def get_frame(self): detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() #extracting frames ret, frame = # if ret == True : faces = [i['box'] for i in detector.detect_faces(frame)] for (a, b, c, d) in faces: cv2.rectangle(frame, (a, b), (a + c, b + d), (0, 255, 0), 1) break cv2.putText(frame, str("faces : " + str(len(faces))), (2, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), 2) # encode OpenCV raw frame to jpg and displaying it ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame) return jpeg.tobytes()
def generate_augmeted_images(): o_mtcnn = MTCNN.MTCNN() tr_labels, tr_imgs = [], [] celebs = 0 print("LOADING....TRAINING SET") for celeb in os.listdir(train_dir): celeb_train = os.path.join(train_dir, celeb) celebs = celebs + 1 usr_map[celeb] = celebs for train_img in os.listdir(celeb_train): img_dir = os.path.join(celeb_train, train_img) #d = o_mtcnn.detect_faces(cv2.imread(img_dir)) img = cv2.imread(img_dir) d = detect_faces(img) bbox = d[0]['box'] keypoints = d[0]['keypoints'] dY = keypoints['right_eye'][1] - keypoints['left_eye'][1] dX = keypoints['right_eye'][0] - keypoints['left_eye'][0] angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dY, dX)) - 180 img = rotate_by_angle(img, angle) width = bbox[2] height = bbox[3] f_img = resize( crop(img, [width, height], cords=(bbox[0], bbox[1])), (150, 150)) cv2.imwrite(img_dir, f_img) tr_imgs.append(f_img) tr_labels.append(celebs) augmentation = ImageAugmentation(f_img) augmented_imgs = augmentation.process() for imgs in augmented_imgs: for img in imgs: tr_imgs.append(img[0]) tr_labels.append(celebs) #cv2.imwrite(img_dir[:-4]+"_"+img[1]+".jpg",img[0]) print("LOADED....TRAINING SET") tr_labels = labelencoder_y_1.fit_transform(tr_labels) return (tr_imgs, tr_labels, celebs)
import os import tensorflow as tf os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' import numpy as np import imghdr import cv2 import PIL from Config.TrainConfig import TRAIN_PARAMETER from Config.DatasetConfig import DATASET_PARAMETER from mtcnn import mtcnn from torch_mtcnn import detect_faces image = cv2.imread("1.png") detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() info_list = detector.detect_faces(image) bbox = info_list[0]['box'] face = image[bbox[1]:bbox[1]+bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[0]+bbox[2]] cv2.imwrite("face.png", face) # people_list = os.listdir(TRAIN_PARAMETER['data_dir']) # print(people_list) # video_list = [] # video_id_list = [] # for ipeople, people in enumerate(people_list): # video_dir = os.path.join(TRAIN_PARAMETER['data_dir'], people, 'videos') # if not os.path.exists(video_dir): # continue # video_filelist = os.listdir(video_dir)
import torch.optim as optim import pandas as pd import os import time import logging from mtcnn import mtcnn # 바꾼 부분 1 : Multi GPU + VGG -> cuda:0 global_model -> cuda:1 # 바꾼 부분 2 : ResNet, global model 의 마지막 layer 에 sigmoid 추가 # 바꾼 부분 3 : answer 이 REAL 일 때 [1.0], FAKE 일 때 [0.0] 값 넣어줌. # 바꾼 부분 4 : optimizer Adam -> SGD # 바꾼 부분 5 : global model => CONV1D, CONV2D # 바꾼 부분 6 : loss MSE -> BCE # 바꾼 부분 7 : print -> log 파일로 저장 detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() # Face detection model # Argument Paster parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch Super Res Example') parser.add_argument('--batchSize', type=int, default=4, help='training batch size') parser.add_argument('--nEpochs', type=int, default=2, help='number of epochs to train for') parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.00001, help='Learning Rate. Default=0.01')
return x my_lin_net = Linear(2048) my_net = models.resnet50() my_net.fc = my_lin_net my_net.load_state_dict( torch.load(Path('./net/resnet50.pth'), map_location=torch.device("cpu"))) my_net.eval() transform = Compose([ToTensor(), Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) mt_nn = mtcnn.MTCNN(Path("mtcnn")) count = 0 while True: ret, img = cv2.imshow("camera", img) count += 1 count %= 5 if count == 0: continue my_img = Image.fromarray(img) bounds = mt_nn.detect_faces(my_img) if len(bounds[0]) == 0:
def __init__(self): self.face_encoder, _ = get_network('FaceEncoder', 'test') self.detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() self.image_cnt = 0