def test_telemetry(data_dir):
    filename = "{}/test_telemetry_gzip.heka".format(data_dir)
    with open(filename, "rb") as o:
        for r in message_parser.parse_heka_message(streaming_gzip_wrapper(o)):
            assert set(r.keys()) == top_keys
            assert set(r["payload"].keys()) == payload_keys

    filename = "{}/test_telemetry_snappy.heka".format(data_dir)
    with open(filename, "rb") as o:
        for r in message_parser.parse_heka_message(o):
            assert set(r.keys()) == top_keys
            assert set(r["payload"].keys()) == payload_keys
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_parse_heka_message(data_dir, heka_format):
    filename = "{}/test_telemetry_{}.heka".format(data_dir, heka_format)
    reference_filename = filename + '.json'

    # enable this to regenerate the expected json representation of the ping
    if False:
        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            if "gzip" in heka_format:
                f = streaming_gzip_wrapper(f)
            # deep copy the parsed message so lazy-parsed json gets vivified
            msg = copy.deepcopy(message_parser.parse_heka_message(f).next())
            open(reference_filename, 'w').write(json.dumps(msg, indent=4,

    reference = json.load(open(reference_filename))
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        if "gzip" in heka_format:
            f = streaming_gzip_wrapper(f)
        # deep copy the parsed message so lazy-parsed json gets vivified
        msg = copy.deepcopy(message_parser.parse_heka_message(f).next())
        assert msg == reference
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_lazy_parsing(data_dir, monkeypatch):
    mock_parse_json = MagicMock(name='_parse_json',
    monkeypatch.setattr(message_parser, '_parse_json', mock_parse_json)

    # this heka message has 20 json fields, only one of which should be parsed
    # on first load
    filename = "{}/test_telemetry_gzip.heka".format(data_dir)
    with open(filename, "rb") as o:
        heka_message = message_parser.parse_heka_message(streaming_gzip_wrapper(o)).next()

    # should only have parsed json *once* to get the payload field (other
    # json/dictionary fields of the message should be parsed lazily)
    assert mock_parse_json.call_count == 1

    # deep copying the heka message should cause the lazily evaluated fields
    # to be evaluated
    assert mock_parse_json.call_count == 20  # 19 lazily instantiated fields + original call
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_invalid_utf8(data_dir):
    filename = "{}/test_invalid_utf8.heka".format(data_dir)
    with open(filename, "rb") as o:
        for r in message_parser.parse_heka_message(o):
            assert(u'\ufffd' in r['info']['adapterDescription'])