tmp = Processor.EMFourierFilter(img, params)
			tmp.set_attr_dict({"ctf": ctf})
			tmp.write_image(outstack, i)

	elif options.changesize:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 2:
			ERROR("must provide name of input and output file!", "change size", 1)
		from utilities import get_im
		instack = args[0]
		outstack = args[1]
		sub_rate = float(options.ratio)
		nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(instack)
		from fundamentals import resample
		for i in xrange(nima):
			resample(get_im(instack, i), sub_rate).write_image(outstack, i)

	elif options.isacgroup>-1:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 3:
			ERROR("Three files needed on input!", "isacgroup", 1)
		from utilities import get_im
		instack = args[0]
		l = []
		for k in m:
		from utilities import write_text_file
		write_text_file(l, args[2])

	elif options.isacselect:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 2:
			ERROR("Two files needed on input!", "isacgroup", 1)
		from utilities import get_im
		nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0])
		m = []
		for k in xrange(nima):
			m += get_im(args[0],k).get_attr("members")
		from utilities import write_text_file
		write_text_file(m, args[1])

	elif options.pw:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs < 2:
			ERROR("must provide name of input and output file!", "pw", 1)
		from utilities import get_im, write_text_file
		from fundamentals import rops_table
		d = get_im(args[0])
		ndim = d.get_ndim()
		if ndim ==3:
			pw = rops_table(d)
			write_text_file(pw, args[1])			
			nx = d.get_xsize()
			ny = d.get_ysize()
			if nargs ==3: mask = get_im(args[2])
			wn = int(options.wn)
			if wn == -1:
				wn = max(nx, ny)
				if( (wn<nx) or (wn<ny) ):  ERROR("window size cannot be smaller than the image size","pw",1)
			n = EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0])
			from utilities import model_blank, model_circle, pad
			from EMAN2 import periodogram
			p = model_blank(wn,wn)
			for i in xrange(n):
				d = get_im(args[0], i)
				if nargs==3:
					d *=mask
				st = Util.infomask(d, None, True)
				d -= st[0]
				p += periodogram(pad(d, wn, wn, 1, 0.))
			p /= n

	elif options.adjpw:

		if len(args) < 3:
			ERROR("filt_by_rops input target output fl aa (the last two are optional parameters of a low-pass filter)","adjpw",1)
		img_stack = args[0]
		from math         import sqrt
		from fundamentals import rops_table, fft
		from utilities    import read_text_file, get_im
		from filter       import  filt_tanl, filt_table
		if(  args[1][-3:] == 'txt'):
			rops_dst = read_text_file( args[1] )
			rops_dst = rops_table(get_im( args[1] ))

		out_stack = args[2]
		if(len(args) >4):
			fl = float(args[3])
			aa = float(args[4])
			fl = -1.0
			aa = 0.0

		nimage = EMUtil.get_image_count( img_stack )

		for i in xrange(nimage):
			img = fft(get_im(img_stack, i) )
			rops_src = rops_table(img)

			assert len(rops_dst) == len(rops_src)

			table = [0.0]*len(rops_dst)
			for j in xrange( len(rops_dst) ):
				table[j] = sqrt( rops_dst[j]/rops_src[j] )

			if( fl > 0.0):
				img = filt_tanl(img, fl, aa)
			img = fft(filt_table(img, table))
			img.write_image(out_stack, i)

	elif options.rotpw != None:

		if len(args) != 1:
			ERROR("Only one input permitted","rotpw",1)
		from utilities import write_text_file, get_im
		from fundamentals import rops_table
		from math import log10
		t = rops_table(get_im(args[0]))
		x = range(len(t))
		r = [0.0]*len(x)
		for i in x:  r[i] = log10(t[i])

	elif options.transformparams != None:
		if len(args) != 2:
			ERROR("Please provide names of input and output files with orientation parameters","transformparams",1)
		from utilities import read_text_row, write_text_row
		transf = [0.0]*6
		for i in xrange(len(spl)):  transf[i] = float(spl[i])

		write_text_row( rotate_shift_params(read_text_row(args[0]), transf)	, args[1])

	elif options.makedb != None:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 1:
			print "must provide exactly one argument denoting database key under which the input params will be stored"
		dbkey = args[0]
		print "database key under which params will be stored: ", dbkey
		gbdb = js_open_dict("e2boxercache/gauss_box_DB.json")
		parmstr = 'dummy:'+options.makedb[0]
		(processorname, param_dict) = parsemodopt(parmstr)
		dbdict = {}
		for pkey in param_dict:
			if (pkey == 'invert_contrast') or (pkey == 'use_variance'):
				if param_dict[pkey] == 'True':
					dbdict[pkey] = True
					dbdict[pkey] = False
				dbdict[pkey] = param_dict[pkey]
		gbdb[dbkey] = dbdict

	elif options.generate_projections:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 3:
			ERROR("Must provide name of input structure(s) from which to generate projections, name of output projection stack, and prefix for output micrographs."\
			"sxprocess - generate projections",1)
		inpstr  = args[0]
		outstk  = args[1]
		micpref = args[2]

		parmstr = 'dummy:'+options.generate_projections[0]
		(processorname, param_dict) = parsemodopt(parmstr)

		parm_CTF    = False
		parm_format = 'bdb'
		parm_apix   = 2.5

		if 'CTF' in param_dict:
			if param_dict['CTF'] == 'True':
				parm_CTF = True

		if 'format' in param_dict:
			parm_format = param_dict['format']

		if 'apix' in param_dict:
			parm_apix = float(param_dict['apix'])

		boxsize = 64
		if 'boxsize' in param_dict:
			boxsize = int(param_dict['boxsize'])

		print "pixel size: ", parm_apix, " format: ", parm_format, " add CTF: ", parm_CTF, " box size: ", boxsize

		scale_mult      = 2500
		sigma_add       = 1.5
		sigma_proj      = 30.0
		sigma2_proj     = 17.5
		sigma_gauss     = 0.3
		sigma_mic       = 30.0
		sigma2_mic      = 17.5
		sigma_gauss_mic = 0.3
		if 'scale_mult' in param_dict:
			scale_mult = float(param_dict['scale_mult'])
		if 'sigma_add' in param_dict:
			sigma_add = float(param_dict['sigma_add'])
		if 'sigma_proj' in param_dict:
			sigma_proj = float(param_dict['sigma_proj'])
		if 'sigma2_proj' in param_dict:
			sigma2_proj = float(param_dict['sigma2_proj'])
		if 'sigma_gauss' in param_dict:
			sigma_gauss = float(param_dict['sigma_gauss'])	
		if 'sigma_mic' in param_dict:
			sigma_mic = float(param_dict['sigma_mic'])
		if 'sigma2_mic' in param_dict:
			sigma2_mic = float(param_dict['sigma2_mic'])
		if 'sigma_gauss_mic' in param_dict:
			sigma_gauss_mic = float(param_dict['sigma_gauss_mic'])	
		from filter import filt_gaussl, filt_ctf
		from utilities import drop_spider_doc, even_angles, model_gauss, delete_bdb, model_blank,pad,model_gauss_noise,set_params2D, set_params_proj
		from projection import prep_vol,prgs
		delta = 29
		angles = even_angles(delta, 0.0, 89.9, 0.0, 359.9, "S")
		nangle = len(angles)
		modelvol = []
		nvlms = EMUtil.get_image_count(inpstr)
		from utilities import get_im
		for k in xrange(nvlms):  modelvol.append(get_im(inpstr,k))
		nx = modelvol[0].get_xsize()
		if nx != boxsize:
			ERROR("Requested box dimension does not match dimension of the input model.", \
			"sxprocess - generate projections",1)
		nvol = 10
		volfts = [[] for k in xrange(nvlms)]
		for k in xrange(nvlms):
			for i in xrange(nvol):
				sigma = sigma_add + random()  # 1.5-2.5
				addon = model_gauss(sigma, boxsize, boxsize, boxsize, sigma, sigma, 38, 38, 40 )
				scale = scale_mult * (0.5+random())
				vf, kb = prep_vol(modelvol[k] + scale*addon)
		del vf, modelvol

		if parm_format == "bdb":
			stack_data = "bdb:"+outstk
			stack_data = outstk + ".hdf"
		Cs      = 2.0
		pixel   = parm_apix
		voltage = 120.0
		ampcont = 10.0
		ibd     = 4096/2-boxsize
		iprj    = 0

		width = 240
		xstart = 8 + boxsize/2
		ystart = 8 + boxsize/2
		rowlen = 17
		from random import randint
		params = []
		for idef in xrange(3, 8):

			irow = 0
			icol = 0

			mic = model_blank(4096, 4096)
			defocus = idef * 0.5#0.2
			if parm_CTF:
				ctf = generate_ctf([defocus, Cs, voltage,  pixel, ampcont, 0.0, astampl, astangl])

			for i in xrange(nangle):
				for k in xrange(12):
					dphi = 8.0*(random()-0.5)
					dtht = 8.0*(random()-0.5)
					psi  = 360.0*random()

					phi = angles[i][0]+dphi
					tht = angles[i][1]+dtht

					s2x = 4.0*(random()-0.5)
					s2y = 4.0*(random()-0.5)

					params.append([phi, tht, psi, s2x, s2y])

					ivol = iprj % nvol
					#imgsrc = randint(0,nvlms-1)
					imgsrc = iprj % nvlms
					proj = prgs(volfts[imgsrc][ivol], kb, [phi, tht, psi, -s2x, -s2y])

					x = xstart + irow * width
					y = ystart + icol * width

					mic += pad(proj, 4096, 4096, 1, 0.0, x-2048, y-2048, 0)

					proj = proj + model_gauss_noise( sigma_proj, nx, nx )
					if parm_CTF:
						proj = filt_ctf(proj, ctf)
						proj.set_attr_dict({"ctf":ctf, "ctf_applied":0})

					proj = proj + filt_gaussl(model_gauss_noise(sigma2_proj, nx, nx), sigma_gauss)
					proj.set_attr("test_id", iprj)
					# flags describing the status of the image (1 = true, 0 = false)
					set_params2D(proj, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 1.0])
					set_params_proj(proj, [phi, tht, psi, s2x, s2y])

					proj.write_image(stack_data, iprj)
					icol += 1
					if icol == rowlen:
						icol = 0
						irow += 1

					iprj += 1

			mic += model_gauss_noise(sigma_mic,4096,4096)
			if parm_CTF:
				#apply CTF
				mic = filt_ctf(mic, ctf)
			mic += filt_gaussl(model_gauss_noise(sigma2_mic, 4096, 4096), sigma_gauss_mic)
			mic.write_image(micpref + "%1d.hdf" % (idef-3), 0)
		drop_spider_doc("params.txt", params)

	elif options.importctf != None:
		print ' IMPORTCTF  '
		from utilities import read_text_row,write_text_row
		from random import randint
		import subprocess
		grpfile = 'groupid%04d'%randint(1000,9999)
		ctfpfile = 'ctfpfile%04d'%randint(1000,9999)
		cterr = [options.defocuserror/100.0, options.astigmatismerror]
		ctfs = read_text_row(options.importctf)
		for kk in xrange(len(ctfs)):
			root,name = os.path.split(ctfs[kk][-1])
			ctfs[kk][-1] = name[:-4]
		if(options.input[:4] != 'bdb:'):
			ERROR('Sorry, only bdb files implemented','importctf',1)
		d = options.input[4:]
		#try:     str = d.index('*')
		#except:  str = -1
		from string import split
		import glob
		uu = os.path.split(d)
		uu = os.path.join(uu[0],'EMAN2DB',uu[1]+'.bdb')
		flist = glob.glob(uu)
		for i in xrange(len(flist)):
			root,name = os.path.split(flist[i])
			root = root[:-7]
			name = name[:-4]
			fil = 'bdb:'+os.path.join(root,name)
			sourcemic = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(fil,'ptcl_source_image')
			nn = len(sourcemic)
			gctfp = []
			groupid = []
			for kk in xrange(nn):
				junk,name2 = os.path.split(sourcemic[kk])
				name2 = name2[:-4]
				ctfp = [-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
				for ll in xrange(len(ctfs)):
					if(name2 == ctfs[ll][-1]):
						#  found correct
						if(ctfs[ll][8]/ctfs[ll][0] <= cterr[0]):
							#  acceptable defocus error
							ctfp = ctfs[ll][:8]
							if(ctfs[ll][10] > cterr[1] ):
								# error of astigmatism exceed the threshold, set astigmatism to zero.
								ctfp[6] = 0.0
								ctfp[7] = 0.0
			if(len(groupid) > 0):
				write_text_row(groupid, grpfile)
				write_text_row(gctfp, ctfpfile)
				cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format('e2bdb.py',fil,'--makevstack=bdb:'+root+'G'+name,'--list='+grpfile)
				#print cmd
				subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
				cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format('sxheader.py','bdb:'+root+'G'+name,'--params=ctf','--import='+ctfpfile)
				#print cmd
				subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
				print  ' >>>  Group ',name,'  skipped.'
		cmd = "{} {} {}".format("rm -f",grpfile,ctfpfile)
		subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

	elif options.scale > 0.0:
		from utilities import read_text_row,write_text_row
		scale = options.scale
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs != 2:
			print "Please provide names of input and output file!"
		p = read_text_row(args[0])
		for i in xrange(len(p)):
			p[i][3] /= scale
			p[i][4] /= scale
		write_text_row(p, args[1])
	elif options.adaptive_mask:
		from utilities import get_im
		from morphology import adaptive_mask, binarize, erosion, dilation
		nsigma             = options.nsigma
		ndilation          = options.ndilation
		kernel_size        = options.kernel_size
		gauss_standard_dev = options.gauss_standard_dev
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs ==0:
			print " Create 3D mask from a given volume, either automatically or from the user provided threshold."
		elif nargs > 2:
			print "Too many inputs are given, try again!"
			inputvol = get_im(args[0])
			input_path, input_file_name = os.path.split(args[0])
			if nargs == 2:  mask_file_name = args[1]
			else:           mask_file_name = "adaptive_mask_for_"+input_file_name_root+".hdf" # Only hdf file is output.
			if options.threshold !=9999.:
				mask3d = binarize(inputvol, options.threshold)
				for i in xrange(options.ne): mask3d = erosion(mask3d)
				for i in xrange(options.nd): mask3d = dilation(mask3d)
				mask3d = adaptive_mask(inputvol, nsigma, ndilation, kernel_size, gauss_standard_dev)
	elif options.postprocess:
		from utilities    import get_im
		from fundamentals import rot_avg_table
		from morphology   import compute_bfactor,power
		from statistics   import fsc
		from filter       import filt_table, filt_gaussinv
		from EMAN2 import periodogram
		e1   = get_im(args[0],0)
		if e1.get_zsize()==1:
			nimage = EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0])
			if options.mask !=None: m = get_im(options.mask)
			else: m = None
			for i in xrange(nimage):
				e1 = get_im(args[0],i)
				if m: e1 *=m
				guinerline = rot_avg_table(power(periodogram(e1),.5))
				freq_max   =  1/(2.*pixel_size)
				freq_min   =  1./options.B_start
				b,junk=compute_bfactor(guinerline, freq_min, freq_max, pixel_size)
				tmp = b/pixel_size**2
				e1 = filt_gaussinv(e1,sigma_of_inverse)
				if options.low_pass_filter:
					from filter import filt_tanl
					e1 =filt_tanl(e1,options.ff, options.aa)
			nargs = len(args)
			e1    = get_im(args[0])
			if nargs >1: e2 = get_im(args[1])
			if options.mask !=None: m = get_im(options.mask)
			else: m =None
			pixel_size = options.pixel_size
			from math import sqrt
			if m !=None:
				e1 *=m
				if nargs >1 :e2 *=m
			if options.fsc_weighted:
				frc = fsc(e1,e2,1)
				## FSC is done on masked two images
				#### FSC weighting sqrt((2.*fsc)/(1+fsc));
				fil = len(frc[1])*[None]
				for i in xrange(len(fil)):
					if frc[1][i]>=options.FSC_cutoff: tmp = frc[1][i]
					else: tmp = 0.0
					fil[i] = sqrt(2.*tmp/(1.+tmp))
			if nargs>1: e1 +=e2
			if options.fsc_weighted: e1=filt_table(e1,fil) 
			guinerline = rot_avg_table(power(periodogram(e1),.5))
			freq_max   = 1/(2.*pixel_size)
			freq_min   = 1./options.B_start
			b,junk     = compute_bfactor(guinerline, freq_min, freq_max, pixel_size)
			tmp        = b/pixel_size**2
			e1  = filt_gaussinv(e1,sigma_of_inverse)
			if options.low_pass_filter:
				from filter       import filt_tanl
				e1 =filt_tanl(e1,options.ff, options.aa)
	elif options.window_stack:
		nargs = len(args)
		if nargs ==0:
			print "  Reduce image size of a stack"
			output_stack_name = None
			inputstack = args[0]
			if nargs ==2:output_stack_name = args[1]
			if input_file_name_root[0:3]=="bdb":stack_is_bdb= True
			else: stack_is_bdb= False
			if output_stack_name is None:
				if stack_is_bdb: output_stack_name ="bdb:reduced_"+input_file_name_root[4:]
				else:output_stack_name = "reduced_"+input_file_name_root+".hdf" # Only hdf file is output.
			nimage = EMUtil.get_image_count(inputstack)
			from fundamentals import window2d
			for i in xrange(nimage):
				image = EMData()
				w = window2d(image,options.box,options.box)
	else:  ERROR("Please provide option name","sxprocess.py",1)