Exemplo n.º 1
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A Basic bot that mumbles on command
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
from mumblr.data import WordDB

words = WordDB()

# Load data

def mumble():
	return words.genline()

class CommandBot(irc.IRCClient):
	A bot the mumbles on command.
	nickname = "astro73|mumble"
	def signedOn(self):
		"""Called when bot has succesfully signed on to server."""
		for c in self.factory.channels:

	def joined(self, channel):
Exemplo n.º 2
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A basic test program to help flesh out markov chains.
from __future__ import division
from random import SystemRandom
from mumblr.data import WordDB

words = WordDB()

# Load data

# Generate a sentence
for _ in range(10):
	sentence = words.genline()
	while len(sentence.split()) < 5:
		sentence = words.genline()
	print sentence