Exemplo n.º 1
def process_overload_by_arg_count(orig_method, context):
    logging.debug('processing a overload by arg count: %s' + orig_method.name)

    acount = orig_method.overloads['by_arg_count']    
    switch = cpp.cpp_switch('lua_gettop(L)')

    for by_arg_count in acount:
        case = cpp.cpp_case()
        case.expr = len(by_arg_count.parameters)

        params = ['L']
        if orig_method.is_virtual:
            params += 'lua_self'

        case.body.append(cpp.cpp_return(cpp.cpp_method_call(by_arg_count.name, params=params)))


        #we bake the overload method and add it back to our context
        other_method = lua_context_builder.bake([by_arg_count], preprocess = False).translated[0]
        other_method.public = False

        for item in other_method.execution:
            if type(item) == cpp.cpp_method_call:
                item.expr = orig_method.name if not orig_method.parent else 'lua_self->' + orig_method.name

Exemplo n.º 2
def init_translated_method(orig_method, context):
    assert 'translation' not in orig_method.__dict__

    logging.debug('entered [init_translated_method] with method:' + repr(orig_method))

    method = cpp.cpp_method('lua_munch_' + orig_method.name,
            static=True, returns= cpp.cpp_type('int'),
            params=[cpp.cpp_variable('L', cpp.cpp_type('lua_State', pointer=True))])

    if orig_method.is_virtual:
        method.parameters.append(cpp.cpp_type(orig_method.parent.qualname, pointer= True))

    method.public = True

    #now we embed the default object with a very specific format that will be useful later
    method.initialization = [] # will contain initialization steps
    method.validation = [] # will contain validation steps
    method.recover = [] # will contain the steps to translate the lua arg to a C++ arg
    method.execution = [] # will contain execution steps, i.e, calling the native method
    method.lua_return = [] # will contain the steps to push a value back to lua

    if not 'is_overload' in method.__dict__:
        method.is_overload = False

    if orig_method.parent and orig_method.is_virtual:
        method.parameters.append(cpp.cpp_variable('lua_self', cpp.cpp_type(orig_method.parent.qualname, pointer=True)))

    if orig_method.is_constructor:
        method.name = 'lua_munch_' + orig_method.parent.name + '_constructor'

    method.return_value = cpp.cpp_return(0)

    #we 'tie' the translated method on the original method
    #so it's easier to work with them without needing to search for them on every callback
    orig_method.translation = method
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_virtual_function_callback(orig_method, context):
    lua_method = deepcopy(orig_method.translation)

    lua_method.exprs = []
    lua_method.return_value = cpp.cpp_return(cpp.cpp_method_call(lua_method.name, params=['L', 'nullptr']))
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_function(function, context):
    logging.debug('translating:' + repr(function))
    method = function.translation

    #adding an index value to each positional parameter
    for i, parameter in enumerate(function.parameters):
        parameter.index = i if function.is_constructor else i + 2

    #firstly we add the default initializers for each mapped type
    for parameter in function.parameters:
        method.initialization.append(lua_context_builder.apply_variable_initialization(parameter, context))
    #this additional step will ensure that the amount of parameters is correct
    method.validation.append('assert(lua_gettop(L) == %d)' % (len(function.parameters) + (0 if function.is_constructor else 1)))

    #then we add type checking
    for parameter in function.parameters:
        method.validation.append(lua_context_builder.apply_variable_check(parameter, context))

    #then we get the variables from LUA
    if function.parent:
        if function.is_virtual:
            cif = cpp.cpp_if(['lua_self != nullptr'])
            cif.body.append('lua_self = lua_munch_%s::get(L)' % (function.parent.identifier_name))

            method.initialization.append('{0}* lua_self = lua_munch_{1}::get(L)'.format(function.parent.qualname, function.parent.identifier_name))

    for parameter in function.parameters:
        method.recover.append(lua_context_builder.apply_variable_conversion_from_target(parameter, context))

    applied_parameters = []
    for parameter in function.parameters:

    #then we call the original method!
    method.execution.append(cpp.cpp_method_call(function.name if not function.parent else 'lua_self->' + function.name, applied_parameters))

    if function.returns != cpp.cpp_type('void'):
        #if the function is not void, we recover the method execution
        method_execution = method.execution[0]

        #create a variable assignment
        assign = cpp.cpp_assignment(cpp.cpp_variable('lua_return', function.returns), method_execution)

        #put id back to the execution
        method.execution[0] = assign

        #push the value to lua
        method.lua_return.append(lua_context_builder.apply_variable_conversion_to_target(assign.expr_a, context))

        #and then change the call function to 1 so LUA knows it has one value to unpack
        method.return_value = cpp.cpp_return(1)

    method.exprs += method.initialization + method.validation + method.recover + method.execution + method.lua_return
Exemplo n.º 5
def process_overload_by_lua_type(orig_method, context):
    logging.debug('processing overloads by lua type for method: %s' % orig_method.name)

    aluatype = orig_method.overloads['by_lua_type']
    cif = None
    tmp = None
    stack_init = 1 if not orig_method.is_constructor else 0

    for by_lua_type in aluatype:   
        cand = cpp.cpp_and()           
        for i, param in enumerate(by_lua_type.parameters):
            lua_type = get_lua_tye(param.ctype)

            cand.exprs.append('lua_type(L, %d) == %s'
                % (stack_init + i, lua_type))

        if not cand.exprs:
            raise Exception("Error processing items by lua type: %r" % (by_lua_type))

        by_lua_type.is_overload = False

        #we bake the overload method and add it back to our context
        other_method = lua_context_builder.bake([by_lua_type], preprocess = False).translated[0]
        other_method.public = False

        for item in other_method.execution:
            if type(item) == cpp.cpp_method_call:
                item.expr = orig_method.name if not orig_method.parent else 'lua_self->' + orig_method.name

        if not tmp:
            cif = tmp = cpp.cpp_if()
            tmp.cpp_else = cpp.cpp_if()
            tmp = cif.cpp_else


        params = ['L']
        if orig_method.is_virtual:

        ret = cpp.cpp_return(cpp.cpp_method_call('lua_munch_' + by_lua_type.name, params = params))

Exemplo n.º 6
def init_translated_class(orig_class, context):
    assert 'translation' not in orig_class.__dict__

    lua_cls = cpp.cpp_class('lua_munch_' + orig_class.identifier_name)

    luaReg = cpp.cpp_variable_array('lua_reg_' + orig_class.identifier_name, 
                                cpp.cpp_type('luaL_Reg', static=True))

    logging.debug('baking methods for class: %s : %s' % (orig_class.name ,orig_class.public))
    #we now bake all methods and subclasses from this class, but not preprocess them
    class_ctx = lua_context_builder.bake(orig_class.public, preprocess=False)

    for item in class_ctx.translated:
        if item.public:

        if type(item) == cpp.cpp_method and not item.is_constructor and item.public:
            luaReg.expr.append('{ "%s" , lua_munch_%s::lua_munch_%s }' % (item.name, orig_class.name, item.name)) 

    #the base methods are shims that only retrieve it's self and pass it down to the
    #base class
    for base in orig_class.bases:
        for item in base.public:
            if type(item) != cpp.cpp_method:

            method = cpp.cpp_method('lua_munch_' + item.name,
                static=True, returns=cpp.cpp_type('int'),
                params=[cpp.cpp_variable('L', cpp.cpp_type('lua_State', pointer=True))])

            if item.parent:
                item.parameters.append(cpp.cpp_variable('lua_self', cpp.cpp_type(item.parent.name, pointer=True)))
                method.exprs.append('%s* lua_self = lua_munch_%s::get(L)' % (orig_class.qualname, orig_class.identifier_name))

            method.exprs.append(cpp.cpp_return(cpp.cpp_method_call('lua_munch_%s::lua_munch_%s' % (item.parent.name, item.name), params=['L', 'lua_self'])))


            if not item.is_constructor:
                luaReg.expr.append('{ "%s" , lua_munch_%s::lua_munch_%s }' % (item.name, orig_class.name, item.name))             

    luaReg.expr.append('{ 0, 0 }')

    orig_class.translation = lua_cls