def getBitsFn(msg, field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "bitand(bitshift(obj.%s, -%s), %s)" % (matlabFieldName(
        msg, field), str(bitOffset), Mask(numBits))
    access = getMath(access, bits, typeForScaledInt(bits))
    retType = fieldType(field)
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        retType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    asInt = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        asInt = "AsInt"
    ret = '''\
function ret = get.%s%s(obj)
    ret = %s;
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), asInt, access)
    if "Enum" in bits:
        ret += '''\
function ret = get.%s(obj)
    ret = obj.%sAsInt;
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(
            field, bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits))
        ret += "    if isKey(obj." + bits["Enum"] + "Enum, ret)\n"
        ret += "        ret = obj." + bits["Enum"] + "Enum(ret);\n"
        ret += "    end\n"
        ret += "end\n"
    return ret
def setBitsFn(msg, field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    paramType = fieldType(field)
    valueString = setMath("value", bits, fieldType(field))
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        paramType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    asInt = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        asInt = "AsInt"
    ret = '''\
function obj = set.%s%s(obj, value)
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), asInt)
    ret += '''\
    obj.%s = bitor(bitand(obj.%s, bitcmp(bitshift(%s(%s),%s))), (bitshift((bitand(%s, %s)), %s)));
end''' % (matlabFieldName(msg, field), matlabFieldName(
        msg, field), fieldType(field), Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset),
          valueString, Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    if "Enum" in bits:
        ret += '''\
function obj = set.%s(obj, value)
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits))
        ret += "    if isKey(obj.Reverse" + bits["Enum"] + "Enum, value)\n"
        ret += "        value = obj.Reverse" + bits["Enum"] + "Enum(value);\n"
        ret += "    end\n"
        ret += "    obj." + MsgParser.BitfieldName(field,
                                                   bits) + "AsInt = value;\n"
        ret += "end\n"
    return ret
def fieldBitsInfo(field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    params = genericInfo(bits, offset, MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits),
                         returnType(field, bits))
    params += 'static const int ' + MsgParser.BitfieldName(
        field, bits) + '_BitOffset = ' + str(bitOffset) + ';\n'
    params += 'static const int ' + MsgParser.BitfieldName(
        field, bits) + '_NumBits   = ' + str(numBits) + ';\n'
    return params
def initBitfield(field, bits):
    paramType = fieldType(field)
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        paramType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    defaultValue = paramType + "(" + fieldDefault(bits) + ")"
    return "obj." + MsgParser.BitfieldName(field,
                                           bits) + " = " + defaultValue + ";"
Exemplo n.º 5
def setBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    valueString = setMath("value", bits, "")
    lookup = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        # find index that corresponds to string input param
        lookup = enumLookup(bits)
    ret = '''\
<MSGSHORTNAME>.prototype.Set%s = function(value)
    %sthis.Set%s((this.Get%s() & ~(%s * 2**%s)) | ((%s & %s) * 2**%s));
};''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), lookup, field["Name"], field["Name"], MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset), valueString, MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 6
def getBitsFn(msg, field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "(self.Get%s() >> %s) & %s" % (field["Name"], str(bitOffset), MsgParser.Mask(numBits))
    access = MsgParser.getMath(access, bits, "float")
    cleanup = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        # find index that corresponds to string input param
        cleanup = reverseEnumLookup(msg, bits)
    ret  = '''\
    value = %s
    %sreturn value
''' % (fnHdr(bits,offset,1,"Get"+MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits)), access, cleanup)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 7
def setBitsFn(msg, field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    lookup = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        # find index that corresponds to string input param
        lookup = enumLookup(msg, bits)
    math = "min(max(%s, %s), %s)" % (MsgParser.setMath("value", bits, "int"), 0, str(2**numBits-1))
    math = lookup + "tmp = " + math
    ret = '''\
    self.Set%s((self.Get%s() & ~(%s << %s)) | ((%s & %s) << %s))
''' % (fnHdr(bits,offset,1,"Set"+MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits)), math, field["Name"], field["Name"], MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset), "tmp", MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    return ret
def getBitsFn(field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "(Get%s() >> %s) & %s" % (field["Name"], str(bitOffset),
    access = getMath(access, bits)
    retType = returnType(field, bits)
    #if "Enum" in bits:
    #    retType = bits["Enum"]
    #    access = retType + "(" + access + ")"
    ret = '''\
%s Get%s()
    return %s;
}''' % (fnHdr(bits), retType, MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), access)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 9
def setBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    param = "_ value: " + bitParamType(field, bits)
    ret = '''\
public func Set%s(%s)
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), param)

    valueString = setMath("value", bits, fieldType(field))
    ret += '''\
    var valI = Get%s(); // read
    valI = valI & ~(%s << %s); // clear our bits
    valI = valI | ((%s & %s) << %s); // set our bits
    Set%s(valI); // write
''' % (field["Name"], MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset), valueString, MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset), field["Name"])
    ret += '};'
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 10
def getBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "(this.Get%s() / 2**%s) & %s" % (field["Name"], str(bitOffset), MsgParser.Mask(numBits))
    access = getMath(access, bits, "")
    param = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        param += "enumAsInt=false"
    cleanup = ""
    if "Enum" in bits:
        cleanup = reverseEnumLookup(bits)
    ret = '''\
<MSGSHORTNAME>.prototype.Get%s = function(%s)
    var value = %s;
    %sreturn value;
};''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), param, access, cleanup)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
def getBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "(Get%s() >> %s) & %s" % (field["Name"], str(bitOffset), MsgParser.Mask(numBits))
    param = ""
    ret = '''\
public func Get%s(%s) -> %s
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), param, bitParamType(field, bits))
    if ("Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits):
        ret += '    let valI = '+access+';\n'
        access = getMath("valI", bits, "Double")
        ret += '    let valD = '+access+';\n'
        ret += '    return valD;\n'
        ret += '    return %s;\n' % (access)

    ret += '};'
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
def setBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    paramType = fieldType(field)
    intType = paramType
    valueString = setMath("value", bits, '(' + fieldType(field) + ')', 'f')
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        paramType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    #elif "Enum" in bits:
    #    valueString = valueString + ".intValue()"
    #    paramType = bits["Enum"]
    ret = '''\
public void Set%s(%s value)
    Set%s((%s)((Get%s() & ~(%s << %s)) | ((%s & %s) << %s)));
}''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), paramType,
        field["Name"], intType, field["Name"], MsgParser.Mask(numBits),
        str(bitOffset), valueString, MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    return ret
def setBitsFn(field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    paramType = returnType(field, bits)
    valueString = setMath("value", bits)
    #if "Enum" in bits:
    #    valueString = paramType + "(" + valueString + ")"
    #    paramType = bits["Enum"]
    oldVal = '''%s() & ~(%s << %s)''' % (
        "Get" + field["Name"], MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    newVal = '''(%s) | ((%s & %s) << %s)''' % (
        oldVal, valueString, MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    ret = '''\
void Set%s(%s value)
}''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(
        field, bits), paramType, "Set" + field["Name"], newVal)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 14
def getBitsFn(field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "(%sGet%s(%s) >> %s) & %s" % (namespace, field["Name"],
                                           firstParam, str(bitOffset),
    access = getMath(access, bits, castForScaledInt(bits), 'f')
    retType = fieldType(field)
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        retType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    elif "Enum" in bits and namespace == "":
        retType = namespace + bits["Enum"]
        access = retType + "(" + access + ")"
    ret = '''\
%s %s(%s)%s
    return %s;
}''' % (fnHdr(bits), functionPrefix + retType, namespace + "Get" +
        MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), firstParamDecl, const, access)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 15
def getBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    access = "(Get%s() >> %s) & %s" % (field["Name"], str(bitOffset),
    access = getMath(access, bits, "(" + typeForScaledInt(bits) + ")", 'f')
    retType = fieldType(field)
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        retType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    #elif "Enum" in bits:
    #    retType = bits["Enum"]
    #    access = retType + ".construct(" + access + ")"
        access = "(" + retType + ")" + "(" + access + ")"
    ret = '''\
public %s Get%s()
    return %s;
}''' % (fnHdr(bits), retType, MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), access)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 16
def setBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    param = "value: " + bitParamType(field, bits)
    ret = '''\
fun set%s(%s) {
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), param)
    valueString = setMath("value", bits)
    # Kotlin currently only supports bitwise operators for Int, so we are gonna convert the inputs to Int first,
    # apply the bit operators, and then convert the final result to the actual type
    ret += '''\
    var valI = get%s().toInt() // read
    valI = valI and (%s shl %s).inv() // clear our bits
    valI = valI or ((%s.toInt() and %s) shl %s) // set our bits
    set%s( // write
''' % (field["Name"], MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset), valueString,
       MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset), field["Name"],
    ret += '}'
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 17
def setBitsFn(field, bits, offset, bitOffset, numBits):
    paramType = fieldType(field)
    valueString = setMath("value", bits, "(" + fieldType(field) + ")", 'f')
    if "Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits:
        paramType = typeForScaledInt(bits)
    elif "Enum" in bits and namespace == "":
        valueString = "(" + paramType + ")" + "(" + valueString + ")"
        paramType = namespace + bits["Enum"]
    oldVal = '''%s(%s) & ~(%s << %s)''' % (namespace + "Get" + field["Name"],
                                           firstParam, MsgParser.Mask(numBits),
    newVal = '''(%s) | ((%s & %s) << %s)''' % (
        oldVal, valueString, MsgParser.Mask(numBits), str(bitOffset))
    ret = '''\
%s %s(%s value)
}''' % (fnHdr(bits), functionPrefix + "void", namespace + "Set" +
        MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits), params(firstParamDecl, paramType),
        namespace + "Set" + field["Name"], params(firstParam, newVal))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 18
def getBitsFn(field, bits, bitOffset, numBits):
    # Kotlin currently only supports bitwise operators for Int, so we are gonna convert the inputs to Int first,
    # apply the bit operators, and then convert the final result to the actual type
    access = "((get%s().toInt() ushr %s) and %s).to%s()" % (
        field["Name"], str(bitOffset), MsgParser.Mask(numBits),
        bitParamType(field, bits))
    param = ""
    ret = '''\
fun get%s(%s): %s {
''' % (fnHdr(bits), MsgParser.BitfieldName(
        field, bits), param, bitParamType(field, bits))
    if ("Offset" in bits or "Scale" in bits):
        ret += '    val valI = ' + access + '\n'
        access = getMath("valI", bits, "Double")
        ret += '    val valD = ' + access + '\n'
        ret += '    return valD\n'
        ret += '    return %s\n' % (access)

    ret += '}'
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 19
def initBitfield(field, bits):
    if "Default" in bits:
        return  "Set" + MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits) + "(" +str(bits["Default"]) + ");"
    return ""
def initBitfield(field, bits):
    if "Default" in bits:
        return namespace + "Set" + MsgParser.BitfieldName(
            field, bits) + "(" + params(firstParam, str(
                bits["Default"])) + ");"
    return ""
Exemplo n.º 21
def initBitfield(field, bits, messageName):
    ret = []
    if "Default" in bits:
        ret.append("self.Set" + MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits) + "(" +
                   str(bits["Default"]) + ")")
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 22
def initBitfield(field, bits):
    type = fieldType(field)
    if "Default" in bits:
        return "Set%s((%s)%s);" % (MsgParser.BitfieldName(
            field, bits), type, str(bits["Default"]))
    return ""
Exemplo n.º 23
def initBitfield(field, bits):
    if "Default" in bits:
        return "set" + MsgParser.BitfieldName(field, bits) + "(" + str(
            bits["Default"]) + literalSuffixForBitfield(field, bits) + ")"
    return ""