Exemplo n.º 1
def collapse_diamond(N, M, v):
    Collapse the middle two states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 2-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k-1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k-1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Exemplo n.º 2
def collapse_diamond(N, M, v):
    Collapse the middle two states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 2-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k - 1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k - 1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Exemplo n.º 3
def collapse_side(N, M, v):
    Collapse two pairs of states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 1-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k-2)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k-2)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        AB_Ab = AB + Ab
        aB_ab = aB + ab
        j = T_collapsed[AB_Ab, aB_ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Exemplo n.º 4
def collapse_side(N, M, v):
    Collapse two pairs of states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 1-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k - 2)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k - 2)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        AB_Ab = AB + Ab
        aB_ab = aB + ab
        j = T_collapsed[AB_Ab, aB_ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Exemplo n.º 5
def do_full_simplex_then_collapse(mutrate, popsize):
    #mutrate = 0.01
    #mutrate = 0.2
    #mutrate = 10
    #mutrate = 100
    #mutrate = 1
    N = popsize
    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    # Create the joint site pair mutation rate matrix.
    R = mutrate * wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    # Create the joint site pair drift transition matrix.
    lmcs = wrightcore.get_lmcs(M)
    lps = wrightcore.create_selection_neutral(M)
    log_drift = wrightcore.create_neutral_drift(lmcs, lps, M)
    # Define the drift and mutation transition matrices.
    P_drift = np.exp(log_drift)
    P_mut = scipy.linalg.expm(R)
    # Define the composite per-generation transition matrix.
    P = np.dot(P_mut, P_drift)
    # Solve a system of equations to find the stationary distribution.
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    for state, value in zip(M, v):
        print state, value
    # collapse the two middle states
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k-1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k-1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    for state, value in zip(M_collapsed, v_collapsed):
        print state, value
    # draw an equilateral triangle
    #drawtri(M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed)
    return M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed
Exemplo n.º 6
def do_full_simplex_then_collapse(mutrate, popsize):
    #mutrate = 0.01
    #mutrate = 0.2
    #mutrate = 10
    #mutrate = 100
    #mutrate = 1
    N = popsize
    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    # Create the joint site pair mutation rate matrix.
    R = mutrate * wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    # Create the joint site pair drift transition matrix.
    lmcs = wrightcore.get_lmcs(M)
    lps = wrightcore.create_selection_neutral(M)
    log_drift = wrightcore.create_neutral_drift(lmcs, lps, M)
    # Define the drift and mutation transition matrices.
    P_drift = np.exp(log_drift)
    P_mut = scipy.linalg.expm(R)
    # Define the composite per-generation transition matrix.
    P = np.dot(P_mut, P_drift)
    # Solve a system of equations to find the stationary distribution.
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    for state, value in zip(M, v):
        print state, value
    # collapse the two middle states
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k - 1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k - 1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    for state, value in zip(M_collapsed, v_collapsed):
        print state, value
    # draw an equilateral triangle
    #drawtri(M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed)
    return M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed