def testgraal(args): cloneFrom = mx.get_env("GRAAL_URL") if not cloneFrom: cloneFrom = "" graalSuiteSubDir = mx.get_env("GRAAL_SUITE_SUBDIR") suite = mx.suite('truffle') suiteDir = suite.dir workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'sanitycheck') mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(workDir, for f in os.listdir(suiteDir): subDir = os.path.join(suiteDir, f) if subDir == suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(suiteDir, f) tgt = join(workDir,, f) if isdir(src): if exists(tgt): shutil.rmtree(tgt) shutil.copytree(src, tgt) else: shutil.copy(src, tgt) sanityDir = join(workDir, 'sanity') git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(sanityDir): git.pull(sanityDir) else: git.clone(cloneFrom, sanityDir) sanitySuiteDir = sanityDir if graalSuiteSubDir is None else join(sanityDir, graalSuiteSubDir) return mx.run_mx(['--java-home=' + mx.get_jdk().home, 'gate', '-B--force-deprecation-as-warning', '--tags', 'build,test'], sanitySuiteDir)
def gate_ruby(tasks): with Task('Ruby', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.ruby]) as t: if t: # Debug GR-9912 on Ruby gate runs. If debug_gr_9912 goes away the custom image building below is not required anymore and # test_ruby can be called with the original graalvm ruby-launcher debug_gr_9912 = 16 native_image_context, svm = graalvm_svm() with native_image_context(svm.IMAGE_ASSERTION_FLAGS) as native_image: ruby_bindir = join(mx_vm.graalvm_output(), 'jre', 'languages', 'ruby', 'bin') ruby_image = native_image(['--language:ruby', '-H:Path=' + ruby_bindir, '-H:GreyToBlackObjectVisitorDiagnosticHistory=' + str(debug_gr_9912)]) truffleruby_suite = mx.suite('truffleruby') truffleruby_suite.extensions.ruby_testdownstream_aot([ruby_image, 'spec', 'release'])
def gate_sulong(tasks): with Task('Run SulongSuite tests as native-image', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.sulong]) as t: if t: lli = join(mx_vm.graalvm_output(), 'bin', 'lli') sulong = mx.suite('sulong') sulong.extensions.testLLVMImage(lli, libPath=False, unittestArgs=['--enable-timing']) with Task('Run Sulong interop tests as native-image', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.sulong]) as t: if t: sulong = mx.suite('sulong') native_image_context, svm = graalvm_svm() with native_image_context(svm.IMAGE_ASSERTION_FLAGS) as native_image: # TODO Use mx_vm.get_final_graalvm_distribution().find_single_source_location to rewire SULONG_LIBS sulong_libs = join(mx_vm.graalvm_output(), 'jre', 'languages', 'llvm') def distribution_paths(dname): path_substitutions = { 'SULONG_LIBS': sulong_libs } return path_substitutions.get(dname, mx._get_dependency_path(dname)) mx_subst.path_substitutions.register_with_arg('path', distribution_paths) sulong.extensions.runLLVMUnittests(functools.partial(svm.native_junit, native_image, build_args=['--language:llvm']))
def graalvm_svm(): """ Gives access to image building withing the GraalVM release. Requires dynamic import of substratevm. """ native_image_cmd = join(mx_vm.graalvm_output(), 'bin', 'native-image') svm = mx.suite('substratevm') if not exists(native_image_cmd) or not svm: mx.abort("Image building not accessible in GraalVM {}. Build GraalVM with native-image support".format(mx_vm.graalvm_dist_name())) @contextmanager def native_image_context(common_args=None, hosted_assertions=True): with svm.extensions.native_image_context(common_args, hosted_assertions, native_image_cmd=native_image_cmd) as native_image: yield native_image return native_image_context, svm.extensions
def build(self): if not mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject)) return mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject)) rubyDir = _suite.dir mavenDir = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'mxbuild', 'mvn') # HACK: since the maven executable plugin does not configure the # java executable that is used we unfortunately need to append it to the PATH javaHome = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME') if javaHome: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"])) mx.logv('Calling java -version')['java', '-version']) # Truffle version truffle = mx.suite('truffle') truffle_commit = maven_version_arg = '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit maven_repo_arg = '-Dmaven.repo.local=' + mavenDir mx.run_mx(['maven-install', '--repo', mavenDir, '--only', 'TRUFFLE_API,TRUFFLE_DEBUG,TRUFFLE_DSL_PROCESSOR,TRUFFLE_TCK'], suite=truffle) open(os.path.join(rubyDir, 'VERSION'), 'w').write('graal-vm\n') # Build jruby-truffle env = os.environ.copy() env['JRUBY_BUILD_MORE_QUIET'] = 'true' mx.run_maven(['-q', '--version', maven_repo_arg], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir, env=env) mx.log('Building without tests') mx.run_maven(['-q', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir, env=env) mx.log('Building complete version') mx.run_maven(['-q', '-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir, env=env)['zip', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*'], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('...finished build of {}'.format(self.subject))
def build(self): if not mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject)) return mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject)) rubyDir = _suite.dir # HACK: since the maven executable plugin does not configure the # java executable that is used we unfortunately need to append it to the PATH javaHome = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME') if javaHome: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"])) mx.logv('Calling java -version')['java', '-version']) # Truffle version truffle = mx.suite('truffle') truffle_commit = mx.run_mx(['maven-install'], suite=truffle) open(join(rubyDir, 'VERSION'), 'w').write('graal-vm\n') # Build jruby-truffle and['find', '.'], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir) mx.run_maven(['--version'], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('Building without tests') mx.run_maven(['-DskipTests', '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit], cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('Building complete version') mx.run_maven(['-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit], cwd=rubyDir)['zip', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*'], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=rubyDir)
suTruffleOptions = [ '-Dgraal.TruffleBackgroundCompilation=false', '-Dgraal.TruffleTimeThreshold=1000000', '-Dgraal.TruffleInliningMaxCallerSize=10000', '-Dgraal.TruffleCompilationExceptionsAreFatal=true', mx_subst.path_substitutions.substitute('-Dpolyglot.llvm.libraryPath=<path:SULONG_LIBS>'), ''] sulongCmdLine = suTruffleOptions + mx_sulong.getClasspathOptions() + ['-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader', ""] + ['bench.bc'] result = self.host_vm().run(cwd, sulongCmdLine + args) # reset current Directory os.chdir(self.currentDir) return result def hosting_registry(self): return java_vm_registry _suite = mx.suite("sulong") native_vm_registry = VmRegistry("Native", known_host_registries=[java_vm_registry]) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O0', ['-O0']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O0', ['-O0']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O1', ['-O1']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O1', ['-O1']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O2', ['-O2']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O2', ['-O2']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O3', ['-O3']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O3', ['-O3']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(SulongVm(), _suite, 10)
def register_js_vms(): if mx.suite('js-benchmarks', fatalIfMissing=False): import mx_js_benchmarks _suite = mx.suite('graal-js') mx_js_benchmarks.add_vm(GraalJsVm('default', []), _suite, 10)
def _sulong_options(): mx_sulong = mx.suite("sulong", fatalIfMissing=False) if mx_sulong: return ['-Dpolyglot.llvm.libraryPath=' + mx_sulong.dir + '/mxbuild/sulong-libs'] else: return []
import platform, subprocess import math from os.path import join, exists import mx import mx_benchmark from mx_zippy_bench_param import benchmarks_list # mx asv-benchmark "asv-zippy-normal:*" # mx asv-benchmark "asv-pypy3-normal:*" # mx asv-benchmark "asv-cpython3.5-micro:*" # mx asv-benchmark --list # mx asv-benchmark --generate-asv-conf # ... _mx_graal = mx.suite("graal-core", fatalIfMissing=False) _suite = mx.suite('zippy') asv_env = os.environ.get("ZIPPY_ASV_PATH") if not asv_env: asv_env = _suite.dir active_branch =, abortOnError=False) active_branch = ['master'] if not active_branch else [ active_branch ] url ='.git','') url = url if 'html' in url else "" html_dir = asv_env + '/html' asv_dir = asv_env + '/asv/' asv_results_dir = asv_dir + '/results/' machine_name = os.environ.get("MACHINE_NAME") if not machine_name: machine_name = platform.node()
def create_asm_parser(args=None, out=None): """create the inline assembly parser using antlr""" mx.suite("truffle").extensions.create_parser("", "", "InlineAssembly", COPYRIGHT_HEADER_BSD, args, out)
from os.path import join, sep from argparse import ArgumentParser import mx import mx_gate import mx_fastr_pkgs import os ''' This is the launchpad for all the functions available for building/running/testing/analyzing FastR. FastR can run with or without the Graal compiler enabled. As a convenience if the graal-core suite is detected then the use of the Graal compiler is enabled without any additional command line options being required to the mx command, i.e. it is as if --jdk jvmci was passed as an mx global option. ''' _fastr_suite = mx.suite('fastr') ''' If this is None, then we run under the standard VM in interpreted mode only. ''' _mx_graal = mx.suite("graal-core", fatalIfMissing=False) _r_command_project = '' _repl_command = '' _command_class_dict = {'r': _r_command_project + ".shell.RCommand", 'rscript': _r_command_project + ".shell.RscriptCommand", 'rrepl': _repl_command, 'rembed': _r_command_project + ".shell.REmbedded", } # benchmarking support def r_path(): return join(_fastr_suite.dir, 'bin', 'R')
def _unittest(args, annotations, prefixCp="", blacklist=None, whitelist=None, verbose=False, very_verbose=False, fail_fast=False, enable_timing=False, regex=None, color=False, eager_stacktrace=False, gc_after_test=False, suite=None, repeat=None): testfile = os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE', None) if testfile is None: (_, testfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".testclasses", "mxtool") os.close(_) mainClass = '' if not exists(join(mx.project('').output_dir(), mainClass.replace('.', os.sep) + '.class')):['--only', '']) coreCp = mx.classpath(['']) coreArgs = [] if very_verbose: coreArgs.append('-JUnitVeryVerbose') elif verbose: coreArgs.append('-JUnitVerbose') if fail_fast: coreArgs.append('-JUnitFailFast') if enable_timing: coreArgs.append('-JUnitEnableTiming') if color: coreArgs.append('-JUnitColor') if eager_stacktrace: coreArgs.append('-JUnitEagerStackTrace') if gc_after_test: coreArgs.append('-JUnitGCAfterTest') if repeat: coreArgs.append('-JUnitRepeat') coreArgs.append(repeat) def harness(unittestDeps, vmLauncher, vmArgs): prefixArgs = ['-esa', '-ea'] if gc_after_test: prefixArgs.append('-XX:-DisableExplicitGC') with open(testfile) as fp: testclasses = [l.rstrip() for l in fp.readlines()] jdk = vmLauncher.jdk() vmArgs += mx.get_runtime_jvm_args(unittestDeps, cp_prefix=prefixCp+coreCp, jdk=jdk) # suppress menubar and dock when running on Mac vmArgs = prefixArgs + ['-Djava.awt.headless=true'] + vmArgs if jdk.javaCompliance > '1.8': # This is required to access jdk.internal.module.Modules for supporting # the @AddExports annotation. vmArgs = vmArgs + ['--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED'] # Execute Junit directly when one test is being run. This simplifies # replaying the VM execution in a native debugger (e.g., gdb). mainClassArgs = coreArgs + (testclasses if len(testclasses) == 1 else ['@' + mx._cygpathU2W(testfile)]) config = (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) for p in _config_participants: config = p(config) vmLauncher.launcher(*config) vmLauncher = _vm_launcher if vmLauncher is None: jdk = mx.get_jdk() def _run_vm(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs): mx.run_java(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs, jdk=jdk) vmLauncher = _VMLauncher('default VM launcher', _run_vm, jdk) try: _run_tests(args, harness, vmLauncher, annotations, testfile, blacklist, whitelist, regex, mx.suite(suite) if suite else None) finally: if os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE') is None: os.remove(testfile)
# or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # import re import argparse import mx import mx_benchmark import mx_espresso from mx_benchmark import GuestVm, JavaVm from mx_java_benchmarks import ScalaDaCapoBenchmarkSuite from mx_java_benchmarks import _daCapoScalaConfig _suite = mx.suite('espresso') class EspressoVm(GuestVm, JavaVm): def __init__(self, config_name, options, host_vm=None): super(EspressoVm, self).__init__(host_vm=host_vm) self._config_name = config_name self._options = options def name(self): return 'espresso' def config_name(self): return self._config_name def hosting_registry(self):
def updategraalinopenjdk(args): """updates the Graal sources in OpenJDK""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx updategraalinopenjdk') parser.add_argument( '--pretty', help= 'value for --pretty when logging the changes since the last JDK* tag') parser.add_argument('jdkrepo', help='path to the local OpenJDK repo') parser.add_argument('version', type=int, help='Java version of the OpenJDK repo') args = parser.parse_args(args) if mx_compiler.jdk.javaCompliance.value < args.version: mx.abort( 'JAVA_HOME/--java-home must be Java version {} or greater: {}'. format(args.version, mx_compiler.jdk)) graal_modules = [ # JDK module jdk.internal.vm.compiler is composed of sources from: GraalJDKModule( 'jdk.internal.vm.compiler', # 1. Classes in the compiler suite under the org.graalvm namespace except for packages # or projects whose names include "truffle", "management", "core.llvm" or "replacements.llvm" [ SuiteJDKInfo('compiler', ['org.graalvm'], [ 'truffle', 'management', 'core.llvm', 'replacements.llvm' ]), # 2. Classes in the sdk suite under the org.graalvm.collections and org.graalvm.word namespaces SuiteJDKInfo( 'sdk', ['org.graalvm.collections', 'org.graalvm.word'], []) ]), # JDK module is composed of sources from: GraalJDKModule( '', # 1. Classes in the compiler suite under the namespace [ SuiteJDKInfo('compiler', [''], []) ]), # JDK module jdk.aot is composed of sources from: GraalJDKModule( 'jdk.aot', # 1. Classes in the compiler suite under the namespace [SuiteJDKInfo('compiler', [''], [])]), ] # Strings to be replaced in files copied to OpenJDK. replacements = { 'published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.': 'published by the Free Software Foundation.', _read_sibling_file('upl_substring.txt'): _read_sibling_file('gplv2_substring.txt') } # Strings that must not exist in OpenJDK source files. This is applied after replacements are made. blacklist = ['"Classpath" exception'] jdkrepo = args.jdkrepo git_repo = _is_git_repo(jdkrepo) for m in graal_modules: m_src_dir = join(jdkrepo, 'src', if not exists(m_src_dir): mx.abort(jdkrepo + ' does not look like a JDK repo - ' + m_src_dir + ' does not exist') def run_output(args, cwd=None): out = mx.OutputCapture(), cwd=cwd, out=out, err=out) return for m in graal_modules: m_src_dir = join('src', mx.log('Checking ' + m_src_dir) if git_repo: out = run_output(['git', 'status', '-s', m_src_dir], cwd=jdkrepo) else: out = run_output(['hg', 'status', m_src_dir], cwd=jdkrepo) if out: mx.abort(jdkrepo + ' is not "clean":' + '\n' + out[:min(200, len(out))] + '...') for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(join(jdkrepo, 'make')): for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.gmk'): rename_packages(join(dirpath, filename), True) java_package_re = re.compile( r"^\s*package\s+(?P<package>[a-zA-Z_][\w\.]*)\s*;$", re.MULTILINE) copied_source_dirs = [] jdk_internal_vm_compiler_EXCLUDES = set() # pylint: disable=invalid-name jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC = set() # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Add org.graalvm.compiler.processor since it is only a dependency # for (most) Graal annotation processors and is not needed to # run Graal. jdk_internal_vm_compiler_EXCLUDES.add('org.graalvm.compiler.processor') for m in graal_modules: classes_dir = join(jdkrepo, 'src',, 'share', 'classes') for info in m.suites: mx.log('Processing ' + + ':' + for e in os.listdir(classes_dir): if any(inc in e for inc in info.includes) and not any( ex in e for ex in info.excludes): project_dir = join(classes_dir, e) shutil.rmtree(project_dir) mx.log(' removed ' + project_dir) suite = mx.suite( worklist = [] for p in [e for e in suite.projects if e.isJavaProject()]: if any(inc in for inc in info.includes) and not any( ex in for ex in info.excludes): assert len(p.source_dirs()) == 1, p version = 0 new_project_name = if hasattr(p, 'multiReleaseJarVersion'): version = int(getattr(p, 'multiReleaseJarVersion')) if version <= args.version: base_project = _find_version_base_project(p) new_project_name = else: continue for old_name, new_name in package_renamings.items(): if new_project_name.startswith(old_name): new_project_name = new_project_name.replace( old_name, new_name) source_dir = p.source_dirs()[0] target_dir = join(classes_dir, new_project_name, 'src') copied_source_dirs.append(source_dir) workitem = (version, p, source_dir, target_dir) worklist.append(workitem) # Ensure versioned resources are copied in the right order # such that higher versions override lower versions. worklist = sorted(worklist) for version, p, source_dir, target_dir in worklist: first_file = True for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(source_dir): for filename in filenames: src_file = join(dirpath, filename) dst_file = join(target_dir, os.path.relpath(src_file, source_dir)) with open(src_file) as fp: contents = old_line_count = len(contents.split('\n')) if filename.endswith('.java'): for old_name, new_name in package_renamings.items( ): old_name_as_dir = old_name.replace('.', os.sep) if old_name_as_dir in src_file: new_name_as_dir = new_name.replace( '.', os.sep) dst = src_file.replace( old_name_as_dir, new_name_as_dir) dst_file = join( target_dir, os.path.relpath(dst, source_dir)) contents = contents.replace(old_name, new_name) for old_line, new_line in replacements.items(): contents = contents.replace(old_line, new_line) match = if not match: mx.abort( 'Could not find package declaration in {}'. format(src_file)) java_package ='package') if any(ex in java_package for ex in info.excludes): mx.log(' excluding ' + filename) continue new_line_count = len(contents.split('\n')) if new_line_count > old_line_count: mx.abort( 'Pattern replacement caused line count to grow from {} to {} in {}' .format(old_line_count, new_line_count, src_file)) else: if new_line_count < old_line_count: contents = contents.replace( '\npackage ', '\n' * (old_line_count - new_line_count) + '\npackage ') new_line_count = len(contents.split('\n')) if new_line_count != old_line_count: mx.abort('Unable to correct line count for {}'. format(src_file)) for forbidden in blacklist: if forbidden in contents: mx.abort( 'Found blacklisted pattern \'{}\' in {}' .format(forbidden, src_file)) dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst_file) if not exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) if first_file: mx.log(' copying: ' + source_dir) mx.log(' to: ' + target_dir) if p.testProject or p.definedAnnotationProcessors: to_exclude = for old_name, new_name in package_renamings.items( ): if to_exclude.startswith(old_name): sfx = '' if to_exclude == old_name else to_exclude[ len(old_name):] to_exclude = new_name + sfx break jdk_internal_vm_compiler_EXCLUDES.add( to_exclude) if p.testProject: jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC.add( to_exclude) first_file = False with open(dst_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(contents) def replace_lines(filename, begin_lines, end_line, replace_lines, old_line_check, preserve_indent=False, append_mode=False): mx.log('Updating ' + filename + '...') old_lines = [] new_lines = [] with open(filename) as fp: for begin_line in begin_lines: line = fp.readline() while line: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line == begin_line: new_lines.append(line) break new_lines.append(line) line = fp.readline() assert line, begin_line + ' not found' lines = fp.readlines() line_in_def = True indent = 0 if preserve_indent: line = lines[0] lstripped_line = line.lstrip() indent = len(line) - len(lstripped_line) if not append_mode: for replace in replace_lines: new_lines.append(' ' * indent + replace) for line in lines: stripped_line = line.strip() if line_in_def: if stripped_line == end_line: line_in_def = False new_lines.append(line) else: old_line_check(line) if append_mode: new_lines.append(line) if append_mode and not line_in_def: # reach end line and append new lines for replace in replace_lines: new_lines.append(replace) else: new_lines.append(line) with open(filename, 'w') as fp: for line in new_lines: fp.write(line) return old_lines def single_column_with_continuation(line): parts = line.split() assert len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == '\\', line # Update jdk.internal.vm.compiler.EXCLUDES in make/CompileJavaModules.gmk # to exclude all test, benchmark and annotation processor packages. CompileJavaModules_gmk = join(jdkrepo, 'make', 'CompileJavaModules.gmk') # pylint: disable=invalid-name new_lines = [] for pkg in sorted(jdk_internal_vm_compiler_EXCLUDES): new_lines.append(pkg + ' \\\n') begin_lines = ['jdk.internal.vm.compiler_EXCLUDES += \\'] end_line = '#' old_line_check = single_column_with_continuation replace_lines(CompileJavaModules_gmk, begin_lines, end_line, new_lines, old_line_check, preserve_indent=True) if args.version == 11: # add aot exclude out = run_output(['grep', 'jdk.aot_EXCLUDES', CompileJavaModules_gmk], cwd=jdkrepo) if out: # replace existing exclude setting begin_lines = ['jdk.aot_EXCLUDES += \\'] end_line = '#' new_lines = [' \\\n'] replace_lines(CompileJavaModules_gmk, begin_lines, end_line, new_lines, old_line_check, preserve_indent=True) else: # append exclude setting after jdk.internal.vm.compiler_EXCLUDES new_lines = [ '\n', 'jdk.aot_EXCLUDES += \\\n', ' \\\n', ' #\n', '\n' ] # indent is inlined replace_lines(CompileJavaModules_gmk, begin_lines, end_line, new_lines, old_line_check, preserve_indent=True, append_mode=True) # Update 'SRC' in the 'Compile graalunit tests' section of make/test/JtregGraalUnit.gmk # to include all test packages. JtregGraalUnit_gmk = join(jdkrepo, 'make', 'test', 'JtregGraalUnit.gmk') # pylint: disable=invalid-name new_lines = [] jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC.discard('') jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC.discard( 'org.graalvm.compiler.microbenchmarks') jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC.discard( 'org.graalvm.compiler.virtual.bench') jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC.discard('org.graalvm.micro.benchmarks') for pkg in sorted(jdk_internal_vm_compiler_test_SRC): new_lines.append('$(SRC_DIR)/' + pkg + '/src \\\n') if args.version == 11: begin_lines = ['### Compile and build graalunit tests', 'SRC := \\'] else: begin_lines = ['### Compile graalunit tests', 'SRC := \\'] end_line = ', \\' old_line_check = single_column_with_continuation replace_lines(JtregGraalUnit_gmk, begin_lines, end_line, new_lines, old_line_check, preserve_indent=True) overwritten = '' if not git_repo: mx.log('Adding new files to HG...') m_src_dirs = [] for m in graal_modules: m_src_dirs.append(join('src', out = run_output([ 'hg', 'log', '-r', 'last(keyword("Update Graal"))', '--template', '{rev}' ] + m_src_dirs, cwd=jdkrepo) last_graal_update = out.strip() for m in graal_modules: m_src_dir = join('src', if last_graal_update: overwritten += run_output([ 'hg', 'diff', '-r', last_graal_update, '-r', 'tip', m_src_dir ], cwd=jdkrepo)['hg', 'add', m_src_dir], cwd=jdkrepo) mx.log('Removing old files from HG...') for m in graal_modules: m_src_dir = join('src', out = run_output(['hg', 'status', '-dn', m_src_dir], cwd=jdkrepo) if out:['hg', 'rm'] + out.split(), cwd=jdkrepo) out = run_output(['git', 'tag', '-l', 'JDK-*'], cwd=mx_compiler._suite.vc_dir) last_jdk_tag = sorted(out.split(), reverse=True)[0] pretty = args.pretty or 'format:%h %ad %>(20) %an %s' out = run_output([ 'git', '--no-pager', 'log', '--merges', '--abbrev-commit', '--pretty=' + pretty, '--first-parent', '-r', last_jdk_tag + '..HEAD' ] + copied_source_dirs, cwd=mx_compiler._suite.vc_dir) changes_file = 'changes-since-{}.txt'.format(last_jdk_tag) with open(changes_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(out) mx.log('Saved changes since {} to {}'.format( last_jdk_tag, os.path.abspath(changes_file))) if overwritten: overwritten_file = 'overwritten-diffs.txt' with open(overwritten_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(overwritten) mx.warn( 'Overwritten changes detected in OpenJDK Graal! See diffs in ' + os.path.abspath(overwritten_file))
def __init__(self): super(JavaHome, self).__init__(mx.suite('mx'), 'JAVA_HOME', None) self.include_dirs = None
import tarfile import os from os.path import join import shutil import subprocess from argparse import ArgumentParser import mx import mx_subst import mx_sdk import re _suite = mx.suite('trufflecourse') def getClasspathOptions(extra_dists=None): """gets the classpath of the Sulong distributions""" return mx.get_runtime_jvm_args((extra_dists or [])) def runPlainAST(args=None, out=None, get_classpath_options=getClasspathOptions): dists = ["TruffleCourse"] return mx.run_java(get_classpath_options(dists) + ["-XX:+EnableJVMCI","-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler"] + args+ ["org.truffle.cs.samples.PlainAST.PlainAST"], out=out,jdk=mx.get_jdk()) def runMJInterpreter(args=None, out=None, get_classpath_options=getClasspathOptions): dists = ["TruffleCourse"] return mx.run_java(get_classpath_options(dists) + ["-XX:+EnableJVMCI","-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler","-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true", "-Dgraal.PrintGraph=Network", "-Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:5", "-Dgraal.TruffleBackgroundCompilation=false"] + args+ ["org.truffle.cs.mj.main.MJRuntime"], out=out,jdk=mx.get_jdk()) def runPESamples(args=None, out=None, get_classpath_options=getClasspathOptions): dists = ["TruffleCourse"]
# # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # import mx import mx_sdk_vm from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_gate import Task, add_gate_runner _suite = mx.suite('regex') def _tregex_tests_gate_runner(args, tasks): with Task('UnitTests', tasks, tags=['default', 'all']) as t: if t: unittest([ '--enable-timing', '--very-verbose', '' ]) mx_sdk_vm.register_graalvm_component( mx_sdk_vm.GraalVmLanguage( suite=_suite, name='TRegex', short_name='rgx',
if IS_JDK9_AND_LATER: # Make Truffle.getRuntime() accessible for VM introspection BASE_VM_ARGS.append( '--add-opens=jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime=ALL-UNNAMED' ) BASE_VM_ARGS_TESTING.append( '--add-opens=jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime=ALL-UNNAMED' ) else: # Tweaks for Java 8's Parallel GC (optimized for TruffleSqueak image) BASE_VM_ARGS.append('-XX:OldSize=256M') # Initial tenured generation size BASE_VM_ARGS.append('-XX:NewSize=1G') # Initial new generation size BASE_VM_ARGS.append('-XX:MetaspaceSize=32M') # Initial size of Metaspaces _suite = mx.suite('trufflesqueak') _compiler = mx.suite('compiler', fatalIfMissing=False) _svm = mx.suite('substratevm', fatalIfMissing=False) def _graal_vm_args(args): graal_args = [] if args.trace_compilation: graal_args += ['-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true'] if args.truffle_compilation_details: graal_args += [ '-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilationDetails=true', '-Dgraal.TraceTruffleExpansionSource=true' ]
# GNU General Public License version 2 # GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 import sys import os import pipes import shutil import tarfile from os.path import join, exists, isdir import mx import mx_unittest TimeStampFile = mx.TimeStampFile _suite = mx.suite('jruby') rubyDists = [ 'RUBY', 'RUBY-TEST' ] def deploy_binary_if_truffle_head(args): """If the active branch is 'truffle-head', deploy binaries for the primary suite to remote maven repository.""" primary_branch = 'truffle-head' active_branch = mx.VC.get_vc(_suite.dir).active_branch(_suite.dir) if active_branch == primary_branch: return mx.command_function('deploy-binary')(args) else: mx.log('The active branch is "%s". Binaries are deployed only if the active branch is "%s".' % (active_branch, primary_branch)) return 0
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, shutil, zipfile, re from os.path import join, exists from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER import mx _suite = mx.suite('graal-core') def _run_netbeans_app(app_name, env=None, args=None): args = [] if args is None else args dist = app_name.upper() + '_DIST' name = app_name.lower() extractPath = join(_suite.get_output_root()) if mx.get_os() == 'windows': executable = join(extractPath, name, 'bin', name + '.exe') else: executable = join(extractPath, name, 'bin', name) # Check whether the current installation is up-to-date if exists(executable) and not exists(mx.library(dist).get_path(resolve=False)): mx.log('Updating ' + app_name) shutil.rmtree(join(extractPath, name))
import os from os.path import join, dirname, basename, exists, abspath from argparse import ArgumentParser import sanitycheck import re import mx from mx_gate import Task from sanitycheck import _noneAsEmptyList from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_graal_bench import dacapo import mx_gate import mx_unittest _suite = mx.suite('graal') _jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag='default') assert _jdk.javaCompliance >= "1.9" def isJVMCIEnabled(vm): return True _jvmciModes = { 'hosted' : ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI'], 'jit' : ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI', '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler'], 'disabled' : [] } def get_vm(): """
def _bench_image_params(bench_conf): image_dir = os.path.join(mx.suite('substratevm').dir, 'svmbenchbuild') js_image_name = 'js_' + bench_conf image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, js_image_name) return image_dir, js_image_name, image_path
# questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import re import subprocess import mx from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_sigtest import sigtest from mx_gate import Task import mx_gate _suite = mx.suite("truffle") def javadoc(args, vm=None): """build the Javadoc for all API packages""" mx.javadoc(["--unified"] + args) def build(args, vm=None): """build the Java sources""" opts2 =["--source", "1.7"] + args) assert len(opts2.remainder) == 0 def sl(args): """run an SL program"""
import glob import os from os.path import exists, join, dirname, basename, isdir import shutil import sys import mx import mx_subst import mx_unittest import mx_sdk if 'RUBY_BENCHMARKS' in os.environ: import mx_truffleruby_benchmark _suite = mx.suite('truffleruby') root = _suite.dir # Project classes class ArchiveProject(mx.ArchivableProject): def __init__(self, suite, name, deps, workingSets, theLicense, **args): mx.ArchivableProject.__init__(self, suite, name, deps, workingSets, theLicense) assert 'prefix' in args assert 'outputDir' in args def output_dir(self): return join(self.dir, self.outputDir)
# questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import mx import mx_vm import mx_subst from mx_gate import Task import re import subprocess from os.path import join, exists import functools from contextlib import contextmanager _suite = mx.suite('vm') class VmGateTasks: compiler = 'compiler' substratevm = 'substratevm' sulong = 'sulong' graal_js = 'graal-js' graal_nodejs = 'graal-nodejs' truffleruby = 'truffleruby' ruby = 'ruby' fastr = 'fastr' graalpython = 'graalpython' integration = 'integration'
def pkgtest(args): ''' Package installation/testing. rc: 0 for success; 1: install fail, 2: test fail, 3: install&test fail ''' libinstall, install_tmp = _create_libinstall(mx.suite('fastr')) stacktrace_args = ['--J', '@-DR:-PrintErrorStacktracesToFile -DR:+PrintErrorStacktraces'] if "--quiet" in args: global quiet quiet = True install_args = args class OutputCapture: def __init__(self): self.install_data = None self.pkg = None self.mode = None self.start_install_pattern = re.compile(r"^BEGIN processing: (?P<package>[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+) .*") self.test_pattern = re.compile(r"^(?P<status>BEGIN|END) testing: (?P<package>[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+) .*") self.time_pattern = re.compile(r"^TEST_TIME: (?P<package>[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+) (?P<time>[0-9\.\-]+) .*") self.status_pattern = re.compile(r"^(?P<package>[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+): (?P<status>OK|FAILED).*") self.install_data = dict() self.install_status = dict() self.test_info = dict() def __call__(self, data): print data, if data == "BEGIN package installation\n": self.mode = "install" return elif data == "BEGIN install status\n": self.mode = "install_status" return elif data == "BEGIN package tests\n": self.mode = "test" return if self.mode == "install": start_install = re.match(self.start_install_pattern, data) if start_install: pkg_name = self.pkg = pkg_name self.install_data[self.pkg] = "" if self.pkg: self.install_data[self.pkg] += data elif self.mode == "install_status": if data == "END install status\n": self.mode = None return status = re.match(self.status_pattern, data) pkg_name = self.install_status[pkg_name] = == "OK" elif self.mode == "test": test_match = re.match(self.test_pattern, data) if test_match: begin_end = pkg_name = if begin_end == "END": _get_test_outputs('fastr', pkg_name, self.test_info) else: time_match = re.match(self.time_pattern, data) if time_match: pkg_name = test_time = with open(join('test', pkg_name, 'test_time'), 'w') as f: f.write(test_time) env = os.environ.copy() env["TMPDIR"] = install_tmp env['R_LIBS_USER'] = libinstall # TODO enable but via installing Suggests #_install_vignette_support('FastR', env) out = OutputCapture() # install and test the packages, unless just listing versions if not '--list-versions' in install_args: install_args += ['--run-tests'] if not '--print-install-status' in install_args: install_args += ['--print-install-status'] _log_step('BEGIN', 'install/test', 'FastR') # Currently installpkgs does not set a return code (in install.cran.packages.R) rc = mx_fastr._installpkgs(stacktrace_args + install_args, nonZeroIsFatal=False, env=env, out=out, err=out) if rc == 100: # fatal error connecting to package repo mx.abort(rc) rc = 0 for status in out.install_status.itervalues(): if not status: rc = 1 _log_step('END', 'install/test', 'FastR') single_pkg = len(out.install_status) == 1 install_failure = single_pkg and rc == 1 if '--run-tests' in install_args and not install_failure: # in order to compare the test output with GnuR we have to install/test the same # set of packages with GnuR, which must be present as a sibling suite ok_pkgs = [k for k, v in out.install_status.iteritems() if v] _gnur_install_test(ok_pkgs) _set_test_status(out.test_info) print 'Test Status' for pkg, test_status in out.test_info.iteritems(): if test_status.status != "OK": rc = rc | 2 print '{0}: {1}'.format(pkg, test_status.status) shutil.rmtree(install_tmp, ignore_errors=True) return rc
# # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, shutil, tarfile from os.path import join, exists, getmtime import mx_graal_js_benchmark import mx, mx_sdk from mx_gate import Task, add_gate_runner from mx_unittest import unittest _suite = mx.suite('graal-js') class GraalJsDefaultTags: default = 'default' tck = 'tck' all = 'all' def _graal_js_gate_runner(args, tasks): with Task('TestJSCommand', tasks, tags=[GraalJsDefaultTags.default, GraalJsDefaultTags.all]) as t: if t: js(['-Dtruffle.js.ProfileTime=true', '-e', '""'])
# Reflective access to java.lang.invoke.VarHandle*. GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED'] # Reflective access to java.lang.Reference.referent. GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang.ref=ALL-UNNAMED'] # Reflective access to org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl.ImageSingletonsSupport. GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-exports', 'org.graalvm.graal_sdk/org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl=ALL-UNNAMED'] # Reflective access to jdk.internal.ref.CleanerImpl$PhantomCleanableRef. GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-opens', 'java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED'] # Disable the check for JDK-8 graal version. GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['-Dsubstratevm.IgnoreGraalVersionCheck=true'] # Reflective access to GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-opens', 'java.base/'] IMAGE_ASSERTION_FLAGS = ['-H:+VerifyGraalGraphs', '-H:+VerifyGraalGraphEdges', '-H:+VerifyPhases'] suite = mx.suite('substratevm') svmSuites = [suite] orig_command_gate = mx.command_function('gate') orig_command_build = mx.command_function('build') gate_run = False def gate(args): global gate_run gate_run = True orig_command_gate(args) def build(args, vm=None): if any([opt in args for opt in ['-h', '--help']]): orig_command_build(args, vm)
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os, shutil, zipfile, re from os.path import join, exists from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER import mx _suite = mx.suite('compiler') def run_netbeans_app(app_name, env=None, args=None): args = [] if args is None else args dist = app_name.upper() + '_DIST' name = app_name.lower() extractPath = join(_suite.get_output_root()) if mx.get_os() == 'windows': executable = join(extractPath, name, 'bin', name + '.exe') else: executable = join(extractPath, name, 'bin', name) # Check whether the current installation is up-to-date versionFile = join(extractPath, name, mx.library(dist).sha1) if exists(executable) and not exists(versionFile):
def run_java(self, args, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, nonZeroIsFatal=False): if '-version' in args: return super(NativeImageVM, self).run_java(args, out=out, err=err, cwd=cwd, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal) else: # never fatal, we handle it ourselves config = NativeImageVM.BenchmarkConfig() original_java_run_args = config.parse(args) executable, classpath_arguments, system_properties, image_run_args = NativeImageVM.extract_benchmark_arguments( original_java_run_args) executable_suffix = ( '-' + config.benchmark_name) if config.benchmark_name else '' executable_name = ( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(executable[1]))[0] + executable_suffix if executable[0] == '-jar' else executable[0] + executable_suffix).lower() final_image_name = executable_name + '-' + self.config_name() stages = NativeImageVM.Stages( config, out, err, final_image_name, self.is_gate, True if self.is_gate else nonZeroIsFatal, os.path.abspath(cwd if cwd else os.getcwd())) bench_suite = mx.suite('vm') root_dir = config.benchmark_output_dir if config.benchmark_output_dir else mx.join( bench_suite.dir, 'mxbuild') config.output_dir = mx.join( os.path.abspath(root_dir), 'native-image-bench-' + executable_name + '-' + self.config_name()) if not os.path.exists(config.output_dir): os.makedirs(config.output_dir) config.profile_dir = config.output_dir profile_path_no_extension = os.path.join(config.profile_dir, executable_name) profile_file_extension = '.iprof' latest_profile_path = profile_path_no_extension + '-latest' + profile_file_extension config.config_dir = os.path.join(config.output_dir, 'config') if not os.path.exists(config.config_dir): os.makedirs(config.config_dir) config.log_dir = config.output_dir if stages.change_stage('agent'): profile_path = profile_path_no_extension + '-agent' + profile_file_extension hotspot_vm_args = [ '-ea', '-esa' ] if self.is_gate and not config.skip_agent_assertions else [] hotspot_run_args = [] hotspot_vm_args += [ '-agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=' + str(config.config_dir), '-XX:-UseJVMCINativeLibrary' ] if self.hotspot_pgo: hotspot_vm_args += [ '-Dgraal.PGOInstrument=' + profile_path ] if self.hotspot_pgo and not self.is_gate and config.extra_agent_profile_run_args: hotspot_run_args += config.extra_agent_profile_run_args elif config.extra_agent_run_args: hotspot_run_args += config.extra_agent_run_args else: hotspot_run_args += image_run_args hotspot_args = hotspot_vm_args + classpath_arguments + executable + system_properties + hotspot_run_args java_command = os.path.join( mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_home(fatalIfMissing=True), 'bin', 'java') with stages.set_command([java_command] + hotspot_args) as s: s.execute_command() if self.hotspot_pgo and s.exit_code == 0: mx.copyfile(profile_path, latest_profile_path) base_image_build_args = [ os.path.join(mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_home(fatalIfMissing=True), 'bin', 'native-image') ] base_image_build_args += [ '--no-fallback', '--no-server', '-g', '--allow-incomplete-classpath' ] base_image_build_args += [ '-J-ea', '-J-esa', '-H:+VerifyGraalGraphs', '-H:+VerifyPhases' ] if self.is_gate else [] base_image_build_args += system_properties base_image_build_args += classpath_arguments base_image_build_args += executable base_image_build_args += ['-H:Path=' + config.output_dir] base_image_build_args += [ '-H:ConfigurationFileDirectories=' + config.config_dir ] if self.is_llvm: base_image_build_args += [ '-H:CompilerBackend=llvm', '-H:Features=org.graalvm.home.HomeFinderFeature', '-H:DeadlockWatchdogInterval=0' ] base_image_build_args += config.extra_image_build_arguments if not self.hotspot_pgo: # Native Image profile collection i = 0 instrumented_iterations = self.pgo_instrumented_iterations if config.pgo_iteration_num is None else int( config.pgo_iteration_num) while i < instrumented_iterations: profile_path = profile_path_no_extension + '-' + str( i) + profile_file_extension instrumentation_image_name = executable_name + '-instrument-' + str( i) instrumentation_image_latest = executable_name + '-instrument-latest' image_path = os.path.join(config.output_dir, instrumentation_image_name) image_path_latest = os.path.join( config.output_dir, instrumentation_image_latest) if stages.change_stage('instrument-image', str(i)): executable_name_args = [ '-H:Name=' + instrumentation_image_name ] pgo_verification_output_path = os.path.join( config.output_dir, instrumentation_image_name + '-probabilities.log') pgo_args = [ '--pgo=' + latest_profile_path, '-H:+VerifyPGOProfiles', '-H:VerificationDumpFile=' + pgo_verification_output_path ] instrument_args = ['--pgo-instrument' ] + ([] if i == 0 else pgo_args) instrument_args += [ '-H:+InlineAllExplored' ] if self.pgo_inline_explored else [] instrument_args += [ '-H:' + ('+' if self.pgo_context_sensitive else '-') + 'EnablePGOContextSensitivity' ] with stages.set_command(base_image_build_args + executable_name_args + instrument_args) as s: s.execute_command() if s.exit_code == 0: mx.copyfile(image_path, image_path_latest) if i + 1 == instrumented_iterations and s.exit_code == 0: image_size = os.stat(image_path).st_size out('Instrumented image size: ' + str(image_size) + ' B') if stages.change_stage('instrument-run', str(i)): image_run_cmd = [image_path] image_run_cmd += [ '-XX:ProfilesDumpFile=' + profile_path ] if config.extra_profile_run_args: image_run_cmd += config.extra_profile_run_args else: image_run_cmd += image_run_args + config.extra_run_args with stages.set_command(image_run_cmd) as s: s.execute_command() if s.exit_code == 0: mx.copyfile(profile_path, latest_profile_path) i += 1 image_path = mx.join(config.output_dir, final_image_name) # Build the final image if stages.change_stage('image'): executable_name_args = ['-H:Name=' + final_image_name] pgo_verification_output_path = os.path.join( config.output_dir, final_image_name + '-probabilities.log') pgo_args = ['--pgo=' + latest_profile_path, '-H:+VerifyPGOProfiles', '-H:VerificationDumpFile=' + pgo_verification_output_path] if self.pgo_instrumented_iterations > 0 or self.hotspot_pgo else [] final_image_command = base_image_build_args + executable_name_args + pgo_args with stages.set_command(final_image_command) as s: s.execute_command() # Execute the benchmark if stages.change_stage('run'): image_path = os.path.join(config.output_dir, final_image_name) image_run_cmd = [image_path ] + image_run_args + config.extra_run_args with stages.set_command(image_run_cmd) as s: s.execute_command(True) if s.exit_code == 0: # The image size for benchmarks is tracked by printing on stdout and matching the rule. image_size = os.stat(image_path).st_size out('The executed image size for benchmark ' + config.benchmark_suite_name + ':' + config.benchmark_name + ' is ' + str(image_size) + ' B')
import os, shutil, zipfile, re, time, sys, datetime, platform from os.path import join, exists, dirname, isdir from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER import StringIO import xml.dom.minidom import subprocess import mx import mx_gate import mx_unittest from mx_gate import Task from mx_unittest import unittest _suite = mx.suite('jvmci') JVMCI_VERSION = 9 """ Top level directory of the JDK source workspace. """ _jdkSourceRoot = dirname(_suite.dir) _JVMCI_JDK_TAG = 'jvmci' _minVersion = mx.VersionSpec('1.9') # max version (first _unsupported_ version) _untilVersion = None
import mx import mx_benchmark import mx_sdk_vm import mx_truffle import mx_wasm_benchmark # pylint: disable=unused-import import os import re import shutil import stat from collections import defaultdict from mx_gate import Task, add_gate_runner from mx_unittest import unittest _suite = mx.suite("wasm") emcc_dir = mx.get_env("EMCC_DIR", None) gcc_dir = mx.get_env("GCC_DIR", "") wabt_dir = mx.get_env("WABT_DIR", None) NODE_BENCH_DIR = "node" NATIVE_BENCH_DIR = "native" microbenchmarks = [ "cdf", "digitron", "event-sim", "fft", "hash-join", "merge-join",
def truffle_language_ensure(language_flag, version=None, native_image_root=None, early_exit=False, extract=True, debug_gr_8964=False): """ Ensures that we have a valid suite for the given language_flag, by downloading a binary if necessary and providing the suite distribution artifacts in the native-image directory hierachy (via symlinks). :param language_flag: native-image language_flag whose truffle-language we want to use :param version: if not specified and no TRUFFLE_<LANG>_VERSION set latest binary deployed master revision gets downloaded :param native_image_root: the native_image_root directory where the the artifacts get installed to :return: language suite for the given language_flag """ if not native_image_root: native_image_root = suite_native_image_root() version_env_var = 'TRUFFLE_' + language_flag.upper() + '_VERSION' if not version and os.environ.has_key(version_env_var): version = os.environ[version_env_var] if language_flag not in flag_suitename_map: mx.abort('No truffle-language uses language_flag \'' + language_flag + '\'') language_dir = join('languages', language_flag) if early_exit and exists(join(native_image_root, language_dir)): mx.logv('Early exit mode: Language subdir \'' + language_flag + '\' exists. Skip suite.import_suite.') return None language_entry = flag_suitename_map[language_flag] language_suite_name = language_entry[0] language_repo_name = language_entry[3] if len(language_entry) > 3 else None urlinfos = [ mx.SuiteImportURLInfo(mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(''), 'binary', mx.vc_system('binary')) ] failure_warning = None if not version and not mx.suite(language_suite_name, fatalIfMissing=False): # If no specific version requested use binary import of last recently deployed master version repo_suite_name = language_repo_name if language_repo_name else language_suite_name repo_url = mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl('{0}.git'.format(repo_suite_name)) version = mx.SuiteImport.resolve_git_branchref(repo_url, 'binary', abortOnError=False) if not version: failure_warning = 'Resolving \'binary\' against ' + repo_url + ' failed' language_suite = suite.import_suite( language_suite_name, version=version, urlinfos=urlinfos, kind=None, in_subdir=bool(language_repo_name) ) if not language_suite: if failure_warning: mx.warn(failure_warning) mx.abort('Binary suite not found and no local copy of ' + language_suite_name + ' available.') if not extract: if not exists(join(native_image_root, language_dir)): mx.abort('Language subdir \'' + language_flag + '\' should already exist with extract=False') return language_suite language_suite_depnames = language_entry[1] language_deps = language_suite.dists + language_suite.libs language_deps = [dep for dep in language_deps if in language_suite_depnames] native_image_layout(language_deps, language_dir, native_image_root, debug_gr_8964=debug_gr_8964) language_suite_nativedistnames = language_entry[2] language_nativedists = [dist for dist in language_suite.dists if in language_suite_nativedistnames] native_image_extract(language_nativedists, language_dir, native_image_root) option_properties = join(language_suite.mxDir, '') target_path = remove_existing_symlink(join(native_image_root, language_dir, '')) if exists(option_properties): if not exists(target_path): mx.logv('Add symlink to ' + str(option_properties)) symlink_or_copy(option_properties, target_path, debug_gr_8964=debug_gr_8964) else: native_image_option_properties('languages', language_flag, native_image_root) return language_suite
import os, shutil, zipfile, re, time, sys, datetime, platform from os.path import join, exists, dirname, isdir from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER import StringIO import xml.dom.minidom import subprocess import mx import mx_gate import mx_unittest from mx_gate import Task from mx_unittest import unittest _suite = mx.suite('jvmci') """ Top level directory of the JDK source workspace. """ _jdkSourceRoot = dirname(_suite.dir) _JVMCI_JDK_TAG = 'jvmci' _minVersion = mx.VersionSpec('1.9') # max version (first _unsupported_ version) _untilVersion = None _jvmciModes = { 'hosted': ['-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI'], 'jit': [
def _benchmarksDirectory(): return join(os.path.abspath(join(mx.suite('sulong').dir, os.pardir)), 'sulong-benchmarks')
def create_asm_parser(args=None, out=None): """create the inline assembly parser using antlr""" mx.suite("truffle").extensions.create_parser( "", "", "InlineAssembly", COPYRIGHT_HEADER_BSD, args, out)
import os from os.path import exists import re import mx from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_jackpot import jackpot from mx_gate import Task from urlparse import urljoin import mx_gate import mx_unittest import mx_benchmark import mx_sdk _suite = mx.suite('tools') class JMHRunnerToolsBenchmarkSuite(mx_benchmark.JMHRunnerBenchmarkSuite): def name(self): return "tools" def group(self): return "Graal" def subgroup(self): return "tools" def extraVmArgs(self): return ['-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader'] + super(JMHRunnerToolsBenchmarkSuite, self).extraVmArgs()
sulongCmdLine = suTruffleOptions + [ mx_sulong.getSearchPathOption() ] + mx_sulong.getBitcodeLibrariesOption( ) + mx_sulong.getClasspathOptions() + [ '-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader', "" ] + ['bench.bc'] result = self.host_vm().run(cwd, sulongCmdLine + args) # reset current Directory os.chdir(self.currentDir) return result def hosting_registry(self): return java_vm_registry _suite = mx.suite("sulong") native_vm_registry = VmRegistry("Native", known_host_registries=[java_vm_registry]) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O0', ['-O0']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O0', ['-O0']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O1', ['-O1']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O1', ['-O1']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O2', ['-O2']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O2', ['-O2']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(GccVm('O3', ['-O3']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(ClangVm('O3', ['-O3']), _suite) native_vm_registry.add_vm(SulongVm(), _suite, 10)
import os from os.path import join, exists, abspath from argparse import ArgumentParser import sanitycheck import re import mx from mx_gate import Task from sanitycheck import _noneAsEmptyList from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_graal_bench import dacapo import mx_gate import mx_unittest _suite = mx.suite("graal-core") _jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag="default") assert _jdk.javaCompliance >= "1.9" def isJVMCIEnabled(vm): return True _jvmciModes = { "hosted": ["-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions", "-XX:+EnableJVMCI"], "jit": ["-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions", "-XX:+EnableJVMCI", "-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler"], "disabled": [], }
# OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # from __future__ import print_function import argparse import mx import mx_unittest import mx_subst import os import mx_buildtools import shutil import mx_sulong _suite = mx.suite('sulong') _testDir = os.path.join(_suite.dir, "tests/") _cacheDir = os.path.join(_suite.dir, "cache/tests") _benchmarksgameSuiteDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "benchmarksgame/") _benchmarksgameSuiteDirRoot = os.path.join(_benchmarksgameSuiteDir, "benchmarksgame-2014-08-31/benchmarksgame/bench/") _otherDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "other/") _inlineassemblytestsDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "inlineassemblytests/") _llvmSuiteDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "llvm/") _assemblySuiteDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "inlineassemblytests/") _llvmSuiteDirRoot = os.path.join(_llvmSuiteDir, "test-suite-3.2.src/") _gccSuiteDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "gcc/") _gccSuiteDirRoot = os.path.join(_gccSuiteDir, "gcc-5.2.0/gcc/testsuite/") _parserTortureSuiteDirRoot = os.path.join(_gccSuiteDir, "gcc-5.2.0/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/compile") _nwccSuiteDir = os.path.join(_testDir, "nwcc/") _nwccSuiteDirRoot2 = os.path.join(_nwccSuiteDir, "nwcc_0.8.3/tests/")
GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS = [ '-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader', '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', '-Dgraal.CompileGraalWithC1Only=false', '-XX:CICompilerCount=' + str(JVM_COMPILER_THREADS), '-Dtruffle.TrustAllTruffleRuntimeProviders=true', # GR-7046 '-Dgraal.VerifyGraalGraphs=false', '-Dgraal.VerifyGraalGraphEdges=false', '-Dgraal.VerifyGraalPhasesSize=false', '-Dgraal.VerifyPhases=false' ] IMAGE_ASSERTION_FLAGS = [ '-H:+VerifyGraalGraphs', '-H:+VerifyGraalGraphEdges', '-H:+VerifyPhases' ] suite = mx.suite('substratevm') svmSuites = [suite] orig_command_build = mx.command_function('build') allow_native_image_build = True def build(args, vm=None): if any([opt in args for opt in ['-h', '--help']]): orig_command_build(args, vm) mx.log('build: Checking SubstrateVM requirements for building ...') if not _host_os_supported(): mx.abort(
def _unittest(args, annotations, prefixCp="", blacklist=None, whitelist=None, verbose=False, fail_fast=False, enable_timing=False, regex=None, color=False, eager_stacktrace=False, gc_after_test=False, suite=None): testfile = os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE', None) if testfile is None: (_, testfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".testclasses", "mxtool") os.close(_) mainClass = '' if not exists(join(mx.project('').output_dir(), mainClass.replace('.', os.sep) + '.class')):['--only', '']) coreCp = mx.classpath(['']) coreArgs = [] if verbose: coreArgs.append('-JUnitVerbose') if fail_fast: coreArgs.append('-JUnitFailFast') if enable_timing: coreArgs.append('-JUnitEnableTiming') if color: coreArgs.append('-JUnitColor') if eager_stacktrace: coreArgs.append('-JUnitEagerStackTrace') if gc_after_test: coreArgs.append('-JUnitGCAfterTest') def harness(unittestCp, vmLauncher, vmArgs): prefixArgs = ['-esa', '-ea'] if gc_after_test: prefixArgs.append('-XX:-DisableExplicitGC') with open(testfile) as fp: testclasses = [l.rstrip() for l in fp.readlines()] cp = prefixCp + coreCp + os.pathsep + unittestCp # suppress menubar and dock when running on Mac vmArgs = prefixArgs + ['-Djava.awt.headless=true'] + vmArgs + ['-cp', mx._separatedCygpathU2W(cp)] # Execute Junit directly when one test is being run. This simplifies # replaying the VM execution in a native debugger (e.g., gdb). mainClassArgs = coreArgs + (testclasses if len(testclasses) == 1 else ['@' + mx._cygpathU2W(testfile)]) config = (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) for p in _config_participants: config = p(config) _, launcher = vmLauncher launcher(*config) vmLauncher = _vm_launcher if vmLauncher is None: vmLauncher = ('default VM launcher', lambda vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs: mx.run_java(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs)) try: _run_tests(args, harness, vmLauncher, annotations, testfile, blacklist, whitelist, regex, mx.suite(suite) if suite else None) finally: if os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE') is None: os.remove(testfile)
def truffle_language_ensure(language_flag, version=None, native_image_root=None, early_exit=False): """ Ensures that we have a valid suite for the given language_flag, by downloading a binary if necessary and providing the suite distribution artifacts in the native-image directory hierachy (via symlinks). :param language_flag: native-image language_flag whose truffle-language we want to use :param version: if not specified and no TRUFFLE_<LANG>_VERSION set latest binary deployed master revision gets downloaded :param native_image_root: the native_image_root directory where the the artifacts get installed to :return: language suite for the given language_flag """ if not native_image_root: native_image_root = suite_native_image_root() version_env_var = 'TRUFFLE_' + language_flag.upper() + '_VERSION' if not version and os.environ.has_key(version_env_var): version = os.environ[version_env_var] if language_flag not in flag_suitename_map: mx.abort('No truffle-language uses language_flag \'' + language_flag + '\'') language_dir = join('languages', language_flag) if early_exit and exists(join(native_image_root, language_dir)): mx.logv('Early exit mode: Language subdir \'' + language_flag + '\' exists. Skip suite.import_suite.') return None language_entry = flag_suitename_map[language_flag] language_suite_name = language_entry[0] language_repo_name = language_entry[3] if len(language_entry) > 3 else None urlinfos = [ mx.SuiteImportURLInfo( mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl( '' ), 'binary', mx.vc_system('binary')) ] failure_warning = None if not version and not mx.suite(language_suite_name, fatalIfMissing=False): # If no specific version requested use binary import of last recently deployed master version repo_suite_name = language_repo_name if language_repo_name else language_suite_name repo_url = mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl( '{0}.git'.format(repo_suite_name)) version = mx.SuiteImport.resolve_git_branchref(repo_url, 'binary', abortOnError=False) if not version: failure_warning = 'Resolving \'binary\' against ' + repo_url + ' failed' language_suite = suite.import_suite(language_suite_name, version=version, urlinfos=urlinfos, kind=None, in_subdir=bool(language_repo_name)) if not language_suite: if failure_warning: mx.warn(failure_warning) mx.abort('Binary suite not found and no local copy of ' + language_suite_name + ' available.') language_suite_depnames = language_entry[1] language_deps = language_suite.dists + language_suite.libs language_deps = [ dep for dep in language_deps if in language_suite_depnames ] native_image_layout(language_deps, language_dir, native_image_root) language_suite_nativedistnames = language_entry[2] language_nativedists = [ dist for dist in language_suite.dists if in language_suite_nativedistnames ] native_image_extract(language_nativedists, language_dir, native_image_root) option_properties = join(language_suite.mxDir, '') target_path = remove_existing_symlink( join(native_image_root, language_dir, '')) if exists(option_properties): mx.logv('Add symlink to ' + str(option_properties)) relsymlink(option_properties, target_path) else: native_image_option_properties('languages', language_flag, native_image_root) return language_suite
import mx print("****** In") def function(args=None): print "###### In function() for target 'fun'" _suite = mx.suite('sample') mx.update_commands(_suite,{ 'fun' : [function]} )
# or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import mx, mx_gate, mx_subst, mx_sdk, mx_graal_js, os, shutil, tarfile, tempfile import mx_graal_nodejs_benchmark from mx import BinarySuite, VC from mx_gate import Task from argparse import ArgumentParser from os import remove, symlink, unlink from os.path import dirname, exists, join, isdir, isfile, islink _suite = mx.suite('graal-nodejs') _currentOs = mx.get_os() _currentArch = mx.get_arch() _jdkHome = None class GraalNodeJsTags: allTests = 'all' unitTests = 'unit' jniProfilerTests = 'jniprofiler' def _graal_nodejs_post_gate_runner(args, tasks): _setEnvVar('NODE_INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK', 'true') with Task('UnitTests', tasks,
import mx import mx_gate import mx_fastr_pkgtest import os import shutil ''' This is the launchpad for all the functions available for building/running/testing/analyzing FastR. Ideally this code would be completely VM agnostic, i.e., be able to build/run with a variety of VMs without change. That is currently not feasible due to the requirement that building must use an pre-existing VM and running (for performance testing) must use a Graal-enabled VM. It would require separate build/run steps to finesse this. However, running under a standards VM is supported by dynamically checking if the jvmci suite is available ''' _fastr_suite = mx.suite('fastr') ''' If this is None, then we run under the standard VM in interpreted mode only. Even if this is not None the global mx option --vm original forces interpreted mode ''' _mx_jvmci = mx.suite("jvmci", fatalIfMissing=False) class FakeJVMCI: def get_vm(self): # should only happen if jvmci vm selected mx.abort('FakeJVMCI.get_vm called') def get_jvmci_jdk(self): return mx.get_jdk() def build(self, args):
import os, zipfile, re, shutil from os.path import join, exists, isdir, getmtime from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter import mx, mx_sdk from mx_unittest import unittest import mx_unittest from mx import BinarySuite, VC from contextlib import contextmanager import sys _suite = mx.suite('nodeprof') def prepareJalangiCmdLine(args): from mx_graal_nodejs import _setEnvVar, setupNodeEnvironment _node = mx.suite('graal-nodejs') mode, vmArgs, progArgs = setupNodeEnvironment(args) _setEnvVar('NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH', mx.classpath(['NODEPROF'])) _setEnvVar('NODE_JVM_OPTIONS', ' '.join(vmArgs)) return [join(_node.dir, 'out', mode, 'node')] + progArgs class OutputCapture: def __init__(self, outFile): self.outFile = outFile if self.outFile: self.fout = open(self.outFile, 'w') else: self.fout = None
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import mx import mx_unittest import mx_gate _suite = mx.suite('sdk') mx.update_commands(_suite, { 'unittest': [mx_unittest.unittest, ''], 'gate' : [mx_gate.gate, ''], })
import os from os.path import exists import re import mx from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_jackpot import jackpot from mx_gate import Task from urlparse import urljoin import mx_gate import mx_unittest import mx_benchmark import mx_sdk _suite = mx.suite('tools') class JMHRunnerToolsBenchmarkSuite(mx_benchmark.JMHRunnerBenchmarkSuite): def name(self): return "tools" def group(self): return "Graal" def subgroup(self): return "tools" def extraVmArgs(self): return ['-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader'] + super( JMHRunnerToolsBenchmarkSuite, self).extraVmArgs()
import tarfile import os from os.path import join import shutil import mx import mx_findbugs from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_gate import Task, add_gate_runner from mx_jvmci import VM, buildvms _suite = mx.suite('sulong') _root = join(_suite.dir, "projects/") _parserDir = join(_root, "") _testDir = join(_root, "") _toolDir = join(_root, "") _clangPath = _toolDir + 'tools/llvm/bin/clang' _gccSuiteDir = join(_root, "") _gccSuiteDirRoot = join(_gccSuiteDir, 'gcc-5.2.0/gcc/testsuite/') _llvmSuiteDir = join(_root, "") _llvmSuiteDirRoot = join(_llvmSuiteDir, 'test-suite-3.2.src') _nwccSuiteDir = join(_root, "") _benchGameSuiteDir = join(_root, "") _dragonEggPath = _toolDir + 'tools/dragonegg/dragonegg-3.2.src/'
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import mx from mx_unittest import unittest from mx_sigtest import sigtest from mx_gate import Task import mx_gate _suite = mx.suite('truffle') def build(args, vm=None): """build the Java sources""" opts2 =['--source', '1.7'] + args) assert len(opts2.remainder) == 0 def sl(args): """run an SL program""" vmArgs, slArgs = mx.extract_VM_args(args) mx.run_java(vmArgs + ['-cp', mx.classpath(["TRUFFLE_API", ""]), ""] + slArgs) def sldebug(args): """run a simple command line debugger for the Simple Language""" vmArgs, slArgs = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=True) mx.run_java(vmArgs + ['-cp', mx.classpath(""), ""] + slArgs)
import mx import mx_vm import mx_subst import mx_unittest import functools import tempfile from mx_gate import Task from os import environ, listdir, remove from os.path import join, exists, dirname, isdir, isfile, getsize from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from contextlib import contextmanager _suite = mx.suite('vm') env_tests = [] class VmGateTasks: compiler = 'compiler' substratevm = 'substratevm' sulong = 'sulong' graal_js_all = 'graal-js' graal_js_smoke = 'graal-js-smoke' graal_js_tests = 'graal-js-tests' graal_js_tests_compiled = 'graal-js-tests-compiled' graal_nodejs = 'graal-nodejs' truffleruby = 'truffleruby' ruby = 'ruby' python = 'python'
def get_default_jdk(): if mx.suite("compiler", fatalIfMissing=False): tag = 'jvmci' else: tag = None return mx.get_jdk(tag=tag)
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import argparse import re from os.path import join, exists from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree import mx import mx_benchmark import mx_graal_core from mx_benchmark import ParserEntry from argparse import ArgumentParser _suite = mx.suite('graal-core') # Short-hand commands used to quickly run common benchmarks. mx.update_commands(_suite, { 'dacapo': [ lambda args: createBenchmarkShortcut("dacapo", args), '[<benchmarks>|*] [-- [VM options] [-- [DaCapo options]]]' ], 'scaladacapo': [ lambda args: createBenchmarkShortcut("scala-dacapo", args), '[<benchmarks>|*] [-- [VM options] [-- [Scala DaCapo options]]]' ], 'specjvm2008': [ lambda args: createBenchmarkShortcut("specjvm2008", args), '[<benchmarks>|*] [-- [VM options] [-- [SPECjvm2008 options]]]' ],
# questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import os import re from glob import glob import zipfile import mx import mx_benchmark import mx_java_benchmarks _suite = mx.suite("substratevm") _successful_stage_pattern = re.compile(r'Successfully finished the last specified stage:.*$', re.MULTILINE) def extract_archive(path, extracted_name): extracted_archive = mx.join(mx.dirname(path), extracted_name) if not mx.exists(extracted_archive): # There can be multiple processes doing this so be atomic about it with mx.SafeDirectoryUpdater(extracted_archive, create=True) as sdu: with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zf: zf.extractall( return extracted_archive def list_jars(path): jars = []
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import argparse import re from os.path import join, exists import mx import mx_benchmark import mx_graal_core # Short-hand commands used to quickly run common benchmarks. mx.update_commands(mx.suite('graal-core'), { 'dacapo': [ lambda args: createBenchmarkShortcut("dacapo", args), '[<benchmarks>|*] [-- [VM options] [-- [DaCapo options]]]' ], 'scaladacapo': [ lambda args: createBenchmarkShortcut("scala-dacapo", args), '[<benchmarks>|*] [-- [VM options] [-- [Scala DaCapo options]]]' ], 'specjvm2008': [ lambda args: createBenchmarkShortcut("specjvm2008", args), '[<benchmarks>|*] [-- [VM options] [-- [SPECjvm2008 options]]]' ], 'specjbb2005': [ lambda args: mx_benchmark.benchmark(["specjbb2005"] + args), '[-- [VM options] [-- [SPECjbb2005 options]]]'
import mx_sdk import re import mx_benchmark import mx_sulong_benchmarks import mx_unittest import mx_buildtools from mx_unittest import add_config_participant from mx_gate import Task, add_gate_runner import mx_testsuites # re-export SulongTestSuite class so it can be used from from mx_testsuites import SulongTestSuite #pylint: disable=unused-import _suite = mx.suite('sulong') _mx = join(_suite.dir, "mx.sulong") _root = join(_suite.dir, "projects") _testDir = join(_suite.dir, "tests") _toolDir = join(_suite.dir, "cache", "tools") _clangPath = join(_toolDir, "llvm", "bin", "clang") # the supported GCC versions (see supportedGCCVersions = [ '4.6', '4.5', '4.7' ]