Exemplo n.º 1
    def __spacetime_diagram_o_prime_frame(self):
        # from (x,t) to (x',t')
        def tr(x_prime, t_prime):
            x_prime, t_prime = np.asarray(x_prime), np.asarray(t_prime)
            return self.lorentz_transformations.transform(
                x_prime, t_prime, self.velocity)

        # form (x',t') to (x,t)
        def inv_tr(x, t):
            x, t = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(t)
            return self.lorentz_transformations.transform(x, t, -self.velocity)

        grid_helper = GridHelperCurveLinear((tr, inv_tr))
        ax = SubplotHost(self.fig, 1, 2, 2, grid_helper=grid_helper)

        ax.set_xlabel("x'", loc="center")
        ax.set_ylabel("t'", loc="center")

        # O x axis
        ax.axis["x1"] = x1 = ax.new_floating_axis(0, 0)

        # O t axis
        ax.axis["t1"] = t1 = ax.new_floating_axis(1, 0)

        ax.format_coord = self.__format_coord_o_prime_frame

        self.__remove_ticks(ax, x1, t1)

        self.world_lines_plotter.transform_and_plot(plt, ax, self.velocity)
Exemplo n.º 2
def createQEAxes(DataSet=None,axis=0,figure = None, projectionVector1 = None, projectionVector2 = None):
    """Function to create Q E plot


        - DataSet (DataSet): If provided and no projections vectors creates QE axis for main direction (default None)

        - axis (int): Whether to create axis 0 or 1 (projection vector 0 or orthogonal to this, default 0)

        - figure (figure): If provided, this is used to create the axis within (default None)

        - projectionVector1 (vec): Projection vector along which data is plotted. If not provided sample vector is used (default None)

        - projectionVector2 (vec): Projection vector orthogonal to data. If not provided sample vector is used (default None)

    if projectionVector1 is None or projectionVector2 is None:
        v1 = DataSet.sample[0].projectionVector1
        v2 = DataSet.sample[0].projectionVector2
        angle = DataSet.sample[0].projectionAngle
        orientationMatrix = DataSet.sample[0].orientationMatrix
        v1 = np.array(projectionVector1)
        v2 = np.array(projectionVector2)
        if not np.all([x.shape==(3,) for x in [v1,v2]]) or not np.all([len(x.shape)==1 for x in [v1,v2]]):
            raise AttributeError('Provided vector(s) is not 3D: projectionVector1.shape={} or projectionVector2.shape={}'.format(v1.shape,v2.shape))
        angle = np.arccos(np.dot(v1,v2)/(np.linalg.norm(v1)*np.linalg.norm(v2)))
        orientationMatrix = np.ones(3)

    sample = copy.deepcopy(DataSet.sample)
    v1,v2 = sample[0].projectionVector1,sample[0].projectionVector2
    angle = np.sign(np.dot(np.cross(v1,v2),sample[0].planeNormal))*sample[0].projectionAngle
    v2Length = np.linalg.norm(v2)/np.linalg.norm(v1)
    projectionMatrix = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1,0],[np.cos(angle)*v2Length,np.sin(angle)*v2Length]]).T)
    projectionVectorQX = np.dot(np.dot(projectionMatrix,[1,0]),np.array([v1,v2]))
    projectionVectorQY = np.dot(np.dot(projectionMatrix,[0,1]),np.array([v1,v2]))
    projectionVectorQX = _tools.LengthOrder(projectionVectorQX)
    projectionVectorQY = _tools.LengthOrder(projectionVectorQY)
    projectionVectorQXLength = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(orientationMatrix,projectionVectorQY))
    projectionVectorQYLength = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(orientationMatrix,projectionVectorQX))
    projectionVectorQXFormated = ', '.join(['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in projectionVectorQX])
    projectionVectorQYFormated = ', '.join(['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in projectionVectorQY])
    if axis == 0:
        projectionVectorLength = projectionVectorQYLength
        projectionVectorLengthORthogonal = projectionVectorQXLength
        projectionVectorFormated = projectionVectorQXFormated
        projectionVector = projectionVectorQX
        projectionVectorOrthogonal = projectionVectorQY
    elif axis == 1:
        projectionVectorLength = projectionVectorQXLength
        projectionVectorFormated = projectionVectorQYFormated
        projectionVectorLengthORthogonal = projectionVectorQYLength
        projectionVector = projectionVectorQY
        projectionVectorOrthogonal = projectionVectorQX
        raise AttributeError('Provided axis of {} is not allowed. Should be either 0 or 1.'.format(axis))

    if figure is None:
        figure = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4))
    def inv_tr(l,x,y):
        return x*l,y
    def tr(l,x,y):
        return x/l,y
    if pythonVersion == 3:
        grid_locator1 = MultipleLocator(base=1.0) # Standard X ticks is multiple locator
        grid_helper = GridHelperCurveLinear((lambda x,y:inv_tr(projectionVectorLength,x,y), 
                                        lambda x,y:tr(projectionVectorLength,x,y)),grid_locator1=grid_locator1)
        grid_helper = GridHelperCurveLinear((lambda x,y:inv_tr(projectionVectorLength,x,y), 
                                        lambda x,y:tr(projectionVectorLength,x,y)))
    ax = SubplotHost(figure, 1, 1, 1, grid_helper=grid_helper)
    ax.sample = sample[0]

    ax.grid(True, zorder=0)
    def calculateRLU(l,v1,x,y,v,step):
        return np.asarray(x)/l*v1+v*step, np.asarray(y)

    def format_coord(x,y): # pragma: no cover # x is H,K,L and y is  energy
        xformated = ', '.join(['{} = {}'.format(Y[0],Y[1]) for Y in zip(['h','k','l'],['{:.4f}'.format(X) for X in x])])
        return '{}, E={:.4f}'.format(xformated,y)
    ax.set_xlabel('{} [RLU]'.format(projectionVectorFormated))
    ax.set_ylabel('E [meV]')
    ax._length = projectionVectorLengthORthogonal
    ax._projectionVector = projectionVector 
    ax._projectionVectorOrthogonal = projectionVectorOrthogonal
    ax._step = 0.0
    ax.calculateRLU = lambda x,y: calculateRLU(projectionVectorLength,ax._projectionVector,x,y,ax._projectionVectorOrthogonal,ax._step)
    ax.format_coord = lambda x,y: format_coord(*ax.calculateRLU(x,y))

    if pythonVersion == 3:
        ax.forceGridUpdate = lambda:forceGridUpdate(ax)
        ax.xticks = 7

        def xAxisChanged(axis, forceUpdate=False):
            locator = axis._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator1
            xlim = axis.get_xlim()
            xlimDiff = np.diff(xlim)
            if isinstance(locator,MultipleLocator):
                if hasattr(axis,'xBase'):
                    base = axis.xBase
                    base = calculateBase(locator,xlimDiff,axis.xticks)
            elif isinstance(locator,MaxNLocator):
                if hasattr(axis,'xTicks'):
                    ticks = getattr(axis,'xTicks')
                    ticks = 7
                locator.set_params(nbins = ticks)

        ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', xAxisChanged)

        ax.callbacks.connect('draw_event',lambda ax: xAxisChanged(ax,forceUpdate=True))
        ax.xAxisChanged = lambda: xAxisChanged(ax,forceUpdate=True)

        def set_xticks_base(xBase=None,ax=ax):
            """Setter of the base x ticks to be used for plotting


                - xBase (float): Base of the tick marks (default automatic)

            if not isinstance(ax._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator1,MultipleLocator):
                l1 = MultipleLocator(base=xBase)

            if xBase is None:
                if hasattr(ax,'xBase'):
                ax.xBase = xBase

        def set_xticks_number(xNumber = None,ax=ax):
            """Setter of the number of x ticks to be used for plotting


                - xNumber (int): Number of x tick marks (default 7)

            if xNumber is None:
                xNumber = 7

            if not isinstance(ax._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator1,MaxNLocator):
                l1 = MaxNLocator(nbins=xNumber)
            ax.xTicks = xNumber

        ax.set_xticks_base = set_xticks_base
        ax.set_xticks_number = set_xticks_number

    return ax
Exemplo n.º 3
def createRLUAxes(self,figure=None,ids=[1, 1, 1],basex=None,basey=None):
    """Create a reciprocal lattice plot for a given DataSet object.
        - Dataset (DataSet): DataSet object for which the RLU plot is to be made.


        - figure: Matplotlib figure in which the axis is to be put (default None)

        - ids (array): List of integer numbers provided to the SubplotHost ids attribute (default [1,1,1])

        - basex (float): Ticks are positioned at multiples of this value along x (default None)

        - basey (float): Ticks are positioned at multiples of this value along y (default None)

        - ax (Matplotlib axes): Axes containing the RLU plot.

    .. note::
        When rlu axis is created, the orientation of Qx and Qy is assumed to be rotated as well. 
        This is to be done in the self.View3D method call!

    .. note::
        When using python 2 the changing of tick marks is not supported due to limitations in matplotlib. However, if python 3 is used, the number 
        of ticks and their location can be change after the initialization using the set_xticks_number, set_yticks_number chaning the wanted number 
        of tick marks, or the set_xticks_base or set_yticks_base to change the base number, see RLU tutorial under Tools. As default a sufficient base
        number is found and will update when zooming.

    sample = copy.deepcopy(self.sample)
    for samp in sample:
        samp.convert = np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',samp.RotMat,samp.convert)
        #sample.convert = np.einsum('ij,j...->i...',sample.RotMat,sample.convert)
        samp.convertinv = np.linalg.inv(samp.convert) # Convert from Qx, Qy to projX, projY

        samp.orientationMatrix = np.dot(samp.RotMat3D,samp.orientationMatrix)
        samp.orientationMatrixINV = np.linalg.inv(samp.orientationMatrix)
        samp.theta = 0.0

    if figure is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4))
        fig = figure
    def calculateTicks(ticks,angle,round=True):
        val = ticks/np.tan(angle/2.0)
        if round:
            return np.array(np.round(val),dtype=int)
            return val

    if pythonVersion==3: # Only for python 3
        if  not basex is None or not basey is None: # Either basex or basey is provided (or both)
            if basex is None:
                basex = calculateTicks(basey,sample[0].projectionAngle,round=False)
            elif basey is None:
                basey = basex/calculateTicks(1.0,sample[0].projectionAngle,round=False)

            grid_locator1 = MultipleLocator(base=basex)
            grid_locator2 = MultipleLocator(base=basey)
            basex = 0.5
            basey = 0.5

            grid_locator1 = MultipleLocator(base=basex)
            grid_locator2 = MultipleLocator(base=basey)
        grid_helper = GridHelperCurveLinear((sample[0].inv_tr, sample[0].tr),grid_locator1=grid_locator1,grid_locator2=grid_locator2)
    else: # Python 2
        grid_helper = GridHelperCurveLinear((sample[0].inv_tr, sample[0].tr))
    ax = SubplotHost(fig, *ids, grid_helper=grid_helper)
    ax.sample = sample[0]
    if pythonVersion==3: # Only for python 3

        ax.basex = basex
        ax.basey = basey

    def set_axis(ax,v1,v2,*args):
        if not args is ():
            points = np.concatenate([[v1,v2],[x for x in args]],axis=0)
            points = np.array([v1,v2])
        if points.shape[1] == 3:
            points = ax.sample.calculateHKLtoProjection(points[:,0],points[:,1],points[:,2]).T
        boundaries = np.array([ax.sample.inv_tr(x[0],x[1]) for x in points])
        if pythonVersion == 3: # Only possible in python 3

    ax.grid(True, zorder=0)
    if not np.isclose(ax.sample.projectionAngle,np.pi/2.0,atol=0.001):

    ax.format_coord = ax.sample.format_coord
    ax.set_axis = lambda v1,v2,*args: set_axis(ax,v1,v2,*args)

    def beautifyLabel(vec):
        Vec = [x.astype(int) if np.isclose(x.astype(float)-x.astype(int),0.0) else x.astype(float) for x in vec]
        return '{} [RLU]'.format(', '.join([str(x) for x in Vec]))


    if pythonVersion==3: # Only for python 3
        ax.calculateTicks = lambda value:calculateTicks(value,ax.sample.projectionAngle)
        ax.forceGridUpdate = lambda:forceGridUpdate(ax)
        ax._oldXlimDiff = np.diff(ax.get_xlim())
        ax._oldYlimDiff = np.diff(ax.get_ylim())

        ax.get_aspect_ratio = lambda: get_aspect(ax)

        ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', axisChanged)
        ax.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', axisChanged)
        ax.callbacks.connect('draw_event',lambda ax: axisChanged(ax,forceUpdate=True))
        ax.axisChanged = lambda direction='both': axisChanged(ax,forceUpdate=True,direction=direction)
        def set_xticks_base(xBase,ax=ax):
            """Setter of the base x ticks to be used for plotting


                - xBase (float): Base of the tick marks

            if not isinstance(ax._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator1,MultipleLocator):
                l1 = MultipleLocator(base=xBase)

            ax.xbase = xBase

        def set_yticks_base(yBase,ax=ax):
            """Setter of the base y ticks to be used for plotting


                - yBase (float): Base of the tick marks

            if not isinstance(ax._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator2,MultipleLocator):
                l2 = MultipleLocator(base=yBase)
            ax.ybase = yBase

        def set_xticks_number(xNumber,ax=ax):
            """Setter of the number of x ticks to be used for plotting


                - xNumber (int): Number of x tick marks

            if not isinstance(ax._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator1,MaxNLocator):
                l1 = MaxNLocator(nbins=xNumber)
            ax.xticks = xNumber

        def set_yticks_number(yNumber,ax=ax):
            """Setter of the number of y ticks to be used for plotting


                - yNumber (int): Number of y tick marks

            if not isinstance(ax._grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator2,MaxNLocator):
                l2 = MaxNLocator(nbins=yNumber)
            ax.yticks = yNumber

        ax.set_xticks_base = set_xticks_base
        ax.set_yticks_base = set_yticks_base
        ax.set_xticks_number = set_xticks_number
        ax.set_yticks_number = set_yticks_number

    return ax