Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_stream_to_handler(self):
        fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(self.db)

        for content_length in (0, 1, 100, 100 * 1000):
            _id = yield from fs.put(b'a' * content_length)
            gridout = yield from fs.get(_id)
            handler = test.MockRequestHandler()
            yield from gridout.stream_to_handler(handler)
            self.assertEqual(content_length, handler.n_written)
            yield from fs.delete(_id)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_stream_to_handler(self):
        fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(self.db)

        for content_length in (0, 1, 100, 100 * 1000):
            _id = yield from fs.put(b'a' * content_length)
            gridout = yield from fs.get(_id)
            handler = test.MockRequestHandler()
            yield from gridout.stream_to_handler(handler)
            self.assertEqual(content_length, handler.n_written)
            yield from fs.delete(_id)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_stream_to_handler(self):
        # TODO: Sort of Tornado-specific, but it does work with asyncio.
        class MockRequestHandler(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.n_written = 0

            def write(self, data):
                self.n_written += len(data)

            def flush(self):

        fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(self.db)

        for content_length in (0, 1, 100, 100 * 1000):
            _id = yield from fs.put(b'a' * content_length)
            gridout = yield from fs.get(_id)
            handler = MockRequestHandler()
            yield from gridout.stream_to_handler(handler)
            self.assertEqual(content_length, handler.n_written)
            yield from fs.delete(_id)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_stream_to_handler(self):
        # TODO: Sort of Tornado-specific, but it does work with asyncio.
        class MockRequestHandler(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.n_written = 0

            def write(self, data):
                self.n_written += len(data)

            def flush(self):

        fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(self.db)

        for content_length in (0, 1, 100, 100 * 1000):
            _id = yield from fs.put(b'a' * content_length)
            gridout = yield from fs.get(_id)
            handler = MockRequestHandler()
            yield from gridout.stream_to_handler(handler)
            self.assertEqual(content_length, handler.n_written)
            yield from fs.delete(_id)
Exemplo n.º 5
class TestAsyncIOGridFS(AsyncIOTestCase):
    def _reset(self):
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("fs.files")
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("fs.chunks")
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("alt.files")
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("alt.chunks")

    def setUp(self):
        self.fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(self.db)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_get_version(self):
        # new_file creates a MotorGridIn.
        gin = yield from self.fs.new_file(_id=1, filename='foo', field=0)
        yield from gin.write(b'a')
        yield from gin.close()

        yield from self.fs.put(b'', filename='foo', field=1)
        yield from self.fs.put(b'', filename='foo', field=2)

        gout = yield from self.fs.get_version('foo')
        self.assertEqual(2, gout.field)
        gout = yield from self.fs.get_version('foo', -3)
        self.assertEqual(0, gout.field)

        gout = yield from self.fs.get_last_version('foo')
        self.assertEqual(2, gout.field)

    def test_basic(self):
        oid = yield from self.fs.put(b"hello world")
        out = yield from self.fs.get(oid)
        self.assertEqual(b"hello world", (yield from out.read()))
        self.assertEqual(1, (yield from self.db.fs.files.count()))
        self.assertEqual(1, (yield from self.db.fs.chunks.count()))

        yield from self.fs.delete(oid)
        with self.assertRaises(NoFile):
            yield from self.fs.get(oid)

        self.assertEqual(0, (yield from self.db.fs.files.count()))
        self.assertEqual(0, (yield from self.db.fs.chunks.count()))

        with self.assertRaises(NoFile):
            yield from self.fs.get("foo")

                         (yield from self.fs.put(b"hello world", _id="foo")))

        gridout = yield from self.fs.get("foo")
        self.assertEqual(b"hello world", (yield from gridout.read()))

    def test_list(self):
        self.assertEqual([], (yield from self.fs.list()))
        yield from self.fs.put(b"hello world")
        self.assertEqual([], (yield from self.fs.list()))

        yield from self.fs.put(b"", filename="mike")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"foo", filename="test")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"", filename="hello world")

        self.assertEqual(set(["mike", "test", "hello world"]),
                         set((yield from self.fs.list())))

    def test_put_filelike(self):
        oid = yield from self.fs.put(StringIO(b"hello world"), chunk_size=1)
        self.assertEqual(11, (yield from self.cx.motor_test.fs.chunks.count()))
        gridout = yield from self.fs.get(oid)
        self.assertEqual(b"hello world", (yield from gridout.read()))

    def test_put_duplicate(self):
        oid = yield from self.fs.put(b"hello")
        with self.assertRaises(FileExists):
            yield from self.fs.put(b"world", _id=oid)

    def test_put_unacknowledged(self):
        client = self.asyncio_client(w=0)
        fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(client.motor_test)
        with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError):
            yield from fs.put(b"hello")


    def test_gridfs_find(self):
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test2", filename="two")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test2+", filename="two")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test1", filename="one")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test2++", filename="two")
        cursor = self.fs.find().sort("_id", -1).skip(1).limit(2)
        self.assertTrue((yield from cursor.fetch_next))
        grid_out = cursor.next_object()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(grid_out, AsyncIOMotorGridOut))
        self.assertEqual(b"test1", (yield from grid_out.read()))
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.fs.find, {}, {"_id": True})
Exemplo n.º 6
class TestAsyncIOGridFS(AsyncIOTestCase):
    def _reset(self):
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("fs.files")
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("fs.chunks")
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("alt.files")
        yield from self.db.drop_collection("alt.chunks")

    def setUp(self):
        self.fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFS(self.db)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_get_version(self):
        # new_file creates a MotorGridIn.
        gin = yield from self.fs.new_file(_id=1, filename='foo', field=0)
        yield from gin.write(b'a')
        yield from gin.close()

        yield from self.fs.put(b'', filename='foo', field=1)
        yield from self.fs.put(b'', filename='foo', field=2)

        gout = yield from self.fs.get_version('foo')
        self.assertEqual(2, gout.field)
        gout = yield from self.fs.get_version('foo', -3)
        self.assertEqual(0, gout.field)

        gout = yield from self.fs.get_last_version('foo')
        self.assertEqual(2, gout.field)

    def test_basic(self):
        oid = yield from self.fs.put(b"hello world")
        out = yield from self.fs.get(oid)
        self.assertEqual(b"hello world", (yield from out.read()))
        self.assertEqual(1, (yield from self.db.fs.files.count()))
        self.assertEqual(1, (yield from self.db.fs.chunks.count()))

        yield from self.fs.delete(oid)
        with self.assertRaises(NoFile):
            yield from self.fs.get(oid)

        self.assertEqual(0, (yield from self.db.fs.files.count()))
        self.assertEqual(0, (yield from self.db.fs.chunks.count()))

        with self.assertRaises(NoFile):
            yield from self.fs.get("foo")

            "foo", (yield from self.fs.put(b"hello world", _id="foo")))

        gridout = yield from self.fs.get("foo")
        self.assertEqual(b"hello world", (yield from gridout.read()))

    def test_list(self):
        self.assertEqual([], (yield from self.fs.list()))
        yield from self.fs.put(b"hello world")
        self.assertEqual([], (yield from self.fs.list()))

        yield from self.fs.put(b"", filename="mike")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"foo", filename="test")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"", filename="hello world")

        self.assertEqual(set(["mike", "test", "hello world"]),
                         set((yield from self.fs.list())))

    def test_put_filelike(self):
        oid = yield from self.fs.put(StringIO(b"hello world"), chunk_size=1)
        self.assertEqual(11, (yield from self.cx.motor_test.fs.chunks.count()))
        gridout = yield from self.fs.get(oid)
        self.assertEqual(b"hello world", (yield from gridout.read()))

    def test_put_duplicate(self):
        oid = yield from self.fs.put(b"hello")
        with self.assertRaises(FileExists):
            yield from self.fs.put(b"world", _id=oid)

    def test_put_unacknowledged(self):
        client = self.asyncio_client(w=0)
        with self.assertRaises(ConfigurationError):


    def test_gridfs_find(self):
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test2", filename="two")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test2+", filename="two")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test1", filename="one")
        yield from self.fs.put(b"test2++", filename="two")
        cursor = self.fs.find().sort("_id", -1).skip(1).limit(2)
        self.assertTrue((yield from cursor.fetch_next))
        grid_out = cursor.next_object()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(grid_out, AsyncIOMotorGridOut))
        self.assertEqual(b"test1", (yield from grid_out.read()))
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.fs.find, {}, {"_id": True})