Exemplo n.º 1
def makeArch(thread, center, mainax, up, elev):
    p_start = center - mainax
    p_end = center + mainax
    v_start = normr(mainax + normr(up) * norm(mainax) * tan(elev))
    v_end = normr(mainax - normr(up) * norm(mainax) * tan(elev))

    print "p_start,p_end", p_start, p_end

    while True:
        xyz = thread.getXYZ()
        s0 = xyz.T[0]
        e0 = xyz.T[-1]

    while True:
        xyz = thread.getXYZ()
        s0, s1, e1, e0 = xyz.T[[0, 1, -2, -1]]
        print "s0,e0", s0, e0
        print "ang_start", angBetween(v_start, s1 - s0)
        print "ang_end", angBetween(v_end, e0 - e1)
        if almostEq(s0,p_start) and almostEq(e0,p_end) and\
           almostEq(v_start,s1-s0) and almostEq(v_end,e0-e1):
            t_start = trunc(p_end - s0, .5)
            t_end = trunc(p_start - e0, .5)
            #print t_start,t_end
            ang1 = trunc(angBetween(v_start, s1 - s0), .05)
            ang2 = trunc(angBetween(v_end, e0 - e1), .05)
            cons = moveEndCons(thread, t_start, t_end, "towards",
                               (v_start, ang1), (v_end, ang2))
            #cons = thread.getConstraints()
            #cons = r_[cons[0:3]+t_start,cons[3:6],cons[6:9]+t_end,cons[9:12]]
            yield cons
Exemplo n.º 2
def minRot(ax1, ax2):
    "find the rotation matrix that takes ax1 to ax2"
    if almostEq(ax1, ax2):
        L.debug("minRot: same vector")
        return eye(3)
    elif almostEq(ax1, -ax2):
        L.debug("minRot: opp vector")
        return -diag([-1, -1, 0])
        ax_rot = cross(ax2, ax1)
        return angle_axis2mat(angBetween(ax1, ax2), ax_rot)
Exemplo n.º 3
def infTwist(xyz):
    pts = xyz.T
    ors = normr(pts[1:] - pts[:-1])

    start2end_rope = eye(3)
    for (or1, or2) in zip(ors[:-1], ors[1:]):
        start2end_rope = dot(minRot(or2, or1), start2end_rope)

    assert almostEq(dot(start2end_rope, ors[0]), ors[-1])
    end2start_min = minRot(ors[0], ors[-1])

    twist_mat = dot(end2start_min, start2end_rope)
    ang, _ = quat2angle_axis(mat2quat(twist_mat))
    return ang
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_minRot():
    for _ in xrange(100):
        x1 = normr(randn(3))
        x2 = normr(randn(3))
        assert almostEq(x1, dot(minRot(x1, x2), x2))