Exemplo n.º 1
    def _parseAttributes(self, src):
        # assume that we have already checked that this is a measure
        g = reMeasureTag.match(src)
        if g is None: # not measure tag found
            raise RTHandlerException('found no measure tag: %s' % src)
        iEnd = g.end() # get end index
        rawTag = src[:iEnd].strip()
        self.tag = rawTag
        rawData = src[iEnd:].strip() # may have variant

        # get the number list from the tag
        self.number, self.repeatLetter = self._getMeasureNumberData(rawTag)
        # strip a variant indication off of rawData if found
        g = reVariant.match(rawData)
        if g is not None: # there is a variant tag
            varStr = g.group(0)
            self.variantNumber = int(common.getNumFromStr(varStr)[0])
            self.data = rawData[g.end():].strip()
            self.data = rawData
        g = reVariantLetter.match(rawData)
        if g is not None: # there is a variant letter tag
            varStr = g.group(1)
            self.variantLetter = varStr
            self.data = rawData[g.end():].strip()

        if self.data.startswith('='):
            self.isCopyDefinition = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _getMeasureNumberData(self, src):
        '''Return the number or numbers as a list, as well as any repeat

        >>> rtm = romanText.RTMeasure()
        >>> rtm._getMeasureNumberData('m77')
        ([77], [''])
        >>> rtm._getMeasureNumberData('m123b-432b')
        ([123, 432], ['b', 'b'])
        # note: this is separate procedure b/c it is used to get copy
        # boundaries
        if '-' in src: # its a range
            mnStart, mnEnd = src.split('-')
            proc = [mnStart, mnEnd]
            proc = [src] # treat as one
        number = []
        repeatLetter = []
        for mn in proc:
            # append in order, start, end
            numStr, alphaStr = common.getNumFromStr(mn)
            # remove all 'm' in alpha
            alphaStr = alphaStr.replace('m', '')
        return number, repeatLetter
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _getMeasureNumberData(self, src):
        '''Return the number or numbers as a list, as well as any repeat

        >>> rtm = romanText.rtObjects.RTMeasure()
        >>> rtm._getMeasureNumberData('m77')
        ([77], [''])
        >>> rtm._getMeasureNumberData('m123b-432b')
        ([123, 432], ['b', 'b'])
        # note: this is separate procedure b/c it is used to get copy
        # boundaries
        if '-' in src: # its a range
            mnStart, mnEnd = src.split('-')
            proc = [mnStart, mnEnd]
            proc = [src] # treat as one
        number = []
        repeatLetter = []
        for mn in proc:
            # append in order, start, end
            numStr, alphaStr = common.getNumFromStr(mn)
            # remove all 'm' in alpha
            alphaStr = alphaStr.replace('m', '')
        return number, repeatLetter
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _parseAttributes(self, src):
        # assume that we have already checked that this is a measure
        g = reMeasureTag.match(src)
        if g is None:  # not measure tag found
            raise RTHandlerException('found no measure tag: %s' % src)
        iEnd = g.end()  # get end index
        rawTag = src[:iEnd].strip()
        self.tag = rawTag
        rawData = src[iEnd:].strip()  # may have variant

        # get the number list from the tag
        self.number, self.repeatLetter = self._getMeasureNumberData(rawTag)

        # strip a variant indication off of rawData if found
        g = reVariant.match(rawData)
        if g is not None:  # there is a variant tag
            varStr = g.group(0)
            self.variantNumber = int(common.getNumFromStr(varStr)[0])
            self.data = rawData[g.end():].strip()
            self.data = rawData
        g = reVariantLetter.match(rawData)
        if g is not None:  # there is a variant letter tag
            varStr = g.group(1)
            self.variantLetter = varStr
            self.data = rawData[g.end():].strip()

        if self.data.startswith('='):
            self.isCopyDefinition = True
Exemplo n.º 5
def slashToTuple(value: str) -> Optional[MeterTerminalTuple]:
    Returns a three-element MeterTerminalTuple of numerator, denominator, and optional
    division of the meter.

    >>> meter.tools.slashToTuple('3/8')
    MeterTerminalTuple(numerator=3, denominator=8, division=<MeterDivision.NONE>)
    >>> meter.tools.slashToTuple('7/32')
    MeterTerminalTuple(numerator=7, denominator=32, division=<MeterDivision.NONE>)
    >>> meter.tools.slashToTuple('slow 6/8')
    MeterTerminalTuple(numerator=6, denominator=8, division=<MeterDivision.SLOW>)
    # split by numbers, include slash
    valueNumbers, valueChars = common.getNumFromStr(value,
    valueNumbers = valueNumbers.strip()  # remove whitespace
    valueChars = valueChars.strip()  # remove whitespace
    if 'slow' in valueChars.lower():
        division = MeterDivision.SLOW
    elif 'fast' in valueChars.lower():
        division = MeterDivision.FAST
        division = MeterDivision.NONE

    matches = re.match(r'(\d+)/(\d+)', valueNumbers)
    if matches is not None:
        n = int(matches.group(1))
        d = int(matches.group(2))
        return MeterTerminalTuple(n, d, division)
        environLocal.printDebug(['slashToTuple() cannot find two part fraction', value])
        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def process(self,
        Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window sizes.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis.analyze` for
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths.
        The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes,
        in quarter lengths.

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set.

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added.

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> ksAnalyzer = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()

        placing one part into analysis

        >>> sopr = s.parts[0]
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(sopr, ksAnalyzer)
        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we have two series of windows

        >>> solutions[1]
        [(<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch D>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),...]

        >>> colors[1]
        ['#ffb5ff', '#9b519b', '#ffd752', '#9b519b', ...]

        >>> meta
        [{'windowSize': 1}, {'windowSize': 2}]
        if maxWindow is None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow is None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow

        if windowType is None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = []
        colorMatrix = []
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = []

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength + 1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * round(int(num))
                if x > (maxLength * 0.75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on
            soln, colorn = self.analyze(i, windowType=windowType)
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}

        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _setSrc(self, raw):
     raw = raw.strip()
     # get decimals and fractions
     raw, junk = common.getNumFromStr(raw, numbers='0123456789./')
     self.src = raw.strip()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def process(self, minWindow=1, maxWindow=1, windowStepSize=1, 
                windowType='overlap', includeTotalWindow=True):

        ''' Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window size.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis._analyze` for 
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths. The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes, in quarter lengths. 

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set. 

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added. 

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> p = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()
        >>> # placing one part into analysis
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(s.parts[0], p)
        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # for each window, we get a solution and a color
        >>> x[0][0][0] 
        <music21.pitch.Pitch B>

        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we have two series of windows

        >>> x[0][0] # the data returned is processor dependent; here we get
        (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868258874056411)
        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # a color is returned for each matching data position
        if maxWindow == None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow == None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow
        if windowType == None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = [] 
        colorMatrix = [] 
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = [] 

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength+1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * int(round(float(num)))
                if x > (maxLength * .75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on 
            soln, colorn = self._analyze(i, windowType=windowType) 
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}
        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Exemplo n.º 9
    def process(self, minWindow=1, maxWindow=1, windowStepSize=1,
                windowType='overlap', includeTotalWindow=True):

        Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window sizes.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis.analyze` for
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths.
        The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes,
        in quarter lengths.

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set.

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added.

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> ksAnalyzer = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()

        placing one part into analysis

        >>> sopr = s.parts[0]
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(sopr, ksAnalyzer)
        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> solutions, colors, meta = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(solutions) # we have two series of windows

        >>> solutions[1]
        [(<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch D>, 'major', 0.6868...),
         (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'minor', 0.8308...),...]

        >>> colors[1]
        ['#ffb5ff', '#9b519b', '#ffd752', '#9b519b', ...]

        >>> meta
        [{'windowSize': 1}, {'windowSize': 2}]
        if maxWindow is None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow is None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow

        if windowType is None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = []
        colorMatrix = []
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = []

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength + 1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * round(int(num))
                if x > (maxLength * 0.75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on
            soln, colorn = self.analyze(i, windowType=windowType)
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}

        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _setSrc(self, raw):
     raw = raw.strip()
     # get decimals and fractions
     raw, junk = common.getNumFromStr(raw, numbers='0123456789./')
     self.src = raw.strip()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def process(self, minWindow=1, maxWindow=1, windowStepSize=1, 
                windowType='overlap', includeTotalWindow=True):

        ''' Main method for windowed analysis across one or more window size.

        Calls :meth:`~music21.analysis.WindowedAnalysis._analyze` for 
        the number of different window sizes to be analyzed.

        The `minWindow` and `maxWindow` set the range of window sizes in quarter lengths. The `windowStepSize` parameter determines the increment between these window sizes, in quarter lengths. 

        If `minWindow` or `maxWindow` is None, the largest window size available will be set. 

        If `includeTotalWindow` is True, the largest window size will always be added. 

        >>> s = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324')
        >>> p = analysis.discrete.KrumhanslSchmuckler()
        >>> # placing one part into analysis
        >>> wa = analysis.windowed.WindowedAnalysis(s.parts[0], p)
        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 1, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we only have one series of windows

        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # for each window, we get a solution and a color
        >>> x[0][0][0] 
        <music21.pitch.Pitch B>

        >>> x, y, z = wa.process(1, 2, includeTotalWindow=False)
        >>> len(x) # we have two series of windows

        >>> x[0][0] # the data returned is processor dependent; here we get
        (<music21.pitch.Pitch B>, 'major', 0.6868258874056411)
        >>> y[0][0].startswith('#') # a color is returned for each matching data position
        if maxWindow == None:
            maxLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            maxLength = maxWindow

        if minWindow == None:
            minLength = len(self._windowedStream)
            minLength = minWindow
        if windowType == None:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['overlap']:
            windowType = 'overlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['nooverlap', 'nonoverlapping']:
            windowType = 'noOverlap'
        elif windowType.lower() in ['adjacentaverage']:
            windowType = 'adjacentAverage'

        # need to create storage for the output of each row, or the processing
        # of all windows of a single size across the entire Stream
        solutionMatrix = [] 
        colorMatrix = [] 
        # store meta data about each row as a dictionary
        metaMatrix = [] 

        if common.isNum(windowStepSize):
            windowSizes = list(range(minLength, maxLength+1, windowStepSize))
            num, junk = common.getNumFromStr(windowStepSize)
            windowSizes = []
            x = minLength
            while True:
                x = x * int(round(float(num)))
                if x > (maxLength * .75):

        if includeTotalWindow:
            totalWindow = len(self._windowedStream)
            if totalWindow not in windowSizes:

        for i in windowSizes:
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing window:', i])
            # each of these results are lists, where len is based on 
            soln, colorn = self._analyze(i, windowType=windowType) 
            # store lists of results in a list of lists
            meta = {'windowSize': i}
        return solutionMatrix, colorMatrix, metaMatrix
Exemplo n.º 12
def mxToMeasure(mxMeasure, inputM21):
    '''Translate an mxMeasure (a MusicXML :class:`~music21.musicxml.Measure` object) into a music21 :class:`~music21.stream.Measure`.

    If an `inputM21` object reference is provided, this object will be configured and returned; otherwise, a new :class:`~music21.stream.Measure` object is created.  
    from music21 import stream
    from music21 import chord
    from music21 import dynamics
    from music21 import key
    from music21 import note
    from music21 import layout
    from music21 import bar
    from music21 import clef
    from music21 import meter

    if inputM21 == None:
        m = stream.Measure()
        m = inputM21

    mNum, mSuffix = common.getNumFromStr(mxMeasure.get('number'))
    # assume that measure numbers are integers
    if mNum not in [None, '']:
        m.number = int(mNum)
    if mSuffix not in [None, '']:
        m.numberSuffix = mSuffix

    data = mxMeasure.get('width')
    if data != None: # may need to do a format/unit conversion?
        m.layoutWidth = data
    junk = mxMeasure.get('implicit')

    mxAttributes = mxMeasure.get('attributesObj')
    mxAttributesInternal = True
    # if we do not have defined mxAttributes, must get from stored attributes
    if mxAttributes is None:    
        # need to keep track of where mxattributes src is coming from
        # if attributes are defined in this measure, mxAttributesInternal 
        # is true
        mxAttributesInternal = False
        # not all measures have attributes definitions; this
        # gets the last-encountered measure attributes
        mxAttributes = mxMeasure.external['attributes']
        if mxAttributes is None:
            raise TranslateException(
                'no mxAttribues available for this measure')

    #environLocal.printDebug(['mxAttriutes clefList', mxAttributes.clefList, 
    #                        mxAttributesInternal])

    if mxAttributesInternal and len(mxAttributes.timeList) != 0:
        m.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature()
        m.timeSignature.mx = mxAttributes.timeList
    if mxAttributesInternal is True and len(mxAttributes.clefList) != 0:
        m.clef = clef.Clef()
        m.clef.mx = mxAttributes.clefList
    if mxAttributesInternal is True and len(mxAttributes.keyList) != 0:
        m.keySignature = key.KeySignature()
        m.keySignature.mx = mxAttributes.keyList

    if mxAttributes.divisions is not None:
        divisions = mxAttributes.divisions
        divisions = mxMeasure.external['divisions']

    #environLocal.printDebug(['mxToMeasure(): divisions', divisions, mxMeasure.getVoiceCount()])

    if mxMeasure.getVoiceCount() > 1:
        useVoices = True
        # count from zero
        for id in mxMeasure.getVoiceIndices():
            v = stream.Voice()
            v.id = id
            m.insert(0, v)
        useVoices = False

    # iterate through components found on components list
    # set to zero for each measure
    offsetMeasureNote = 0 # offset of note w/n measure        
    mxNoteList = [] # for accumulating notes in chords
    for i in range(len(mxMeasure)):

        # try to get the next object for chord comparisons
        mxObj = mxMeasure[i]
        if i < len(mxMeasure)-1:
            mxObjNext = mxMeasure[i+1]
            mxObjNext = None

        # NOTE: tests have shown that using isinstance() here is much faster
        # than checking the .tag attribute.

        # check for backup and forward first
        if isinstance(mxObj, musicxmlMod.Backup):
            # resolve as quarterLength, subtract from measure offset
            offsetMeasureNote -= float(mxObj.duration) / float(divisions)
        elif isinstance(mxObj, musicxmlMod.Forward):
            # resolve as quarterLength, add to measure offset
            offsetMeasureNote += float(mxObj.duration) / float(divisions)

        elif isinstance(mxObj, musicxmlMod.Print):
            # mxPrint objects may be found in a Measure's componetns
            # contain system layout information
            mxPrint = mxObj
            sl = layout.SystemLayout()
            sl.mx = mxPrint
            # store at zero position
            m.insert(0, sl)

        elif isinstance(mxObj, musicxmlMod.Barline):
            # repeat is a tag found in the barline object
            mxBarline = mxObj
            mxRepeatObj = mxBarline.get('repeatObj')

            if mxRepeatObj != None:
                barline = bar.Repeat()
                barline = bar.Barline()

            barline.mx = mxBarline # configure
            if barline.location == 'left':
                #environLocal.printDebug(['setting left barline', barline])
                m.leftBarline = barline
            elif barline.location == 'right':
                #environLocal.printDebug(['setting right barline', barline])
                m.rightBarline = barline
                environLocal.printDebug(['not handling barline that is neither left nor right', barline, barline.location])

        elif isinstance(mxObj, musicxmlMod.Note):
            mxNote = mxObj
            if isinstance(mxObjNext, musicxmlMod.Note):
                mxNoteNext = mxObjNext
                mxNoteNext = None

            if mxNote.get('print-object') == 'no':
                #environLocal.printDebug(['got mxNote with printObject == no', 'measure number', m.number])

            mxGrace = mxNote.get('graceObj')
            if mxGrace is not None: # graces have a type but not a duration
                #TODO: add grace notes with duration equal to ZeroDuration
                #environLocal.printDebug(['got mxNote with an mxGrace', 'duration', mxNote.get('duration'), 'measure number', 

            # the first note of a chord is not identified directly; only
            # by looking at the next note can we tell if we have a chord
            if mxNoteNext is not None and mxNoteNext.get('chord') is True:
                if mxNote.get('chord') is False:
                    mxNote.set('chord', True) # set the first as a chord

            if mxNote.get('rest') in [None, False]: # it is a note
                # if a chord, do not increment until chord is complete
                if mxNote.get('chord') is True:
                    offsetIncrement = 0
                    n = note.Note()
                    n.mx = mxNote
                    if useVoices:
                        m.voices[mxNote.voice].insert(offsetMeasureNote, n)
                        m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, n)
                    offsetIncrement = n.quarterLength

                for mxLyric in mxNote.lyricList:
                    lyricObj = note.Lyric()
                    lyricObj.mx = mxLyric
                if mxNote.get('notationsObj') is not None:
                    for mxObjSub in mxNote.get('notationsObj'):
                        # deal with ornaments, strill, etc
            else: # its a rest
                n = note.Rest()
                n.mx = mxNote # assign mxNote to rest obj
                #m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, n)
                if useVoices:
                    m.voices[mxNote.voice].insert(offsetMeasureNote, n)
                    m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, n)
                offsetIncrement = n.quarterLength

            # if we we have notes in the note list and the next
            # note either does not exist or is not a chord, we 
            # have a complete chord
            if len(mxNoteList) > 0 and (mxNoteNext is None 
                or mxNoteNext.get('chord') is False):
                c = chord.Chord()
                c.mx = mxNoteList
                mxNoteList = [] # clear for next chord
                #m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, c)
                if useVoices:
                    m.voices[mxNote.voice].insert(offsetMeasureNote, c)
                    m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, c)

                offsetIncrement = c.quarterLength

            # only increment Chords after completion
            offsetMeasureNote += offsetIncrement

        # load dynamics into Measure, not into Voice
        elif isinstance(mxObj, musicxmlMod.Direction):
#                 mxDynamicsFound, mxWedgeFound = m._getMxDynamics(mxObj)
#                 for mxDirection in mxDynamicsFound:
            if mxObj.getDynamicMark() is not None:
                d = dynamics.Dynamic()
                d.mx = mxObj
                m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, d)  
            if mxObj.getWedge() is not None:
                w = dynamics.Wedge()
                w.mx = mxObj     
                m.insert(offsetMeasureNote, w)