Exemplo n.º 1
def create_hcstrings_states(Assignments, outfile='HCstrings_states.txt'):
    SA = hct.get_StatesAssignments(Assignments)
    states = SA.keys()
    HCstrings_states = {}
    n = 0
    for state in states:
        n += 1
        print "Get HC strings for state %d/%d" % (n, len(states))
        TrajID = SA[state].keys()
        numhelix_state = []
        HCstrings_states[state] = []
        for trajid in TrajID:
            TrajFile = '/Users/tud51931/projects/MSM/msm/ff03-hybridkcenter/sourcedata/Trajectories/trj%s_hc.lh5' % trajid
            Traj = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(TrajFile)
            HCstrings_states[state] += [
                Traj['HCs'][i] for i in SA[state][trajid]
    fn = outfile
    if os.path.exists(fn):
        newfn = fn + '.bck'
        os.system('mv %s %s' % (fn, newfn))
    print "Write HCstings of states into %s" % fn
    HCfile = open(fn, 'w')
    pickle.dump(HCstrings_states, HCfile)
    print "Done."
Exemplo n.º 2
def test1():
    This test shows how to get the number of helix from a trajectory.
    traj = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF('/Users/tud51931/projects/MSM/msm/ff03-hybridkcenter/sourcedata/Trajectories/trj34.lh5')
    numhelix = compute_numhelix_trajectory(traj)
    print len(numhelix)
def LoadTrajectory(trajectory):

    if isinstance(trajectory, str):
            t = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(trajectory)
            return t
        except IOError:
            raise IOError("Can not find %s" % trajectory)
    elif isinstance(trajectory, Trajectory):
        return trajectory
Exemplo n.º 4
def test2():
    This test shows how to create new trj files with hc strings.
    path ="/Users/tud51931/projects/MSM/msm/ff03-hybridkcenter/sourcedata/Trajectories"
    for i in range(0,100):
        Trajfile = "%s/trj%d.lh5"%(path,i)
        if os.path.exists(Trajfile):
            T = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(Trajfile)
    print "Done."
def calculatedistance(AtomName1, ResidueID1, AtomName2, ResidueID2, trajfile,
    """ Calculate the distance between given two atoms in given trajectory"""
    t = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(trajfile)
    Atom1 = (t['AtomNames'] == AtomName1) * (t['ResidueID'] == ResidueID1)
    Atom2 = (t['AtomNames'] == AtomName2) * (t['ResidueID'] == ResidueID2)
    distance = []
    for i in range(len(t['XYZList'])):
        x = (t['XYZList'][i, Atom1, :] - t['XYZList'][i, Atom2, :])[0]
        x = x.tolist()
        distance.append(np.dot(x, x)**0.5)
    distance += [-1] * (LongestTrajLength - len(t['XYZList']))
    return distance
def FixGenFile(Mapping, GenFile, Outfile='./Gens.Fixed.lh5'):
    Use Mapping.dat file get a fixed(mapped) generator file.
    New generator file will be Gens.Fixed.lh5
    gen = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(GenFile)
    newgen = copy.deepcopy(gen)
    mapping = loadtxt(Mapping)
    GeneratorStateID = np.arange(len(gen['XYZList']))
    newgen['StateID'] = GeneratorStateID[mapping >= 0]
    newgen['XYZList'] = gen['XYZList'][mapping >= 0, :, :]
    print "Save to %s" % Outfile
Exemplo n.º 7
def Reference_Rg(trajfile):
    Compute the Rg from single trajfile.

    t = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(trajfile)
    Rg = []
    for i in range(len(t['XYZList'])):
        XYZ = t['XYZList'][i, :, :]
        mu = XYZ.mean(0)
        mu = mu.tolist()
        XYZ2 = XYZ - np.tile(mu, (len(XYZ), 1))
        Rg.append(((XYZList**2).sum() / n_atoms)**(0.5))
    return Rg
Exemplo n.º 8
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from msmbuilder import Trajectory
import HelixCoilTools as hct
from scipy import savetxt
This script is to get the number of helix from trajectories.
datafile = "./numhelix_alltraj.txt"
if os.path.exists(datafile):
    print "%s already exists!" % datafile
    print "quit."

path = "/Users/tud51931/projects/MSM/msm/ff03-hybridkcenter/sourcedata/Trajectories"
numhelix_alltraj = -1 * np.ones((100, 8000), dtype=int)
for i in range(100):
    Trajfile = "%s/trj%d.lh5" % (path, i)
    if os.path.exists(Trajfile):
        T = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(Trajfile)
        print "Compute number of helix for %s" % Trajfile
        numhelix = hct.compute_numhelix_trajectory(T)
        numhelix_alltraj[i][:len(numhelix)] = numhelix[:]

print "Save data to %s" % datafile
savetxt(datafile, numhelix_alltraj)
print "Done."
Exemplo n.º 9
def GetHCStringsforTrajectory(trajectory):
    if isinstance(trajectory, str):
        gens = Trajectory.LoadFromLHDF(trajectory)
    dihedrals = hct.ComputeDihedralsFromTrajectory(gens)
    HCs = hct.ConvertDihedralsToHCStrings(dihedrals)
    print HCs