Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_non_ascii_subprocess_output(self):
        out = StringIO()
        sandbox = ConfigureSandbox({}, {}, ['configure'], out, out)

        sandbox.include_file(mozpath.join(topsrcdir, 'build',
                                          'moz.configure', 'util.configure'))
        sandbox.include_file(mozpath.join(topsrcdir, 'python', 'mozbuild',
                                          'mozbuild', 'test', 'configure',
                                          'data', 'subprocess.configure'))
        status = 0
        except SystemExit as e:
            status = e.code

        self.assertEquals(status, 0)
        quote_char = "'"
        if getpreferredencoding().lower() == 'utf-8':
            quote_char = '\u00B4'.encode('utf-8')
        self.assertEquals(out.getvalue().strip(), quote_char)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_non_ascii_subprocess_output(self):
        out = StringIO()
        sandbox = ConfigureSandbox({}, {}, [], out, out)

        sandbox.include_file(mozpath.join(topsrcdir, 'build',
                             'moz.configure', 'util.configure'))
        sandbox.include_file(mozpath.join(topsrcdir, 'python', 'mozbuild',
                                          'mozbuild', 'test', 'configure',
                                          'data', 'subprocess.configure'))
        status = 0
        except SystemExit as e:
            status = e.code

        self.assertEquals(status, 0)
        quote_char = "'"
        if getpreferredencoding().lower() == 'utf-8':
            quote_char = '\u00B4'.encode('utf-8')
        self.assertEquals(out.getvalue().strip(), quote_char)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, config, environ=os.environ, argv=sys.argv,
                 stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, logger=None):
        dict.__setitem__(self, '__builtins__', self.BUILTINS)

        self._environ = dict(environ)

        self._paths = []
        self._all_paths = set()
        self._templates = set()
        # Associate SandboxDependsFunctions to DependsFunctions.
        self._depends = OrderedDict()
        self._seen = set()
        # Store the @imports added to a given function.
        self._imports = {}

        self._options = OrderedDict()
        # Store raw option (as per command line or environment) for each Option
        self._raw_options = OrderedDict()

        # Store options added with `imply_option`, and the reason they were
        # added (which can either have been given to `imply_option`, or
        # inferred. Their order matters, so use a list.
        self._implied_options = []

        # Store all results from _prepare_function
        self._prepared_functions = set()

        # Queue of functions to execute, with their arguments
        self._execution_queue = []

        # Store the `when`s associated to some options.
        self._conditions = {}

        # A list of conditions to apply as a default `when` for every *_impl()
        self._default_conditions = []

        self._helper = CommandLineHelper(environ, argv)

        assert isinstance(config, dict)
        self._config = config

        # Tracks how many templates "deep" we are in the stack.
        self._template_depth = 0

        logging.addLevelName(TRACE, 'TRACE')
        if logger is None:
            logger = moz_logger = logging.getLogger('moz.configure')
            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
            handler = ConfigureOutputHandler(stdout, stderr)
            queue_debug = handler.queue_debug

            assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger)
            moz_logger = None
            def queue_debug():

        self._logger = logger

        # Some callers will manage to log a bytestring with characters in it
        # that can't be converted to ascii. Make our log methods robust to this
        # by detecting the encoding that a producer is likely to have used.
        encoding = getpreferredencoding()

        def wrapped_log_method(logger, key):
            method = getattr(logger, key)

            def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                out_args = [
                    six.ensure_text(arg, encoding=encoding or 'utf-8')
                    if isinstance(arg, six.binary_type) else arg for arg in args
                return method(*out_args, **kwargs)
            return wrapped

        log_namespace = {
            k: wrapped_log_method(logger, k)
            for k in ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error')
        log_namespace['queue_debug'] = queue_debug
        self.log_impl = ReadOnlyNamespace(**log_namespace)

        self._help = None
        self._help_option = self.option_impl(
            '--help', help='print this message', category=HELP_OPTIONS_CATEGORY)

        self._always = DependsFunction(self, lambda: True, [])
        self._never = DependsFunction(self, lambda: False, [])

        if self._value_for(self._help_option):
            self._help = HelpFormatter(argv[0])
        elif moz_logger:
            handler = logging.FileHandler('config.log', mode='w', delay=True,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, config, environ=os.environ, argv=sys.argv,
                 stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, logger=None):
        dict.__setitem__(self, '__builtins__', self.BUILTINS)

        self._paths = []
        self._all_paths = set()
        self._templates = set()
        # Associate SandboxDependsFunctions to DependsFunctions.
        self._depends = OrderedDict()
        self._seen = set()
        # Store the @imports added to a given function.
        self._imports = {}

        self._options = OrderedDict()
        # Store raw option (as per command line or environment) for each Option
        self._raw_options = OrderedDict()

        # Store options added with `imply_option`, and the reason they were
        # added (which can either have been given to `imply_option`, or
        # inferred. Their order matters, so use a list.
        self._implied_options = []

        # Store all results from _prepare_function
        self._prepared_functions = set()

        # Queue of functions to execute, with their arguments
        self._execution_queue = []

        # Store the `when`s associated to some options.
        self._conditions = {}

        # A list of conditions to apply as a default `when` for every *_impl()
        self._default_conditions = []

        self._helper = CommandLineHelper(environ, argv)

        assert isinstance(config, dict)
        self._config = config

        if logger is None:
            logger = moz_logger = logging.getLogger('moz.configure')
            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
            handler = ConfigureOutputHandler(stdout, stderr)
            queue_debug = handler.queue_debug

            assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger)
            moz_logger = None
            def queue_debug():

        # Some callers will manage to log a bytestring with characters in it
        # that can't be converted to ascii. Make our log methods robust to this
        # by detecting the encoding that a producer is likely to have used.
        encoding = getpreferredencoding()
        def wrapped_log_method(logger, key):
            method = getattr(logger, key)
            if not encoding:
                return method
            def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                out_args = [
                    arg.decode(encoding) if isinstance(arg, str) else arg
                    for arg in args
                return method(*out_args, **kwargs)
            return wrapped

        log_namespace = {
            k: wrapped_log_method(logger, k)
            for k in ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error')
        log_namespace['queue_debug'] = queue_debug
        self.log_impl = ReadOnlyNamespace(**log_namespace)

        self._help = None
        self._help_option = self.option_impl('--help',
                                             help='print this message')

        self._always = DependsFunction(self, lambda: True, [])
        self._never = DependsFunction(self, lambda: False, [])

        if self._value_for(self._help_option):
            self._help = HelpFormatter(argv[0])
        elif moz_logger:
            handler = logging.FileHandler('config.log', mode='w', delay=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, config, environ=os.environ, argv=sys.argv,
                 stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, logger=None):
        dict.__setitem__(self, '__builtins__', self.BUILTINS)

        self._paths = []
        self._all_paths = set()
        self._templates = set()
        # Store the real function and its dependencies, behind each
        # DependsFunction generated from @depends.
        self._depends = {}
        self._seen = set()
        # Store the @imports added to a given function.
        self._imports = {}

        self._options = OrderedDict()
        # Store raw option (as per command line or environment) for each Option
        self._raw_options = OrderedDict()

        # Store options added with `imply_option`, and the reason they were
        # added (which can either have been given to `imply_option`, or
        # inferred. Their order matters, so use a list.
        self._implied_options = []

        # Store all results from _prepare_function
        self._prepared_functions = set()

        # Queue of functions to execute, with their arguments
        self._execution_queue = []

        self._helper = CommandLineHelper(environ, argv)

        assert isinstance(config, dict)
        self._config = config

        if logger is None:
            logger = moz_logger = logging.getLogger('moz.configure')
            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
            handler = ConfigureOutputHandler(stdout, stderr)
            queue_debug = handler.queue_debug

            assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger)
            moz_logger = None
            def queue_debug():

        # Some callers will manage to log a bytestring with characters in it
        # that can't be converted to ascii. Make our log methods robust to this
        # by detecting the encoding that a producer is likely to have used.
        encoding = getpreferredencoding()
        def wrapped_log_method(logger, key):
            method = getattr(logger, key)
            if not encoding:
                return method
            def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                out_args = [
                    arg.decode(encoding) if isinstance(arg, str) else arg
                    for arg in args
                return method(*out_args, **kwargs)
            return wrapped

        log_namespace = {
            k: wrapped_log_method(logger, k)
            for k in ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error')
        log_namespace['queue_debug'] = queue_debug
        self.log_impl = ReadOnlyNamespace(**log_namespace)

        self._help = None
        self._help_option = self.option_impl('--help',
                                             help='print this message')
        if self._value_for(self._help_option):
            self._help = HelpFormatter(argv[0])
        elif moz_logger:
            handler = logging.FileHandler('config.log', mode='w', delay=True)