Exemplo n.º 1
def addIntersects(db, globals):
	cursor = globals['cursor']
	fileid = sqlbackend.parameter_list(['fileID'], globals['backend'])
	command = '''
	  SELECT moments.ticks, moments.row_id
	  FROM moments
	  WHERE moments.file_id = %s
	  ORDER BY moments.ticks;
	''' % fileid[0]
	cursor.execute(command, globals)
	moments = cursor.fetchall()

	p = sqlbackend.parameter_list(['moment_id', 'note_id'],
	param = ', '.join(p)
	insert_command = 'INSERT INTO intersects (moment_id, note_id) ' \
					 + 'VALUES (%s);' % param
	oldProgress = 96
	command = '''
	  SELECT startmoment.ticks, stopmoment.ticks, notes.row_id
	  FROM notes
	  JOIN events as start ON notes.startevent_id = start.row_id
	  JOIN moments as startmoment ON startmoment.row_id = start.moment_id
	  JOIN events as stop ON notes.endevent_id = stop.row_id
	  JOIN moments as stopmoment ON stopmoment.row_id = stop.moment_id
	  WHERE start.file_id = %s
	  ORDER BY startmoment.ticks, stopmoment.ticks;
	''' % fileid[0]
	cursor.execute(command, globals)
	notes = cursor.fetchall()
	rows = []
	begin = newBegin = oldProgress = 0
	for i in range(len(moments)):
		(momentTick, momentID) = moments[i]
		progress = int(96 + 5 * i / len(moments))
		if progress > oldProgress:
			warn('%3d%%\n' % progress)
			oldProgress = progress
		if newBegin > begin:
			begin = newBegin
		newBegin = None
		for j in range(begin, len(notes)):
			(noteStart, noteEnd, noteID) = notes[j]
			if momentTick < noteStart:
			if momentTick >= noteEnd:
			if newBegin == None:
				newBegin = j
			d = {'moment_id': int(momentID), 'note_id': int(noteID)}
	# Because pyformat is broken in executemany() in MySQL:
	for row in rows:
		cursor.execute(insert_command, row)
Exemplo n.º 2
def insertItem(table, dict, globals):
	Use the items in a dictionary to create a new SQL table entry.
	fullDict = {}
	for (k, v) in dict.iteritems():
		fullDict[k] = v
		if v == '':
			fullDict[k] = None
	fields = ', '.join([k.replace('-', '_')
						for k in fullDict.iterkeys()])
	p = sqlbackend.parameter_list(fullDict.keys(), globals['backend'])
	params = ', '.join(p)
	command = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (table, fields, params)
	cursor = globals['cursor']
	errors = globals['errors']
		cursor.execute(command, fullDict)
	except errors.get('IntegrityError'), err:
		warn("Error: item already exists in '%s' table.\n" % table)
Exemplo n.º 3
def addParts(dom, fileInfo, parts, db, basicCursor,
			 backend, measure_range, highlighted, printer):
	# Get measures
	ticks, measures = measure_ticks(basicCursor, fileInfo['row_id'], measure_range)
	if highlighted:
		highlighted = highlighted.split(',')
	part_id = sqlbackend.parameter_list(['part_id'], backend)[0]
	# Get voices
	voice_command = '''
	  FROM noteheads
	  JOIN events ON events.row_id = noteheads.startevent_id
	  WHERE events.part_id = %s
	  ORDER BY voice
	''' % part_id
	# Setup measure content cursors
	note_command = '''
	  SELECT noteheads.row_id, noteheads.*, moments.ticks, beam1, beam2, beam3, beam4, beam5, beam6
	  FROM noteheads
	  JOIN events on events.row_id = noteheads.startevent_id
	  JOIN moments on moments.row_id = events.moment_id
	  LEFT OUTER JOIN beams on beams.notehead_id = noteheads.row_id
	  WHERE events.part_id = %s
	  AND moments.ticks >= %d AND moments.ticks < %d 
	  ORDER BY moments.ticks
	''' % (part_id, ticks[0], ticks[1])
	attribute_command = '''
	  SELECT DISTINCT attributes.*, moments.ticks
	  FROM attributes
	  JOIN events ON events.row_id = attributes.startevent_id
	  JOIN moments ON moments.row_id = events.moment_id
	  WHERE events.part_id = %s
	  AND moments.ticks >= %d AND moments.ticks < %d 
	  ORDER BY moments.ticks
	''' % (part_id, ticks[0], ticks[1])
	barline_command = '''
	  SELECT barlines.*, moments.ticks
	  FROM barlines
	  JOIN events ON events.row_id = barlines.event_id
	  JOIN moments ON moments.row_id = events.moment_id
	  WHERE events.part_id = %s 
	  AND moments.ticks >= %d AND moments.ticks < %d 
	  ORDER BY moments.ticks
	''' % (part_id, ticks[0], ticks[1])
	direction_command = '''
	  SELECT directions.*, moments.ticks
	  FROM directions
	  JOIN events ON events.row_id = directions.event_id
	  JOIN moments ON moments.row_id = events.moment_id
	  WHERE events.part_id = %s
	  AND moments.ticks >= %d AND moments.ticks < %d 
	  ORDER BY moments.ticks
	''' % (part_id, ticks[0], ticks[1])
	oldProgress = 0
	for j in range(len(parts)):
		part = parts[j]
		printer.write('\t<part id="%s">\n' % part['part_attr'])
		part_id = {'part_id': part['row_id']}
		basicCursor.execute(voice_command, part_id)
		voices = basicCursor.fetchall()
		voices = [v[0] for v in voices]
		cursors = {'notes': db.cursor(), 'attributes': db.cursor(),
				   'barlines': db.cursor(), 'directions': db.cursor()}
		for cursor in cursors.values():
			cursor.arraysize = 100
		cursors['notes'].execute(note_command, part_id)
		cursors['attributes'].execute(attribute_command, part_id)
		cursors['barlines'].execute(barline_command, part_id)
		cursors['directions'].execute(direction_command, part_id)
		buffers = {'notes': [], 'attributes': [],
				   'barlines': [], 'directions': []}
		fetchmany(buffers['attributes'], cursors['attributes'])
		if not buffers['attributes']:
			getAttributeBefore(ticks[0], part, buffers['attributes'],
		for i in range(len(measures)):
			measure = measures[i]
			doc = dom.createDocumentFragment()
			mNode = addElement(dom, doc, 'measure',
							   attr={'number': measure['number']})
			addMeasureContents(dom, mNode, voices, measure, fileInfo,
							   cursors, buffers, highlighted)
			partInc = 1 / len(parts)
			progress = int(100*(float(j) + float(i) / len(measures)) /
			if progress > oldProgress:
				timeLeft = (time.time() - StartTime) * \
						   (100 / float(progress) - 1)
				timeLeft = time.strftime('%M:%S',
				warn('%d%% (%s remaining)\n' % (progress, timeLeft))
				oldProgress = progress
			printer.write(nodeXML(mNode, '\t\t'))