Exemplo n.º 1
    def _check_context(self, context):
        # infer available context
        gpus = num_gpus()
        available_gpus = [gpu(i) for i in range(gpus)]

        if context:
            # check context values, only accept Context or a list of Context
            if isinstance(context, Context):
                context = [context]
            elif isinstance(context, list) and all([isinstance(c, Context) for c in context]):
                context = context
                raise ValueError("context must be a Context or a list of Context, "
                                 "for example mx.cpu() or [mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(1)], "
                                 "refer to mxnet.Context:{}".format(context))
            for ctx in context:
                assert ctx in available_gpus or str(ctx).startswith('cpu'), \
                    "%s is not available, please make sure " \
                    "your context is in one of: mx.cpu(), %s" % \
                    (ctx, ", ".join([str(ctx) for ctx in available_gpus]))
            # provide default context
            if gpus > 0:
                # only use 1 GPU by default
                if gpus > 1:
                    warnings.warn("You have multiple GPUs, gpu(0) will be used by default."
                                  "To utilize all your GPUs, specify context as a list of gpus, "
                                  "e.g. context=[mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(1)] ")
                context = [gpu(0)]
                context = [cpu()]
        return context
def random_walks(graph, parameters, sources, alpha=0.3, max_iter=500):
    """ Random walk with given parameters and directed graph

    :param graph: igraph object
    :type graph: igraph.Graph
    :param parameters:
    :type parameters:
    :param sources: list of indices of source nodes
    :type sources: list(int)
    :param alpha: restart probability
    :type alpha: float
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    :type max_iter: int
    :return: p vector for every source node
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        epsilon = 1e-12
        small_epsilon = 1e-18

        features = mx.nd.array([graph.es[feature] for feature in graph.es.attributes()]).T
        parameters = mx.nd.array(parameters)

        strengths = logistic_edge_strength_function(parameters, features) + small_epsilon
        graph.es['strength'] = strengths.reshape((-1,)).asnumpy()
        A = mx.nd.array(graph.get_adjacency(attribute='strength').data)
        Q_prim = get_stochastic_transition_matrix(A)
        result = dict()
        for source in tqdm(sources):
            Q = get_transition_matrix(Q_prim, source, alpha)
            p = iterative_page_rank(Q, epsilon, max_iter)
            result[source] = [p.asnumpy()]

    return result
def get_stochastic_transition_matrix(A):
    """ Calculates the stochastic transition matrix

    :param A: adjacency matrix with edge strengths
    :type A: numpy.array
    :return: stochastic transition matrix
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        Q_prim = 1 / mx.nd.sum(A, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) * A
    return Q_prim
def gradient_function(graph, features, sources, destinations, alpha, max_iter,
                      lambda_param, epsilon, small_epsilon, margin_loss, w):
    """ Gradient function

    :param graph: igraph object
    :type graph: igraph.Graph
    :param features: feature vector
    :type features: numpy.array
    :param w: parameter vector
    :type w: numpy.array
    :param sources: list of indices of source nodes
    :type sources: list(int)
    :param destinations: list of indices of destination nodes
    :type destinations: list(list(int))
    :param alpha: restart probability
    :type alpha: float
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    :type max_iter: int
    :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
    :type lambda_param: float
    :param epsilon: tolerance parameter for page rank convergence
    :type epsilon: float
    :param small_epsilon: change parameter in strengths of the edges
    :rtype small_epsilon: float
    :type small_epsilon: float
    :param margin_loss: margin loss
    :type margin_loss: float
    :return: values of the gradient function
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        features = mx.nd.array(features)
        w = mx.nd.array(w)
        gr = mx.nd.zeros(w.shape[0])
        strengths = logistic_edge_strength_function(w, features) + small_epsilon
        graph.es['strength'] = strengths.reshape((-1,)).asnumpy()
        A = mx.nd.array(graph.get_adjacency(attribute='strength').data)
        Q_prim = get_stochastic_transition_matrix(A)
        for source, i in zip(sources, range(len(sources))):
            print('{} Gradient func, source {}, index {}'.format(time.strftime("%c"), source, i))
            Q = get_transition_matrix(Q_prim, source, alpha)
            p = iterative_page_rank(Q, epsilon, max_iter)
            dp = iterative_page_rank_derivative(graph, p, Q, A, epsilon, max_iter, w, features, alpha)
            l_set = list(set(graph.vs.indices) - set(destinations[i] + [source]))
            diff = get_differences(p, l_set, destinations[i])
            dh = derivative_logistic_function(diff, margin_loss)
            for k in range(w.shape[0]):
                gr[k] += 2 * w[k] + lambda_param * mx.nd.sum(dh * get_differences(dp[:, k], l_set, destinations[i]))
    return gr.asnumpy().astype(np.float64)
def objective_function(graph, features, sources, destinations, alpha, max_iter,
                       lambda_param, epsilon, small_epsilon, margin_loss, w):
    """ Objective function for minimization in the training process

    :param graph: igraph object
    :type graph: igraph.Graph
    :param features: feature vector
    :type features: numpy.array
    :param w: parameter vector
    :type w: numpy.array
    :param sources: list of indices of source nodes
    :type sources: list(int)
    :param destinations: list of indices of destination nodes
    :type destinations: list(list(int))
    :param alpha: restart probability
    :type alpha: float
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    :type max_iter: int
    :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
    :type lambda_param: float
    :param epsilon: tolerance parameter for page rank convergence
    :type epsilon: float
    :param small_epsilon: change parameter in strengths of the edges
    :rtype small_epsilon: float
    :type small_epsilon: float
    :param margin_loss: margin loss
    :type margin_loss: float
    :return: value of the objective function for the given parameters
    :rtype: float
    with gpu(0):
        features = mx.nd.array(features)
        w = mx.nd.array(w)
        strengths = logistic_edge_strength_function(w, features) + small_epsilon
        graph.es['strength'] = strengths.reshape((-1,)).asnumpy()
        A = mx.nd.array(graph.get_adjacency(attribute='strength').data)
        Q_prim = get_stochastic_transition_matrix(A)
        loss = 0
        for source, i in zip(sources, range(len(sources))):
            print('{} Objective func, source {}, index {}'.format(time.strftime("%c"), source, i))
            Q = get_transition_matrix(Q_prim, source, alpha)
            p = iterative_page_rank(Q, epsilon, max_iter)
            l_set = list(set(graph.vs.indices) - set(destinations[i] + [source]))
            diff = get_differences(p, l_set, destinations[i])
            h = loss_function(diff, margin_loss)
            loss += mx.nd.sum(h).asnumpy()[0]
    return float(mx.nd.sum(mx.nd.square(w)).asnumpy()[0] + lambda_param * loss)
def get_transition_matrix(Q_prim, start_node, alpha):
    """ Calculate the transition matrix from given stochastic transition matrix,
    start node and restart probability

    :param Q_prim: stochastic transition matrix
    :type Q_prim: numpy.array
    :param start_node: index of the start node
    :type start_node: int
    :param alpha: restart probability
    :type alpha: float
    :return: transition matrix
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        one = mx.nd.zeros(Q_prim.shape)
        one[:, start_node] = 1
    return (1 - alpha) * Q_prim + alpha * one
def get_differences(p, l_set, d_set):
    """ Calculate difference between pl and pd

    :param p: stationary distribution
    :type p: numpy.array
    :param l_set: indices of the nodes in L set
    :type l_set: list
    :param d_set: indices of the nodes in D set
    :type d_set: list
    :return: difference between pl and pd
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        pd = p.asnumpy()[d_set]
        pl = p.asnumpy()[l_set]
        result = mx.nd.array([l - d for d in pd for l in pl])
    return result
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_1():

    a = mx.nd.zeros((256, 3, 128, 128))


    p = a.get_data_p()

    d = a.as_in_context(context.gpu(0))


    p = d.get_data_p()
def iterative_page_rank_derivative(graph, p, Q, A, epsilon, max_iter, w, features, alpha):
    """ Derivative of PageRank vector p

    :param graph: igraph object
    :type graph: igraph.Graph
    :param p: PageRank vector
    :param p: numpy.array
    :param Q: transition matrix
    :type Q: numpy.array
    :param A: adjacency strength matrix
    :type A: numpy.array
    :param epsilon: tolerance parameter
    :type epsilon: float
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    :type max_iter: int
    :param w: parameter vector
    :type w: numpy.array
    :param features: feature vector
    :type features: numpy.array
    :param alpha: restart probability
    :type alpha: float
    :return: derivative of PageRank vector
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        dp = mx.nd.zeros((Q.shape[0], w.shape[0]))
        dstrengths = logistic_edge_strength_derivative_function(w, features)
        A_rowsum = mx.nd.sum(A, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
        rec = mx.nd.power(A_rowsum, -2)
        for k in range(w.shape[0]):
            graph.es['temp'] = mx.nd.transpose(dstrengths)[:, k].reshape((-1,)).asnumpy().tolist()
            dA = mx.nd.array(graph.get_adjacency(attribute='temp').data)
            dA_rowsum = mx.nd.sum(dA, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
            dQk = (1 - alpha) * rec * ((A_rowsum * dA) - (dA_rowsum * A))
            prod = mx.nd.dot(p, dQk)
            for t in range(max_iter):
                dp_new = mx.nd.dot(dp[:, k], Q) + prod
                if mx.nd.max(mx.nd.abs(dp_new - dp[:, k])).asnumpy()[0] < epsilon:
                    dp[:, k] = dp_new
                dp[:, k] = dp_new
    return dp
def eco_full(pretrained=False,
             root=os.path.join(base.data_dir(), '/path/to/json'),
    r"""Build ECO_Full network

    pretrained : bool, default False
    ctx : Context, default GPU
        The context in which to load the pretrained weights.
    root : str, default $MXNET_HOME/models
        Location for keeping the model parameters.
    net = Eco(**kwargs)
    if pretrained:
        from mxnet.gluon.model_zoo.model_store import get_model_file
        net.load_parameters(get_model_file('eco_full_kinetics', root=root),
    return net
def iterative_page_rank(trans, epsilon, max_iter):
    """ Iterative power-iterator like computation of PageRank vector p

    :param trans: transition matrix
    :type trans: numpy.array
    :param epsilon: tolerance parameter
    :type epsilon: float
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    :type max_iter: int
    :return: stationary distribution
    :rtype: numpy.array
    with gpu(0):
        p = mx.nd.ones((1, trans.shape[0])) / trans.shape[0]
        p_new = mx.nd.dot(p, trans)
        for t in range(max_iter):
            if mx.nd.max(mx.nd.abs(p - p_new)).asnumpy()[0] < epsilon:
            p = p_new
            p_new = mx.nd.dot(p, trans)
    return p_new[0]
def _test_consistency(version: str, approx_func, sym: bool):
    test rational activation function from keras package on test_data,
    validating that cuda and cpu results are consistent, i.e. that there is no significant
    difference between cuda and cpu results

    :param sym: use symbolic execution if True, else imperative execution
    :param approx_func: which function to use as initial shape
    :param version: which version of the function to test
    # declare results
    cpu_result = None
    gpu_result = None

    # set cpu context and test
    with mx.Context(cpu(0)):
        # instantiate a tensor for testing
        test_data = mx.nd.array([-2., -1, 0., 1., 2.])

        init_fun_names = {
            LeakyReLU: 'leaky_relu',
            tanh: 'tanh',
            sigmoid: 'sigmoid'

        # instantiate rational activation function under test on cpu
        cpu_fut = Rational(approx_func=init_fun_names.get(approx_func),

        # create small neural networks and add futs as layers
        cpu_net = mx.gluon.nn.HybridSequential()
        with cpu_net.name_scope():

        # trigger symbolic rather than imperative API, if specified
        if sym:

        # run the function on test data
        cpu_result = cpu_net(test_data)

    # set gpu context and test
    assert num_gpus() > 0, 'tried to run on GPU, but none available.'
    with mx.Context(gpu(0)):
        # instantiate a tensor for testing
        test_data = mx.nd.array([-2., -1, 0., 1., 2.])

        init_fun_names = {
            LeakyReLU: 'leaky_relu',
            tanh: 'tanh',
            sigmoid: 'sigmoid'

        # instantiate rational activation function under test on gpu
        gpu_fut = Rational(approx_func=init_fun_names.get(approx_func),

        # create small neural networks and add futs as layers
        gpu_net = mx.gluon.nn.HybridSequential()
        with gpu_net.name_scope():

        # trigger symbolic rather than imperative API, if specified
        if sym:

        # run the function on test data
        gpu_result = gpu_net(test_data)

    # check that there is no significant difference between the results
    assert all(isclose(cpu_result.asnumpy(), gpu_result.asnumpy(), atol=1e-06))
Exemplo n.º 13
# #### 3.1.1 Test CNN model

# In[9]:


X = nd.random.uniform(shape=(1, 3, 32, 32))


# ### 3.2 Set device

# In[10]:

ctx = context.gpu(0) if context.num_gpus() else context.cpu()

LOG(INFO, 'Device in Use:', ctx)

# ### 3.3 Define Learning Rate Scheduler

# In[11]:

# learning rate scheduler
iter_per_epochs = math.ceil(len(train_dataset) / BATCH_SIZE)
niterations = cfg.NEPOCHS * iter_per_epochs

lr_scheduler = learning.OneCycleScheduler(start_lr=0.01,
                                          cycle_length=40 * iter_per_epochs,
                                          cooldown_length=niterations -
Exemplo n.º 14
                   help="Use mutation when creating children")
                   help="Use crossover when creating children")

    # Log parameters
                   help="Filename of json output file")

    # Miscellaneous parameters
        default=cuda.gpu(0) if cuda.num_gpus() else cuda.cpu(),
        "Specifies on which device the neural network of the agent will be run"

    args = p.parse_args()

Exemplo n.º 15
def try_gpu(i=0):
    """Return gpu(i) if exists, otherwise return cpu()."""
    return context.gpu(i) if context.num_gpus() >= i else context.cpu()
Exemplo n.º 16
def try_all_gpus():
    """Return all available GPUs, or [cpu(),] if no GPU exists."""
    ctxes = [context.gpu(i) for i in range(context.num_gpus())]
    return ctxes if ctxes else [context.cpu()]
Exemplo n.º 17
def main():
    """Main function: load data comprising molecules, create RNN,
    fit RNN with the data, and predict novel molecules.

    Command line options:

    positional arguments:
        filename        The path to the training data containing SMILES

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help      show this help message and exit
        -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        The number of batches to generate at every iteration.
                        (default: 32)
        -s N_STEPS, --n_steps N_STEPS
                        The number of time steps. (default: 40)
        -u HIDDEN_SIZE, --hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE
                        The number of units in a network's hidden state.
                        (default: 256)
        -n N_LAYERS, --n_layers N_LAYERS
                        The number of hidden layers. (default: 1)
        -l LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        The learning rate. (default: 1.0)
        -e N_EPOCHS, --n_epochs N_EPOCHS
                        The number of epochs. (default: 2000)
        -p PREDICT_EPOCH, --predict_epoch PREDICT_EPOCH
                        Predict new strings every p epochs (default: 20)
        -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Print logs every v iterations. (default: 10)
        -c {cpu,CPU,gpu,GPU}, --ctx {cpu,CPU,gpu,GPU}
                        CPU or GPU (default: cpu)
        -r PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Initial symbol(s) of a SMILES string to generate.
                        (default: C)
    options = process_options()

    dataset = SMILESDataset(filename=options.filename)
    dataloader = SMILESDataLoader(

    rnn_layer = gluon.rnn.GRU(
    model = SMILESRNNModel(
    optimizer_params = {
        'learning_rate': options.learning_rate,
        # TODO Add gradient clipping
        # 'clip_gradient': 1,
    ctx = {
        'cpu': context.cpu(0),
        'gpu': context.gpu(0),
