Exemplo n.º 1
def delete_current_user_app_registrations(contains: str) -> None:
    if not contains:
        raise Exception("Contains string must be set to a valid string")

    cred = AzCliMsGraphAuth()
    client = GraphClient(credential=cred)

    result = client.get("/me")
    result = client.get(f'/users/{result.json()["id"]}/ownedObjects')

    my_apps = []

    for x in result.json()["value"]:
        if (x["@odata.type"] == "#microsoft.graph.application"
                and contains in x["displayName"]):
            my_apps.append((x["displayName"], x["id"]))

    for (name, id) in my_apps:
        print("Deleting: %s (%s)" % (name, id))
        result = client.delete(f"/applications/{id}")
        if not result.ok:
            print("Failed to delete: %s (%s) due to : %s" %
                  (name, id, result.reason))

        result = client.get(f"/directory/deletedItems/{id}")
        if result.ok:
            deleted_app = result.json()
            if deleted_app["id"] == id:
                result = client.delete("/directory/deleteditems/%s" % id)
                if result.ok:
                    print("Permanently deleted: %s (%s)" % (name, id))
                    print("Failed to permanently delete: %s (%s) due to : %s" %
                          (name, id, result.reason))
Exemplo n.º 2
class MSGraphConnection(MailboxConnection):
    def __init__(self, auth_method: str, mailbox: str, client_id: str,
                 client_secret: str, username: str, password: str,
                 tenant_id: str, token_file: str):
        token_path = Path(token_file)
        credential = _generate_credential(auth_method,
        scopes = ['Mail.ReadWrite']
        # Detect if mailbox is shared
        if mailbox and username != mailbox:
            scopes = ['Mail.ReadWrite.Shared']
        if not isinstance(credential, ClientSecretCredential):
            auth_record = credential.authenticate(scopes=scopes)
            _cache_auth_record(auth_record, token_path)
        self._client = GraphClient(credential=credential)
        self.mailbox_name = mailbox

    def create_folder(self, folder_name: str):
        sub_url = ''
        path_parts = folder_name.split('/')
        if len(path_parts) > 1:  # Folder is a subFolder
            parent_folder_id = None
            for folder in path_parts[:-1]:
                parent_folder_id = self._find_folder_id_with_parent(
                    folder, parent_folder_id)
            sub_url = f'/{parent_folder_id}/childFolders'
            folder_name = path_parts[-1]

        request_body = {'displayName': folder_name}
        request_url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/mailFolders{sub_url}'
        resp = self._client.post(request_url, json=request_body)
        if resp.status_code == 409:
            logger.debug(f'Folder {folder_name} already exists, '
                         f'skipping creation')
        elif resp.status_code == 201:
            logger.debug(f'Created folder {folder_name}')
            logger.warning(f'Unknown response '
                           f'{resp.status_code} {resp.json()}')

    def fetch_messages(self, folder_name: str, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        """ Returns a list of message UIDs in the specified folder """
        folder_id = self._find_folder_id_from_folder_path(folder_name)
        batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 10)
        url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/mailFolders/' \
        result = self._client.get(url)
        emails = result.json()['value']
        return [email['id'] for email in emails]

    def mark_message_read(self, message_id: str):
        """Marks a message as read"""
        url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/messages/{message_id}'
        resp = self._client.patch(url, json={"isRead": "true"})
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise RuntimeWarning(f"Failed to mark message read"
                                 f"{resp.status_code}: {resp.json()}")

    def fetch_message(self, message_id: str):
        url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/messages/{message_id}/$value'
        result = self._client.get(url)
        return result.text

    def delete_message(self, message_id: str):
        url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/messages/{message_id}'
        resp = self._client.delete(url)
        if resp.status_code != 204:
            raise RuntimeWarning(f"Failed to delete message "
                                 f"{resp.status_code}: {resp.json()}")

    def move_message(self, message_id: str, folder_name: str):
        folder_id = self._find_folder_id_from_folder_path(folder_name)
        request_body = {'destinationId': folder_id}
        url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/messages/{message_id}/move'
        resp = self._client.post(url, json=request_body)
        if resp.status_code != 201:
            raise RuntimeWarning(f"Failed to move message "
                                 f"{resp.status_code}: {resp.json()}")

    def keepalive(self):
        # Not needed

    def watch(self, check_callback, check_timeout):
        """ Checks the mailbox for new messages every n seconds"""
        while True:

    def _find_folder_id_from_folder_path(self, folder_name: str) -> str:
        path_parts = folder_name.split('/')
        parent_folder_id = None
        if len(path_parts) > 1:
            for folder in path_parts[:-1]:
                folder_id = self._find_folder_id_with_parent(
                    folder, parent_folder_id)
                parent_folder_id = folder_id
            return self._find_folder_id_with_parent(path_parts[-1],
            return self._find_folder_id_with_parent(folder_name, None)

    def _find_folder_id_with_parent(self, folder_name: str,
                                    parent_folder_id: Optional[str]):
        sub_url = ''
        if parent_folder_id is not None:
            sub_url = f'/{parent_folder_id}/childFolders'
        url = f'/users/{self.mailbox_name}/mailFolders{sub_url}'
        folders_resp = self._client.get(url)
        folders = folders_resp.json()['value']
        matched_folders = [
            folder for folder in folders
            if folder['displayName'] == folder_name
        if len(matched_folders) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(f"folder {folder_name} not found")
        selected_folder = matched_folders[0]
        return selected_folder['id']