Exemplo n.º 1
def main() -> None:
    Main Method
    args: argparse.Namespace = parse_args()
    mtgjson4.USE_CACHE.set(not args.skip_cache)
    mtgjson4.PRETTY_OUTPUT.set(4 if args.pretty_output else None)

    if not mtgjson4.CONFIG_PATH.is_file():
            f"No properties file found at {mtgjson4.CONFIG_PATH}. Will download without authentication"

    # Determine set(s) to build
    args_s = args.s if args.s else []
    set_list: List[str] = get_all_sets() if args.a else args_s

    if args.skip_sets:
        set_list = sorted(list(set(set_list) - set(args.skip_sets)))
        LOGGER.info(f"Skipping set(s) by request of user: {args.skip_sets}")

    LOGGER.info(f"Sets to compile: {set_list}")

    # If we had to kill mid-build, we can skip the completed set(s)
    if args.x:
        sets_compiled_already: List[str] = get_compiled_sets()
        set_list = [
            s for s in set_list if s.lower() not in sets_compiled_already
            f"Sets to skip compilation for: {sets_compiled_already}\n\nSets to compile, after cached sets removed: {set_list}"

    for set_code in set_list:
        sf_set: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set(set_code)
        compiled = compile_mtg.build_mtgjson_set(sf_set, set_code,

        # If we have at least 1 card, dump to file SET.json
        # but first add them to ReferralMap.json
        if compiled["cards"] or compiled["tokens"]:
            if not args.skip_keys:
                for card in compiled["cards"]:


    # Compile the additional outputs
    if args.c:
        LOGGER.info("Compiling additional outputs")

    # Compress the output folder
    if args.z:
        LOGGER.info("Start compressing for production")
        LOGGER.info("Finished compressing for production")
Exemplo n.º 2
def main() -> None:
    Main Method
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
    parser.add_argument("-a", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-s", metavar="SET", nargs="*", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-c", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-x", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--skip-tcgplayer", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--skip-sets", metavar="SET", nargs="*", type=str)

    # Ensure there are args
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        args = parser.parse_args()

    if not mtgjson4.CONFIG_PATH.is_file():
            "No properties file found at {}. Will download without authentication"

    # Determine set(s) to build
    args_s = args.s if args.s else []
    set_list: List[str] = get_all_sets() if args.a else args_s

    if args.skip_sets:
        set_list = list(set(set_list) - set(args.skip_sets))
        LOGGER.info("Skipping set(s) by request of user: {}".format(

    LOGGER.info("Sets to compile: {}".format(set_list))

    # If we had to kill mid-build, we can skip the completed set(s)
    if args.x:
        sets_compiled_already: List[str] = get_compiled_sets()
        set_list = [s for s in set_list if s not in sets_compiled_already]
            "Sets to skip compilation for: {}\n\nSets to compile, after cached sets removed: {}"
            .format(sets_compiled_already, set_list))

    for set_code in set_list:
        sf_set: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set(set_code)
        compiled = compile_mtg.build_output_file(sf_set, set_code,

        # If we have at least 1 card, dump to file SET.json
        if compiled["cards"] or compiled["tokens"]:

    # Compile the additional outputs
    if args.c:
        LOGGER.info("Compiling Additional Outputs")
Exemplo n.º 3
def main() -> None:
    Main Method
    args: argparse.Namespace = parse_args()
    mtgjson4.USE_CACHE.set(not args.skip_cache)

    if not mtgjson4.CONFIG_PATH.is_file():
            "No properties file found at {}. Will download without authentication".format(

    # Determine set(s) to build
    args_s = args.s if args.s else []
    set_list: List[str] = get_all_sets() if args.a else args_s

    if args.skip_sets:
        set_list = list(set(set_list) - set(args.skip_sets))
        LOGGER.info("Skipping set(s) by request of user: {}".format(args.skip_sets))

    LOGGER.info("Sets to compile: {}".format(set_list))

    # If we had to kill mid-build, we can skip the completed set(s)
    if args.x:
        sets_compiled_already: List[str] = get_compiled_sets()
        set_list = [s for s in set_list if s not in sets_compiled_already]
            "Sets to skip compilation for: {}\n\nSets to compile, after cached sets removed: {}".format(
                sets_compiled_already, set_list

    for set_code in set_list:
        sf_set: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set(set_code)
        compiled = compile_mtg.build_output_file(sf_set, set_code, args.skip_keys)

        # If we have at least 1 card, dump to file SET.json
        # but first add them to ReferralMap.json
        if compiled["cards"] or compiled["tokens"]:
            if not args.skip_keys:
                for card in compiled["cards"]:

            mtgjson4.outputter.write_to_file(set_code.upper(), compiled, set_file=True)

    # Compile the additional outputs
    if args.c:
        LOGGER.info("Compiling additional outputs")

    # Compress the output folder
    if args.z:
        LOGGER.info("Start compressing for production")
        LOGGER.info("Finished compressing for production")
Exemplo n.º 4
def main() -> None:
    Main Method
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
    parser.add_argument("-s", metavar="SET", nargs="*", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--all-sets", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--compiled-outputs", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--skip-rebuild", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--skip-cached", action="store_true")

    # Ensure there are args
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        args = parser.parse_args()

    if not pathlib.Path(mtgjson4.CONFIG_PATH).is_file():
            "No properties file found at {}. Will download without authentication"

    if not args.skip_rebuild:
        # Determine sets to build, whether they're passed in as args or all sets in our configs
        args_s = args.s if args.s else []
        set_list: List[str] = get_all_sets() if args.all_sets else args_s

        LOGGER.info("Sets to compile: {}".format(set_list))

        # If we had to kill mid-rebuild, we can skip the sets that already were done
        if args.skip_cached:
            sets_compiled_already: List[str] = get_compiled_sets()
            set_list = [s for s in set_list if s not in sets_compiled_already]
            LOGGER.info("Sets to skip compilation for: {}".format(
                "Sets to compile, after cached sets removed: {}".format(

        for set_code in set_list:
            sf_set: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set(set_code)
            compiled: Dict[str, Any] = compile_mtg.build_output_file(
                sf_set, set_code)

            # If we have at least 1 card, dump to file SET.json
            if compiled["cards"] or compiled["tokens"]:

    if args.compiled_outputs:
        LOGGER.info("Compiling Additional Outputs")
Exemplo n.º 5
def build_output_file(
    sf_cards: List[Dict[str, Any]], set_code: str, skip_tcgplayer: bool
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Compile the entire XYZ.json file and pass it off to be written out
    :param skip_tcgplayer: Skip building TCGPlayer stuff
    :param sf_cards: Scryfall cards
    :param set_code: Set code
    :return: Completed JSON file
    output_file: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    # Get the set config from Scryfall
    set_config = scryfall.download(scryfall.SCRYFALL_API_SETS + set_code)
    if set_config["object"] == "error":
        LOGGER.error("Set Config for {} was not found, skipping...".format(set_code))
        return {"cards": [], "tokens": []}

    output_file["name"] = set_config.get("name")
    output_file["code"] = str(set_config.get("code", "")).upper()
    output_file["mtgoCode"] = str(set_config.get("mtgo_code", "")).upper()
    output_file["releaseDate"] = set_config.get("released_at")
    output_file["type"] = set_config.get("set_type")

    # Add booster info based on boosters resource (manually maintained for the time being)
    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("boosters.json").open(
        "r", encoding="utf-8"
    ) as f:
        json_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"].upper() in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["boosterV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"].upper()]

    # Add V3 code for some backwards compatibility
    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("gatherer_set_codes.json").open(
        "r", encoding="utf-8"
    ) as f:
        json_dict = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"].upper() in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["codeV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"]]

    if set_config.get("block"):
        output_file["block"] = set_config.get("block")

    if set_config.get("digital"):
        output_file["isOnlineOnly"] = True

    if set_config.get("foil_only"):
        output_file["isFoilOnly"] = True

    # Declare the version of the build in the output file
    output_file["meta"] = {
        "version": mtgjson4.__VERSION__,
        "date": mtgjson4.__VERSION_DATE__,

    LOGGER.info("Starting cards for {}".format(set_code))

    card_holder = convert_to_mtgjson(sf_cards)
    card_holder = add_start_flag_and_count_modified(
        set_code, set_config["search_uri"], card_holder

    # Address duplicates in un-sets
    card_holder = uniquify_duplicates_in_set(card_holder)

    # Move bogus tokens out
    card_holder, added_tokens = transpose_tokens(card_holder)

    # Add TCGPlayer information
    if "tcgplayer_id" in set_config:
        output_file["tcgplayerGroupId"] = set_config.get("tcgplayer_id")
        if not skip_tcgplayer:
            card_holder = add_tcgplayer_fields(
                output_file["tcgplayerGroupId"], card_holder

    output_file["totalSetSize"] = len(sf_cards)

    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("base_set_sizes.json").open(
        "r", encoding="utf-8"
    ) as f:
        output_file["baseSetSize"] = json.load(f).get(set_code.upper(), 0)

    output_file["cards"] = card_holder

    LOGGER.info("Finished cards for {}".format(set_code))

    LOGGER.info("Starting tokens for {}".format(set_code))
    sf_tokens: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set("t" + set_code)
    output_file["tokens"] = build_mtgjson_tokens(sf_tokens + added_tokens)
    LOGGER.info("Finished tokens for {}".format(set_code))

    # Add UUID to each entry
    add_uuid_to_cards(output_file["cards"], output_file["tokens"], output_file)

    # Add Variations to each entry, as well as mark alternatives
    add_variations_and_alternative_fields(output_file["cards"], output_file)

    if set_code[:2] == "DD":

    return output_file
Exemplo n.º 6
def build_output_file(sf_cards: List[Dict[str, Any]], set_code: str,
                      skip_keys: bool) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Compile the entire XYZ.json file and pass it off to be written out
    :param skip_keys: Skip building TCGPlayer & MKM components
    :param sf_cards: Scryfall cards
    :param set_code: Set code
    :return: Completed JSON file
    if not skip_keys and os.environ["MKM_APP_TOKEN"] and os.environ[
        MKM_API.set(Mkm(_API_MAP["2.0"]["api"], _API_MAP["2.0"]["api_root"]))

    output_file: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    # Get the set config from Scryfall
    set_config = scryfall.download(scryfall.SCRYFALL_API_SETS + set_code)
    if set_config["object"] == "error":
            "Set Config for {} was not found, skipping...".format(set_code))
        return {"cards": [], "tokens": []}

    output_file["name"] = set_config["name"]
    output_file["code"] = set_config["code"].upper()
    output_file["releaseDate"] = set_config["released_at"]
    output_file["type"] = set_config["set_type"]
    output_file["keyruneCode"] = (pathlib.Path(

    # Try adding MKM Set Name
    # Then store the card data for future pulling
    if MKM_API.get(None):
        mkm_resp = MKM_API.get().market_place.expansions(game=1)
        if mkm_resp.status_code != 200:
                "Unable to download MKM correctly: {}".format(mkm_resp))
            for set_content in mkm_resp.json()["expansion"]:
                if (set_content["enName"].lower()
                        == output_file["name"].lower()
                        or set_content["abbreviation"].lower()
                        == output_file["code"].lower()):
                    output_file["mcmId"] = set_content["idExpansion"]
                    output_file["mcmName"] = set_content["enName"]

        initialize_mkm_set_cards(output_file.get("mcmId", None))

    # Add translations to the files
        output_file["translations"] = wizards.get_translations(
    except KeyError:
            "Unable to find set translations for {}".format(set_code))

    # Add optionals if they exist
    if "mtgo_code" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["mtgoCode"] = set_config["mtgo_code"].upper()

    if "parent_set_code" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["parentCode"] = set_config["parent_set_code"].upper()

    if "block" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["block"] = set_config["block"]

    if "digital" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["isOnlineOnly"] = set_config["digital"]

    if "foil_only" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["isFoilOnly"] = set_config["foil_only"]

    if set_code.upper() in mtgjson4.NON_ENGLISH_SETS:
        output_file["isForeignOnly"] = True

    # Add booster info based on boosters resource (manually maintained for the time being)
    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("boosters.json").open(
            "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        json_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"] in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["boosterV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"].upper()]

    # Add V3 code for some backwards compatibility
    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("gatherer_set_codes.json").open(
            "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        json_dict = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"] in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["codeV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"]]

    # Declare the version of the build in the output file
    output_file["meta"] = {
        "version": mtgjson4.__VERSION__,
        "date": mtgjson4.__VERSION_DATE__,
        "pricesDate": mtgjson4.__PRICE_UPDATE_DATE__,

    LOGGER.info("Starting cards for {}".format(set_code))

    card_holder: List[MTGJSONCard] = convert_to_mtgjson(sf_cards)
    card_holder = add_start_flag_and_count_modified(set_code,

    # Address duplicates in un-sets
    card_holder = uniquify_duplicates_in_set(card_holder)

    # Move bogus tokens out
    card_holder, added_tokens = transpose_tokens(card_holder)

    if not skip_keys:
        # Add MTGStocks data in
        card_holder = add_stocks_data(card_holder)

    # Add TCGPlayer information
    if "tcgplayer_id" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["tcgplayerGroupId"] = set_config["tcgplayer_id"]
        if not skip_keys:
            add_purchase_fields(output_file["tcgplayerGroupId"], card_holder)

    # Set Sizes
    output_file["baseSetSize"] = scryfall.get_base_set_size(set_code.upper())
    output_file["totalSetSize"] = len(sf_cards)

    output_file["cards"] = card_holder

    LOGGER.info("Finished cards for {}".format(set_code))

    # Handle tokens
    LOGGER.info("Starting tokens for {}".format(set_code))
    sf_tokens: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set("t" + set_code)
    output_file["tokens"] = build_mtgjson_tokens(sf_tokens + added_tokens)
    LOGGER.info("Finished tokens for {}".format(set_code))

    # Cleanups and UUIDs

    for card in sorted(output_file["cards"]):
    for token in output_file["tokens"]:

    # Add Variations to each entry, as well as mark alternatives
    add_variations_and_alternative_fields(output_file["cards"], output_file)

    return output_file
Exemplo n.º 7
def build_output_file(sf_cards: List[Dict[str, Any]],
                      set_code: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Compile the entire XYZ.json file and pass it off to be written out
    :param sf_cards: Scryfall cards
    :param set_code: Set code
    :return: Completed JSON file
    output_file: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    # Get the set config from ScryFall
    set_config = scryfall.download(scryfall.SCRYFALL_API_SETS + set_code)
    if set_config["object"] == "error":
            "Set Config for {} was not found, skipping...".format(set_code))
        return {"cards": []}

    output_file["name"] = set_config.get("name")
    output_file["code"] = set_config.get("code")
    output_file["mtgoCode"] = set_config.get("mtgo_code")
    output_file["releaseDate"] = set_config.get("released_at")
    output_file["type"] = set_config.get("set_type")

    # Add booster info based on boosters resource (manually maintained for the time being)
    with pathlib.Path(mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH,
                      "boosters.json").open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        json_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"].upper() in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["boosterV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"].upper()]

    if set_config.get("block"):
        output_file["block"] = set_config.get("block")

    if set_config.get("digital"):
        output_file["isOnlineOnly"] = True

    if set_config.get("foil_only"):
        output_file["isFoilOnly"] = True

    # Declare the version of the build in the output file
    output_file["meta"] = {
        "version": mtgjson4.__VERSION__,
        "date": mtgjson4.__VERSION_DATE__,

    LOGGER.info("Starting cards for {}".format(set_code))

    card_holder = convert_to_mtgjson(sf_cards)
    card_holder, non_booster_cards = add_start_flag_and_count_modified(
        set_code, set_config["search_uri"], card_holder)

    output_file["totalSetSize"] = len(sf_cards)
        "baseSetSize"] = output_file["totalSetSize"] - non_booster_cards
    output_file["cards"] = card_holder

    LOGGER.info("Finished cards for {}".format(set_code))

    LOGGER.info("Starting tokens for {}".format(set_code))
    sf_tokens: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set("t" + set_code)
    output_file["tokens"] = build_mtgjson_tokens(sf_tokens)
    LOGGER.info("Finished tokens for {}".format(set_code))

    return output_file
Exemplo n.º 8
def build_output_file(
    sf_cards: List[Dict[str, Any]], set_code: str, skip_keys: bool
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Compile the entire XYZ.json file and pass it off to be written out
    :param skip_keys: Skip building TCGPlayer & MKM components
    :param sf_cards: Scryfall cards
    :param set_code: Set code
    :return: Completed JSON file
    if not skip_keys:
        MKM_API.set(Mkm(_API_MAP["2.0"]["api"], _API_MAP["2.0"]["api_root"]))

    output_file: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    # Get the set config from Scryfall
    set_config = scryfall.download(scryfall.SCRYFALL_API_SETS + set_code)
    if set_config["object"] == "error":
        LOGGER.error("Set Config for {} was not found, skipping...".format(set_code))
        return {"cards": [], "tokens": []}

    output_file["name"] = set_config["name"]
    output_file["code"] = set_config["code"].upper()
    output_file["releaseDate"] = set_config["released_at"]
    output_file["type"] = set_config["set_type"]
    output_file["keyruneCode"] = (

    # Try adding MKM Set Name
    # Then store the card data for future pulling
    if MKM_API.get(None):
        mkm_resp = MKM_API.get().market_place.expansions(game=1)
        if mkm_resp.status_code != 200:
            LOGGER.error("Unable to download MKM correctly: {}".format(mkm_resp))
            for set_content in mkm_resp.json()["expansion"]:
                if (
                    set_content["enName"].lower() == output_file["name"].lower()
                    or set_content["abbreviation"].lower()
                    == output_file["code"].lower()
                    output_file["mcmId"] = set_content["idExpansion"]
                    output_file["mcmName"] = set_content["enName"]

        initialize_mkm_set_cards(output_file.get("mcmId", None))

    # Add translations to the files
        output_file["translations"] = wizards.get_translations(output_file["code"])
    except KeyError:
        LOGGER.warning("Unable to find set translations for {}".format(set_code))

    # Add optionals if they exist
    if "mtgo_code" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["mtgoCode"] = set_config["mtgo_code"].upper()

    if "parent_set_code" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["parentCode"] = set_config["parent_set_code"].upper()

    if "block" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["block"] = set_config["block"]

    if "digital" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["isOnlineOnly"] = set_config["digital"]

    if "foil_only" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["isFoilOnly"] = set_config["foil_only"]

    if set_code.upper() in mtgjson4.NON_ENGLISH_SETS:
        output_file["isForeignOnly"] = True

    # Add booster info based on boosters resource (manually maintained for the time being)
    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("boosters.json").open(
        "r", encoding="utf-8"
    ) as f:
        json_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"] in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["boosterV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"].upper()]

    # Add V3 code for some backwards compatibility
    with mtgjson4.RESOURCE_PATH.joinpath("gatherer_set_codes.json").open(
        "r", encoding="utf-8"
    ) as f:
        json_dict = json.load(f)
        if output_file["code"] in json_dict.keys():
            output_file["codeV3"] = json_dict[output_file["code"]]

    # Declare the version of the build in the output file
    output_file["meta"] = {
        "version": mtgjson4.__VERSION__,
        "date": mtgjson4.__VERSION_DATE__,
        "pricesDate": mtgjson4.__PRICE_UPDATE_DATE__,

    LOGGER.info("Starting cards for {}".format(set_code))

    card_holder: List[MTGJSONCard] = convert_to_mtgjson(sf_cards)
    card_holder = add_start_flag_and_count_modified(
        set_code, set_config["search_uri"], card_holder

    # Address duplicates in un-sets
    card_holder = uniquify_duplicates_in_set(card_holder)

    # Move bogus tokens out
    card_holder, added_tokens = transpose_tokens(card_holder)

    if not skip_keys:
        # Add MTGStocks data in
        card_holder = add_stocks_data(card_holder)

    # Add TCGPlayer information
    if "tcgplayer_id" in set_config.keys():
        output_file["tcgplayerGroupId"] = set_config["tcgplayer_id"]
        if not skip_keys:
            add_purchase_fields(output_file["tcgplayerGroupId"], card_holder)

    # Set Sizes
    output_file["baseSetSize"] = scryfall.get_base_set_size(set_code.upper())
    output_file["totalSetSize"] = len(sf_cards)

    output_file["cards"] = card_holder

    LOGGER.info("Finished cards for {}".format(set_code))

    # Handle tokens
    LOGGER.info("Starting tokens for {}".format(set_code))
    sf_tokens: List[Dict[str, Any]] = scryfall.get_set("t" + set_code)
    output_file["tokens"] = build_mtgjson_tokens(sf_tokens + added_tokens)
    LOGGER.info("Finished tokens for {}".format(set_code))

    # Cleanups and UUIDs

    for card in sorted(output_file["cards"]):
    for token in output_file["tokens"]:

    # Add Variations to each entry, as well as mark alternatives
    add_variations_and_alternative_fields(output_file["cards"], output_file)

    return output_file