Exemplo n.º 1
class ExecutorService(object):

        EXECUTOR_NUM_PROCS: lambda: 4,
        EXECUTOR_POLL_TIME: lambda: 10,
        EXECUTOR_POLL_TASK: lambda: None,
        EXECUTOR_POLL_ARGS: lambda: list(),
        EXECUTOR_POLL_KARGS: lambda: dict(),
        EXECUTOR_SERVICE_START: lambda: False,
        EXECUTOR_MAX_ITERATIONS: lambda: 0,

    def __init__(self, **kargs):
        self.pool = None
        self.accepting_tasks = False
        self.polling = False
        self.polling_timer_thread = None

        self.iterations = 0

        for k, v in kargs.items():
            if k in self.DEFAULT_VALUES and v is not None:
                setattr(self, k, v)
            elif k in self.DEFAULT_VALUES:
                fn = self.DEFAULT_VALUES[k]
                setattr(self, k, fn())

        for k, fn in self.DEFAULT_VALUES.items():
            if k not in kargs:
                setattr(self, k, fn())
        self.logger = Logger("executor-service-%s" % str(self.get_name()))
        if self.get_service_start():

    def get_num_procs(self) -> int:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_NUM_PROCS)

    def set_num_procs(self, num_procs: int):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_NUM_PROCS, num_procs)

    def get_max_iterations(self) -> int:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_MAX_ITERATIONS)

    def set_max_iterations(self, max_iterations: int):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_MAX_ITERATIONS, max_iterations)

    def get_name(self) -> str:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_NAME)

    def set_name(self, name: str):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_NAME, name)

    def get_poll_args(self) -> list:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_POLL_ARGS)

    def set_poll_args(self, poll_args: list):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_NAME, poll_args)

    def get_poll_kargs(self) -> dict:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_POLL_KARGS)

    def set_poll_kargs(self, poll_kargs: dict):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_NAME, poll_kargs)

    def get_poll_time(self) -> int:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_POLL_TIME)

    def set_poll_time(self, poll_time: int):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_POLL_TIME, poll_time)

    def get_poll_task(self) -> callable:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_POLL_TASK)

    def set_poll_task(self, poll_task: callable):
        return setattr(self, EXECUTOR_POLL_TASK, poll_task)

    def get_start_polling_with_service(self) -> bool:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_START_POLLING_WITH_SVC)

    def set_start_polling_with_service(self, start_polling: bool):
        setattr(self, EXECUTOR_START_POLLING_WITH_SVC, start_polling)

    def get_service_start(self) -> bool:
        return getattr(self, EXECUTOR_SERVICE_START)

    def from_config(cls, name=None, **kwargs):
        executor_cdict = None
        if name is None:
            executor_service_cdict = Config.get_value(EXECUTOR_SERVICE_BLOCK)
            if executor_service_cdict is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "No valid executor service configurations found")
            if len(executor_service_cdict):
                executor_cdict = list(executor_service_cdict.values())[0]
            executor_cdict = Config.get_executor_service(name)

        if executor_cdict is None or len(executor_cdict) == 0:
            raise Exception("No valid executor service configurations found")

        skwargs = {}
        for k, v in cls.DEFAULT_VALUES.items():
            if k in kwargs:
                skwargs[k] = kwargs[k]
            elif k in executor_cdict:
                skwargs[k] = executor_cdict.get(k)
                skwargs[k] = v()
        return cls(**skwargs)

    def poll_task(self):
        Execute the supplied task with keywords and arguments,
        and then upon performing the poll_task take the results and submit
        them as a job to the ExecutorService

        The results returned from the supplied poll_task should be a list of dictionaries containing
        the following keys and typed data:
            "executor_job_func": callable,
            "executor_job_callback": callable,
            "executor_job_error_callback": callable,
            "executor_job_args": list,
            "executor_job_kargs": dict,

        returns a Timer Thread (None, current, or newly scheduled) and whether or not a new Timer Thread was scheduled
        :return: Timer, bool
        self.iterations += 1
        self.logger.action('executor-poll_task', None,
                           'checking and preparing poll task')
        poll_task = self.get_poll_task()
        if not self.polling:
            return self.polling_timer_thread, False
        elif poll_task is None:
            return self.polling_timer_thread, False

        self.logger.action('executor-poll_task', None, 'executing poll_task')
        args = self.get_poll_args()
        kargs = self.get_poll_kargs()
        args = [] if args is None else args
        kargs = {} if kargs is None else kargs
        results = poll_task(*args, **kargs)
            'executor-poll_task', None,
            '%s found %d results' % (poll_task.__name__, len(results)))
        for result in results:
            func: callable = result.get(EXECUTOR_JOB_FUNC, None)
            callback: callable = result.get(EXECUTOR_JOB_CALLBACK, None)
            error_callback: callable = result.get(EXECUTOR_JOB_ERROR_CALLBACK,
            jargs: list = result.get(EXECUTOR_JOB_ARGS, list())
            jkargs: dict = result.get(EXECUTOR_JOB_KARGS, dict())

        self.polling_timer_thread = None
        if self.polling and not self.is_iterations_completed():
            return self.schedule_next_polling_timer()
        return self.polling_timer_thread, False

    def is_iterations_completed(self):
        Check to see if the execution service has completed the number of required iterations

        :return: bool if we exceeded the number of poll iterations and max number of iterations is not zero
        mi = self.get_max_iterations()
        if mi == 0 or self.iterations < mi:
            return False
        self.polling = False
        return True

    def schedule_next_polling_timer(self) -> (Timer, bool):
        Schedule a timer thread to execute a Executor.poll_task after Executor.get_poll_time() secconds

        if Executor.polling is False, polling thread is not rescheduled
        :return: Timer, bool Timer is None if not polling or previous thread
        if not self.polling:
            return None, False

        if not self.cancel_polling_timer():
            return self.polling_timer_thread, False

        poll_time = float(self.get_poll_time())
        x = 'scheduling next task, current poll iteration: %.01fs' % poll_time
        self.logger.action('executor-schedule_next_polling_timer', None, x)
        self.polling_timer_thread = Timer(poll_time, self.poll_task)
        return self.polling_timer_thread, True

    def start_polling_timer(self):
        Start the continuous iterations of timer thread to execute a Executor.poll_task after
        Executor.get_poll_time() secconds

        if Executor.polling is False, polling thread is not rescheduled
        :return: Timer, bool Timer is None if not polling or previous thread
        if self.polling:
            return self.polling
        poll_time = self.get_poll_time()
        x = 'starting the polling timer: %.01fs' % poll_time
        self.logger.action('executor-schedule_next_polling_timer', None, x)

        self.iterations = 0
        self.polling = True

    def cancel_polling_timer(self):
        if self.polling_timer_thread is None or \
                not isinstance(self.polling_timer_thread, Timer):
            self.polling_timer_thread = None
            return True

        return not self.polling_timer_thread.is_alive() and \

    def stop_polling_timer(self):
        self.polling = False
        return self.cancel_polling_timer()

    def start_service(self, with_polling=False):
        return self.start(with_polling=with_polling)

    def stop_service(self):
        return self.stop()

    def start(self, with_polling=False):
        start the executor process pool
        if self.pool is not None:

        if with_polling or self.get_start_polling_with_service():
        self.logger.action('executor-start', None, 'starting the service')
        self.accepting_tasks = True
        self.pool = Pool(processes=self.get_num_procs())
        self.logger.action('executor-start', None,
                           'starting the service completed')

    def stop(self, join=True):
        stop the process pool.  if join is true, join all processes first, otherwise terminate
        self.logger.action('executor-stop', None, 'stopping the service')
        self.accepting_tasks = False

        self.polling = False

        if join:
        self.pool = None

    def submit_job(self,
                   func: callable,
                   args: list,
                   kargs: dict,
                   callback: callable = None,
                   error_callback: callable = None) -> ApplyResult:

        :param func: callable, function to call
        :param callback: callable to handle completion
        :param error_callback: callable to handle errors
        :param args: tuple of arguments for function
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments for function
        :return: ApplyResult, if callback not specified then the ApplyResult can be used to get the results if
                 the task can not be run, None is returned
        # callback = callback if self.callback is None else callback
        name = None if callback is None else callback.__name__
        if not self.accepting_tasks:
                'executor-submit_job', None,
                'declined to accept a job, no longer accepting')
            return None
                'executor-submit_job', None,
                'accepting a job (%s) with %d args and %d kwargs with a callback: %s'
                % (func.__name__, len(args), len(kargs), name))
            return self.pool.apply_async(func,
            self.logger.action('executor-submit_job', None,
                               'failed to accept a job')
            return None

    def terminate(self):
        terminate the process pool
        if self.pool is None:
            self.logger.action('executor-terminate', None,
                               'no pool being used')
        self.logger.action('executor-terminate', None,
                           'terminating and closing pool down')
        self.pool = None

    def join_terminate(self):
        join and then terminate the process pool
        self.accepting_tasks = False
        self.logger.action('executor-join_terminate', None,
                           'ending job acceptance and koining pool')

    def is_running(self):
        return self.polling

    def is_alive(self):
        if self.polling_timer_thread is not None and self.polling_timer_thread.is_alive(
            return False
        if self.pool is not None and self.pool.is_alive():
            return False
        return True

    def build_executor_results(cls,
                               func: callable,
                               jargs: list,
                               jkargs: dict,
                               callback: callable = None,
                               error_callback: callable = None):
        result_params = {}
        result_params[EXECUTOR_JOB_FUNC] = func
        result_params[EXECUTOR_JOB_CALLBACK] = callback
        result_params[EXECUTOR_JOB_ERROR_CALLBACK] = error_callback
        result_params[EXECUTOR_JOB_ARGS] = jargs
        result_params[EXECUTOR_JOB_KARGS] = jkargs
        return result_params