Exemplo n.º 1
def midiEventsToKeySignature(eventList):
    '''Convert a single MIDI event into a music21 TimeSignature object.

    >>> from music21 import *
    >>> mt = midi.MidiTrack(1)
    >>> me1 = midi.MidiEvent(mt)
    >>> me1.type = "KEY_SIGNATURE"
    >>> me1.data = midi.putNumbersAsList([2, 0]) # d major
    >>> ks = midiEventsToKeySignature(me1)
    >>> ks
    <music21.key.KeySignature of 2 sharps>

    >>> me2 = midi.MidiEvent(mt)
    >>> me2.type = "KEY_SIGNATURE"
    >>> me2.data = midi.putNumbersAsList([-2, 0]) # b- major
    >>> me2.data
    >>> midi.getNumbersAsList(me2.data)
    [254, 0]
    >>> ks = midiEventsToKeySignature(me2)
    >>> ks
    <music21.key.KeySignature of 2 flats>

    # This meta event is used to specify the key (number of sharps or flats) and scale (major or minor) of a sequence. A positive value for the key specifies the number of sharps and a negative value specifies the number of flats. A value of 0 for the scale specifies a major key and a value of 1 specifies a minor key.
    from music21 import key

    if not common.isListLike(eventList):
        event = eventList
    else: # get the second event; first is delta time
        event = eventList[1]
    post = midiModule.getNumbersAsList(event.data)

    if post[0] > 12:
        # flip around 256
        sharpCount = post[0] - 256 # need negative values
        sharpCount = post[0]

    environLocal.printDebug(['midiEventsToKeySignature', post, sharpCount])

    # first value is number of sharp, or neg for number of flat
    ks = key.KeySignature(sharpCount)

    if post[1] == 0:
        ks.mode = 'major'
    if post[1] == 1:
        ks.mode = 'minor'
    return ks
Exemplo n.º 2
def midiEventsToTimeSignature(eventList):
    '''Convert a single MIDI event into a music21 TimeSignature object.

    >>> from music21 import *
    >>> mt = midi.MidiTrack(1)
    >>> me1 = midi.MidiEvent(mt)
    >>> me1.type = "TIME_SIGNATURE"
    >>> me1.data = midi.putNumbersAsList([3, 1, 24, 8]) # 3/2 time
    >>> ts = midiEventsToTimeSignature(me1)
    >>> ts
    <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/2>

    >>> me2 = midi.MidiEvent(mt)
    >>> me2.type = "TIME_SIGNATURE"
    >>> me2.data = midi.putNumbersAsList([3, 4]) # 3/16 time
    >>> ts = midiEventsToTimeSignature(me2)
    >>> ts
    <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/16>

    # http://www.sonicspot.com/guide/midifiles.html
    # The time signature defined with 4 bytes, a numerator, a denominator, a metronome pulse and number of 32nd notes per MIDI quarter-note. The numerator is specified as a literal value, but the denominator is specified as (get ready) the value to which the power of 2 must be raised to equal the number of subdivisions per whole note. For example, a value of 0 means a whole note because 2 to the power of 0 is 1 (whole note), a value of 1 means a half-note because 2 to the power of 1 is 2 (half-note), and so on. 

    #The metronome pulse specifies how often the metronome should click in terms of the number of clock signals per click, which come at a rate of 24 per quarter-note. For example, a value of 24 would mean to click once every quarter-note (beat) and a value of 48 would mean to click once every half-note (2 beats). And finally, the fourth byte specifies the number of 32nd notes per 24 MIDI clock signals. This value is usually 8 because there are usually 8 32nd notes in a quarter-note. At least one Time Signature Event should appear in the first track chunk (or all track chunks in a Type 2 file) before any non-zero delta time events. If one is not specified 4/4, 24, 8 should be assumed.
    from music21 import meter

    if not common.isListLike(eventList):
        event = eventList
    else: # get the second event; first is delta time
        event = eventList[1]

    # time signature is 4 byte encoding
    post = midiModule.getNumbersAsList(event.data)

    n = post[0]
    d = pow(2, post[1])
    ts = meter.TimeSignature('%s/%s' % (n, d))
    return ts