Exemplo n.º 1
    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool(test=True)

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_init_default(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command can be omitted, is default """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = ["mlaunch", "--single", "--dir", self.data_dir, "--port", str(self.port), "--nojournal"]

        tool = MLaunchTool()
        assert tool.is_running(self.port)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port. """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()
        # self.port = self._find_free_port(self.port)
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_argv_run(self):
        """ mlaunch: test true command line arguments, instead of passing into tool.run(). """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = ["mlaunch", "init", "--single", "--dir", self.data_dir, "--port", str(self.port), "--nojournal"]

        tool = MLaunchTool()
        assert tool.is_running(self.port)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port. """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
Exemplo n.º 7
class TestMLaunch(object):
    """ This class tests functionality around the mlaunch tool. It has some
        additional methods that are helpful for the tests, as well as a setup
        and teardown method for all tests.

        Don't call tests from other tests. This won't work as each test gets
        its own data directory (for debugging).

    port = 33333
    base_dir = 'data_test_mlaunch'

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.use_auth = False
        self.data_dir = ''

    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):

    def teardown(self):
        """ tear down method after each test, removes data directory """        

        # kill all running processes

        ports = self.tool.get_tagged(['all', 'running'])
        processes = self.tool._get_processes().values()
        for p in processes:

        self.tool.wait_for(ports, to_start=False)

        # quick sleep to avoid spurious test failures

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):

    def run_tool(self, arg_str):
        """ wrapper to call self.tool.run() with or without auth """
        # name data directory according to test method name
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, caller)

        # add data directory to arguments for all commands
        arg_str += ' --dir %s' % self.data_dir
        if arg_str.startswith('init') or arg_str.startswith('--'):
            # add --port and --nojournal to init calls
            arg_str += ' --port %i --nojournal --smallfiles' % self.port 
            if self.use_auth:
                # add --auth to init calls if flag is set
                arg_str += ' --auth'


    # -- tests below ---

    def test_test(self):
        """ TestMLaunch setup and teardown test """

        # test that data dir does not exist
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        # call teardown method within this test

        # test that data dir does not exist anymore
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # test that mongod is not running on this port anymore (raises ConnectionFailure)
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

    def test_argv_run(self):
        """ mlaunch: test true command line arguments, instead of passing into tool.run() """
        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = ['mlaunch', 'init', '--single', '--dir', self.base_dir, '--port', str(self.port), '--nojournal']

        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_init_default(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command can be omitted, is default """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = ['mlaunch', '--single', '--dir', self.base_dir, '--port', str(self.port), '--nojournal']

        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_init_default_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command is default, even when specifying arguments to run() """
        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_single(self):
        """ mlaunch: start stand-alone server and tear down again """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        # make sure node is running
        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

        # check if data directory and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongod.log'))

        # check that the tags are set correctly: 'single', 'mongod', 'running', <port>
        assert set(self.tool.get_tags_of_port(self.port)) == set(['running', 'mongod', 'all', 'single', str(self.port)])

    def test_replicaset_conf(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set of 2 nodes + arbiter and compare rs.conf() """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter")

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 3 members, exactly one is arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 3
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members'] if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 1

    def test_replicaset_ismaster(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set and verify that first node becomes primary """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # wait for primary
        assert self.tool._wait_for_primary()

        # insert a document and wait to replicate to 2 secondaries (10 sec timeout)
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)
        mc.test.smokeWait.insert({}, w=2, wtimeout=10*60*1000)

    def test_sharded_status(self):
        """ mlaunch: start cluster with 2 shards of single nodes, 1 config server """

        # start mongo process on free test port 
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single")
        # check if data directories and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard01/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard02/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'config/db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % (self.port))

        # check for 2 shards and 1 mongos
        assert mc['config']['shards'].count() == 2
        assert mc['config']['mongos'].count() == 1

    def helper_output_has_line_with(self, keywords, output):
        """ checks if output contains a line where all keywords are present. """
        return len( filter( None, [ all( [kw in line for kw in keywords] ) for line in output] ) )

    def test_verbose_sharded(self):
        """ mlaunch: test verbose output when creating sharded cluster """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 2 --verbose")

        # capture stdout
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()

        keywords = ('rs1', 'rs2', 'rs3', 'shard01', 'shard02', 'config1', 'config2', 'config3')

        # creating directory
        for keyword in keywords:
            # make sure every directory creation was announced to stdout
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['creating directory', keyword, 'db'], output)

        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['creating directory', 'mongos'], output)

        # launching nodes
        for keyword in keywords:
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['launching', keyword, '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath'], output)

        # mongos
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['launching', 'mongos', '--port', '--logpath', str(self.port)], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['launching', 'mongos', '--port', '--logpath', str(self.port + 1)], output)

        # some fixed outputs
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['waiting for nodes to start'], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['adding shards. can take up to 30 seconds'], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['writing .mlaunch_startup file'], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['done'], output)

        # replica sets initialized, shard added
        for keyword in ('shard01', 'shard02'):
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['replica set', keyword, 'initialized'], output)
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['shard', keyword, 'added successfully'], output)

    def test_shard_names(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if sharded cluster with explicit shard names works """

        # start mongo process on free test port 
        self.run_tool("init --sharded tic tac toe --replicaset")

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % (self.port))

        # check that shard names match
        shard_names = set( doc['_id'] for doc in mc['config']['shards'].find() )
        assert shard_names == set(['tic', 'tac', 'toe'])

    def test_startup_file(self):
        """ mlaunch: create .mlaunch_startup file in data path """
        # Also tests utf-8 to byte conversion and json import

        self.run_tool("init --single -v")

        # check if the startup file exists
        startup_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, '.mlaunch_startup')
        assert os.path.isfile(startup_file)

        # compare content of startup file with tool.args
        file_contents = self.tool._convert_u2b(json.load(open(startup_file, 'r')))
        assert file_contents['parsed_args'] == self.tool.args
        assert file_contents['unknown_args'] == self.tool.unknown_args

    def test_single_mongos_explicit(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if single mongos is running on start port and creates <datadir>/mongos.log """
        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 1 mongos
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 1")

        # check if mongos log files exist on correct ports
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

        # check for correct port
        assert self.tool.get_tagged('mongos') == set([self.port])

    def test_single_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if multiple mongos use separate log files in 'mongos' subdir """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 2 mongos
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 1")

        # check that 2 mongos are running
        assert len( self.tool.get_tagged(['mongos', 'running']) ) == 1

    def test_multiple_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if multiple mongos use separate log files in 'mongos' subdir """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 2 mongos
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2")

        # this also tests that mongos are started at the beginning of the port range
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos', 'mongos_%i.log' % (self.port)))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos', 'mongos_%i.log' % (self.port + 1)))

        # check that 2 mongos are running
        assert len( self.tool.get_tagged(['mongos', 'running']) ) == 2

    def test_filter_valid_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: check arguments unknown to mlaunch against mongos and mongod """

        # filter against mongod
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments("--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongod")
        assert result == "--slowms 500 -vvv"

        # filter against mongos
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments("--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongos")
        assert result == "-vvv --configdb localhost:27017"

    def test_large_replicaset_arbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 12 nodes with arbiter """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset --nodes 11 --arbiter")

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs3'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs4'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs5'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs6'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs7'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs8'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs9'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs10'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs11'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 12 members, exactly one arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 12
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members'] if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 1

        # check that 12 nodes are discovered
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('all')) == 12

    def test_large_replicaset_noarbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 12 nodes without arbiter """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset --nodes 12")

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs3'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs4'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs5'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs6'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs7'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs8'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs9'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs10'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs11'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs12'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 12 members, no arbiters
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 12
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members'] if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 0

    def test_stop(self):
        """ mlaunch: test stopping all nodes """

        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all( not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes )

    def test_kill(self):
        """ mlaunch: test killing all nodes """

        # start sharded cluster and kill with default signal (15)
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all( not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes )

        # start nodes again, this time, kill with string "SIGTERM"
        self.run_tool("kill --signal SIGTERM")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all( not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes )

        # start nodes again, this time, kill with signal 9 (SIGKILL)
        self.run_tool("kill --signal 9")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all( not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes )

    def test_stop_start(self):
        """ mlaunch: test stop and then re-starting nodes """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # make sure all nodes are running
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all( self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes )

    def test_kill_partial(self):
        """ mlaunch: test killing and restarting tagged groups on different tags """

        # key is tag for command line, value is tag for get_tagged
        tags = ['shard01', 'shard 1', 'mongos', 'config 1', str(self.port)] 

        # start large cluster
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 3")

        # make sure all nodes are running
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all( self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes )

        # go through all tags, stop nodes for each tag, confirm only the tagged ones are down, start again
        for tag in tags:
            print "---------", tag
            self.run_tool("kill %s" % tag)
            assert self.tool.get_tagged('down') == self.tool.get_tagged(tag)

            # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise
            assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('down')) == 0

        # make sure primaries are running again (we just failed them over above). 
        # while True is ok, because test times out after some time
        while True:
            primaries = self.tool.get_tagged('primary')
            if len(primaries) == 2:

        # test for primary, but as the nodes lose their tags, needs to be manual
        self.run_tool("kill primary")
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('down')) == 2

    def test_restart_with_unkown_args(self):
        """ mlaunch: test start command with extra unknown arguments """

        # init environment (sharded, single shards ok)
        self.run_tool("init --single")
        # get verbosity of mongod, assert it is 0
        mc = MongoClient(port=self.port)
        loglevel = mc.admin.command(SON([('getParameter', 1), ('logLevel', 1)]))
        assert loglevel[u'logLevel'] == 0

        # stop and start nodes but pass in unknown_args

        # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise

        self.run_tool("start -vv")

        # compare that the nodes are restarted with the new unknown_args, assert loglevel is now 2
        mc = MongoClient(port=self.port)
        loglevel = mc.admin.command(SON([('getParameter', 1), ('logLevel', 1)]))
        assert loglevel[u'logLevel'] == 2

        # stop and start nodes without unknown args again
        # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise


        # compare that the nodes are restarted with the previous loglevel
        mc = MongoClient(port=self.port)
        loglevel = mc.admin.command(SON([('getParameter', 1), ('logLevel', 1)]))
        assert loglevel[u'logLevel'] == 0

    def test_start_stop_single_repeatedly(self):
        """ mlaunch: test starting and stopping single node in short succession """ 
        # repeatedly start single node
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        for i in range(10):

            # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise


    def test_init_init_replicaset(self):
        """ mlaunch: test calling init a second time on the replica set """

        # init a replica set
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # now stop and init again, this should work if everything is stopped and identical environment
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # but another init should fail with a SystemExit
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

    def test_start_stop_replicaset_repeatedly(self):
        """ mlaunch: test starting and stopping replica set in short succession """ 
        # repeatedly start replicaset nodes
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        for i in range(10):

            # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise


    def test_repeat_all_with_auth(self):
        """ this test will repeat all the tests in this class (excluding itself) but with auth. """
        tests = [t for t in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod) if t[0].startswith('test_') ]

        self.use_auth = True

        for name, method in tests:
            # don't call any tests that use auth already (tagged with 'auth' attribute), including this method
            if hasattr(method, 'auth'):

            setattr(method.__func__, 'description', method.__doc__.strip() + ', with auth.')
            yield ( method, )

        self.use_auth = False

    # TODO 
    # - test functionality of --binarypath, --verbose, --name

    # All tests that use auth need to be decorated with @attr('auth')

    def helper_adding_default_user(self, environment):
        """ This is a helper function for the next test: test_adding_default_user() """

        self.run_tool("init %s --auth" % environment)

        # connect and authenticate with default credentials: user / password on admin database
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)
        mc.admin.authenticate('user', password='******')

        # check if the user roles are correctly set to the default roles
        user = mc.admin.system.users.find_one()
        assert set(user['roles']) == set(self.tool._default_auth_roles)

    def test_adding_default_user(self):
        envs = (
            "--sharded 2 --single", 
            "--sharded 2 --replicaset",
            "--sharded 2 --single --config 3"

        for env in envs:
            method = self.helper_adding_default_user
            setattr(method.__func__, 'description', method.__doc__.strip() + ', with ' + env)
            yield (method, env)

    def test_adding_default_user_no_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that even with --mongos 0 there is a user created """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --mongos 0 --auth")

        # connect to config server instead to check for credentials (no mongos)
        ports = list(self.tool.get_tagged('config'))
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % ports[0])
        mc.admin.authenticate('user', password='******')

        # check if the user roles are correctly set to the default roles
        user = mc.admin.system.users.find_one()
        assert set(user['roles']) == set(self.tool._default_auth_roles)

    def test_adding_custom_user(self):
        """ mlaunch: test custom username and password and custom roles. """

        self.run_tool("init --single --auth --username corben --password fitzroy --auth-roles dbAdminAnyDatabase readWriteAnyDatabase userAdminAnyDatabase")

        # connect and authenticate with default credentials: user / password on admin database
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)
        mc.admin.authenticate('corben', password='******')

        # check if the user roles are correctly set to the specified roles
        user = mc.admin.system.users.find_one()
        print user
        assert set(user['roles']) == set(["dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase", "userAdminAnyDatabase"])
        assert user['user'] == 'corben'

    def test_existing_environment(self):
        """ mlaunch: test warning for overwriting an existing environment """

        self.run_tool("init --single")
            self.run_tool("init --replicaset")
        except SystemExit as e:
            assert 'different environment already exists' in e.message

    def test_upgrade_v1_to_v2(self):
        """ mlaunch: test upgrade from protocol version 1 to 2. """
        startup_options = {"name": "replset", "replicaset": True, "dir": "./data", "authentication": False, "single": False, "arbiter": False, "mongos": 1, "binarypath": None, "sharded": None, "nodes": 3, "config": 1, "port": 33333, "restart": False, "verbose": False}

        # create directory
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # replace startup options
        with open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'test_upgrade_v1_to_v2', '.mlaunch_startup'), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(startup_options, f, -1)

        # now start with old config and check if upgrade worked
        with open(os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'test_upgrade_v1_to_v2', '.mlaunch_startup'), 'r') as f:
            startup_options = json.load(f)
            assert startup_options['protocol_version'] == 2

    def test_sharded_named_1(self):
        """ mlaunch: test --sharded <name> for a single shard """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded foo --single")
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('foo'))  == 1

    def test_mlaunch_list(self):
        """ mlaunch: test list command """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --replicaset --mongos 2")

        # capture stdout and only keep from actual LIST output
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
        output = output[output.index( next(o for o in output if o.startswith('PROCESS')) ):]

        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['PROCESS', 'STATUS', 'PORT'], output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['mongos', 'running'], output) == 2
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['config server', 'running'], output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['shard01'], output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['shard02'], output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['primary', 'running'], output) == 2
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['running', 'running'], output) == 9

    def helper_which(self, pgm):
        """ equivalent of which command """
        for p in path.split(os.path.pathsep):
            if os.path.exists(p) and os.access(p,os.X_OK):
                return p

    def test_mlaunch_binary_path_start(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if --binarypath is persistent between init and start """

        # get true binary path (to test difference to not specifying one)
        path = self.helper_which('mongod')
        path = path[:path.rfind('/')]

        self.run_tool("init --single --binarypath %s" % path)
        assert self.tool.loaded_args['binarypath'] == path
        assert self.tool.startup_info[str(self.port)].startswith('%s/mongod' % path)

            self.run_tool("start --binarypath /some/other/path")
            raise Exception
            assert self.tool.args['binarypath'] == '/some/other/path'
            assert self.tool.startup_info[str(self.port)].startswith('/some/other/path/mongod')

    def test_single_and_arbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: test --single with --arbiter error """
        self.run_tool("init --single --arbiter")

    def test_oplogsize_config(self):
        """ mlaunch: test config server never receives --oplogSize parameter """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 1 --single --oplogSize 19 --verbose")
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()

        output_launch_config = next(o for o in output if '--configsvr' in o)
        assert '--oplogSize' not in output_launch_config
Exemplo n.º 8
 def setUp(self):
     self.base_dir = 'data_test_mlaunch'
     self.tool = MLaunchTool(test=True)
     self.tool.args = {'verbose': False}
     self.mongod_version = self.tool.getMongoDVersion()
Exemplo n.º 9
class TestMLaunch(object):

    # Setup & teardown functions

    def setUp(self):
        self.base_dir = 'data_test_mlaunch'
        self.tool = MLaunchTool(test=True)
        self.tool.args = {'verbose': False}
        self.mongod_version = self.tool.getMongoDVersion()

    def tearDown(self):
        self.tool = None
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):

    # Helper functions

    def run_tool(self, arg_str):
        ''' wrapper to call self.tool.run() with or without auth '''
        # name data directory according to test method name
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, caller)

        # add data directory to arguments for all commands
        arg_str += ' --dir %s' % self.data_dir


    def read_config(self):
        ''' read the generated mlaunch startup file, get the command lines '''
        fp = open(self.data_dir + '/.mlaunch_startup', 'r')
        cfg = json.load(fp)
        cmd = [cfg['startup_info'][x] for x in cfg['startup_info'].keys()]
        return cfg, cmd

    def cmdlist_filter(self, cmdlist):
        ''' filter command lines to contain only [mongod|mongos] --parameter '''
        res = map(lambda cmd: set([param for param in cmd.split() if param.startswith('mongo') or param.startswith('--')]),
            [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('mongod') and '--configsvr' in cmd]
          + [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('mongod') and '--shardsvr' in cmd]
          + [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('mongod') and '--configsvr' not in cmd and '--shardsvr' not in cmd]
          + [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('mongos')]
        return res

    def cmdlist_print(self):
        ''' print the generated command lines to console '''
        cfg, cmdlist = self.read_config()
        print '\n'
        print cmdlist
        print '\n'
        cmdset = self.cmdlist_filter(cmdlist)
        for cmd in cmdset:
            print cmd

    def cmdlist_assert(self, cmdlisttest):
        ''' assert helper for command lines '''
        cfg, cmdlist = self.read_config()
        cmdset = [set(x) for x in self.cmdlist_filter(cmdlist)]
        assert len(cmdlist) == len(cmdlisttest)
        for observed, expected in zip(cmdset, cmdlisttest):
            # if mongod, account for some extra observed parameter (e.g. wiredTigerCacheSizeGB)
            if 'mongod' in expected:
                assert expected.issubset(observed)
                assert expected.intersection(observed) == expected
            # if mongos, expected must match observed
                assert expected == observed

    def check_csrs(self):
        ''' check if CSRS is supported, skip test if unsupported '''
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) < LooseVersion('3.1.0'):
            raise SkipTest('CSRS not supported by MongoDB < 3.1.0')

    def check_sccc(self):
        ''' check if SCCC is supported, skip test if unsupported '''
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.3.0'):
            raise SkipTest('SCCC not supported by MongoDB >= 3.3.0')

    def check_3_4(self):
        ''' check for MongoDB 3.4, skip test otherwise '''
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) < LooseVersion('3.4.0'):
            raise SkipTest('MongoDB version is < 3.4.0')

    # Tests

    def test_single(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 1 node '''
        self.run_tool('init --single')
        cmdlist = [
            set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork'])

    def test_single_storage(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 1 node with specified storage '''
        self.run_tool('init --single --storageEngine mmapv1')
        cmdlist = [
            set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--storageEngine'])

    def test_replicaset_3(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 3 nodes replicaset '''
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork']) ] * 3

    def test_replicaset_7(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 7 nodes replicaset '''
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset --nodes 7')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork']) ] * 7

    def test_replicaset_6_1(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 6 nodes + 1 arbiter replicaset '''
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset --nodes 6 --arbiter')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork']) ] * 7

    def test_sharded_single(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 1 config, 2 single shards 1 mongos '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single')
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.3.0'):
            cmdlist = (
                [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--replSet', '--configsvr']) ]
              + [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 2
              + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] )
            cmdlist = (
                [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ]
              + [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 2
              + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] )

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_1(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 1 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_2(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 1 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 2')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_3(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 3 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ] * 3
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 3 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 4')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ] * 3
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_1(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 1 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 1 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_2(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 2 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 2 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ] * 2
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_3(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 3 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ] * 3
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 4 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 4 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ] * 4
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_mmapv1(self):
        ''' mlaunch should not change config server storage engine (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --csrs --storageEngine mmapv1')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--configsvr']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork', '--storageEngine', '--shardsvr']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_oplogsize_sccc(self):
        ''' mlaunch should not pass --oplogSize to config server (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 1 --replicaset --nodes 1 --oplogSize 19')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--replSet', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--oplogSize', '--fork']) ]
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_oplogsize_csrs(self):
        ''' mlaunch should not pass --oplogSize to config server (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 1 --replicaset --nodes 1 --oplogSize 19 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--replSet', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--oplogSize', '--fork']) ]
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_sharded_two_mongos_sccc(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 2 mongos (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--fork']) ] * 2
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] * 2

    def test_sharded_two_mongos_csrs(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 2 mongos (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--fork']) ] * 2
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] * 2

    def test_sharded_three_mongos_sccc(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 3 mongos (SCCC) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 3')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork']) ] * 3
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] * 3

    def test_sharded_three_mongos_csrs(self):
        ''' mlaunch should start 3 mongos (CSRS) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 3 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 3
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] * 3

    # 3.4 tests

    def test_default_single_3_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should create csrs by default -- single node shards (3.4) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr', '--fork']) ] * 2
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_default_replicaset_3_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should create csrs by default -- replicaset shards (3.4) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 6
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_default_7_replicaset_3_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should create csrs by default -- 7 node replicaset shards (3.4) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 7')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 14
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_default_7_replicaset_5_config_3_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should create csrs by default -- 7 node replicaset shards, 5 nodes config servers (3.4) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 7 --config 5')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 5
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 14
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]

    def test_default_2_replicaset_arb_4_config_2_mongos_3_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should create csrs by default -- 2 node replicaset shards + arbiter, 4 nodes config servers, 2 mongos (3.4) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --config 4 --mongos 2')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 4
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 4
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--fork', '--replSet']) ] * 2
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ] * 2

    def test_storageengine_3_4(self):
        ''' mlaunch should not pass storageEngine option to config server (3.4) '''
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single --storageEngine mmapv1')
        cmdlist = (
            [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet']) ]
          + [ set(['mongod', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr', '--fork', '--storageEngine']) ] * 2
          + [ set(['mongos', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork']) ]
Exemplo n.º 10
class TestMLaunch(object):
    """ This class tests functionality around the mlaunch tool. It has some
        additional methods that are helpful for the tests, as well as a setup
        and teardown method for all tests.

        Don't call tests from other tests. This won't work as each test gets
        its own data directory (for debugging).

    port = 33333
    base_dir = 'data_test_mlaunch'

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.use_auth = False
        self.data_dir = ''

    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool(test=True)

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):

    def teardown(self):
        """ tear down method after each test, removes data directory """

        # kill all running processes

        ports = self.tool.get_tagged(['all', 'running'])
        processes = self.tool._get_processes().values()
        for p in processes:

        self.tool.wait_for(ports, to_start=False)

        # quick sleep to avoid spurious test failures

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):

    def run_tool(self, arg_str):
        """ wrapper to call self.tool.run() with or without auth """
        # name data directory according to test method name
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, caller)

        # add data directory to arguments for all commands
        arg_str += ' --dir %s' % self.data_dir

        if arg_str.startswith('init') or arg_str.startswith('--'):
            # add --port and --nojournal to init calls
            arg_str += ' --port %i --nojournal --smallfiles' % self.port

            if self.use_auth:
                # add --auth to init calls if flag is set
                arg_str += ' --auth'


    # -- tests below ---

    def test_test(self):
        """ TestMLaunch setup and teardown test """

        # test that data dir does not exist
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        # call teardown method within this test

        # test that data dir does not exist anymore
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # test that mongod is not running on this port anymore (raises ConnectionFailure)
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port,

    def test_argv_run(self):
        """ mlaunch: test true command line arguments, instead of passing into tool.run() """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = [
            'mlaunch', 'init', '--single', '--dir', self.base_dir, '--port',
            str(self.port), '--nojournal'

        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_init_default(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command can be omitted, is default """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = [
            'mlaunch', '--single', '--dir', self.base_dir, '--port',
            str(self.port), '--nojournal'

        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_init_default_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command is default, even when specifying arguments to run() """

        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_single(self):
        """ mlaunch: start stand-alone server and tear down again """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        # make sure node is running
        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

        # check if data directory and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongod.log'))

        # check that the tags are set correctly: 'single', 'mongod', 'running', <port>
        assert set(self.tool.get_tags_of_port(self.port)) == set(
            ['running', 'mongod', 'all', 'single',

    def test_replicaset_conf(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set of 2 nodes + arbiter and compare rs.conf() """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter")

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 3 members, exactly one is arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 3
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members']
                   if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 1

    def test_replicaset_ismaster(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set and verify that first node becomes primary """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # wait for primary
        assert self.tool._wait_for_primary()

        # insert a document and wait to replicate to 2 secondaries (10 sec timeout)
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)
        mc.test.smokeWait.insert({}, w=2, wtimeout=10 * 60 * 1000)

    @unittest.skip('incompatible with 3.4 CSRS')
    def test_sharded_status(self):
        """ mlaunch: start cluster with 2 shards of single nodes, 1 config server """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single")

        # check if data directories and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard01/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard02/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'config/db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % (self.port))

        # check for 2 shards and 1 mongos
        assert mc['config']['shards'].count() == 2
        assert mc['config']['mongos'].count() == 1

    def helper_output_has_line_with(self, keywords, output):
        """ checks if output contains a line where all keywords are present. """
        return len(
                   [all([kw in line for kw in keywords]) for line in output]))

    @unittest.skip('incompatible with 3.4 CSRS')
    def test_verbose_sharded(self):
        """ mlaunch: test verbose output when creating sharded cluster """

            "init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 2 --verbose")

        # capture stdout
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()

        keywords = ('rs1', 'rs2', 'rs3', 'shard01', 'shard02', 'config1',
                    'config2', 'config3')

        # creating directory
        for keyword in keywords:
            # make sure every directory creation was announced to stdout
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
                ['creating directory', keyword, 'db'], output)

        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
            ['creating directory', 'mongos'], output)

        # launching nodes
        for keyword in keywords:
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
                ['launching', keyword, '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath'],

        # mongos
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
            ['launching', 'mongos', '--port', '--logpath',
             str(self.port)], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
            ['launching', 'mongos', '--port', '--logpath',
             str(self.port + 1)], output)

        # some fixed outputs
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['waiting for nodes to start'],
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
            ['adding shards. can take up to 30 seconds'], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
            ['writing .mlaunch_startup file'], output)
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['done'], output)

        # replica sets initialized, shard added
        for keyword in ('shard01', 'shard02'):
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
                ['replica set', keyword, 'initialized'], output)
            assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(
                ['shard', keyword, 'added successfully'], output)

    def test_shard_names(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if sharded cluster with explicit shard names works """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --sharded tic tac toe --replicaset")

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % (self.port))

        # check that shard names match
        shard_names = set(doc['_id'] for doc in mc['config']['shards'].find())
        assert shard_names == set(['tic', 'tac', 'toe'])

    def test_startup_file(self):
        """ mlaunch: create .mlaunch_startup file in data path """

        # Also tests utf-8 to byte conversion and json import

        self.run_tool("init --single -v")

        # check if the startup file exists
        startup_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, '.mlaunch_startup')
        assert os.path.isfile(startup_file)

        # compare content of startup file with tool.args
        file_contents = self.tool._convert_u2b(
            json.load(open(startup_file, 'r')))
        assert file_contents['parsed_args'] == self.tool.args
        assert file_contents['unknown_args'] == self.tool.unknown_args

    def test_single_mongos_explicit(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if single mongos is running on start port and creates <datadir>/mongos.log """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 1 mongos
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 1")

        # check if mongos log files exist on correct ports
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

        # check for correct port
        assert self.tool.get_tagged('mongos') == set([self.port])

    def test_single_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if multiple mongos use separate log files in 'mongos' subdir """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 2 mongos
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 1")

        # check that 2 mongos are running
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged(['mongos', 'running'])) == 1

    def test_multiple_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if multiple mongos use separate log files in 'mongos' subdir """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 2 mongos
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2")

        # this also tests that mongos are started at the beginning of the port range
        assert os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos',
                         'mongos_%i.log' % (self.port)))
        assert os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos',
                         'mongos_%i.log' % (self.port + 1)))

        # check that 2 mongos are running
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged(['mongos', 'running'])) == 2

    def test_filter_valid_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: check arguments unknown to mlaunch against mongos and mongod """

        # filter against mongod
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(),
        assert result == "--slowms 500 -vvv"

        # filter against mongos
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(),
        assert result == "-vvv --configdb localhost:27017"

    def test_large_replicaset_arbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 7 nodes with arbiter """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset --nodes 6 --arbiter")

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs3'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs4'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs5'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs6'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 7 members, exactly one arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 7
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members']
                   if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 1

        # check that 7 nodes are discovered
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('all')) == 7

    def test_large_replicaset_noarbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 7 nodes without arbiter """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset --nodes 7")

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs3'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs4'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs5'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs6'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs7'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 7 members, no arbiters
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 7
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members']
                   if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 0

    def test_stop(self):
        """ mlaunch: test stopping all nodes """

        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all(not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    def test_kill_default(self):
        """ mlaunch: test killing all nodes with default signal """

        # start sharded cluster and kill with default signal (15)
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all(not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    def test_kill_sigterm(self):
        """ mlaunch: test killing all nodes with SIGTERM """

        # start nodes again, this time, kill with string "SIGTERM"
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single")
        self.run_tool("kill --signal SIGTERM")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all(not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    def test_kill_sigkill(self):
        """ mlaunch: test killing all nodes with SIGKILL """

        # start nodes again, this time, kill with signal 9 (SIGKILL)
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single")
        self.run_tool("kill --signal 9")

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all(not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    def test_stop_start(self):
        """ mlaunch: test stop and then re-starting nodes """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # make sure all nodes are running
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all(self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    @unittest.skip('tags implementation not up to date')
    def test_kill_partial(self):
        """ mlaunch: test killing and restarting tagged groups on different tags """

        # key is tag for command line, value is tag for get_tagged
        tags = ['shard01', 'shard 1', 'mongos', 'config 1', str(self.port)]

        # start large cluster
        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 3")

        # make sure all nodes are running
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged('all')
        assert all(self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

        # go through all tags, stop nodes for each tag, confirm only the tagged ones are down, start again
        for tag in tags:
            print "---------", tag
            self.run_tool("kill %s" % tag)
            assert self.tool.get_tagged('down') == self.tool.get_tagged(tag)

            # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise
            assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('down')) == 0

        # make sure primaries are running again (we just failed them over above).
        # while True is ok, because test times out after some time
        while True:
            primaries = self.tool.get_tagged('primary')
            if len(primaries) == 2:

        # test for primary, but as the nodes lose their tags, needs to be manual
        self.run_tool("kill primary")
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('down')) == 2

    def test_restart_with_unkown_args(self):
        """ mlaunch: test start command with extra unknown arguments """

        # init environment (sharded, single shards ok)
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        # get verbosity of mongod, assert it is 0
        mc = MongoClient(port=self.port)
        loglevel = mc.admin.command(SON([('getParameter', 1),
                                         ('logLevel', 1)]))
        assert loglevel[u'logLevel'] == 0

        # stop and start nodes but pass in unknown_args

        # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise

        self.run_tool("start -vv")

        # compare that the nodes are restarted with the new unknown_args, assert loglevel is now 2
        mc = MongoClient(port=self.port)
        loglevel = mc.admin.command(SON([('getParameter', 1),
                                         ('logLevel', 1)]))
        assert loglevel[u'logLevel'] == 2

        # stop and start nodes without unknown args again

        # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise


        # compare that the nodes are restarted with the previous loglevel
        mc = MongoClient(port=self.port)
        loglevel = mc.admin.command(SON([('getParameter', 1),
                                         ('logLevel', 1)]))
        assert loglevel[u'logLevel'] == 0

    @unittest.skip('currently not a useful test')
    def test_start_stop_single_repeatedly(self):
        """ mlaunch: test starting and stopping single node in short succession """

        # repeatedly start single node
        self.run_tool("init --single")

        for i in range(10):

            # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise


    def test_init_init_replicaset(self):
        """ mlaunch: test calling init a second time on the replica set """

        # init a replica set
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # now stop and init again, this should work if everything is stopped and identical environment
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # but another init should fail with a SystemExit
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

    @unittest.skip('currently not a useful test')
    def test_start_stop_replicaset_repeatedly(self):
        """ mlaunch: test starting and stopping replica set in short succession """

        # repeatedly start replicaset nodes
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        for i in range(10):

            # short sleep, because travis seems to be sensitive and sometimes fails otherwise


    def test_repeat_all_with_auth(self):
        """ this test will repeat all the tests in this class (excluding itself) but with auth. """
        tests = [
            t for t in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
            if t[0].startswith('test_')

        self.use_auth = True

        for name, method in tests:
            # don't call any tests that use auth already (tagged with 'auth' attribute), including this method
            if hasattr(method, 'auth'):

            setattr(method.__func__, 'description',
                    method.__doc__.strip() + ', with auth.')
            yield (method, )

        self.use_auth = False

    # TODO
    # - test functionality of --binarypath, --verbose, --name

    # All tests that use auth need to be decorated with @attr('auth')

    def helper_adding_default_user(self, environment):
        """ This is a helper function for the next test: test_adding_default_user() """

        self.run_tool("init %s --auth" % environment)

        # connect and authenticate with default credentials: user / password on admin database
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)
        mc.admin.authenticate('user', password='******')

        # check if the user roles are correctly set to the default roles
        user = mc.admin.system.users.find_one()
        assert set([x['role'] for x in user['roles']
                    ]) == set(self.tool._default_auth_roles)

    def test_adding_default_user(self):
        envs = ("--single", "--replicaset", "--sharded 2 --single",
                "--sharded 2 --replicaset", "--sharded 2 --single --config 3")

        for env in envs:
            method = self.helper_adding_default_user
            setattr(method.__func__, 'description',
                    method.__doc__.strip() + ', with ' + env)
            yield (method, env)

    def test_adding_default_user_no_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that even with --mongos 0 there is a user created """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --single --mongos 0 --auth")

        # connect to config server instead to check for credentials (no mongos)
        ports = list(self.tool.get_tagged('config'))
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % ports[0])
        mc.admin.authenticate('user', password='******')

        # check if the user roles are correctly set to the default roles
        user = mc.admin.system.users.find_one()
        assert set([x['role'] for x in user['roles']
                    ]) == set(self.tool._default_auth_roles)

    def test_adding_custom_user(self):
        """ mlaunch: test custom username and password and custom roles. """

            "init --single --auth --username corben --password fitzroy --auth-roles dbAdminAnyDatabase readWriteAnyDatabase userAdminAnyDatabase"

        # connect and authenticate with default credentials: user / password on admin database
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)
        mc.admin.authenticate('corben', password='******')

        # check if the user roles are correctly set to the specified roles
        user = mc.admin.system.users.find_one()
        print user
        assert set([x['role'] for x in user['roles']]) == set([
            "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase",
        assert user['user'] == 'corben'

    def test_existing_environment(self):
        """ mlaunch: test warning for overwriting an existing environment """

        self.run_tool("init --single")
            self.run_tool("init --replicaset")
        except SystemExit as e:
            assert 'different environment already exists' in e.message

    @unittest.skip('mlaunch protocol upgrade is not needed at this point')
    def test_upgrade_v1_to_v2(self):
        """ mlaunch: test upgrade from protocol version 1 to 2. """

        startup_options = {
            "name": "replset",
            "replicaset": True,
            "dir": "./data",
            "authentication": False,
            "single": False,
            "arbiter": False,
            "mongos": 1,
            "binarypath": None,
            "sharded": None,
            "nodes": 3,
            "config": 1,
            "port": 33333,
            "restart": False,
            "verbose": False

        # create directory
        self.run_tool("init --replicaset")

        # replace startup options
        with open(
                os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'test_upgrade_v1_to_v2',
                             '.mlaunch_startup'), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(startup_options, f, -1)

        # now start with old config and check if upgrade worked
        with open(
                os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'test_upgrade_v1_to_v2',
                             '.mlaunch_startup'), 'r') as f:
            startup_options = json.load(f)
            assert startup_options['protocol_version'] == 2

    def test_sharded_named_1(self):
        """ mlaunch: test --sharded <name> for a single shard """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded foo --single")
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged('foo')) == 1

    def test_mlaunch_list(self):
        """ mlaunch: test list command """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 2 --replicaset --mongos 2")

        # capture stdout and only keep from actual LIST output
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
        output = output[
            output.index(next(o for o in output if o.startswith('PROCESS'))):]

        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['PROCESS', 'STATUS', 'PORT'],
                                                output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['mongos', 'running'],
                                                output) == 2
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['config server', 'running'],
                                                output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['shard01'], output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['shard02'], output) == 1
        assert self.helper_output_has_line_with(['running', 'running'],
                                                output) == 9

    def helper_which(self, pgm):
        """ equivalent of which command """

        path = os.getenv('PATH')
        for p in path.split(os.path.pathsep):
            p = os.path.join(p, pgm)
            if os.path.exists(p) and os.access(p, os.X_OK):
                return p

    def test_mlaunch_binary_path_start(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if --binarypath is persistent between init and start """

        # get true binary path (to test difference to not specifying one)
        path = self.helper_which('mongod')
        path = path[:path.rfind('/')]

        self.run_tool("init --single --binarypath %s" % path)

        assert self.tool.loaded_args['binarypath'] == path
        assert self.tool.startup_info[str(self.port)].startswith('%s/mongod' %

            self.run_tool("start --binarypath /some/other/path")
            raise Exception
            assert self.tool.args['binarypath'] == '/some/other/path'
            assert self.tool.startup_info[str(

    def test_single_and_arbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: test --single with --arbiter error """

        self.run_tool("init --single --arbiter")

    def test_oplogsize_config(self):
        """ mlaunch: test config server never receives --oplogSize parameter """

        self.run_tool("init --sharded 1 --single --oplogSize 19 --verbose")
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().splitlines()

        output_launch_config = next(o for o in output if '--configsvr' in o)
        assert '--oplogSize' not in output_launch_config
Exemplo n.º 11
class TestMLaunch(object):
    """ This class tests functionality around the mlaunch tool. It has some
        additional methods that are helpful for the tests, as well as a setup
        and teardown method for all tests.

    static_port = 33333
    data_dir = "data_test_mlaunch"

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.n_processes_started = 0
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port

    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port. """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def teardown(self):
        """ tear down method after each test, removes data directory. """

        # shutdown all running processes
        ports = self.tool.get_tagged("all")

        for port in ports:
            shutdown_host("localhost:%s" % port)
        self.tool.wait_for(ports, to_start=False)

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    # -- tests below ---

    def test_test(self):
        """ TestMLaunch setup and teardown test """

        # test that data dir does not exist
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("init --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # call teardown method within this test

        # test that data dir does not exist anymore
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # test that mongod is not running on this port anymore (raises ConnectionFailure)
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

    def test_argv_run(self):
        """ mlaunch: test true command line arguments, instead of passing into tool.run(). """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = ["mlaunch", "init", "--single", "--dir", self.data_dir, "--port", str(self.port), "--nojournal"]

        tool = MLaunchTool()
        assert tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_init_default(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command can be omitted, is default """

        # make command line arguments through sys.argv
        sys.argv = ["mlaunch", "--single", "--dir", self.data_dir, "--port", str(self.port), "--nojournal"]

        tool = MLaunchTool()
        assert tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_init_default_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: test that 'init' command is default, even when specifying arguments to run() """

        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))
        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

    def test_single(self):
        """ mlaunch: start stand-alone server and tear down again """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("init --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # make sure node is running
        assert self.tool.is_running(self.port)

        # check if data directory and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "db"))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongod.log"))

        # check that the tags are set correctly: 'single', 'mongod', 'running', <port>
        assert set(self.tool.get_tags_of_port(self.port)) == set(["running", "mongod", "all", "single", str(self.port)])

    def test_single_on_existing_port(self):
        """ mlaunch: using already existing port fails """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("init --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # start mongo process on same port, should not throw error, finish normally
        self.tool.run("init --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

    def test_replicaset_conf(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set of 2 nodes + arbiter and compare rs.conf() """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
            "init --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir)

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs1"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs2"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/arb"))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 3 members, exactly one is arbiter
        conf = mc["local"]["system.replset"].find_one()
        assert len(conf["members"]) == 3
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf["members"] if "arbiterOnly" in memb and memb["arbiterOnly"]) == 1

    def test_replicaset_ismaster(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set and verify that first node becomes primary. 
            Then replicate one document. Test must complete in 60 seconds.

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("init --replicaset --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

        # test if first node becomes primary after some time
        ismaster = False
        while not ismaster:
            result = mc.admin.command("ismaster")
            ismaster = result["ismaster"]
            print "sleeping"

        # insert a document and wait to replicate to 2 secondaries (10 sec timeout)
        mc.test.smokeWait.insert({}, w=2, wtimeout=10 * 60 * 1000)

    def test_sharded_status(self):
        """ mlaunch: start cluster with 2 shards of single nodes, 1 config server """

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("init --sharded 2 --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "shard01/db"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "shard02/db"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "config/db"))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongos.log"))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % (self.port))

        # check for 2 shards and 1 mongos
        assert mc["config"]["shards"].count() == 2
        assert mc["config"]["mongos"].count() == 1

    def test_startup_file(self):
        """ mlaunch: create .mlaunch_startup file in data path
            Also tests utf-8 to byte conversion and json import.
        self.tool.run("init --single --port %i -v --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if the startup file exists
        startup_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, ".mlaunch_startup")
        assert os.path.isfile(startup_file)

        # compare content of startup file with tool.args
        file_contents = self.tool._convert_u2b(json.load(open(startup_file, "r")))
        assert file_contents["parsed_args"] == self.tool.args
        assert file_contents["unknown_args"] == self.tool.unknown_args

    def test_single_mongos_explicit(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if single mongos is running on start port and creates <datadir>/mongos.log """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 1 mongos
            "init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 1 --port %i --nojournal --dir %s"
            % (self.port, self.data_dir)

        # check if mongos log files exist on correct ports
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongos.log"))

        # check for correct port
        assert self.tool.get_tagged("mongos") == set([self.port])

    def test_multiple_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if multiple mongos use separate log files in 'mongos' subdir. """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 2 mongos
            "init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2 --port %i --nojournal --dir %s"
            % (self.port, self.data_dir)

        # this also tests that mongos are started at the beginning of the port range
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongos", "mongos_%i.log" % (self.port)))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongos", "mongos_%i.log" % (self.port + 1)))

        # check that 2 mongos are running
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged(["mongos", "running"])) == 2

    def test_filter_valid_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: check arguments unknown to mlaunch against mongos and mongod """

        # filter against mongod
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongod"
        assert result == "--slowms 500 -vvv"

        # filter against mongos
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongos"
        assert result == "-vvv --configdb localhost:27017"

    def test_large_replicaset_arbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 12 nodes with arbiter """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
            "init --replicaset --nodes 11 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir)

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs1"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs2"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs3"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs4"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs5"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs6"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs7"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs8"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs9"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs10"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs11"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/arb"))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 12 members, exactly one arbiter
        conf = mc["local"]["system.replset"].find_one()
        assert len(conf["members"]) == 12
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf["members"] if "arbiterOnly" in memb and memb["arbiterOnly"]) == 1

        # check that 12 nodes are discovered
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged("all")) == 12

    def test_large_replicaset_noarbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 12 nodes without arbiter """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.tool.run("init --replicaset --nodes 12 --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs1"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs2"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs3"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs4"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs5"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs6"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs7"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs8"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs9"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs10"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs11"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs12"))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 12 members, no arbiters
        conf = mc["local"]["system.replset"].find_one()
        assert len(conf["members"]) == 12
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf["members"] if "arbiterOnly" in memb and memb["arbiterOnly"]) == 0

    def test_stop(self):
        """ mlaunch: test stopping all nodes """

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.tool.run("init --replicaset --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))
        self.tool.run("stop --dir %s" % self.data_dir)

        # make sure all nodes are down
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged("all")
        assert all(not self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    def test_stop_start(self):
        """ mlaunch: test stop and then re-starting nodes """

        # start, stop (as before)
        self.tool.run("start --dir %s" % self.data_dir)

        # make sure all nodes are running
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged("all")
        assert all(self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

    def test_stop_partial(self):

        # key is tag for command line, value is tag for get_tagged
        tags = ["shard01", "shard 1", "mongod", "mongos", "config", str(self.port)]

        # start large cluster
            "init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 3 --port %i --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir)

        # make sure all nodes are running
        nodes = self.tool.get_tagged("all")
        assert all(self.tool.is_running(node) for node in nodes)

        # go through all tags, stop nodes for each tag, confirm only the tagged ones are down, start again
        for tag in tags:
            self.tool.run("stop %s --dir %s" % (tag, self.data_dir))
            assert self.tool.get_tagged("down") == self.tool.get_tagged(tag)
            self.tool.run("start --dir %s" % self.data_dir)
            assert len(self.tool.get_tagged("down")) == 0

        # make sure primaries are running again (we just failed them over above).
        # while True is ok, because test times out after some time
        while True:
            primaries = self.tool.get_tagged("primary")
            if len(primaries) == 2:

        # test for primary, secondary, but as the nodes lose their tags, needs to be manual
        self.tool.run("stop primary --dir %s" % self.data_dir)
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged("down")) == 2
        self.tool.run("start --dir %s" % self.data_dir)

        # all 'first' secondaries
        self.tool.run("stop secondary 1 --dir %s" % self.data_dir)
        assert len(self.tool.get_tagged("down")) == 2
        self.tool.run("start --dir %s" % self.data_dir)
Exemplo n.º 12
class TestMLaunch(object):
    """ This class tests functionality around the mlaunch tool. It has some
        additional methods that are helpful for the tests, as well as a setup
        and teardown method for all tests.

    static_port = 33333
    max_port_range = 100
    data_dir = "test_mlaunch_data"

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.n_processes_started = 0
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port

    def _reserve_ports(self, number):
        self.n_processes_started = number
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port
        TestMLaunch.static_port += number

    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port. """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()
        # self.port = self._find_free_port(self.port)
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def teardown(self):
        """ tear down method after each test, removes data directory. """

        # shutdown as many processes as the test required
        for p in range(self.n_processes_started):
            self._shutdown_mongosd(self.port + p)

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def _shutdown_mongosd(self, port):
        """ send the shutdown command to a mongod or mongos on given port. """
            mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % port)
                mc.admin.command({"shutdown": 1})
            except AutoReconnect:
        except ConnectionFailure:

    def test_test(self):
        """ TestMLaunch setup and teardown test """

        # test that variable is reset
        assert self.n_processes_started == 0

        # test that data dir does not exist
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # call teardown method within this test

        # test that data dir does not exist anymore
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # no processes need to be killed anymore for the real teardown
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # test that mongod is not running on this port anymore (raises ConnectionFailure)
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

    def test_single(self):
        """ mlaunch: start stand-alone server and tear down again """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directory and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "db"))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongod.log"))

    def test_single_on_existing_port(self):
        """ mlaunch: using already existing port fails """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # start mongo process on same port, should raise SystemExit
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

    def test_replicaset_conf(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set of 2 nodes + arbiter and compare rs.conf() """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs1"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/rs2"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "replset/arb"))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 3 members, last one is arbiter
        conf = mc["local"]["system.replset"].find_one()
        assert len(conf["members"]) == 3
        assert conf["members"][2]["arbiterOnly"] == True

    def test_restart(self):
        """ mlaunch: --restart brings up the same configuration """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))


        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--restart --dir %s" % self.data_dir)

        # repeat test on replica set with restarted set

    def test_replicaset_ismaster(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set and verify that first node becomes primary (slow)
            Test must complete in 60 seconds.

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % self.port)

        # test if first node becomes primary after some time
        while True:
            ismaster = mc.admin.command({"ismaster": 1})
            if ismaster["ismaster"]:

    def test_sharded_status(self):
        """ mlaunch: start cluster with 2 shards of single nodes, 1 config server """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--sharded 2 --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "shard01/db"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "shard02/db"))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "config/db"))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "mongos.log"))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient("localhost:%i" % (self.port + 3))

        # check for 2 shards and 1 mongos
        assert mc["config"]["shards"].count() == 2
        assert mc["config"]["mongos"].count() == 1

    def test_startup_file(self):
        """ mlaunch: create .mlaunch_startup file in data path
            Also tests utf-8 to byte conversion and json import.
        # get ports for processes during this test

        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if the startup file exists
        startup_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, ".mlaunch_startup")
        assert os.path.isfile(startup_file)

        # compare content of startup file with tool.args
        file_args = self.tool.convert_u2b(json.load(open(startup_file, "r")))
        assert file_args == self.tool.args

    def test_check_port_availability(self):
        """ mlaunch: test check_port_availability() method """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongod
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # make sure port is not available for another launch on that port
        self.tool.check_port_availability(self.port, "mongod")

    def test_filter_valid_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: check arguments unknown to mlaunch against mongos and mongod """

        # filter against mongod
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongod"
        assert result == "--slowms 500 -vvv"

        # filter against mongos
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongos"
        assert result == "-vvv --configdb localhost:27017"

    # TODO: test functionality of --binarypath, --authentication, --verbose, --mongos, --name

    # mark slow tests
    test_replicaset_ismaster.slow = 1
    test_sharded_status.slow = 1
Exemplo n.º 13
 def setUp(self):
     self.base_dir = 'data_test_mlaunch'
     self.tool = MLaunchTool(test=True)
     self.tool.args = {'verbose': False}
     self.mongod_version = self.tool.getMongoDVersion()
Exemplo n.º 14
class TestMLaunch(object):

    # Setup & teardown functions

    def setUp(self):
        self.base_dir = 'data_test_mlaunch'
        self.tool = MLaunchTool(test=True)
        self.tool.args = {'verbose': False}
        self.mongod_version = self.tool.getMongoDVersion()

    def tearDown(self):
        self.tool = None
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):

    # Helper functions

    def run_tool(self, arg_str):
        """Wrapper to call self.tool.run() with or without auth."""
        # name data directory according to test method name
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, caller)

        # add data directory to arguments for all commands
        arg_str += ' --dir %s' % self.data_dir


    def read_config(self):
        """Read the generated mlaunch startup file, get the command lines."""
        fp = open(self.data_dir + '/.mlaunch_startup', 'r')
        cfg = json.load(fp)
        cmd = [cfg['startup_info'][x] for x in cfg['startup_info'].keys()]
        return cfg, cmd

    def cmdlist_filter(self, cmdlist):
        """Filter command lines to contain only [mongod|mongos] --parameter."""
        # NOTE: Command "mongo was intentionally written with a leading quote
        res = map(lambda cmd: set([param for param in cmd.split()
                                   if param.startswith('"mongo') or
                  [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('"mongod') and
                   '--configsvr' in cmd] +
                  [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('"mongod') and
                   '--shardsvr' in cmd] +
                  [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('"mongod') and
                   '--configsvr' not in cmd and '--shardsvr' not in cmd] +
                  [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if cmd.startswith('"mongos')]

    def cmdlist_print(self):
        """Print the generated command lines to console."""
        cfg, cmdlist = self.read_config()
        cmdset = self.cmdlist_filter(cmdlist)
        for cmd in cmdset:

    def cmdlist_assert(self, cmdlisttest):
        """Assert helper for command lines."""
        cfg, cmdlist = self.read_config()
        cmdset = [set(x) for x in self.cmdlist_filter(cmdlist)]
        assert len(cmdlist) == len(cmdlisttest)
        for observed, expected in zip(cmdset, cmdlisttest):
            # if mongod, account for some extra observed parameter
            # (e.g. wiredTigerCacheSizeGB)
            if '"mongod"' in expected:
                assert expected.issubset(observed)
                assert expected.intersection(observed) == expected
            # if mongos, expected must match observed
                assert expected == observed

    def check_csrs(self):
        """Check if CSRS is supported, skip test if unsupported."""
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) < LooseVersion('3.1.0'):
            raise SkipTest('CSRS not supported by MongoDB < 3.1.0')

    def check_sccc(self):
        """Check if SCCC is supported, skip test if unsupported."""
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.3.0'):
            raise SkipTest('SCCC not supported by MongoDB >= 3.3.0')

    def check_3_4(self):
        """Check for MongoDB 3.4, skip test otherwise."""
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) < LooseVersion('3.4.0'):
            raise SkipTest('MongoDB version is < 3.4.0')

    def check_3_6(self):
        """Check for MongoDB 3.6, skip test otherwise."""
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) < LooseVersion('3.6.0'):
            raise SkipTest('MongoDB version is < 3.6.0')

    def raises_ioerror(self):
        """Check for IOError exceptions"""

    # Tests

    def test_single(self):
        """mlaunch should start 1 node."""
        self.run_tool('init --single')
        cmdlist = [
            set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork'])

    def test_single_storage(self):
        """mlaunch should start 1 node with specified storage."""
        self.run_tool('init --single --storageEngine mmapv1')
        cmdlist = [
            set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',

    def test_replicaset_3(self):
        """mlaunch should start 3 nodes replicaset."""
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork'])] * 3

    def test_replicaset_7(self):
        """mlaunch should start 7 nodes replicaset."""
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset --nodes 7')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork'])] * 7

    def test_replicaset_6_1(self):
        """mlaunch should start 6 nodes + 1 arbiter replicaset."""
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset --nodes 6 --arbiter')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork'])] * 7

    def test_sharded_single(self):
        """mlaunch should start 1 config, 2 single shards 1 mongos."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single')
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.6.0'):
        elif LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.3.0'):
            cmdlist = (
                [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                      '--replSet', '--configsvr'])] +
                [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                      '--shardsvr'])] * 2 +
                [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb',
            cmdlist = (
                [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                      '--configsvr'])] +
                [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                      '--shardsvr'])] * 2 +
                [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb',

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_1(self):
        mlaunch should start 1 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                  '--configsvr'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_2(self):
        mlaunch should start 1 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 2')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                  '--configsvr'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_3(self):
        mlaunch should start 3 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                  '--configsvr'])] * 3 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_sccc_4(self):
        mlaunch should start 3 config, 2 shards (3 nodes each), 1 mongos
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 4')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port', '--fork',
                  '--configsvr'])] * 3 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_1(self):
        mlaunch should start 1 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each),
        1 mongos (CSRS).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 1 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--configsvr'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_2(self):
        mlaunch should start 2 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each),
        1 mongos (CSRS).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 2 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--configsvr'])] * 2 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_3(self):
        mlaunch should start 3 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each),
        1 mongos (CSRS).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--configsvr'])] * 3 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_4(self):
        mlaunch should start 4 replicaset config, 2 shards (3 nodes each),
        1 mongos (CSRS).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 4 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--configsvr'])] * 4 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_replicaset_csrs_mmapv1(self):
        """mlaunch should not change config server storage engine (CSRS)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --csrs '
                      '--storageEngine mmapv1')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--configsvr'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--replSet', '--dbpath', '--logpath', '--port',
                  '--fork', '--storageEngine', '--shardsvr'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--logpath', '--port', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_oplogsize_sccc(self):
        """mlaunch should not pass --oplogSize to config server (SCCC)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 1 --replicaset --nodes 1 --oplogSize 19')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--replSet', '--shardsvr', '--logpath',
                  '--dbpath', '--oplogSize', '--fork'])] +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_oplogsize_csrs(self):
        """mlaunch should not pass --oplogSize to config server (CSRS)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 1 --replicaset --nodes 1 '
                      '--oplogSize 19 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--replSet', '--shardsvr', '--logpath',
                  '--dbpath', '--oplogSize', '--fork'])] +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_sharded_two_mongos_sccc(self):
        """mlaunch should start 2 mongos (SCCC)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath',
                  '--fork'])] * 2 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb',
                  '--fork'])] * 2

    def test_sharded_two_mongos_csrs(self):
        """mlaunch should start 2 mongos (CSRS)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2 --csrs')
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.6.0'):
            cmdlist = (
                [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath',
                      '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet'])] +
                [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath',
                      '--dbpath', '--fork'])] * 2 +
                [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb',
                      '--fork'])] * 2

    def test_sharded_three_mongos_sccc(self):
        """mlaunch should start 3 mongos (SCCC)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 --mongos 3')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork'])] * 3 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb',
                  '--fork'])] * 3

    def test_sharded_three_mongos_csrs(self):
        """mlaunch should start 3 mongos (CSRS)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --config 3 '
                      '--mongos 3 --csrs')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 3 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--shardsvr', '--logpath', '--dbpath',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb',
                  '--fork'])] * 3

    # 3.4 tests

    def test_default_single_3_4(self):
        mlaunch should create csrs by default -- single node shards (3.4).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --single')
        if LooseVersion(self.mongod_version) >= LooseVersion('3.6.0'):
            cmdlist = (
                [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath',
                      '--configsvr', '--fork', '--replSet'])] +
                [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath',
                      '--shardsvr', '--fork'])] * 2 +
                [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb',

    def test_default_replicaset_3_4(self):
        """mlaunch should create csrs by default -- replicaset shards (3.4)."""
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_default_7_replicaset_3_4(self):
        mlaunch should create csrs by default -- 7 node replicaset
        shards (3.4).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 7')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 14 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_default_7_replicaset_5_config_3_4(self):
        mlaunch should create csrs by default -- 7 node replicaset shards,
        5 nodes config servers (3.4).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 7 --config 5')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 5 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 14 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_default_2_replicaset_arb_4_config_2_mongos_3_4(self):
        mlaunch should create csrs by default -- 2 node replicaset shards +
        arbiter, 4 nodes config servers, 2 mongos (3.4).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter '
                      '--config 4 --mongos 2')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 4 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] * 4 +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--fork',
                  '--replSet'])] * 2 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb',
                  '--fork'])] * 2

    def test_storageengine_3_4(self):
        mlaunch should not pass storageEngine option to config server (3.4).
        self.run_tool('init --sharded 2 --replicaset --storageEngine mmapv1')
        cmdlist = (
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--configsvr',
                  '--fork', '--replSet'])] +
            [set(['"mongod"', '--port', '--logpath', '--dbpath', '--shardsvr',
                  '--fork', '--storageEngine'])] * 6 +
            [set(['"mongos"', '--port', '--logpath', '--configdb', '--fork'])]

    def test_hostname_3_6(self):
        mlaunch should not start if hostname is specified but not bind_ip.
        self.run_tool('init --replicaset --hostname this_host')
Exemplo n.º 15
class TestMLaunch(object):
    """ This class tests functionality around the mlaunch tool. It has some
        additional methods that are helpful for the tests, as well as a setup
        and teardown method for all tests.

    static_port = 33333
    max_port_range = 100
    data_dir = 'test_mlaunch_data'

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.n_processes_started = 0
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port

    def _reserve_ports(self, number):
        self.n_processes_started = number
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port
        TestMLaunch.static_port += number

    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port. """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()
        # self.port = self._find_free_port(self.port)
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def teardown(self):
        """ tear down method after each test, removes data directory. """

        # shutdown as many processes as the test required
        for p in range(self.n_processes_started):
            print "shutting", self.port + p
            self._shutdown_mongosd(self.port + p)

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def _shutdown_mongosd(self, port):
        """ send the shutdown command to a mongod or mongos on given port. """
            mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % port)
                mc.admin.command('shutdown', force=True)
            except AutoReconnect:
        except ConnectionFailure:

    def test_test(self):
        """ TestMLaunch setup and teardown test """

        # test that variable is reset
        assert self.n_processes_started == 0

        # test that data dir does not exist
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # call teardown method within this test

        # test that data dir does not exist anymore
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # no processes need to be killed anymore for the real teardown
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # test that mongod is not running on this port anymore (raises ConnectionFailure)
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

    def test_single(self):
        """ mlaunch: start stand-alone server and tear down again """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port 
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directory and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongod.log'))

    def test_single_on_existing_port(self):
        """ mlaunch: using already existing port fails """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # start mongo process on same port, should raise SystemExit
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

    def test_replicaset_conf(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set of 2 nodes + arbiter and compare rs.conf() """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 3 members, exactly one is arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 3
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members'] if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 1

    def test_restart(self):
        """ mlaunch: --restart brings up the same configuration """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port 
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))


        # start mongo process on free test port 
        self.tool.run("--restart --dir %s" % self.data_dir)

        # repeat test on replica set with restarted set

    def test_replicaset_ismaster(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set and verify that first node becomes primary (slow)
            Test must complete in 60 seconds.

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # test if first node becomes primary after some time
        ismaster = False
        while not ismaster:
            result = mc.admin.command("ismaster")
            ismaster = result["ismaster"]
            print "sleeping"

        # insert a document and wait to replicate to 2 secondaries (10 sec timeout)
        mc.test.smokeWait.insert({}, w=2, wtimeout=10*60*1000)

    def test_sharded_status(self):
        """ mlaunch: start cluster with 2 shards of single nodes, 1 config server """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port 
        self.tool.run("--sharded 2 --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))
        # check if data directories and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard01/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard02/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'config/db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % (self.port+3))

        # check for 2 shards and 1 mongos
        assert mc['config']['shards'].count() == 2
        assert mc['config']['mongos'].count() == 1

    def test_startup_file(self):
        """ mlaunch: create .mlaunch_startup file in data path
            Also tests utf-8 to byte conversion and json import.
        # get ports for processes during this test

        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if the startup file exists
        startup_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, '.mlaunch_startup')
        assert os.path.isfile(startup_file)

        # compare content of startup file with tool.args
        file_args = self.tool.convert_u2b(json.load(open(startup_file, 'r')))
        assert file_args == self.tool.args

    def test_check_port_availability(self):
        """ mlaunch: test check_port_availability() method """
        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongod
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # make sure port is not available for another launch on that port
        self.tool.check_port_availability(self.port, "mongod")

    def test_single_mongos_explicit(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if single mongos creates <datadir>/mongos.log """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 1 mongos
        self.tool.run("--sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 1 --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if mongos log files exist on correct ports
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

    def test_multiple_mongos(self):
        """ mlaunch: test if multiple mongos use separate log files in 'mongos' subdir """

        # start 2 shards, 1 config server, 2 mongos
        self.tool.run("--sharded 2 --single --config 1 --mongos 2 --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos', 'mongos_%i.log' % (self.port + 3)))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos', 'mongos_%i.log' % (self.port + 4)))

    def test_filter_valid_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: check arguments unknown to mlaunch against mongos and mongod """

        # filter against mongod
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments("--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongod")
        assert result == "--slowms 500 -vvv"

        # filter against mongos
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments("--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(), "mongos")
        assert result == "-vvv --configdb localhost:27017"

    def test_large_replicaset_arbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 12 nodes with arbiter """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --nodes 11 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs3'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs4'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs5'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs6'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs7'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs8'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs9'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs10'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs11'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 12 members, exactly one arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 12
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members'] if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 1

    def test_large_replicaset_noarbiter(self):
        """ mlaunch: start large replica set of 12 nodes without arbiter """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --nodes 12 --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" % (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs3'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs4'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs5'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs6'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs7'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs8'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs9'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs10'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs11'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs12'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 12 members, no arbiters
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 12
        assert sum(1 for memb in conf['members'] if 'arbiterOnly' in memb and memb['arbiterOnly']) == 0

    # TODO: test functionality of --binarypath, --authentication, --verbose, --name

    # mark slow tests
    test_replicaset_ismaster.slow = 1
    test_sharded_status.slow = 1
Exemplo n.º 16
class TestMLaunch(object):
    """ This class tests functionality around the mlaunch tool. It has some
        additional methods that are helpful for the tests, as well as a setup
        and teardown method for all tests.

    static_port = 33333
    max_port_range = 100
    data_dir = 'test_mlaunch_data'

    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor. """
        self.n_processes_started = 0
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port

    def _reserve_ports(self, number):
        self.n_processes_started = number
        self.port = TestMLaunch.static_port
        TestMLaunch.static_port += number

    def setup(self):
        """ start up method to create mlaunch tool and find free port. """
        self.tool = MLaunchTool()
        # self.port = self._find_free_port(self.port)
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def teardown(self):
        """ tear down method after each test, removes data directory. """

        # shutdown as many processes as the test required
        for p in range(self.n_processes_started):
            self._shutdown_mongosd(self.port + p)

        # if the test data path exists, remove it
        if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):

    def _shutdown_mongosd(self, port):
        """ send the shutdown command to a mongod or mongos on given port. """
            mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % port)
                mc.admin.command({'shutdown': 1})
            except AutoReconnect:
        except ConnectionFailure:

    def test_test(self):
        """ TestMLaunch setup and teardown test """

        # test that variable is reset
        assert self.n_processes_started == 0

        # test that data dir does not exist
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # call teardown method within this test

        # test that data dir does not exist anymore
        assert not os.path.exists(self.data_dir)

        # no processes need to be killed anymore for the real teardown
        self.n_processes_started = 0

        # test that mongod is not running on this port anymore (raises ConnectionFailure)
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

    def test_single(self):
        """ mlaunch: start stand-alone server and tear down again """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directory and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongod.log'))

    def test_single_on_existing_port(self):
        """ mlaunch: using already existing port fails """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # start mongo process on same port, should raise SystemExit
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

    def test_replicaset_conf(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set of 2 nodes + arbiter and compare rs.conf() """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port (don't need journal for this test)
            "--replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
            (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs1'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/rs2'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'replset/arb'))

        # create mongo client for the next tests
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # get rs.conf() and check for 3 members, last one is arbiter
        conf = mc['local']['system.replset'].find_one()
        assert len(conf['members']) == 3
        assert conf['members'][2]['arbiterOnly'] == True

    def test_restart(self):
        """ mlaunch: --restart brings up the same configuration """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
            "--replicaset --nodes 2 --arbiter --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
            (self.port, self.data_dir))


        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--restart --dir %s" % self.data_dir)

        # repeat test on replica set with restarted set

    def test_replicaset_ismaster(self):
        """ mlaunch: start replica set and verify that first node becomes primary (slow)
            Test must complete in 60 seconds.

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--replicaset --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % self.port)

        # test if first node becomes primary after some time
        while True:
            ismaster = mc.admin.command({'ismaster': 1})
            if ismaster['ismaster']:

    def test_sharded_status(self):
        """ mlaunch: start cluster with 2 shards of single nodes, 1 config server """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongo process on free test port
        self.tool.run("--sharded 2 --single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if data directories and logfile exist
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard01/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'shard02/db'))
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'config/db'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'mongos.log'))

        # create mongo client
        mc = MongoClient('localhost:%i' % (self.port + 3))

        # check for 2 shards and 1 mongos
        assert mc['config']['shards'].count() == 2
        assert mc['config']['mongos'].count() == 1

    def test_startup_file(self):
        """ mlaunch: create .mlaunch_startup file in data path
            Also tests utf-8 to byte conversion and json import.
        # get ports for processes during this test

        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # check if the startup file exists
        startup_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, '.mlaunch_startup')
        assert os.path.isfile(startup_file)

        # compare content of startup file with tool.args
        file_args = self.tool.convert_u2b(json.load(open(startup_file, 'r')))
        assert file_args == self.tool.args

    def test_check_port_availability(self):
        """ mlaunch: test check_port_availability() method """

        # get ports for processes during this test

        # start mongod
        self.tool.run("--single --port %i --nojournal --dir %s" %
                      (self.port, self.data_dir))

        # make sure port is not available for another launch on that port
        self.tool.check_port_availability(self.port, "mongod")

    def test_filter_valid_arguments(self):
        """ mlaunch: check arguments unknown to mlaunch against mongos and mongod """

        # filter against mongod
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(),
        assert result == "--slowms 500 -vvv"

        # filter against mongos
        result = self.tool._filter_valid_arguments(
            "--slowms 500 -vvv --configdb localhost:27017 --foobar".split(),
        assert result == "-vvv --configdb localhost:27017"

    # TODO: test functionality of --binarypath, --authentication, --verbose, --mongos, --name

    # mark slow tests
    test_replicaset_ismaster.slow = 1
    test_sharded_status.slow = 1