Exemplo n.º 1
def OLDgetPartitionNumber( n ):
    if n < 0:
        return 0

    if n < 2:
        return 1

    result = mpmathify( 0 )

    for k in arange( 1, n + 1 ):
        #n1 = n - k * ( 3 * k - 1 ) / 2
        n1 = fsub( n, fdiv( fmul( k, fsub( fmul( 3, k ), 1 ) ), 2 ) )
        #n2 = n - k * ( 3 * k + 1 ) / 2
        n2 = fsub( n, fdiv( fmul( k, fadd( fmul( 3, k ), 1 ) ), 2 ) )

        result = fadd( result, fmul( power( -1, fadd( k, 1 ) ), fadd( getPartitionNumber( n1 ), getPartitionNumber( n2 ) ) ) )

        if n1 <= 0:

    #old = NOT_QUITE_AS_OLDgetPartitionNumber( n )
    #if ( old != result ):
    #    raise ValueError( "It's broke." )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def iterSomeSignedMidPoints(N):
	"""Iter some particular values (mid-point between two consecutive signed FxP number with w bits)
	Returns the wordlength, string and mpf value"""
	# ordinary case: +/- (M+0.5)2^l, with (2^(w-1))+2 <= M <= 2^w - 2
	for _ in range(N):
		w = randint(8,200)
		l = randint(-50,50)
		M = randint( 2**(w-1)+2, 2**w-2)
		st = "(%d+0.5)2^%d" % (M,l)
		mp = ldexp(fadd(M, 0.5, exact=True),l)
		yield w, st, mp

	# 2^m+2^(l-1) (so exactly the mid-point between 2^m-2^l and 2^m)
	for _ in range(N):
		w = randint(8,200)
		l = randint(-50, 50)
		m = w + l - 1
		st = "2^%d-2^%d" % (m,l-1)
		mp = fadd(ldexp(1,m), ldexp(1,l-1), exact=True)
		yield w, st, mp

	# -2^m-2^l (so exactly the mid-point between -2^m and -2^m-2^(l+1))
	for _ in range(N):
		w = randint(8,200)
		l = randint(-50, 50)
		m = w + l - 1
		st = "-2^%d-2^%d" % (m,l)
		mp = fadd(ldexp(-1,m), ldexp(-1,l), exact=True)
		yield w, st, mp
Exemplo n.º 3
def getEclipseTotality( body1, body2, location, date ):
    '''Returns the angular size of an astronomical object in radians.'''
    if isinstance( location, str ):
        location = getLocation( location )

    if not isinstance( body1, RPNAstronomicalObject ) or not isinstance( body2, RPNAstronomicalObject ) and \
       not isinstance( location, RPNLocation ) or not isinstance( date, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( 'expected two astronomical objects, a location and a date-time' )

    separation = body1.getAngularSeparation( body2, location, date ).value

    radius1 = body1.getAngularSize( ).value
    radius2 = body2.getAngularSize( ).value

    if separation > fadd( radius1, radius2 ):
        return 0

    distance1 = body1.getDistanceFromEarth( date )
    distance2 = body2.getDistanceFromEarth( date )

    area1 = fmul( pi, power( radius1, 2 ) )
    area2 = fmul( pi, power( radius2, 2 ) )

    area_of_intersection = fadd( getCircleIntersectionTerm( radius1, radius2, separation ),
                                 getCircleIntersectionTerm( radius2, radius1, separation ) )

    if distance1 > distance2:
        result = fdiv( area_of_intersection, area1 )
        result = fdiv( area_of_intersection, area2 )

    if result > 1:
        return 1
        return result
Exemplo n.º 4
def getRobbinsConstant( ):
    robbins = fsub( fsub( fadd( 4, fmul( 17, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), fmul( 6, sqrt( 3 ) ) ), fmul( 7, pi ) )
    robbins = fdiv( robbins, 105 )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( log( fadd( 1, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), 5 ) )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( fmul( 2, log( fadd( 2, sqrt( 3 ) ) ) ), 5 ) )

    return robbins
Exemplo n.º 5
def getRobbinsConstant( ):
    robbins = fsub( fsub( fadd( 4, fmul( 17, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), fmul( 6, sqrt( 3 ) ) ), fmul( 7, pi ) )
    robbins = fdiv( robbins, 105 )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( log( fadd( 1, sqrt( 2 ) ) ), 5 ) )
    robbins = fadd( robbins, fdiv( fmul( 2, log( fadd( 2, sqrt( 3 ) ) ) ), 5 ) )

    return robbins
Exemplo n.º 6
def getNthDelannoyNumber( n ):
    result = 0

    for k in arange( 0, fadd( real( n ), 1 ) ):
        result = fadd( result, fmul( binomial( n, k ), binomial( fadd( n, k ), k ) ) )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
def convertToFibBase(value):
    Returns a string with Fibonacci encoding for n (n >= 1).

    adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_coding

    result = ''

    n = value

    if n >= 1:
        a = 1
        b = 1

        c = fadd(a, b)  # next Fibonacci number
        fibs = [b]  # list of Fibonacci numbers, starting with F(2), each <= n

        while n >= c:
            fibs.append(c)  # add next Fibonacci number to end of list
            a = b
            b = c
            c = fadd(a, b)

        for fibnum in reversed(fibs):
            if n >= fibnum:
                n = fsub(n, fibnum)
                result = result + '1'
                result = result + '0'

    return result
Exemplo n.º 8
def getNthDecagonalCenteredSquareNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt10 = sqrt(10)

    dps = 7 * int(n)

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint(
                fdiv(1, 8),
                fmul(fdiv(7, 16),
                     power(fsub(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))),
                    fmul(fdiv(1, 8),
                         power(fsub(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))),
                    fmul(fdiv(1, 8),
                         power(fadd(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1))),
                fmul(fdiv(7, 16),
                     power(fadd(721, fmul(228, sqrt10)), fsub(n, 1)))
Exemplo n.º 9
def oldGetPartitionNumber(n):
    if n < 2:
        return 1

    result = mpmathify(0)

    for k in arange(1, n + 1):
        #n1 = n - k * ( 3 * k - 1 ) / 2
        sub1 = fsub(n, fdiv(fmul(k, fsub(fmul(3, k), 1)), 2))
        #n2 = n - k * ( 3 * k + 1 ) / 2
        sub2 = fsub(n, fdiv(fmul(k, fadd(fmul(3, k), 1)), 2))

        result = fadd(
            fmul(power(-1, fadd(k, 1)),
                 fadd(getPartitionNumber(sub1), getPartitionNumber(sub2))))

        if sub1 <= 0:

    #old = NOT_QUITE_AS_OLDgetPartitionNumber( n )
    #if ( old != result ):
    #    raise ValueError( "It's broke." )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 10
def getNthSchroederHipparchusNumber( n ):
    result = 0

    for i in arange( n ):
        result = fadd( result, fmul( getNarayanaNumber( n, fadd( i, 1 ) ), power( 2, i ) ) )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 11
def getNthOctagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(17, fmul(sqrt(30), 2)),
                     power(fadd(sqrt(5), sqrt(6)), fsub(fmul(8, n), 6))),
Exemplo n.º 12
def getNthNonagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt35 = sqrt(35)

    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(39, fmul(4, sqrt35)),
                     power(fadd(6, sqrt35), fsub(fmul(4, n), 3))), 560)))
Exemplo n.º 13
def getNthAperyNumber( n ):
    result = 0

    for k in arange( 0, real( n ) + 1 ):
        result = fadd( result, fmul( power( binomial( n, k ), 2 ),
                                     power( binomial( fadd( n, k ), k ), 2 ) ) )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 14
def getNthDecagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    return nint(
                fmul(fadd(9, fprod([4, sqrt(2),
                                    power(-1, fadd(n, 1))])),
                     power(fadd(1, sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, fadd(n, 1)), 6))),
Exemplo n.º 15
 def add( self, other ):
     if isinstance( other, RPNMeasurement ):
         if self.units == other.units:
             return RPNMeasurement( fadd( self.value, other.value ), self.units )
             return RPNMeasurement( fadd( self.value, other.convertValue( self ) ), self.units )
         return RPNMeasurement( fadd( self.value, other ), self.units )
Exemplo n.º 16
def getNthMotzkinNumber( n ):
    result = 0

    for j in arange( 0, floor( fdiv( real( n ), 3 ) ) + 1 ):
        result = fadd( result, fprod( [ power( -1, j ), binomial( fadd( n, 1 ), j ),
                                      binomial( fsub( fmul( 2, n ), fmul( 3, j ) ), n ) ] ) )

    return fdiv( result, fadd( n, 1 ) )
Exemplo n.º 17
def getNthNonagonalPentagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt21 = sqrt( 21 )
    sign = power( -1, real_int( n ) )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fadd( 25, fmul( 4, sqrt21 ) ),
                                       fsub( 5, fmul( sqrt21, sign ) ),
                                       power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 7 ) ), fmul( 3, sqrt( 3 ) ) ),
                                              fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 4 ) ) ] ),
                              336 ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 18
def getNthDecagonalNonagonalNumber( n ):
    dps = 8 * int( real_int( n ) )

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fadd( 15, fmul( 2, sqrt( 14 ) ) ),
                                    power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ),
                                           fsub( fmul( 8, n ), 6 ) ) ), 448 ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 19
def getNthDecagonalHeptagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt10 = sqrt( 10 )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fprod( [ fsub( 11,
                                             fmul( fmul( 2, sqrt10 ),
                                                   power( -1, real_int( n ) ) ) ),
                                       fadd( 1, sqrt10 ),
                                       power( fadd( 3, sqrt10 ),
                                              fsub( fmul( 4, n ), 3 ) ) ] ), 320 ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 20
def getNthPolytopeNumberOperator(n, d):
    result = n
    m = fadd(n, 1)

    for _ in arange(1, d):
        result = fmul(result, m)
        m = fadd(m, 1)

    return fdiv(result, fac(d))
Exemplo n.º 21
	def to_dTFmp(self, prec=64):
		This function computes corresponding transfer function in multiple precision.
		All operations are performed with at leaste prec bits of precision for mantissas.
		prec - precision for the computations

		TF - a dTFmp object

		# converting the dSS matrices to mp type

		oldprec = mpmath.mp.prec
		mpmath.mp.prec = prec

		from fixif.LTI import dTFmp

		if self.p != 1 or self.q != 1:
			raise ValueError('dSS: cannot convert a dSSmp to dTFmp for not a SISO system')

		E, V = mpmath.mp.eig(self.A)  # eig returns a list E and a matrix V
		Cmp = self.C * V
		Vinv = mpmath.mp.inverse(V)
		Bmp = Vinv * self.B

		Q = mp_poly_product([-e for e in E])
		PP = mpmath.mp.zeros(Q.rows - 1, 1)
		# tmp_polyproduct = mp.zeros([self.n, 1]) #temporary polynomial products
		for i in range(0, self.n):
			# P = sum_i=0^n c_i * b_i * product_j!=i p_j
			tmp_polyproduct = mp_poly_product([-e for e in E], i)
			PP = PP + Cmp[0, i] * Bmp[i, 0] * tmp_polyproduct

		if self.D[0, 0] != mpmath.mp.zero:
			P = self.D[0, 0] * Q
			P = mpmath.mp.zeros(Q.rows, 1)

		for i in range(1, P.rows):
			P[i, 0] = P[i, 0] + PP[i - 1, 0]

		b = mpmath.mp.zeros(P.rows, 1)
		a = mpmath.mp.zeros(Q.rows, 1)
		for i in range(0, P.rows):
			b[i, 0] = P[i, 0].real
			b[i, 0] = mpmath.fadd(b[i, 0], mpmath.mp.zero, prec=prec)
		for i in range(0, Q.rows):
			a[i, 0] = Q[i, 0].real
			a[i, 0] = mpmath.fadd(a[i, 0], mpmath.mp.zero, prec=prec)

		mpmath.mp.prec = oldprec
		return dTFmp(b, a)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def add(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, RPNMeasurement):
            if self.units == other.units:
                return RPNMeasurement(fadd(self.value, other.value),

            return RPNMeasurement(fadd(self.value, other.convertValue(self)),

        return RPNMeasurement(fadd(self.value, other), self.units)
Exemplo n.º 23
def getCumulativeListMeans( args ):
    mean = None

    for index, i in enumerate( args ):
        if mean is None:
            mean = i
            mean = fdiv( fadd( fmul( mean, index ), i ), fadd( index, 1 ) )

        yield mean
Exemplo n.º 24
def getNthNonagonalTriangularNumber( n ):
    a = fmul( 3, sqrt( 7 ) )
    b = fadd( 8, a )
    c = fsub( 8, a )

    return nint( fsum( [ fdiv( 5, 14 ),
                         fmul( fdiv( 9, 28 ), fadd( power( b, real_int( n ) ), power( c, n ) ) ),
                         fprod( [ fdiv( 3, 28 ),
                                  sqrt( 7 ),
                                  fsub( power( b, n ), power( c, n ) ) ] ) ] ) )
Exemplo n.º 25
 def move_point(self, point):
     moves point in the direction and magnitude of this vector
     :param point: point to move yimath.Point
     :return: yipmath.Point
     a = mpmath.fadd(self.x, point.x)
     b = mpmath.fadd(self.y, point.y)
     c = mpmath.fadd(self.z, point.z)
     return Point([a, b, c])
Exemplo n.º 26
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Design Serial Diode')
    parser.add_argument('Vs', type=float, help='Voltage supply')
                        help='Desired current over the diode in Amps')
        help='Diode Saturation current in Amps (default = 1e-12)')
                        help='Emission Coefficient (default = 1)')
                        help='Thermal Voltage in Volts (default = 0.026)')
                        help='Draw a graph')
                        help='Print debug')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    Vs = args.Vs
    Id = args.Id
    Is = args.Is
    N = args.N
    Vt = args.Vt
    nVt = N * Vt

    if args.verbose:
    logging.info(f'Vs: {Vs}, Id: {Id}, Is: {Is}, N: {N}, Vt: {Vt}')

    Vd = fmul(log(fadd(fdiv(Id, Is), mpf(1))), nVt)
    VR = fsub(Vs, Vd)
    IR = Id
    R = fdiv(VR, IR)
    print("VR: {}, IR: {}, R: {}".format(VR, IR, R))
    print("Vd: {}, Id: {}, Rd: {}".format(Vd, Id, fdiv(Vd, Id)))
    if args.graph:
            lambda x: fsub(Vs, fmul(x, R)),
            lambda x: fmul(nVt, log(fadd(fdiv(x, Is), 1)))
        ], [0, fdiv(Vs, R)], [0, Vs])
Exemplo n.º 27
def getNthDecagonalHeptagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt10 = sqrt(10)

    return nint(
                    fsub(11, fmul(fmul(2, sqrt10), power(-1, n))),
                    fadd(1, sqrt10),
                    power(fadd(3, sqrt10), fsub(fmul(4, n), 3))
                ]), 320)))
Exemplo n.º 28
def getNthStern( n ):
    """Return the nth number of Stern's diatomic series recursively"""
    if real_int( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative, real integer expected' )

    if n in [ 0, 1 ]:
        return n
    elif n % 2 == 0: # even
        return getNthStern( floor( fdiv( n, 2 ) ) )
        return fadd( getNthStern( floor( fdiv( fsub( n, 1 ), 2 ) ) ),
                     getNthStern( floor( fdiv( fadd( n, 1 ), 2 ) ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 29
def getNthMotzkinNumber( n ):

    a(n) = sum((-1)^j*binomial(n+1, j)*binomial(2n-3j, n), j=0..floor(n/3))/(n+1)
    result = 0

    for j in arange( 0, floor( fdiv( real( n ), 3 ) ) + 1 ):
        result = fadd( result, fprod( [ power( -1, j ), binomial( fadd( n, 1 ), j ),
                                      binomial( fsub( fmul( 2, n ), fmul( 3, j ) ), n ) ] ) )

    return fdiv( result, fadd( n, 1 ) )
Exemplo n.º 30
def getNthAperyNumber( n ):

    a(n) = sum(k=0..n, C(n,k)^2 * C(n+k,k)^2 )
    result = 0

    for k in arange( 0, real( n ) + 1 ):
        result = fadd( result, fmul( power( binomial( n, k ), 2 ),
                                     power( binomial( fadd( n, k ), k ), 2 ) ) )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 31
def getNthDecagonalCenteredSquareNumber( n ):
    sqrt10 = sqrt( 10 )

    dps = 7 * int( real_int( n ) )

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint( floor( fsum( [ fdiv( 1, 8 ),
                              fmul( fdiv( 7, 16 ), power( fsub( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ),
                              fmul( fmul( fdiv( 1, 8 ), power( fsub( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ), sqrt10 ),
                              fmul( fmul( fdiv( 1, 8 ), power( fadd( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ), sqrt10 ),
                              fmul( fdiv( 7, 16 ), power( fadd( 721, fmul( 228, sqrt10 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ) ] ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 32
    def add( self, other ):
        if isinstance( other, RPNMeasurement ):
            if self.getUnits( ) == other.getUnits( ):
                return RPNMeasurement( fadd( self.value, other.value ), self.getUnits( ),
                                       self.getUnitName( ), self.getPluralUnitName( ) )
                newOther = other.convertValue( self )

                return RPNMeasurement( fadd( self.value, newOther ), self.getUnits( ),
                                       self.getUnitName( ), self.getPluralUnitName( ) )
            return RPNMeasurement( fadd( self.value, other ), self.getUnits( ),
                                   self.getUnitName( ), self.getPluralUnitName( ) )
Exemplo n.º 33
def getNthNonagonalSquareNumberOperator(n):
    p = fsum([fmul(8, sqrt(7)), fmul(9, sqrt(14)), fmul(-7, sqrt(2)), -28])
    q = fsum([fmul(7, sqrt(2)), fmul(9, sqrt(14)), fmul(-8, sqrt(7)), -28])
    sign = power(-1, n)

    index = fdiv(
            fmul(fadd(p, fmul(q, sign)),
                 power(fadd(fmul(2, sqrt(2)), sqrt(7)), n)),
            fmul(fsub(p, fmul(q, sign)),
                 power(fsub(fmul(2, sqrt(2)), sqrt(7)), fsub(n, 1)))), 112)

    return nint(power(nint(index), 2))
Exemplo n.º 34
def getNthNonagonalPentagonalNumberOperator(n):
    sqrt21 = sqrt(21)
    sign = power(-1, n)

    return nint(
                    fadd(25, fmul(4, sqrt21)),
                    fsub(5, fmul(sqrt21, sign)),
                    power(fadd(fmul(2, sqrt(7)), fmul(3, sqrt(3))),
                          fsub(fmul(4, n), 4))
                ]), 336)))
Exemplo n.º 35
def getNthDecagonalNonagonalNumberOperator(n):
    dps = 8 * int(n)

    if mp.dps < dps:
        mp.dps = dps

    return nint(
                    fadd(15, fmul(2, sqrt(14))),
                    power(fadd(fmul(2, sqrt(2)), sqrt(7)), fsub(fmul(8, n),
                                                                6))), 448)))
Exemplo n.º 36
def rangeGenerator(start, end, step):
    if start > end and step > 0:
        step = -step

    current = start

    if step > 0:
        while current <= end:
            yield current
            current = fadd(current, step)
        while current >= end:
            yield current
            current = fadd(current, step)
Exemplo n.º 37
def getNthNonagonalSquareNumber( n ):
    if real( n ) < 0:
        ValueError( '' )

    p = fsum( [ fmul( 8, sqrt( 7 ) ), fmul( 9, sqrt( 14 ) ), fmul( -7, sqrt( 2 ) ), -28 ] )
    q = fsum( [ fmul( 7, sqrt( 2 ) ), fmul( 9, sqrt( 14 ) ), fmul( -8, sqrt( 7 ) ), -28 ] )
    sign = power( -1, real_int( n ) )

    index = fdiv( fsub( fmul( fadd( p, fmul( q, sign ) ),
                              power( fadd( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ), n ) ),
                        fmul( fsub( p, fmul( q, sign ) ),
                              power( fsub( fmul( 2, sqrt( 2 ) ), sqrt( 7 ) ), fsub( n, 1 ) ) ) ), 112 )

    return nint( power( nint( index ), 2 ) )
Exemplo n.º 38
def getNthAlternatingFactorial( n ):
    result = 0

    negative = False

    for i in arange( real( n ), 0, -1 ):
        if negative:
            result = fadd( result, fneg( fac( i ) ) )
            negative = False
            result = fadd( result, fac( i ) )
            negative = True

    return result
Exemplo n.º 39
def rangeGenerator( start, end, step ):
    if start > end and step > 0:
        step = -step

    current = start

    if ( step > 0 ):
        while ( current <= end ):
            yield current
            current = fadd( current, step )
        while ( current >= end ):
            yield current
            current = fadd( current, step )
Exemplo n.º 40
def getNthDelannoyNumber(n):
    if n == 1:
        return 3

    precision = int(fmul(n, 0.8))

    if mp.dps < precision:
        mp.dps = precision

    result = 0

    for k in arange(0, fadd(n, 1)):
        result = fadd(result, fmul(binomial(n, k), binomial(fadd(n, k), k)))

    return result
Exemplo n.º 41
def calculateMolarMass(n):
    result = 0

    for atom in n:
        result = fadd(result, fmul(getAtomicWeight(atom), n[atom]))

    return RPNMeasurement(result, 'gram')
Exemplo n.º 42
def getNSphereRadius( n, k ):
    if real_int( k ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of dimensions must be at least 3' )

    if not isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return RPNMeasurement( n, 'meter' )

    dimensions = n.getDimensions( )

    if dimensions == { 'length' : 1 }:
        return n
    elif dimensions == { 'length' : int( k - 1 ) }:
        m2 = n.convertValue( RPNMeasurement( 1, [ { 'meter' : int( k - 1 ) } ] ) )

        result = root( fdiv( fmul( m2, gamma( fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ),
                             fmul( 2, power( pi, fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ) ), fsub( k, 1 ) )

        return RPNMeasurement( result, [ { 'meter' : 1 } ] )
    elif dimensions == { 'length' : int( k ) }:
        m3 = n.convertValue( RPNMeasurement( 1, [ { 'meter' : int( k ) } ] ) )

        result = root( fmul( fdiv( gamma( fadd( fdiv( k, 2 ), 1 ) ),
                                   power( pi, fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ),
                             m3 ), k )

        return RPNMeasurement( result, [ { 'meter' : 1 } ] )
        raise ValueError( 'incompatible measurement type for computing the radius: ' +
                          str( dimensions ) )
Exemplo n.º 43
def packInteger( values, fields ):
    if isinstance( values, RPNGenerator ):
        return packInteger( list( values ), fields )
    elif not isinstance( values, list ):
        return unpackInteger( [ values ], fields )

    if isinstance( fields, RPNGenerator ):
        return packInteger( values, list( fields ) )
    elif not isinstance( fields, list ):
        return unpackInteger( values, [ fields ] )

    if isinstance( values[ 0 ], list ):
        return [ unpackInteger( value, fields ) for value in values ]

    result = 0

    count = min( len( values ), len( fields ) )

    size = 0

    for i in range( count, 0, -1 ):
        result = fadd( result, fmul( values[ i - 1 ], power( 2, size ) ) )
        size += fields[ i - 1 ]

    return result
Exemplo n.º 44
def generateSquareDigitChainGenerator(n):
    n = int(n)

    chain = []

    if n == 0:
        yield 0

    if n == 1:
        yield 1

    done = False

    while not done:
        digits = getDigitList(n)

        n = 0

        for i in digits:
            n = fadd(n, pow(i, 2))

        if n in chain:
            done = True

            yield n
Exemplo n.º 45
def getKSphereRadius(n, k):
    if k < 3:
        raise ValueError('the number of dimensions must be at least 3')

    if not isinstance(n, RPNMeasurement):
        return RPNMeasurement(n, 'meter')

    dimensions = n.getDimensions()

    if dimensions == {'length': 1}:
        return n

    if dimensions == {'length': int(k - 1)}:
        area = n.convertValue(RPNMeasurement(1, [{'meter': int(k - 1)}]))

        result = root(
            fdiv(fmul(area, gamma(fdiv(k, 2))), fmul(2, power(pi, fdiv(k,
            fsub(k, 1))

        return RPNMeasurement(result, [{'meter': 1}])

    if dimensions == {'length': int(k)}:
        volume = n.convertValue(RPNMeasurement(1, [{'meter': int(k)}]))

        result = root(
            fmul(fdiv(gamma(fadd(fdiv(k, 2), 1)), power(pi, fdiv(k, 2))),
                 volume), k)

        return RPNMeasurement(result, [{'meter': 1}])

    raise ValueError(
        'incompatible measurement type for computing the radius: ' +
Exemplo n.º 46
def getNthSchroederNumber( n ):
    if real( n ) == 1:
        return 1

    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError( '\'nth_schroeder\' expects a non-negative argument' )

    n = fsub( n, 1 )

    result = 0

    for k in arange( 0, fadd( n, 1 ) ):
        result = fadd( result, fdiv( fprod( [ power( 2, k ), binomial( n, k ),
                                              binomial( n, fsub( k, 1 ) ) ] ), n ) )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 47
def sumDigits(n):
    result = 0

    for c in getMPFIntegerAsString(n):
        result = fadd(result, int(c))

    return result
Exemplo n.º 48
def isPerfectDigitalInvariant(n):
    digits = getDigitList(n)

    exponent = 1

    oldTotal = 0

    while True:
        total = 0

        for digit in digits:
            total = fadd(total, power(digit, exponent))

            if total > n:
                return 0

            if total == n:
                return 1

        if total == oldTotal:
            return 0

        oldTotal = total

        exponent += 1
Exemplo n.º 49
def generateIntegerArgument( range = [ 0, 1_000_000_000 ], allowNegative = True ):
    factor = 1

    if allowNegative and getRandomInteger( 2 ) == 1:
        factor = -1

    return str( fmul( fadd( getRandomInteger( range[ 1 ] ), range[ 0 ] ), factor ) )
Exemplo n.º 50
def calculateMolarMass( n ):
    result = 0

    for atom in n:
        result = fadd( result, fmul( getAtomicWeight( atom ), n[ atom ] ) )

    return RPNMeasurement( result, 'gram' )
Exemplo n.º 51
def getInvertedBits( n ):
    value = real_int( n )

    # determine how many groups of bits we will be looking at
    if value == 0:
        groupings = 1
        groupings = int( fadd( floor( fdiv( ( log( value, 2 ) ), g.bitwiseGroupSize ) ), 1 ) )

    placeValue = mpmathify( 1 << g.bitwiseGroupSize )
    multiplier = mpmathify( 1 )
    remaining = value

    result = mpmathify( 0 )

    for i in range( 0, groupings ):
        # Let's let Python do the actual inverting
        group = fmod( ~int( fmod( remaining, placeValue ) ), placeValue )

        result += fmul( group, multiplier )

        remaining = floor( fdiv( remaining, placeValue ) )
        multiplier = fmul( multiplier, placeValue )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 52
def getPrimeRange( start, end ):
    result = list( )

    for i in getNthPrimeRange( start, fadd( fsub( end, start ), 1 ) ):
        result.append( i )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 53
def getSigma( target ):
    Returns the sum of the divisors of n, including 1 and n.

    n = floor( target )

    if real( n ) == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1

    factors = getECMFactors( n ) if g.ecm else getFactors( n )

    result = 1

    for factor in factors:
        numerator = fsub( power( factor[ 0 ], fadd( factor[ 1 ], 1 ) ), 1 )
        denominator = fsub( factor[ 0 ], 1 )
        #debugPrint( 'sigma', numerator, denominator )
        result = fmul( result, fdiv( numerator, denominator ) )

        if result != floor( result ):
            raise ValueError( 'insufficient precision for \'sigma\', increase precision (-p))' )

    return result
Exemplo n.º 54
def getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, k ):
    if real( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative argument expected' )

    if real( k ) < 2:
        raise ValueError( 'argument <= 2 expected' )

    if n < k - 1:
        return 0

    nth = int( n ) + 4

    precision = int( fdiv( fmul( n, k ), 8 ) )

    if ( mp.dps < precision ):
        mp.dps = precision

    poly = [ 1 ]
    poly.extend( [ -1 ] * int( k ) )

    roots = polyroots( poly )
    nthPoly = getNthFibonacciPolynomial( k )

    result = 0
    exponent = fsum( [ nth, fneg( k ), -2 ] )

    for i in range( 0, int( k ) ):
        result += fdiv( power( roots[ i ], exponent ), polyval( nthPoly, roots[ i ] ) )

    return floor( fadd( re( result ), fdiv( 1, 2 ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 55
def packInteger(values, fields):
    if isinstance(values, RPNGenerator):
        return packInteger(list(values), fields)

    if not isinstance(values, list):
        return unpackInteger([values], fields)

    if isinstance(fields, RPNGenerator):
        return packInteger(values, list(fields))

    if not isinstance(fields, list):
        return unpackInteger(values, [fields])

    if isinstance(values[0], list):
        return [unpackInteger(value, fields) for value in values]

    result = 0

    count = min(len(values), len(fields))

    size = 0

    for i in range(count, 0, -1):
        field = int(fields[i - 1])
        value = int(values[i - 1]) & (2**field - 1)
        result = fadd(result, fmul(value, power(2, size)))
        size += field

    return result
Exemplo n.º 56
def getNthLucasNumber( n ):
    if real( n ) == 0:
        return 2
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
        return floor( fadd( power( phi, n ), 0.5 ) )
Exemplo n.º 57
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumberOperator(n):
    sign = power(-1, n)

    return nint(
                fmul(fsub(7, fprod([2, sqrt(6), sign])),
                     power(fadd(sqrt(3), sqrt(2)), fsub(fmul(4, n), 2))), 96)))
Exemplo n.º 58
def get_prob_poisson(events, length, rate):
    """ P(k, lambda = t * rate) = """
    avg_events = mpmath.fmul(rate, length) # lambda
    prob = mpmath.fmul((-1), avg_events)
    for i in range(1, events + 1):
        prob = mpmath.fadd(prob, mpmath.log(mpmath.fdiv(avg_events, i)))
    prob = mpmath.exp(prob)
    return prob
Exemplo n.º 59
def mpf_matrix_fadd(A, B):
	Given a m x n matrix A and m x n matrix B either in numpy.matrix
	or mpmath.matrix format,
	this function computes the sum C = A + B exactly.
	The output matrix C is always given in the MPMATH format.

	A - m x n matrix
	B - m x n matrix

	C - m x n matrix

	if isinstance(A, numpy.matrix):
			A = python2mpf_matrix(A)
		except ValueError as e:
			raise ValueError('Cannot compute exact sum of two matrices. %s' % e)
		if not isinstance(A, mpmath.matrix):
			raise ValueError('Cannot compute exact sum of two matrices: unexpected input type, excpected numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix but got %s') %type(A)

	if isinstance(B, numpy.matrix):
			B = python2mpf_matrix(B)
		except ValueError as e:
			raise ValueError('Cannot compute exact sum of two matrices. %s' % e)
		if not isinstance(B, mpmath.matrix):
			raise ValueError('Cannot compute exact sum of two matrices: unexpected input type, excpected numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix but got %s') % type(B)

	#here both A and B are mpmath matrices
	#we consider that A and B are MPF matrices if their first elements are of type mpf, let's test it

	if not isinstance(A[0,0], mpmath.mpf) or not isinstance(B[0,0], mpmath.mpf):
		raise ValueError('Cannot compute exact product of two matrices: cannot sum complex matrices.')

	#test sizes
	if A.rows != B.rows or A.cols != B.cols:
		raise ValueError('Cannot compute exact sum of two matrices: incorrect sizes.')

	m = A.rows
	n = A.cols
	C = mp.zeros(m, n)
	for i in range(0, m):
		for j in range(0, n):
			C[i,j] = mpmath.fadd(A[i,j], B[i,j], exact=True)
			if mpmath.isnan(C[i,j]) or mpmath.isinf(C[i,j]):
				print('WARNING: in matrix sum an abnormal number (NaN/Inf) occured: %f' % C[i,j])

	return C
Exemplo n.º 60
 def generate(c, num_iterations=200):
     orbit_re = []
     orbit_im = []
     z = mpmath.mpc(real='0.0', imag='0.0')
     for _ in range(num_iterations):
         z = mpmath.fadd(mpmath.fmul(z, z), c)
     return [orbit_re, orbit_im]