def handle_message(self, message: Dict[str, Any], bot_handler: Any) -> None: string = message['content'].split() content = "something went wrong" check = string[0].lower() if check == "calculate": content = Calculator.calculate(string) elif check == "coding_contest": content = Coding().getList() elif check.lower() == 'define': dictword = string[1] content = Dictionary.words(dictword) elif check.lower() == 'telljoke': content = Joke.tellJoke() elif check == "cricknews": content = Cricket().news() elif check == "proxy": if len(string) > 1: if string[1].lower() == "working": content = Proxy.getWorkingProxy() content = "Working Proxies in Your Area \n\n" + content elif string[1].lower() == "help": content = Proxy.getHelpList() else: content = WitHandler.getInfo(message['content']) else: content = Proxy.getProxyStatus() content = "Proxies Status--->\n\n" + content elif check.lower() == "play": try: pid = check_output(["pidof"], "mpg321") os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) os.remove("hello.mp3") content = Music.main(string[1:]) except: content = Music.main(string[1:]) bot_handler.send_reply(message, "playing song ") elif check == "stop": pid = check_output(["pidof", "mpg321"]) #print(int(pid)) os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) content = "Bye........:)" bot_handler.send_reply(message, content) elif check == "college_notice": content = Dean.getNotice() elif check == "add" and string[1] == "meeting": content = "Enter <Date> as <dd/mm/yyyy> <Time> as <hrs:min> and am/pm and purpose(one word)" elif len(string[0].split('/')) == 3: res = Meeting.AddMeeting(string) if res.lower() == "ok": content = "New Meeting successfully Added " else: content = res elif check == "show" and string[1].lower() == "meetings": content = Meeting.ShowMeeting() elif check == "pnr" and string[1].lower() == "status": content = Pnr.getpnr(string[2]) elif check == "message" or check == "find" or check == "where": content = Send_message.sendMessage(string) # elif check=="mood": # Mood.capture(); elif check == "symptom": string_1 = " " gender = string[1] dob = string[2] st = string[3:] string_1 = string_1.join(st) content = Sympton.getExactSympton(string_1) try: content = "Please Tell me clearly\n" + content except: p = int(content) content = Sympton.getIssueId(str(p), gender, dob) elif check == "search": st = " " strlist = string[1:] st = st.join(strlist) st = FriendLocation.plot(st) if "https" in st: content = "check out below link \n" + st else: content = "Please type exact name :)\n" + st elif check == "getjobs": content = JOBS.getjobs() elif check == "translate": stri = " " stri = stri.join(list(string[1:])) content = Translate.translate(stri) elif check == "help": Help.Message() content = "Message sent" elif check == "nearby": content = Nearby.Place(string[1]) else: #print(message['content']) content = WitHandler.getInfo(message['content']) bot_handler.send_reply(message, content)
def mainListen(): while True: x=listen().lower() if "news" in x: if "india" in x: playNewsIndia() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") # speak("Do you want me to do anything else?") else: playNews() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") # speak("Do you want me to do anything else?") elif "exit" in x or "no" in x or "no exit" in x: exit="Sounds/Alright-Thank-You-for-using-t1619638216.mp3" os.system("play "+exit+" tempo 1.1") # speak("Alright, Thank You for using this Voice Assistant, have a nice day.") break elif "songs" in x or "play songs" in x or "play some songs" in x or "music" in x: music=Music() music.main() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "email" in x or "send email" in x or "send" in x or "send an email" in x: alri="Sounds/Okay1620499210.mp3" os.system("play "+alri+" tempo 1.1") emailer() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "radio" in x or "play radio" in x: radi="Sounds/OkayPlaying-RadioEnjoy1621184618.mp3" os.system("play "+radi+" tempo 1.1") os.system("python3") it_was_so_good="Sounds/It-was-so-good1621184764.mp3" os.system("play "+it_was_so_good+" tempo 1.1") doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "time" in x: if "date" in x: getDate_Time() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") else: getTime() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "date" in x: getDate() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "age" in x or "old" in x: age() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "describe yourself" in x: alina="Sounds/Myself-Eleena-Alexas-little-1619638384.mp3" os.system("play "+alina+" tempo 1.1") # speak("Myself Alina, Alexa's little sister.") hm="greetings/How-can-I-help-you1619639087.mp3" os.system("play "+hm+" tempo 1.1") # speak("How may I help you?") elif "where" in x or "where am i" in x or "location" in x or "locate me" in x: # speak("You are currently in "+getLocation()[0]+getLocation()[1]) # located="Sounds/You-are-currently-in1619697928.mp3" # os.system("play "+located+" tempo 1.1") # speak(getLocation()[0]+getLocation()[1]) located="Sounds/You-are-currently-in-Valsad-Gu1619698254.mp3" os.system("play "+located+" tempo 1.1") doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") elif "monitor" in x or "home" in x or "monitor my home" in x or "house" in x: mt="Sounds/AlrightI-am-now-monitoring-you1620383303.mp3" os.system("play "+mt+" tempo 1.1") motion() break elif "vaccinations" in x or "vaccines" in x or "vaccinations have started" in x or "have vaccinations" in x or "vaccination" in x: ok_let_me_check="Sounds/OKLet-me-check1620390574.mp3" os.system("play "+ok_let_me_check+" tempo 1.1") time.sleep(0.5) vaccination() doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") else: icouldnot="Sounds/Sorry-I-could-not-do-that-at-1619638005.mp3" os.system("play "+icouldnot+" tempo 1.1") # speak("Sorry, I could not do that at this point of time, but I may get future updates") doyou="Sounds/Do-you-want-me-to-do-anything-1619637731.mp3" os.system("play "+doyou+" tempo 1.1") # speak("Do you want me to do anything else?")