Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_lwkmem(spec=None):
     if spec == None:
         op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s', '-r'])
         op, rc = spec, 0
     units = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
     total_size = 0
     for token in op.split():
         if token.startswith('lwkmem='):
             f, m, l = token.partition('=')
             l = l.strip()
             if l != '':
                 for node_spec in l.split(','):
                     node, delimiter, size = node_spec.partition(':')
                     if delimiter == '':
                         size = node
                     size = size.strip()
                     if size != '':
                         multiplier = 1
                         if size.endswith(('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E')):
                             for u in units:
                                 index = size.find(u)
                                 if index != -1:
                                     multiplier = 1024**(1 + units.index(u))
                             size = size.strip('KMGTPE')
                         total_size += int(size) * multiplier
     return total_size
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_invalid_spec(self):
        v = '3' if ARGS.test_debug else '0'

        spec = Spec()
        lwkcpus_spec = spec.create_lwkcpu_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkcpus_spec, 'lwkcpus=',
                            'Failed to create LWK partition spec')
        lwkmem_spec = spec.create_lwkmem_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkmem_spec, 'lwkmem=',
                            'Failed to create LWKMEM partition spec')

        invalid_lwkcpu_spec = [
            lwkcpus_spec.strip('lwkcpus='),  # Missing lwkcpus=
            lwkcpus_spec.strip('lwkcpus'),  # Missing lwkcpus
            lwkcpus_spec.replace('lwkcpus', 'lwkcpu'),  # Typo in lwkcpus
            lwkcpus_spec.replace('=', ' '),  # Missing '=' sign
            lwkcpus_spec.replace('.', ',',
                                 1),  # Missing utility CPU to LWK CPU mapping
            lwkcpus_spec.replace(lwkcpus_spec, '@*$^)_!#'),  # Total garbage
        if lwkcpus_spec.find(':') != -1:
            invalid_lwkcpu_spec += [lwkcpus_spec.replace(
                ':', ',', 1)]  # Missing delimiter ':' between mappings ]

        for s in invalid_lwkcpu_spec:
            s = '{} {}'.format(s, lwkmem_spec)
            logging.debug('Testing spec: ' + s)
            out, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', s], requiresRoot=True)
                rc == 0,
                'Created LWK partition for invalid spec: {}'.format(s))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_profile(spec=None):
     if spec == None:
         op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s', '-r'])
         op, rc = spec, 0
     for token in op.split():
         if token.startswith('lwkcpu_profile='):
             f, m, l = token.partition('lwkcpu_profile=')
             return l
     return ''
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_lwkmem_spec(self, ratio):
        def get_node_spec(node, size):
            if size <= 0:
                return ''
            unit = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
            q = size
            for i in range(0, len(unit)):
                q, r = divmod(q, 1024)
                if q == 0 or r != 0:
            if i != 0:
                return '{}:{}{}'.format(int(node), size // (1 << (10 * i)),
                                        unit[i - 1])
                return '{}:{}'.format(int(node), size)

        if lwkmem_static:
            op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', '0', '-s', '-r'])
            for token in op.split():
                if token.startswith('lwkmem='):
                    if token != 'lwkmem=':
                        return token
            return ''

        lwkmem_spec = 'lwkmem='
        movable_mem = []
        fname = '/proc/buddyinfo'
        for line in fileinput.input(fname, mode='r'):
            if line.startswith('Node'):
                tokens = line.split()
                if tokens[0] == 'Node' and tokens[3] == 'Movable':
                    order = pages = 0
                    for t in tokens[4:]:
                        pages += int(t) * (1 << order)
                        order += 1
                    node = int(tokens[1].strip(' ,'))
                    movable_mem += [(node, math.floor(pages * 4096 * ratio))]

        for node, size in movable_mem:
            node_spec = get_node_spec(node, size)
            if node_spec != '':
                if lwkmem_spec != 'lwkmem=':
                    lwkmem_spec += ','
                lwkmem_spec += node_spec

        if lwkmem_spec == 'lwkmem=':
            return ''
            return lwkmem_spec
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_busy_with_job(self):
        v = '3' if ARGS.test_debug else '0'

        lwkcpus_spec, utilcpus, lwkcpus = spec.create_lwkcpu_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkcpus_spec, 'lwkcpus=',
                            'Failed to create LWKCPU partition spec')
        # Request memory above what is available
        lwkmem_spec = spec.create_lwkmem_spec(0.9, True)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkmem_spec, 'lwkmem=',
                            'Failed to create LWKMEM partition spec')

        # Insert a jobid into the RAS subsystem:
        rc = spec.write_to_ras_file('jobid', '1234567')
        self.assertTrue(rc, 'Could not write to jobid file.')

        # Try to create a partition with larger memory than available
        s = '{} {}'.format(lwkcpus_spec, lwkmem_spec)
        logging.debug('Testing LWK partition: {}'.format(s))

        out, rc = run([
        ], requiresRoot=True)
        self.assertFalse(rc == 0,
                         'Created LWK partition even though job is active.')

        out, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', s, '--force'],
        self.assertTrue(rc == 0,
                        'Could not create LWK partition with --force.')

        rc = spec.write_to_ras_file('jobid', ' ')
        self.assertTrue(rc, 'Could not write to jobid file.')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_cpus():
        utilcpus = CpuSet(0)
        lwkcpus = CpuSet(0)

        op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s'])

        lines = op.splitlines()
        for l in lines:
            if l.startswith('Utility CPU(s):'):
                f, m, s = l.partition('Utility CPU(s):')
                s = s.split('[')[0].strip()
                if s != '':
            if l.startswith('LWK     CPU(s):'):
                f, m, s = l.partition('LWK     CPU(s):')
                s = s.split('[')[0].strip()
                if s != '':
        return utilcpus, lwkcpus
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_invalid_partition(self):
        v = '3' if ARGS.test_debug else '0'

        spec = Spec()
        lwkcpus_spec = spec.create_lwkcpu_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkcpus_spec, 'lwkcpus=', 'Failed to create LWKCPU partition spec')
        lwkmem_spec = spec.create_lwkmem_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkmem_spec, 'lwkmem=', 'Failed to create LWKMEM partition spec')

        # Manufacture an invalid spec by adding invalid CPU numbers
        N = spec.n_cpus
        lwkcpus_spec += ':{}.{}-{}'.format(N, N+1, N+10)

        # Try to create a partition with CPUs which are not present
        s = '{} {}'.format(lwkcpus_spec, lwkmem_spec)
        logging.debug('Testing LWK partition: {}'.format(s))

        out, rc = run(['sudo', 'lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', s])
        self.assertFalse(rc == 0, 'Created LWK partition for invalid spec: {}'.format(s))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_precise_yes(self):
        v = '3' if ARGS.test_debug else '0'

        lwkcpus_spec, utilcpus, lwkcpus = spec.create_lwkcpu_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkcpus_spec, 'lwkcpus=',
                            'Failed to create LWKCPU partition spec')
        # Request available memory
        lwkmem_spec = spec.create_lwkmem_spec(0.90, True)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkmem_spec, 'lwkmem=',
                            'Failed to create LWKMEM partition spec')

        s = '{} {}'.format(lwkcpus_spec, lwkmem_spec)
        logging.debug('Testing LWK partition: {}'.format(s))

        out, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', s, '-p', 'yes', '--force'],
            rc == 0,
            'Could not create precise partition with available memory: {}'.
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_precise_no(self):
        v = '3' if ARGS.test_debug else '0'

        lwkcpus_spec, utilcpus, lwkcpus = spec.create_lwkcpu_spec(0.90)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkcpus_spec, 'lwkcpus=',
                            'Failed to create LWKCPU partition spec')
        # Request memory above what is available
        lwkmem_spec = spec.create_lwkmem_spec(1.5)
        self.assertNotEqual(lwkmem_spec, 'lwkmem=',
                            'Failed to create LWKMEM partition spec')

        # Try to create a partition with larger memory than available
        s = '{} {}'.format(lwkcpus_spec, lwkmem_spec)
        logging.debug('Testing LWK partition: {}'.format(s))

        out, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', s, '-p', 'no', '--force'],
            rc == 0,
            'Failed to create LWK partition for memory spec exceeding available: {}'
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_lwkreset_existence(self):
     out, rc = run(['lwkreset', '-h'])
     self.assertTrue(rc == 0, 'Could not locate lwkreset.')
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_and_verify(obj,
    def get_cpus():
        utilcpus = CpuSet(0)
        lwkcpus = CpuSet(0)

        op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s'])

        lines = op.splitlines()
        for l in lines:
            if l.startswith('Utility CPU(s):'):
                f, m, s = l.partition('Utility CPU(s):')
                s = s.split('[')[0].strip()
                if s != '':
            if l.startswith('LWK     CPU(s):'):
                f, m, s = l.partition('LWK     CPU(s):')
                s = s.split('[')[0].strip()
                if s != '':
        return utilcpus, lwkcpus

    def get_profile(spec=None):
        if spec == None:
            op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s', '-r'])
            op, rc = spec, 0
        for token in op.split():
            if token.startswith('lwkcpu_profile='):
                f, m, l = token.partition('lwkcpu_profile=')
                return l
        return ''

    def get_lwkmem(spec=None):
        if spec == None:
            op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s', '-r'])
            op, rc = spec, 0
        units = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
        total_size = 0
        for token in op.split():
            if token.startswith('lwkmem='):
                f, m, l = token.partition('=')
                l = l.strip()
                if l != '':
                    for node_spec in l.split(','):
                        node, delimiter, size = node_spec.partition(':')
                        if delimiter == '':
                            size = node
                        size = size.strip()
                        if size != '':
                            multiplier = 1
                            if size.endswith(('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E')):
                                for u in units:
                                    index = size.find(u)
                                    if index != -1:
                                        multiplier = 1024**(1 + units.index(u))
                                size = size.strip('KMGTPE')
                            total_size += int(size) * multiplier
        return total_size

    def lwkcpus_auto():
        with open('/sys/kernel/mOS/lwk_config', 'r') as f:
            data = f.read().rstrip('\n')
            m = re.search("auto=\S*cpu\S*", data)
            if m:
                return True
        return False

    def lwkmem_auto():
        with open('/sys/kernel/mOS/lwk_config', 'r') as f:
            data = f.read().rstrip('\n')
            m = re.search("auto=\S*mem\S*", data)
            if m:
                return True
        return False

    # Create LWK partition
    lwk_spec = lwk_spec.strip()
    out, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', lwk_spec], requiresRoot=True)

    # Read and verify LWK partition  using lwkctl -s

    # Verify CPUs
    lwkcpus_auto_set = lwkcpus_auto()
    if not autogen:
        utilcpus, lwkcpus = get_cpus()
        if utilcpus != utilcpus_req:
            logging.error('Mismatch : Syscall CPUs')
            logging.error('Requested: {}'.format(utilcpus_req.toList()))
            logging.error('Created  : {}'.format(utilcpus.toList()))
        if lwkcpus != lwkcpus_req:
            logging.error('Mismatch : LWK CPUs')
            logging.error('Requested: {}'.format(lwkcpus_req.toList()))
            logging.error('Created  : {}'.format(lwkcpus.toList()))
        if lwkcpus_auto_set:
            logging.error('The lwkcpus_auto indicator is set')

        assert (utilcpus == utilcpus_req)
        assert (lwkcpus == lwkcpus_req)
        assert (lwkcpus_auto_set == False)
        if not lwkcpus_auto_set:
            logging.error('The lwkcpus_auto indicator is not set')
            assert (lwkcpus_auto == True)

    # Verify LWK CPU profile
    profile_req = get_profile(lwk_spec)
    profile_set = get_profile()
    msg = 'LWKCPU profile requested: {} set: {}'.format(
        profile_req, profile_set)
    if (profile_req == 'debug'):
        assert (profile_set == profile_req), 'Mismatch: ' + msg
        assert (profile_set == 'normal'), 'Mismatch: ' + msg

    # Verify LWK Memory

    if not lwkmem_static and not autogen:
        lwkmem_req = get_lwkmem(lwk_spec)
        lwkmem_set = get_lwkmem()
        msg = 'LWKMEM requested {} allocated {}'.format(lwkmem_req, lwkmem_set)

        if lwkmem_req != 0:
            assert (lwkmem_set > 0), 'LWK memory partition was not created'
            assert (lwkmem_set <= lwkmem_req), 'Mismatch ' + msg

    lwkmem_auto_set = lwkmem_auto()
    if not autogen:
        if lwkmem_auto_set:
            logging.error('The lwkmem_auto indicator is set')
            assert (lwkmem_auto_set == False)
        if not lwkmem_auto_set:
            logging.error('The lwkmem_auto indicator is not set')
            assert (lwkmem_auto_set == True)

    # Run tests on LWK
    yod(obj, '-u', 0, '../lwksched/aff_scan', '-efm')

    if not lwkmem_static:
        yod(obj, '../lwkmem/maptest', '--verbose', '--type', 'anonymous',
            '--num', 10, '--size', 4096, '--iterations', 10)

    # Delete partition
    run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-d'], requiresRoot=True)

    # Read and verify using lwkctl -s
    utilcpus, lwkcpus = get_cpus()
    profile_set = get_profile()

    assert (utilcpus == CpuSet(0))
    assert (lwkcpus == CpuSet(0))
    assert (profile_set == '')

    if not lwkmem_static:
        lwkmem_set = get_lwkmem()
        assert (lwkmem_set == 0), 'Failed to delete LWKMEM partition'

    # Run tests on Linux
    run_bin(obj, '../lwksched/aff_scan')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def create_lwkmem_spec(self, ratio, align=False):
        def get_node_spec(node, size):
            if size <= 0:
                return ''
            unit = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
            q = size
            for i in range(0, len(unit)):
                q, r = divmod(q, 1024)
                if q == 0 or r != 0:
            if i != 0:
                return '{}:{}{}'.format(int(node), size // (1 << (10 * i)),
                                        unit[i - 1])
                return '{}:{}'.format(int(node), size)

        if lwkmem_static:
            op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', '0', '-s', '-r'])
            for token in op.split():
                if token.startswith('lwkmem='):
                    if token != 'lwkmem=':
                        return token
            return ''

        op, rc = run(['sync'], requiresRoot=True)
        logging.debug('sync returned rc={} {}'.format(rc, op))
        op, rc = run(['sh', '-c', 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'],
        logging.debug('Drop caches returned rc={} {}'.format(rc, op))

        with open('/sys/kernel/mOS/lwkmem') as f:
            lwkmemsize = f.read().split()

        lwkmem_spec = 'lwkmem='
        movable_mem = []
        fname = '/proc/buddyinfo'
        for line in fileinput.input(fname, mode='r'):
            if line.startswith('Node'):
                tokens = line.split()
                if tokens[0] == 'Node' and tokens[3] == 'Movable':
                    order = pages = 0
                    for t in tokens[4:]:
                        pages += int(t) * (1 << order)
                        order += 1
                    node = int(tokens[1].strip(' ,'))
                    cur_size = int(
                        lwkmemsize[node]) if node < len(lwkmemsize) else 0
                    size = math.floor((pages * 4096 + cur_size) * ratio)
                    # precise=yes requests must be made on a 128M boundary due
                    # to limitations in the offlining of pages by the kernel
                    if align == True:
                        size = math.floor(
                            size / (128 * 1024 * 1024)) * (128 * 1024 * 1024)
                    movable_mem += [(node, size)]

        for node, size in movable_mem:
            node_spec = get_node_spec(node, size)
            if node_spec != '':
                if lwkmem_spec != 'lwkmem=':
                    lwkmem_spec += ','
                lwkmem_spec += node_spec

        if lwkmem_spec == 'lwkmem=':
            return ''
            return lwkmem_spec
Exemplo n.º 13
def create_and_verify(obj, lwk_spec, sccpus_req, lwkcpus_req, v='0'):
    def get_cpus():
        sccpus = CpuSet(0)
        lwkcpus = CpuSet(0)

        op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s'])

        lines = op.splitlines()
        for l in lines:
            if l.startswith('Syscall CPU(s):'):
                f,m,s = l.partition('Syscall CPU(s):')
                s = s.strip()
                if s != '':
            if l.startswith('LWK     CPU(s):'):
                f,m,s = l.partition('LWK     CPU(s):')
                s = s.strip()
                if s != '':
        return sccpus, lwkcpus

    def get_profile(spec=None):
        if spec == None:
            op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s', '-r'])
            op, rc = spec, 0
        for token in op.split():
            if token.startswith('lwkcpu_profile='):
                f,m,l = token.partition('lwkcpu_profile=')
                return l
        return ''

    def get_lwkmem(spec=None):
        if spec == None:
            op, rc = run(['lwkctl', '-v', v, '-s', '-r'])
            op, rc = spec, 0
        units = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
        total_size = 0
        for token in op.split():
            if token.startswith('lwkmem='):
                f,m,l = token.partition('=')
                l = l.strip()
                if l != '':
                    for node_spec in l.split(','):
                        node,delimiter,size = node_spec.partition(':')
                        if delimiter == '':
                            size = node
                        size = size.strip()
                        if size != '':
                            multiplier = 1
                            if size.endswith(('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E')):
                                for u in units:
                                    index = size.find(u)
                                    if index != -1:
                                        multiplier = 1024**(1+units.index(u))
                                size = size.strip('KMGTPE')
                            total_size += int(size) * multiplier
        return total_size

    # Create LWK partition
    lwk_spec = lwk_spec.strip()
    out, rc = run(['sudo', 'lwkctl', '-v', v, '-c', lwk_spec])

    # Read and verify LWK partition  using lwkctl -s

    # Verify CPUs
    sccpus, lwkcpus = get_cpus()
    if sccpus != sccpus_req or lwkcpus != lwkcpus_req:
        if sccpus != sccpus_req:
            logging.error('Mismatch : Syscall CPUs')
            logging.error('Requested: {}'.format(sccpus_req.toList()))
            logging.error('Created  : {}'.format(sccpus.toList()))
        if lwkcpus != lwkcpus_req:
            logging.error('Mismatch : LWK CPUs')
            logging.error('Requested: {}'.format(lwkcpus_req.toList()))
            logging.error('Created  : {}'.format(lwkcpus.toList()))

    assert(sccpus == sccpus_req)
    assert(lwkcpus == lwkcpus_req)

    # Verify LWK CPU profile
    profile_req = get_profile(lwk_spec)
    profile_set = get_profile()
    msg = 'LWKCPU profile requested: {} set: {}'.format(profile_req, profile_set)
    if (profile_req == 'debug'):
        assert(profile_set == profile_req), 'Mismatch: ' + msg
        assert(profile_set == 'normal'), 'Mismatch: ' + msg

    # Verify LWK Memory
    if not lwkmem_static:
        lwkmem_req = get_lwkmem(lwk_spec)
        lwkmem_set = get_lwkmem()
        msg = 'LWKMEM requested {} allocated {}'.format(lwkmem_req, lwkmem_set)

        if lwkmem_req != 0:
            assert(lwkmem_set > 0), 'LWK memory partition was not created'
            assert(lwkmem_set <= lwkmem_req), 'Mismatch ' + msg

    # Run tests on LWK
    yod(obj, '-u', 0, '../lwksched/aff_scan', '-efm')

    if not lwkmem_static:
        yod(obj, '../lwkmem/maptest', '--verbose', '--type', 'anonymous', '--num', 10, '--size', 4096, '--iterations', 10)

    # Delete partition
    run(['sudo', 'lwkctl', '-v', v, '-d'])

    # Read and verify using lwkctl -s
    sccpus, lwkcpus = get_cpus()
    profile_set = get_profile()

    assert(sccpus == CpuSet(0))
    assert(lwkcpus == CpuSet(0))
    assert(profile_set == '')

    if not lwkmem_static:
        lwkmem_set = get_lwkmem()
        assert(lwkmem_set == 0), 'Failed to delete LWKMEM partition'

    # Run tests on Linux
    run_bin(obj, '../lwksched/aff_scan')