def bart_cs(bart_dir, ks, sensemap, l1=0.01): cfl_ks = np.squeeze(ks) cfl_ks = np.expand_dims(cfl_ks, -2) cfl_sensemap = np.squeeze(sensemap) cfl_sensemap = np.expand_dims(cfl_sensemap, -2) ks_dir = os.path.join(bart_dir, "file_ks") sense_dir = os.path.join(bart_dir, "file_sensemap") img_dir = os.path.join(bart_dir, "file_img") cfl.write(ks_dir, cfl_ks, "R") cfl.write(sense_dir, cfl_sensemap, "R") # L1-wavelet regularized cmd_flags = "-S -e -R W:3:0:%f -i 100" % l1 cmd = "%s pics %s %s %s %s" % ( BIN_BART, cmd_flags, ks_dir, sense_dir, img_dir, ) subprocess.check_call(["bash", "-c", cmd]) bart_recon = load_recon(img_dir, sense_dir) return bart_recon
def bart_pics( ks_input, verbose=False, sensemap=None, shape_e=2, do_cs=True, do_imag_reg=False, filename_ks_tmp="ks.tmp", filename_map_tmp="map.tmp", filename_im_tmp="im.tmp", filename_ks_out_tmp="ks_out.tmp", ): """BART PICS reconstruction.""" if verbose: print("PICS (l1-ESPIRiT) reconstruction...") cfl.write(filename_ks_tmp, ks_input) if sensemap is None: cmd = "bart ecalib -m %d -c 1e-9 %s %s" % ( shape_e, filename_ks_tmp, filename_map_tmp, ) if verbose: print(" %s" % cmd) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", cmd]) else: cfl.write(filename_map_tmp, sensemap) if do_cs: flags = "-l1 -r 1e-2" else: flags = "-l2 -r 1e-2" if do_imag_reg: flags = flags + " -R R1:7:1e-1" cmd = "bart pics %s -S %s %s %s" % ( flags, filename_ks_tmp, filename_map_tmp, filename_im_tmp, ) if verbose: print(" %s" % cmd) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", cmd]) cmd = "bart fakeksp -r %s %s %s %s" % ( filename_im_tmp, filename_ks_tmp, filename_map_tmp, filename_ks_out_tmp, ) if verbose: print(" %s" % cmd) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", cmd]) ks_pics = np.squeeze( ks_pics = np.expand_dims(ks_pics, axis=0) return ks_pics
def bart_cs(self, ks, sensemap, l1=0.01): if self.data_type is "knee" or "DCE_2D": cfl_ks = np.squeeze(ks) cfl_ks = np.expand_dims(cfl_ks, -2) cfl_sensemap = np.squeeze(sensemap) cfl_sensemap = np.expand_dims(cfl_sensemap, -2) ks_dir = os.path.join(self.bart_dir, "file_ks") sense_dir = os.path.join(self.bart_dir, "file_sensemap") img_dir = os.path.join(self.bart_dir, "file_img") cfl.write(ks_dir, cfl_ks, "R") cfl.write(sense_dir, cfl_sensemap, "R") # L1-wavelet regularized cmd_flags = "-S -e -R W:3:0:%f -i 100" % l1 # cmd_flags = "-S -e -R W:0:0:%f -i 100" % l1 cmd = "%s pics %s %s %s %s" % ( BIN_BART, cmd_flags, ks_dir, sense_dir, img_dir, ) subprocess.check_call(["bash", "-c", cmd]) bart_recon = self.load_recon(img_dir, sense_dir) elif self.data_type is "DCE": cfl_ks = np.squeeze(ks) cfl_sensemap = np.squeeze(sensemap) cfl_ks = np.transpose(cfl_ks, [0, 1, 3, 2]) cfl_ks = np.expand_dims(cfl_ks, -2) cfl_ks = np.expand_dims(cfl_ks, 2) cfl_sensemap = np.expand_dims(cfl_sensemap, axis=-2) ks_dir = os.path.join(self.bart_dir, "file_ks") sense_dir = os.path.join(self.bart_dir, "file_sensemap") img_dir = os.path.join(self.bart_dir, "file_img") cfl.write(ks_dir, cfl_ks, "R") cfl.write(sense_dir, cfl_sensemap, "R") # Low-rank # might be 3:3 cmd_flags = "-S -e -R L:7:7:%f -i 100" % l1 cmd = "%s pics %s %s %s %s" % ( BIN_BART, cmd_flags, ks_dir, sense_dir, img_dir, ) subprocess.check_call(["bash", "-c", cmd]) bart_recon = self.load_recon(img_dir, sense_dir) else: print("implement bart for this data type") exit() return bart_recon
def bart_espirit( ks_input, shape=None, verbose=False, shape_e=2, crop_value=None, cal_size=None, smooth=False, filename_ks_tmp="ks.tmp", filename_map_tmp="map.tmp", ): """Estimate sensitivity maps using BART ESPIRiT. ks_input dimensions: [emaps, channels, kz, ky, kx] """ if verbose: print("Estimating sensitivity maps...") if shape is not None: ks_input = recon.crop(ks_input, [-1, -1, shape[0], shape[1], -1]) ks_input = recon.zeropad(ks_input, [-1, -1, shape[0], shape[1], -1]) flags = "" if crop_value is not None: flags = flags + "-c %f " % crop_value if cal_size is not None: flags = flags + "-r %d " % cal_size if smooth: flags = flags + "-S " cfl.write(filename_ks_tmp, ks_input) cmd = "bart ecalib -m %d %s %s %s" % ( shape_e, flags, filename_ks_tmp, filename_map_tmp, ) if verbose: print(" %s" % cmd) time_start = timer() subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", cmd]) time_end = timer() sensemap = return sensemap, time_end - time_start
def setup_data_tfrecords_MFAST( dir_in_root, dir_out, data_divide=(0.75, 0.05, 0.2), min_shape=[80, 180], num_maps=1, crop_maps=False, verbose=False, ): """Setups training data as tfrecords. prep_data.setup_data('/mnt/raid3/data/Studies_DCE/recon-ccomp6/', '/mnt/raid3/jycheng/Project/deepspirit/data/train/', verbose=True) """ if verbose: print("Directory names:") print(" Input root: %s" % dir_in_root) print(" Output root: %s" % dir_out) file_kspace = "kspace" file_sensemap = "sensemap" case_list = os.listdir(dir_in_root) random.shuffle(case_list) num_cases = len(case_list) i_train_1 = np.round(data_divide[0] * num_cases).astype(int) i_validate_0 = i_train_1 + 1 i_validate_1 = np.round( data_divide[1] * num_cases).astype(int) + i_validate_0 if not os.path.exists(dir_out): os.mkdir(dir_out) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_out, "train")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_out, "train")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_out, "validate")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_out, "validate")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_out, "test")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_out, "test")) i_case = 0 for case_name in case_list: file_kspace_i = os.path.join(dir_in_root, case_name, file_kspace) file_sensemap_i = os.path.join(dir_in_root, case_name, file_sensemap) if not os.path.exists(file_kspace_i + ".hdr"): print("skipping due to kspace not existing in this folder") continue if i_case < i_train_1: dir_out_i = os.path.join(dir_out, "train") elif i_case < i_validate_1: dir_out_i = os.path.join(dir_out, "validate") else: dir_out_i = os.path.join(dir_out, "test") if verbose: print("Processing [%d] %s..." % (i_case, case_name)) i_case = i_case + 1 kspace = np.squeeze( num_coils = kspace.shape[0] if num_coils is not 32: print("skipping due to incorrect number of coils") continue if verbose: print(" Slice shape: (%d, %d)" % (kspace.shape[1], kspace.shape[2])) print(" Num channels: %d" % kspace.shape[0]) shape_x = kspace.shape[-1] # for n in range(shape_x): # modulation = (-1) ** n # kspace[:, :, :, n] = kspace[:, :, :, n] * [ # 1, # 1, # 1, # np.exp(-1j * modulation), # ] # print("kspace shape after modulation") # should this be here? kspace = fftc.ifftc(kspace, axis=-1) print("original kspace shape") print(kspace.shape) # x,y,z,coils # crop or zero pad to the correct size # if (kspace.shape[0] is not min_shape[0]) or (kspace_shape[1] is not min_shape[1]): # print("resizing") # image = fftc.ifft2c(kspace, do_orthonorm=True, order='C') # new_shape = (kspace.shape[0], min_shape[0], min_shape[1], kspace.shape[-1]) # resized_im = image.copy() # resized_im.resize(new_shape, refcheck=False) # kspace = fftc.fft2c(resized_im, do_orthonorm=True, order='C') kspace = kspace.astype(np.complex64) print("new kspace shape") print(kspace.shape) file_kspace_i = file_kspace_i + "_resized" cfl.write(file_kspace_i, kspace) cmd_flags = "" if crop_maps: cmd_flags = cmd_flags + " -c 1e-9" cmd_flags = cmd_flags + (" -m %d" % num_maps) cmd = "%s ecalib %s %s %s" % ( BIN_BART, cmd_flags, file_kspace_i, file_sensemap_i, ) if verbose: print(" Estimating sensitivity maps (bart espirit)...") print(" %s" % cmd) subprocess.check_call(["bash", "-c", cmd]) sensemap = np.squeeze( sensemap = np.expand_dims(sensemap, axis=0) sensemap = sensemap.astype(np.complex64) if verbose: print(" Creating tfrecords (%d)..." % shape_x) for i_x in range(shape_x): file_out = os.path.join(dir_out_i, "%s_x%03d.tfrecords" % (case_name, i_x)) kspace_x = kspace[:, :, :, i_x] sensemap_x = sensemap[:, :, :, :, i_x] example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features( feature={ "name": _bytes_feature(str.encode(case_name)), "xslice": _int64_feature(i_x), "ks_shape_x": _int64_feature(kspace.shape[3]), "ks_shape_y": _int64_feature(kspace.shape[2]), "ks_shape_z": _int64_feature(kspace.shape[1]), "ks_shape_c": _int64_feature(kspace.shape[0]), "map_shape_x": _int64_feature(sensemap.shape[4]), "map_shape_y": _int64_feature(sensemap.shape[3]), "map_shape_z": _int64_feature(sensemap.shape[2]), "map_shape_c": _int64_feature(sensemap.shape[1]), "map_shape_m": _int64_feature(sensemap.shape[0]), "ks": _bytes_feature(kspace_x.tostring()), "map": _bytes_feature(sensemap_x.tostring()), })) tf_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(file_out) tf_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) tf_writer.close()
def test(self): print("testing") # read in a correct test dicom file to change it later dicom_filename ="MR_small.dcm")[0] self.ds = pydicom.dcmread(dicom_filename) # 18 time frames in each DICOM max_frame = self.max_frames frame = 0 x_slice = 0 case = 1 gif = [] print("number of test cases", self.input_files) total_acc = [] mask_input = tf_util.kspace_mask(self.ks, dtype=tf.complex64) numel = tf.cast(tf.size(mask_input), tf.float32) acc = numel / tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(mask_input)) input_psnr = [] input_nrmse = [] input_ssim = [] output_psnr = [] output_nrmse = [] output_ssim = [] cs_psnr = [] cs_nrmse = [] cs_ssim = [] input_volume = np.zeros((self.max_frames, 192, 80, 180)) output_volume = np.zeros((self.max_frames, 192, 80, 180)) cs_volume = np.zeros((self.max_frames, 192, 80, 180)) model_time = [] cs_time = [] for step in range(self.input_files // 2): # for step in range(20): # DCE_2D: iterator will see each slice followed by 18 time frames # then the next slice print("test file #", step) acc_run = total_acc.append(acc_run) print( "total test acc:", np.round(np.mean(total_acc), decimals=2), np.round(np.std(total_acc), decimals=2), ) if self.data_type is "knee": # l1 = 0.015 l1 = 0.0035 if self.data_type is "DCE": # l1 = 0.05 l1 = 0.01 if self.data_type is "DCE_2D": l1 = 0.05 model_start_time = time.time() ( input_image, output_image, complex_truth, ks_run, sensemap_run, ) =[ self.im_in, self.output_image, self.complex_truth, self.ks, self.sensemap, ]) runtime = time.time() - model_start_time if step is not 1: model_time.append(runtime) print("GAN: %s seconds" % np.mean(model_time), "+/- %s" % np.std(model_time)) # bart_test = np.zeros_like(output_image) cs_start_time = time.time() bart_test = self.bart_cs(ks_run, sensemap_run, l1=l1) runtime = time.time() - cs_start_time if step is not 1: cs_time.append(runtime) print("CS: %s seconds" % np.mean(cs_time), "+/- %s" % np.std(cs_time)) if self.data_type is "knee": input_image = np.squeeze(input_image) output_image = np.squeeze(output_image) truth_image = np.squeeze(complex_truth) cs_image = np.squeeze(bart_test) psnr, nrmse, ssim = metrics.compute_all(truth_image, cs_image, sos_axis=-1) cs_psnr.append(psnr) cs_nrmse.append(nrmse) cs_ssim.append(ssim) print("cs psnr, nrmse, ssim") print( np.round(np.mean(cs_psnr), decimals=2), np.round(np.mean(cs_nrmse), decimals=2), np.round(np.mean(cs_ssim), decimals=2), ) psnr, nrmse, ssim = metrics.compute_all(truth_image, output_image, sos_axis=-1) output_psnr.append(psnr) output_nrmse.append(nrmse) output_ssim.append(ssim) print("output psnr, nrmse, ssim") print( np.round(np.mean(output_psnr), decimals=2), np.round(np.mean(output_nrmse), decimals=2), np.round(np.mean(output_ssim), decimals=2), ) psnr, nrmse, ssim = metrics.compute_all(truth_image, input_image, sos_axis=-1) input_psnr.append(psnr) input_nrmse.append(nrmse) input_ssim.append(ssim) print("input psnr, nrmse, ssim") print( np.round(np.mean(input_psnr), decimals=2), np.round(np.mean(input_nrmse), decimals=2), np.round(np.mean(input_ssim), decimals=2), ) def rotate_image(img): img = np.squeeze(np.absolute(img)) if self.data_type is "DCE": img = np.transpose(img, axes=(1, 0, 2)) img = np.flip(img, axis=2) # flip the time if self.data_type is "DCE_2D": img = np.transpose(img, axes=(1, 0)) return img mag_input = rotate_image(input_image) mag_output = rotate_image(output_image) mag_cs = rotate_image(bart_test) # x, y, z, time if self.data_type is "DCE": input_volume[step, :, :, :] = mag_input output_volume[step, :, :, :] = mag_output cs_volume[step, :, :, :] = mag_cs if self.data_type is "DCE_2D": input_volume[frame, x_slice, :, :] = mag_input output_volume[frame, x_slice, :, :] = mag_output cs_volume[frame, x_slice, :, :] = mag_cs new_filename = (self.log_dir + "/dicoms/" + "output_slice_" + str(x_slice) + "_f" + str(frame) + ".dcm") self.write_dicom(mag_input, new_filename, x_slice, frame) # increment frame # if frame is 17, go back to next slice if frame == self.max_frames - 1: frame = 0 x_slice += 1 else: frame += 1 print("slice", x_slice, "time frame", frame) in_sl = np.abs(input_volume[2, 0, :, :]) filename = os.path.join(self.log_dir, os.path.basename(self.search_str[:-11])) input_dir = filename + "_input" + ".npy" output_dir = filename + "_output" + ".npy" cs_dir = filename + "_cs" + ".npy" print("saving numpy volumes"), input_volume), output_volume), cs_volume) print(output_dir) print("saving cfl volumes") cfl.write(input_dir, input_volume, "R") cfl.write(output_dir, output_volume, "R") cfl.write(cs_dir, cs_volume, "R") if self.data_type is "knee": print("output psnr = " + str(np.mean(output_psnr)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(output_psnr)) + "\n" + "output nrmse = " + str(np.mean(output_nrmse)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(output_nrmse)) + "\n" + "output ssim = " + str(np.mean(output_ssim)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(output_ssim)) + "\n" + "test acc = " + str(np.mean(total_acc)) + " +\-" + str(np.std(total_acc))) txt_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "output_metrics.txt") f = open(txt_path, "w") f.write("output psnr = " + str(np.mean(output_psnr)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(output_psnr)) + "\n" + "output nrmse = " + str(np.mean(output_nrmse)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(output_nrmse)) + "\n" + "output ssim = " + str(np.mean(output_ssim)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(output_ssim)) + "\n" + "input psnr = " + str(np.mean(input_psnr)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(input_psnr)) + "\n" + "input nrmse = " + str(np.mean(input_nrmse)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(input_nrmse)) + "\n" + "input ssim = " + str(np.mean(input_ssim)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(input_ssim)) + "\n" + "test acc = " + str(np.mean(total_acc)) + " +\-" + str(np.std(total_acc))) f.close() txt_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "cs_metrics.txt") f = open(txt_path, "w") f.write("cs psnr = " + str(np.mean(cs_psnr)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(cs_psnr)) + "\n" + "output nrmse = " + str(np.mean(cs_nrmse)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(cs_nrmse)) + "\n" + "output ssim = " + str(np.mean(cs_ssim)) + " +\- " + str(np.std(cs_ssim))) f.close()