def PrivatePlaylist(): # get songID of the song being added to a playlist songID= request.args.get('songID') # get all playlist form data form = PlaylistForm() # done on a POST if form.validate_on_submit(): # check if a playlist with the given name already exists userid = current_user.get_id() cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT id FROM PrivatePlaylist WHERE name = %s", results = cur.fetchall() # Don't allow multiple playlists by the same user to have the same name if(len(results) > 0): flash("Playlist with that name already exists") return redirect(url_for('Search')) # Create the new playlist and add the song to it cur.execute("INSERT INTO PrivatePlaylist(name, datecreated, userid, id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, NULL)", (,, userid)) conn.commit() cur.execute("INSERT INTO PrivateSongs(id, userid, songid, playlistID) VALUES(NULL, %s, %s, LAST_INSERT_ID())", (userid, songID)) conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect(url_for('Search')) # done on a GET cur = conn.cursor() # show the user all of their current private playlists cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM PrivatePlaylist where userid=%s", (current_user.get_id())) results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() reqtype = 'Private' return render_template('user.html', form=form, title='User', results=results, songID=songID, reqtype=reqtype)
def Login(): # redirect the user to the account page if they're already logged in if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('Account')) # grab the information from the login form form = LoginForm() # check information when a valid form is submitted if form.validate_on_submit(): # create a connection to the database and select the user based on the given email conn = mysql.connect() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE email = %s", ( temp = cur.fetchone() cur.close() # if there is a User with the given email if temp != None: user = MyUser(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3]) # check password hash and login if it matches if bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, flash('You\'ve logged in successfully!', 'success') login_user(user, return redirect(url_for('Search')) # password doesn't match else: flash('Login Unsuccessful. Check email and password', 'danger') # email doesn't exist else: flash('Email doesn\'t exist. Please register before logging in.', 'danger') return render_template('login.html', title='Login', form=form)
def Results(search): results = [] searchStr =['search'] # if there is a table selected if( != None): table = cur = conn.cursor() # if multiple things are selected, gather all data from the appropriate table if['search'] == '': if(table == 'Artist'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Artist") results = cur.fetchall() elif(table == 'Album'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Album") results = cur.fetchall() elif(table == 'Songs'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Song") results = cur.fetchall() elif(table == 'User'): # don't display current user cur.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE id <> %s", current_user.get_id()) results = cur.fetchall() else: flash('Invalid table selection') cur.close() return redirect(url_for('Search')) # if one thing is selected, gather all data from the appropriate table based on the search given else: if(table == 'Artist'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Artist WHERE name = %s or genre = %s", (['search'],['search'])) results = cur.fetchall() elif(table == 'Album'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Album WHERE title = %s or genre = %s", (['search'],['search'])) results = cur.fetchall() elif(table == 'Songs'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Song WHERE title = %s or genre = %s", (['search'],['search'])) results = cur.fetchall() elif(table == 'User'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE username = %s or email = %s", (['search'],['search'])) results = cur.fetchall() else: flash('Invalid table selection') cur.close() return redirect(url_for('Search')) cur.close() # if there is no table selected else: flash('Table not selected', 'info') return redirect(url_for('Search')) # no results found if not results: flash('Results not found', 'info') return redirect(url_for('Search')) # results found else: return render_template('results.html', title='Results', results=results, table=table)
def Account(): # Display all of the current user's playlists from both public and private on their account page username = current_user.get_user() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PublicPlaylist WHERE userid=%s", current_user.get_id()) public=cur.fetchall() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PrivatePlaylist WHERE userid=%s", current_user.get_id()) private=cur.fetchall() cur.close() return render_template('account.html', title='Account', username=username, public=public, private=private)
def DeleteSong(): # gather all data from previous html page candelete=request.args.get('candelete') songID= request.args.get('songID') playlistID= request.args.get('playlistid') playlistType= request.args.get('playlistType') name=request.args.get('name') # if the song is being deleted from a public playlist if playlistType == 'public': # delete the specified song from the specified playlist then return the remaining playlists to the user cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute("delete from PublicSongs where playlistID=%s and songid=%s", (playlistID, songID)) conn.commit() cur.execute("SELECT PublicSongs.songid, Song.title,, Album.title FROM PublicSongs, Song, Artist, Album WHERE PublicSongs.playlistID = %s AND PublicSongs.songid = AND = Song.artistID AND = Song.albumID", playlistID) results = cur.fetchall() # if there are no more songs on the playlist, delete it and return to the account page if not results: cur.execute("delete from PublicPlaylist where id=%s ", playlistID) conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect(url_for('Account')) cur.close() return render_template('playlist.html', title='View', candelete=candelete, name=name, results=results, playlistid=playlistID, playlistType='public') # if the song is being deleted from a private playlist elif playlistType == 'private': # delete the specified song from the specified playlist then return the remaining playlists to the user cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute("delete from PrivateSongs where playlistID=%s and songid=%s", (playlistID, songID)) conn.commit() cur.execute("SELECT PrivateSongs.songid, Song.title,, Album.title FROM PrivateSongs, Song, Artist, Album WHERE PrivateSongs.playlistID = %s AND PrivateSongs.songid = AND = Song.artistID AND = Song.albumID", playlistID) results = cur.fetchall() # if there are no more songs on the playlist, delete it and return to the account page if not results: cur.execute("delete from PrivatePlaylist where id=%s ", playlistID) conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect(url_for('Account')) cur.close() return render_template('playlist.html', title='View', candelete=candelete, name=name, results=results, playlistid=playlistID, playlistType='private') # error handle else: flash(f"Failed to delete your song from { name }. Try again.", 'info') return redirect(url_for('Account'))
def ViewPlaylist(): # display all songs in the selected playlist and allow deletion if from the account page candelete= request.args.get('candelete') playlistID=request.args.get('playlistID') name=request.args.get('name') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT PublicSongs.songid, Song.title,, Album.title FROM PublicSongs, Song, Artist, Album WHERE PublicSongs.playlistID = %s AND PublicSongs.songid = AND = Song.artistID AND = Song.albumID", playlistID) results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return render_template('playlist.html', title='View', candelete=candelete, name=name, results=results, playlistid=playlistID, playlistType='public')
def UserPage(): # display all public playlists by the selected user userID= request.args.get('userID') results=() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT username FROM User where id = %s", userID) username=cur.fetchone() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PublicPlaylist WHERE userid=%s", userID) results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return render_template('publicaccount.html', title='User', username=username[0], results=results)
def Song(): # display all relevant information for the selected song songID= request.args.get('songID') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT Song.title, Song.genre, Song.length, Album.title, FROM Song, Album, Artist WHERE Song.artistID = AND Song.albumID = AND = %s", (songID)) results = cur.fetchone() cur.close() # forward all song information if results != None: return render_template('songs.html', results=results, songID=songID) # display that the song doesn't exist else: flash("This song wasn't found in our database.", 'info') return redirect(url_for('Search')) return render_template('songs.html', title='Song')
def Artist(): # display all albums by the selected artist artistID= request.args.get('artistID') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT name, genre FROM Artist WHERE id = %s", (artistID)) artist = cur.fetchone() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Album WHERE artistID = %s", (artistID)) results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() # forward all albums if results != None: return render_template('artist.html', title='Artist', results=results, artistname=artist[0], genre=artist[1]) # display that no albums exist else: flash("Artist has no albums in our database.") return redirect(url_for('Search'))
def Album(): # display all songs in the selected album albumID= request.args.get('albumID') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT artistID, title FROM Album WHERE id = %s", (albumID)) artist = cur.fetchone() cur.execute("SELECT name FROM Artist WHERE id = %s", (artist[0])) artistname = cur.fetchone() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Song WHERE albumID = %s", (albumID)) results = cur.fetchall() cur.close() # forward all songs if results != None: return render_template('album.html', artistname=artistname[0], title=artist[1], results=results, genre=results[0][2]) # display that no songs exist else: flash("Album has no songs in our database.", 'info') return redirect(url_for('Search')) return render_template('album.html', title='Album')
def Register(): # redirect the user to the account page if they're already logged in if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('Account')) # grab the information from the register form form = RegisterForm() # check information when a valid form is submitted if form.validate_on_submit(): # create a connection to the database and insert the new user conn = mysql.connect() cur = conn.cursor() # hash the given password hashPass = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8') cur.execute("INSERT INTO User(username, password, email) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", (, hashPass, conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() flash("Your account has been created!", 'success') # redirect to login page once registered return redirect(url_for('Login')) return render_template('register.html', title='Search', form=form)
def AddPrivateSong(): # gather all information from previous page playlist = request.args.get('playlist') userid = current_user.get_id() songID = request.args.get('songID') # get the id of the playlist being inserted into cur=conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT id FROM PrivatePlaylist WHERE name = %s", playlist) results = cur.fetchone() # check if song already exists in playlist cur.execute("SELECT PrivateSongs.songid FROM PrivateSongs, PrivatePlaylist WHERE PrivateSongs.songid = %s and = %s", (songID, playlist)) check = cur.fetchone() # don't allow the same song to be inserted into the same playlist if check != None: cur.close() flash(f"The song you've selected is already in { playlist }", 'info') return redirect(url_for('Search')) else: # insert the new song into the playlist cur.execute("INSERT INTO PrivateSongs(id, userid, songid, playlistID) VALUES(NULL, %s, %s, %s)", (userid, songID, results[0])) conn.commit() cur.close() return redirect(url_for('Search'))