Exemplo n.º 1
def happyBirthday():
    hb = cp("tinynotation: 3/4 d8. d16 e4 d g f#2 d8. d16 e4 d a g2 d8. d16 d'4 b g8. g16 f#4 e c'8. c'16 b4 g a g2")
    hb.insert(0, key.KeySignature(1))
    hb.insert(0, tempo.TempoText("Brightly"))
    hb.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number = 120, referent = note.Note(type='quarter')))
    hb.makeNotation(inPlace=True, cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False)
    return hb
Exemplo n.º 2
def happyBirthday():
    hb = tinyNotation.TinyNotationStream\
        ("d8. d16 e4 d g f#2 d8. d16 e4 d a g2 "
         "d8. d16 d'4 b g8. g16 f#4 e c'8. c'16 b4 g a g2", "3/4")
    hb.insert(0, key.KeySignature(1))
    hb.insert(0, tempo.TempoText("Brightly"))
    hb.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number = 120, referent = note.QuarterNote()))
    hb.makeNotation(inPlace=True, cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False)
    return hb
Exemplo n.º 3
def musedataPartToStreamPart(museDataPart, inputM21=None):
    '''Translate a musedata part to a :class:`~music21.stream.Part`.
    from music21 import stream
    from music21 import note
    from music21 import tempo

    if inputM21 == None:
        s = stream.Score()
        s = inputM21

    p = stream.Part()
    p.id = museDataPart.getPartName()

    # create and store objects
    mdmObjs = museDataPart.getMeasures()

    #environLocal.printDebug(['first measure parent', mdmObjs[0].parent])

    barCount = 0
    # get each measure
    # store last Note/Chord/Rest for tie comparisons; span measures
    eLast = None
    for mIndex, mdm in enumerate(mdmObjs):
        #environLocal.printDebug(['processing:', mdm.src])
        if not mdm.hasNotes():

        if mdm.hasVoices():
            hasVoices = True
            vActive = stream.Voice()
            hasVoices = False
            vActive = None

        #m = stream.Measure()
        # get a measure object with a left configured bar line
        if mIndex <= len(mdmObjs) - 2:
            mdmNext = mdmObjs[mIndex + 1]
            mdmNext = None

        m = mdm.getMeasureObject()

        # conditions for a final measure definition defining the last bar
        if mdmNext != None and not mdmNext.hasNotes():
            #environLocal.printDebug(['got mdmNext not none and not has notes'])
            # get bar from next measure definition
            m.rightBarline = mdmNext.getBarObject()

        if barCount == 0:  # only for when no bars are defined
            # the parent of the measure is the part
            c = mdm.parent.getClefObject()
            if c != None:
                m.clef = mdm.parent.getClefObject()
            m.timeSignature = mdm.parent.getTimeSignatureObject()
            m.keySignature = mdm.parent.getKeySignature()
            # look for a tempo indication
            directive = mdm.parent.getDirective()
            if directive is not None:
                tt = tempo.TempoText(directive)
                # if this appears to be a tempo indication, than get metro
                if tt.isCommonTempoText():
                    mm = tt.getMetronomeMark()
                    m.insert(0, mm)

        # get all records; may be notes or note components
        mdrObjs = mdm.getRecords()
        # store pairs of pitches and durations for chording after a
        # new note has been found
        pendingRecords = []

        # get notes in each record
        for i in range(len(mdrObjs)):
            mdr = mdrObjs[i]
            #environLocal.printDebug(['processing:', mdr.src])

            if mdr.isBack():
                # the current use of back assumes tt back assumes tt we always
                # return to the start of the measure; this may not be the case
                if pendingRecords != []:
                    eLast = _processPending(hasVoices, pendingRecords, eLast,
                                            m, vActive)
                    pendingRecords = []

                # every time we encounter a back, we need to store
                # our existing voice and create a new one
                m.insert(0, vActive)
                vActive = stream.Voice()

            if mdr.isRest():
                #environLocal.printDebug(['got mdr rest, parent:', mdr.parent])
                # check for pending records first
                if pendingRecords != []:
                    eLast = _processPending(hasVoices, pendingRecords, eLast,
                                            m, vActive)
                    pendingRecords = []
                # create rest after clearing pending records
                r = note.Rest()
                r.quarterLength = mdr.getQuarterLength()
                if hasVoices:
                eLast = r
            # a note is note as chord, but may have chord tones
            # attached to it that follow
            elif mdr.isChord():
                # simply append if a chord; do not clear or change pending

            elif mdr.isNote():
                # either this is a note alone, or this is the first
                # note found that is not a chord; if first not a chord
                # need to append immediately
                if pendingRecords != []:
                    # this could be a Chord or Note
                    eLast = _processPending(hasVoices, pendingRecords, eLast,
                                            m, vActive)
                    pendingRecords = []
                # need to append this record for the current note

        # check for any remaining single notes (if last) or chords
        if pendingRecords != []:
            eLast = _processPending(hasVoices, pendingRecords, eLast, m,

        # may be bending elements in a voice to append to a measure
        if vActive is not None and vActive:
            m._insertCore(0, vActive)


        if barCount == 0 and m.timeSignature != None:  # easy case
            # can only do this b/c ts is defined
            if m.barDurationProportion() < 1.0:
                #environLocal.printDebug(['incompletely filled Measure found on musedata import; ',
                #   'interpreting as a anacrusis:', 'padingLeft:', m.paddingLeft])
        barCount += 1

    # for now, make all imports a c-score on import;
    tInterval = museDataPart.getTranspositionIntervalObject()
    #environLocal.printDebug(['got transposition interval', p.id, tInterval])
    if tInterval is not None:
                         classFilterList=['Note', 'Chord', 'KeySignature'],
        # need to call make accidentals to correct new issues

    if museDataPart.stage == 1:
        # cannot yet get stage 1 clef data
        p.getElementsByClass('Measure')[0].clef = p.flat.bestClef()
        # will call overridden method on Part
    # assume that beams and clefs are defined in all stage 2

    s.insert(0, p)
    return s