Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, mpf_path, machine_path, args):
        """Run service cli."""
        del mpf_path
        del machine_path
        del args

        reader, writer = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
            asyncio.open_connection("localhost", 5051))
        client = AsyncioBcpClientSocket(writer, reader)
        # start service mode
        client.send("service", {"subcommand": "start"})
        cli = ServiceCli(client)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # catch ctrl+c

        # stop service mode
        client.send("service", {"subcommand": "stop"})
        # print a newline for a nice exit
Exemplo n.º 2
class Controller:
    """Main Visual Pinball COM interface class."""

    _public_methods_ = [
        'Run', 'Stop', 'PrintGlobal', 'PulseSW', 'IsCoilActive'
    _reg_progid_ = "MPF.Controller"  # Visual MPF Controller
    _reg_clsid_ = "{196FF002-17F9-4714-4242-A7BD39AD413B}"  # use a unique class guid for Visual MPF Controller
    _public_attrs_ = [
        'Version', 'GameName', 'Games', 'SplashInfoLine', 'ShowTitle',
        'ShowFrame', 'ShowDMDOnly', 'HandleMechanics', 'HandleKeyboard', 'DIP',
        'Switch', 'Mech', 'Pause', 'ChangedSolenoids', 'ChangedGIStrings',
        'ChangedLamps', 'ChangedLEDs', 'ChangedFlashers', 'HardwareRules',

    _readonly_attrs_ = [
        'Version', 'ChangedSolenoids', 'ChangedLamps', 'ChangedGIStrings',
        'ChangedLEDs', 'ChangedFlashers', 'HardwareRules', 'GetMech'

    Version = "22222222"
    ShowTitle = None
    ShowFrame = False
    ShowDMDOnly = False
    HandleKeyboard = False
    DIP = False
    GameName = "Game name"

    Pause = None

    HandleMechanics = True
    ErrorMsg = "Python Failed -- check the log"

    def __init__(self, *, loop=None):
        self._reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER  # LocalSever (no InProc) only means game reloads entirely
        self.bcp_client = None
        self.last_switch = None
        self.switches = {}
        if not loop:
            self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
            self.loop = loop

    # Need to overload this method to tell that we support IID_IServerWithEvents
    def _query_interface_(self, iid):
        """ Return this main interface if the IController class is queried. """
        IID_IController = pythoncom.MakeIID(
        if iid == IID_IController:
            return win32com.server.util.wrap(self)

    def PrintGlobal(self):
        logging.getLogger('vpcom').info("PrintGlobal called.")
        return True

    def _connect(self, addr, port):
        """Connect to MPF."""
            reader, writer = self.loop.run_until_complete(
                asyncio.open_connection(addr, port))
            self.bcp_client = AsyncioBcpClientSocket(writer, reader)
        except Exception as e:
            raise COMException(desc="Failed to connect to MPF: {}".format(e),

    def Run(self, addr="localhost", port=5051):
        """Connect to MPF."""
            "Starting bridge. Connecting to {}:{}".format(addr, port))

        self._connect(addr, port)

        self.bcp_client.send("vpcom_bridge", {"subcommand": "start"})

        return True

    def Stop(self):
        if self.bcp_client:
            self.bcp_client.send("vpcom_bridge", {"subcommand": "stop"})
            self.bcp_client = None


    def Games(self, rom_name):
        """Return the IGames interface, by wrapping the object."""
        del rom_name
        games = IGames()
        wrapped_games = wrap(games)
        return wrapped_games

    def SetGames(self, rom_name):
        """Return the IGames interface, by wrapping the object."""
        del rom_name
        games = IGames()
        wrapped_games = wrap(games)
        return wrapped_games

    def _raise_error(self, desc):
        raise COMException(desc=desc, scode=winerror.E_FAIL)

    def _dispatch_to_mpf(self, command, **params):
        """Dispatch to MPF and wait for result."""
        params["subcommand"] = command
            self.bcp_client.send("vpcom_bridge", params)
            response = self.loop.run_until_complete(
            response_data = response[1]
            if "error" in response_data:
                    "MPF reported an error as response to command {} ({}): {}".
                    format(command, params, response_data["error"]))
            if "result" not in response_data:
                    desc="MPF did not return a result {} ({}): {}".format(
                        command, params, response_data))
            return response_data["result"]
        except Exception as e:
                desc="Failed to communicate with MPF at command {} ({}): {}".
                format(command, params, e))

    def Switch(self, number):
        """Return the current value of the requested switch."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("switch", number=number)

    def GetSwitch(self, number):
        """Return the current value of the requested switch."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("get_switch", number=number)

    def SetSwitch(self, number, value):
        """Set the value of the requested switch."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("set_switch", number=number, value=value)

    def PulseSW(self, number):
        """Pulse Switch."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("pulsesw", number=number)

    def Mech(self, number):
        """Currently unused."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("mech", number=number)

    def SetMech(self, number, value):
        """Currently unused."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("set_mech", number=number, value=value)

    def GetMech(self, number):
        """Currently unused."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("get_mech", number=number)

    def ChangedSolenoids(self):
        """Return a list of changed coils."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("changed_solenoids")

    def ChangedLamps(self):
        """Return a list of changed lamps."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("changed_lamps")

    def ChangedGIStrings(self):
        """Return a list of changed GI strings."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("changed_gi_strings")

    def ChangedLEDs(self):
        """Return a list of changed lamps."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("changed_leds")

    def ChangedFlashers(self):
        """Return a list of changed GI strings."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("changed_flashers")

    def HardwareRules(self):
        """Return a list of MPF Hardware Rules for autofire coils."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("get_hardwarerules")

    def IsCoilActive(self, number):
        """Return True if a MPF Hardware Rule for the coil(number) exists."""
        return self._dispatch_to_mpf("get_coilactive", number=number)