def regex_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Manage regex matches on bot. Valid arguments are: 'add', 'del', 'set', and 'show'. 'add' usage: re add [pattern] <=> [response]; 'del' usage: re del [pattern]; 'set' usage: re set [pattern] <=> [attribute] [value]; 'show' usage: re show [pattern]; If pattern is not specified, a list of triggers will be returned. """ try: arg = args[1].lower() except IndexError: raise BotError("Error: No arguments provided.", Eat, Notice(context.nick)) if arg == 'add': response = add_regex(' '.join(args[2:]), context.database) elif arg == 'del' or arg == 'rem': response = rem_regex(' '.join(args[2:]), context.database) elif arg == 'show': search = ' '.join(args[2:]) if search != '': response = show_patterns(context.database, search) else: response = show_triggers(context.database) elif arg == 'set': response = set_attrib(' '.join(args[2:]), context.database) else: response = "Error: Unrecognised argument." return response, Eat, Notice(context.nick)
def copy_command(bot, context, message, args): try: target = args[1] message = ' '.join(args[2:]) if message: response = (message, (message, Target(target))) else: response = ("Error: Message must be supplied.", Notice(context.nick)) except IndexError: response = ("Error: Target must be supplied.", Notice(context.nick)) return response
def identify_command(bot, context, message, args): try: password = bot.admin_pass except AttributeError: raise BotError("Error: I've not been configured with a password.", Notice(context.nick)) input_pass = '******'.join(args[1:]) if input_pass == password: recognise(context.session, context.nick) response = 'You are now recognised as a bot admin.' else: response = 'Error: Password incorrect.' return response, Notice(context.nick)
def channel_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Override the channel to make a command act as if it were in another channel. """ try: channel = args[1] if channel.lower() in get_channels(context.database): message = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = bot.request('HANDLE_MESSAGE', context.nick, channel,, message) else: response = "Error: Please provide a channel that I'm currently in.", Notice( context.nick) except IndexError: response = "Error: Please provide a channel.", Notice(context.nick) return response
def top_desu_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Return the users with the highest desu score for the given argument. Valid arguments are: 'number', 'average', and 'undesus'. The default argument is 'number'. """ keys = { 'number': lambda x: x[1][1], 'average': lambda x: x[1][1] / x[1][0], 'undesus': lambda x: x[1][2] } response = '' try: stats = context.database.get({}) arg = args[1].lower() if len(args) > 1 else 'number' key = keys[arg] response = "Users with the highest score desus ({}): ".format(arg) for stats in sorted(stats.items(), reverse=True, key=key)[:10]: response += "{}: {}; ".format(stats[0], key(stats)) except KeyError: response = "Invalid argument, valid arguments are: " + \ ", ".join(keys.keys()) + '.' return response, Notice(context.nick)
def module_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Command to enable or disable modules in the bot. The 'enable' and 'disable' argument both require a module argument. The 'show' argument will show the currently disabled modules in the channel. The 'list' argument will return a list of modules in the bot. If 'list' is called with an argument, it'll return a list of plugins in that module. The 'get' argument will return the module a particular command is located in. """ try: arg = args[1].lower() if arg == 'enable': module = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = enable_module(context.database,, module) elif arg == 'disable': module = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = disable_module(get_modules(bot), context.database,, module) elif arg == 'show': response = show_disabled_modules(context.database, elif arg == 'list': module = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = list_module(get_modules(bot), module) elif arg == 'get': module = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = get_module(get_modules(bot), module) else: response = "Error: Invalid argument." except IndexError: response = "Error: Too few arguments supplied." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def ignore_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Ignore a nick or host mask in the current channel. """ try: response = add_ignore(context.database,, args[1]) except IndexError: response = "Error: Please provide a mask or nick to ignore." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def stopchatwith_command(bot, context, message, args): try: target = args[1] except IndexError: return "You must give me someone to chat with.", Notice(context.nick) try: target_channel = args[2] except IndexError: target_channel = if end_chat(context.session, target, target_channel): return "I'm no longer chatting with {} on {}.".format( target, target_channel), Notice(context.nick) else: return "I wasn't chatting with {} on {}.".format( target, target_channel), Notice(context.nick)
def listchat_command(bot, context, message, args): chats = context.session.get({}) if chats: response = split_response( "I'm chatting with {} on {}".format(nick, chan) for chan, nick in chats.keys()) else: response = "I'm not chatting with anyone anywhere." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def rand_command(bot, context, message, args): try: max = abs(int(args[1])) max = max if max > 0 else 1 except ValueError: return "Argument has to be a valid integer.", Notice(context.nick) except IndexError: max = 6 result = randint(1, max) return "Result of {max}: {result}".format(**locals())
def tell_sink(bot, context, message): try: target = context.nick tells = context.database.get({}) messages = tells.pop(target.lower()) context.database.set(tells) response = (format_messages(messages), Notice(target)) except KeyError: response = None return response
def setblame_command(bot, context, message, args): global next_blame response = '' try: target = ' '.join(args[1:]) next_blame = target response = "Next blame set to blame {}.".format(target) except IndexError: response = "Error: Please supply a user to blame." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def chatwith_command(bot, context, message, args): try: target = args[1] except IndexError: return "You must give me someone to chat with.", Notice(context.nick) try: target_channel = args[2] except IndexError: target_channel = if begin_chat(context.session, target, target_channel): return (("I'm now chatting with {} on {}.".format( target, target_channel), Notice(context.nick)), ("Hi {}!".format(target), Target(target_channel))) else: return "I'm already chatting with {} on {}.".format( target, target_channel), Notice(context.nick)
def say_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Send a message to a given target. Usage: say <TARGET> [MESSAGE] """ try: target = args[1] message = ' '.join(args[2:]) return say(target, message) except IndexError: return ("Error: Too few arguments supplied.", Notice(context.nick))
def forwardpms_command(bot, context, message, args): forwarding = context.session.get(set()) nick = context.nick.lower() if nick in forwarding: forwarding.remove(nick) response = "I will no longer forward PMs to you." else: forwarding.add(nick) response = "I will forward PMs to you." context.session.set(forwarding) return response, Notice(nick)
def hash_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Hash a message. Usage: hash <algorithm> [message]; Pass 'list' or 'show' for a list of algorithms. """ try: if args[1] in ('list', 'show'): response = split_response( algorithms_available, "I support the following hashing algorithms: {}.") else: hash = new(args[1], bytes(' '.join(args[2:]), encoding)) response = hash.hexdigest() except ValueError: response = "Error: Unsupported hashing algorithm.", Notice( context.nick) except IndexError: response = "Error: Please provide a hashing algorithm to use.", Notice( context.nick) return response
def commands_command(bot, context, message, args): userlevel = bot.request('USERLEVEL',, context.nick) groups = defaultdict(lambda: []) for command, func in filter_plugins( bot.request('GET_PLUGINS',, userlevel): groups[func].append(command) commands = map(format_group, sorted(groups.values())) response = split_response(commands, "Bot Commands: {};") return response, Notice(context.nick)
def last_command(bot, context, message, args): global lines response = None try: n = int(args[1]) l = lines[][-n:] response = split_response(format_lines(l), separator=' ') except (ValueError, IndexError): response = ("Error: Must supply integer argument.", Notice(context.nick)) return response
def ctcp_match(bot, context, message, match): ctcp_response = { 'VERSION': 'MotoBot Version ' + __VERSION__, 'FINGER': 'Oh you dirty man!', 'TIME': strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC', gmtime()), 'PING': message.strip('\x01') } try: ctcp_req =' ', 1)[0] reply = ctcp_response[ctcp_req] response = ('\x01{}\x01'.format(reply), Notice(context.nick), Eat) except KeyError: response = None return response
def adminmask_command(bot, context, message, args): try: arg = args[1].lower() if arg == 'add': response = add_mask(context.database, args[2]) elif arg in ('del', 'rem'): response = del_mask(context.database, args[2]) elif arg in ('show', 'list'): response = show_masks(context.database) else: response = 'Error: Invalid argument;' except IndexError: response = "Not enough arguments provided." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def help_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Print help messages for the user. Takes a single argument for a command name. No arguments gives a generic help message. """ try: response = get_command_help(bot, args[1]) except IndexError: default_help = "For a list of commands use '{0}commands'. " \ "For help on a specific command use '{0}help command'.".format( bot.command_prefix) response = default_help return response, Notice(context.nick)
def user_module_command(bot, context, message, args): try: arg = args[1].lower() if arg == ('enable', 'disable', 'show'): response = "Error: You do not have the privileges to use this argument." elif arg == 'list': module = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = list_module(get_modules(bot), module) elif arg == 'get': module = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = get_module(get_modules(bot), module) else: response = "Error: Invalid argument." except IndexError: response = "Error: Too few arguments supplied." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def globalignore_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Manage global ignores. Valid arguments are: 'add', 'del', 'all, and 'show'. 'add' and 'del' require a nick argument. 'show' will show the currently ignored nicks in the channel. """ response = '' try: arg = args[1].lower() if arg == 'add': response = add_ignore(context.database,, args[2]) elif arg == 'del' or arg == 'rem': response = del_ignore(context.database,, args[2]) elif arg == 'show': response = show_ignores(context.database, else: response = 'Error: Invalid argument;' except IndexError: response = "Not enough arguments provided." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def tell_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Send a message to a user the next time they're active. Usage: tell <nick> <message> """ try: nick = args[1] message = ' '.join(args[2:]) if message: tells = context.database.get({}) messages = tells.get(nick.lower(), []) messages.append((context.nick, message)) tells[nick.lower()] = messages context.database.set(tells) response = "I will tell {} \"{}\" next time I see them.".format( nick, message) else: response = "Error: Please provide a message to tell." except IndexError: response = "Error: Please provide a nick to tell to." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def command_command(bot, context, message, args): """ Command to manage the basic functions of the bot. Valid arguments are: 'join', 'part', 'quit', 'show', 'reconnect' and 'reload'. The 'join' and 'part' argument both require a channel argument. The 'join' command has an optional channel password argument. The 'quit', 'part', and 'reconnect' argument have an optional quit/part message. The 'show' argument will return a list of currently joined channels. The 'reload' command will reload the plugins in the loaded packages. """ try: arg = args[1].lower() if arg == 'join': channel = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = join_channel(context.database, channel) elif arg == 'part': channel = args[2] message = ' '.join(args[3:]) response = part_channel(context.database, channel, message) elif arg == 'quit': bot.running = False message = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = quit(message) elif arg == 'reconnect': message = ' '.join(args[2:]) response = quit(message) elif arg == 'show': response = show_channels(context.database) elif arg == 'reload': error = bot.reload_plugins() response = "Plugins have been reloaded." + \ (" There were some errors." if error else "") else: response = "Error: Invalid argument." except IndexError: response = "Error: Too few arguments supplied." return response, Notice(context.nick)
def chat_command(bot, context, message, args): if begin_chat(context.session, context.nick, return "Hi {}!".format(context.nick) else: return "I'm already chatting with you.", Notice(context.nick)
def stopchat_command(bot, context, message, args): if end_chat(context.session, context.nick, return "Nice chatting with you {}!".format(context.nick) else: return "I wasn't chatting with you.", Notice(context.nick)
def ignorelist_command(bot, context, message, args): """ List the ignored host masks in the current channel. """ return show_ignores(context.database,, Notice(context.nick)