Exemplo n.º 1
	def selected_namespaces(self):
		""":return: list(Namespace, ...) list of Namespace objects which have 
		been selected"""
		out = list()
		for item_name in noneToList(self.p_selectItem):
			if item_name == self.kSelectedNodes:
			# END skip sel node special item
			ns = Namespace(item_name)
			assert ns.exists(), "Selected namespace did not exist: %s " % ns
		# END for each item
		return out
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ref.py Projeto: kthulhu/mrv
	def namespace( self ):
		""":return: namespace object of the full namespace holding all objects in this reference"""
		fullpath = self.path(copynumber=1)
		refspace = cmds.file( fullpath, q=1, ns=1 )
		parentspace = cmds.file( fullpath, q=1, pns=1 )[0]		# returns lists, although its always just one string
		if parentspace:
			parentspace += ":"
		# END handle parent namespace
		return Namespace( ":" + parentspace + refspace )
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create(cls, filepath, namespace=None, load = True, **kwargs):
        """Create a reference with the given namespace
        :param filepath: path describing the reference file location
        :param namespace: if None, a unique namespace will be generated for you
            The namespace will contain all referenced objects.
        :param load: if True, the reference will be created in loaded state, other
            wise its loading is deferred
        :param kwargs: passed to file command
        :raise ValueError: if the namespace does already exist
        :raise RuntimeError: if the reference could not be created"""
        filepath = make_path(cls._splitCopyNumber(filepath)[0])

        def nsfunc(base, i):
            if not i: return base
            return "%s%i" % (base,i)

        ns = namespace
        if not ns:                                      # assure unique namespace
            nsbasename = filepath.stripext().basename()
            ns = Namespace.findUnique(nsbasename, incrementFunc = nsfunc)
            ns = Namespace(ns)      # assure we have a namespace object

        ns = ns.relativeTo(Namespace(Namespace.rootpath))
        if ns.exists():
            raise ValueError("Namespace %s for %s does already exist" % (ns,filepath))

        # assure we keep the current namespace
        prevns = Namespace.current()
        # removing duplicate **kwargs
        kwargs.pop('ns', None)
        kwargs.pop('reference', kwargs.pop('r', None))
        kwargs.pop('deferReference', kwargs.pop('dr', None))
            createdRefpath = cmds.file(filepath, ns=str(ns),r=1,dr=not load, **kwargs)
        # END assure we keep the namespace

        return FileReference(createdRefpath)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ref.py Projeto: kthulhu/mrv
	def create( cls, filepath, namespace=None, load = True, **kwargs ):
		"""Create a reference with the given namespace
		:param filepath: path describing the reference file location
		:param namespace: if None, a unique namespace will be generated for you
			The namespace will contain all referenced objects.
		:param load: if True, the reference will be created in loaded state, other
			wise its loading is deferred
		:param kwargs: passed to file command
		:raise ValueError: if the namespace does already exist
		:raise RuntimeError: if the reference could not be created"""
		filepath = make_path( cls._splitCopyNumber( filepath )[0] )

		def nsfunc( base, i ):
			if not i: return base
			return "%s%i" % ( base,i )

		ns = namespace
		if not ns:										# assure unique namespace
			nsbasename = filepath.stripext().basename()
			ns = Namespace.findUnique( nsbasename, incrementFunc = nsfunc )
			ns = Namespace( ns )		# assure we have a namespace object

		ns = ns.relativeTo( Namespace( Namespace.rootpath ) )
		if ns.exists():
			raise ValueError( "Namespace %s for %s does already exist" % (ns,filepath) )

		# assure we keep the current namespace
		prevns = Namespace.current()
		# removing duplicate **kwargs
		kwargs.pop('ns', None)
		kwargs.pop('reference', kwargs.pop('r', None))
		kwargs.pop('deferReference', kwargs.pop('dr', None))
			createdRefpath = cmds.file( filepath, ns=str(ns),r=1,dr=not load, **kwargs )
			prevns.setCurrent( )
		# END assure we keep the namespace

		return FileReference( createdRefpath )
Exemplo n.º 5
	def test_export_import( self ):
		def iter_dag():
			return nt.iterDgNodes(nt.api.MFn.kDagNode, asNode=0)
		ah = AnimationHandle.create()
		# test iter_animation
		managed = len(list(ah.iter_animation(asNode=0)))
		assert managed == len(ah.affectedBy)
		# test iter_animtion return types
		assert isinstance(ah.iter_animation().next(), nt.Node)
		assert isinstance(ah.iter_animation(asNode=0).next(), nt.api.MObject) 
		# selection is maintained across exports
		slist = nt.toSelectionList(iter_dag())
		## EXPORT ##
		filename = ospath.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "test_export2.ani.ma")
		assert filename == ah.to_file(filename, force=True, type="mayaAscii")
		# check if testselection is still alive
		assert len(slist)==len(nt.activeSelectionList())
		# AnimationHandle deletes correctly when not referenced
		ahname = ah.name()
		assert not ah.isValid()
		## IMPORT ##
		# try different namespaces - it should work no matter which namespace
		# is current
		namespaces=(":", "not:in:rootns", "not")
		# dummyAnimationHandle for iteration tests
		for namespace in namespaces:
			sns = Namespace.create(namespace)
			# check return values of from_file and get AnimationHandle
			ahref, ahit = AnimationHandle.from_file(filename)
			assert isinstance(ahref, FileReference)
			loaded_ah = ahit.next()
			assert isinstance(loaded_ah, AnimationHandle)
			# expecting only one AnimationHandle from iterator (no dummyAnimationHandle)
			# which is in our scene already
			assert len(list(ahit)) == 0
			# check if AnimationHandle is the one we saved before
			loaded_ah_ns = loaded_ah.namespace()
			assert loaded_ah_ns + ahname == Namespace.rootpath + loaded_ah.name()
			# check if AnimationHandle is from file we wanted
			assert ospath.realpath(filename) == ospath.realpath(loaded_ah.referenceFile())
			# stored and loaded managed animCurves are in sync
			assert managed == len(loaded_ah.affectedBy) 
			# AnimationHandle deletes correctly when referenced
			assert not loaded_ah.isValid()
		# END test different namespaces