def predict(img, net): # X = image.imread(img) X = nd.array(img) X = normalize_image(X).as_in_context(CTX[0]) # X = (X.astype('float32') / 255).as_in_context(CTX[0]) X = X.transpose((2, 0, 1)).expand_dims(axis=0) pred = nd.argmin(net(X), axis=1) # pred = net(X) > 0.01 return pred.reshape((X.shape[2], X.shape[3]))
def getclass(rgb, cls_items): result = nd.zeros((cls_items.shape[0], ), ctx) for i in range(cls_items.shape[0]): delta = (rgb - cfg.rgb_dic[str(int(cls_items[i]))]).abs().mean().asscalar() result[i] = delta get_cls = nd.argmin(result, axis=0).asscalar() cls_return = int(cls_items[int(get_cls)]) return cls_return
def knn_search(feature_matrix, features): """ Given features and feature matrix, using KNN method to find the nearest class. 给定特征矩阵和待搜索的特征之后,使用KNN搜索查询和特征最近的类别。 :param feature_matrix: feature matrix 特征矩阵 :param features: class uncertained features 待确定类别的特征 :return predictions: class predictions 预测类别 """ predictions = [] for feature in features: diff = feature - feature_matrix diff = nd.square(diff) diff = nd.sum(diff, axis=1) prediction = nd.argmin(diff, axis=0) predictions.append(prediction.asscalar()) return nd.array(predictions)
def bulyan(epoch, gradients, net, lr, byz, f=0): param_list = [ nd.concat(*[xx.reshape((-1, 1)) for xx in x], dim=0) for x in gradients ] param_list = byz(epoch, param_list, net, f, lr, np.arange(len(param_list))) k = len(param_list) - f - 2 dist = mx.nd.zeros((len(param_list), len(param_list))) for i in range(0, len(param_list)): for j in range(0, i): dist[i][j] = nd.norm(param_list[i] - param_list[j]) dist[j][i] = dist[i][j] sorted_dist = mx.nd.sort(dist) sum_dist = mx.nd.sum(sorted_dist[:, :k + 1], axis=1) bulyan_list = [] bul_client_list = np.ones(len(param_list)) * (-1) for i in range(len(param_list) - 2 * f): chosen = int(nd.argmin(sum_dist).asscalar()) sum_dist[chosen] = 10**8 bul_client_list[i] = chosen bulyan_list.append(param_list[chosen]) for j in range(len(sum_dist)): sum_dist[j] = sum_dist[j] - dist[j][chosen] sorted_array = nd.sort(nd.concat(*bulyan_list, dim=1), axis=-1) trim_nd = nd.mean(sorted_array[:, f:(len(bulyan_list) - f)], axis=-1, keepdims=1) idx = 0 for j, (param) in enumerate(net.collect_params().values()): if param.grad_req == 'null': continue param.set_data( - lr * trim_nd[idx:(idx +].reshape( idx += return trim_nd, bul_client_list
embedd = nd.stack(*[embedd_d[key] for key in sorted(embedd_d)], axis=0) router_mat = nd.stack(*[router_mat_d[key] for key in sorted(router_mat_d)], axis=1) where = nd.argmax(nd.maximum(0, 1 / (router + 0.5)), axis=1) nd.maximum(0, 1 / (router + 0.5)) where presence = nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) weight_adj = presence * weight weight router + 0.5 nd.argmin(nd.abs(router + 0.5), axis=1) router_mat[1][4] depth where = nd.argmin(nd.abs(router + 0.5), axis=1) nd.concat(*[router_mat[i][k] for i, k in enumerate(where)], dim=0) depth = len(tree._weightlayer) - nd.topk(nd.reverse(presence, axis=1)) depth -= 1 depth = depth[:, 0] remainder = 1 - nd.sum(weight_adj, axis=1) remainder += nd.choose_element_0index(weight_adj, depth) weight_adj = nd.fill_element_0index(weight_adj, remainder, depth)
def decode_centernet_pose(heat, wh, kps, reg=None, hm_hp=None, hp_offset=None, K=100): batch, cat, height, width = heat.shape num_joints = kps.shape[1] // 2 # perform nms on heatmaps heat = _nms(heat) scores, inds, clses, ys, xs = _topk(heat, K=K) kps = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(kps, inds) kps = nd.reshape(kps, (batch, K, num_joints * 2)) kps[:, :, ::2] += nd.reshape(xs, (batch, K, 1)).broadcast_to((batch, K, num_joints)) kps[:, :, 1::2] += nd.reshape(ys, (batch, K, 1)).broadcast_to((batch, K, num_joints)) if reg is not None: reg = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(reg, inds) reg = nd.reshape(reg,(batch, K, 2)) xs = xs.reshape((batch, K, 1)) + reg[:, :, 0:1] ys = ys.reshape((batch, K, 1)) + reg[:, :, 1:2] else: xs = xs.reshape((batch, K, 1)) + 0.5 ys = ys.reshape((batch, K, 1)) + 0.5 wh = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(wh, inds) wh = wh.reshape((batch, K, 2)) clses = clses.reshape((batch, K, 1)).astype('float32') scores = scores.reshape((batch, K, 1)) bboxes = nd.concat(xs - wh[:, :, 0:1] / 2, ys - wh[:, :, 1:2] / 2, xs + wh[:, :, 0:1] / 2, ys + wh[:, :, 1:2] / 2, dim=2) if hm_hp is not None: hm_hp = _nms(hm_hp) thresh = 0.1 kps = kps.reshape((batch, K, num_joints, 2)) kps = nd.swapaxes(kps, 1, 2) # b x J x K x 2 reg_kps = nd.expand_dims(kps, axis=3).broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, K, 2)) hm_score, hm_inds, hm_ys, hm_xs = _topk_channel(hm_hp, K=K) # b x J x K if hp_offset is not None: hp_offset = _tranpose_and_gather_feat(hp_offset, hm_inds.reshape((batch, -1))) hp_offset = hp_offset.reshape((batch, num_joints, K, 2)) hm_xs = hm_xs + hp_offset[:, :, :, 0] hm_ys = hm_ys + hp_offset[:, :, :, 1] else: hm_xs = hm_xs + 0.5 hm_ys = hm_ys + 0.5 mask = (hm_score > thresh).astype('float32') hm_score = (1 - mask) * -1 + mask * hm_score hm_ys = (1 - mask) * (-10000) + mask * hm_ys hm_xs = (1 - mask) * (-10000) + mask * hm_xs hm_kps = nd.stack(hm_xs, hm_ys, axis=-1).expand_dims(axis=2).broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, K, 2)) dist = (((reg_kps - hm_kps) ** 2).sum(axis=4) ** 0.5) min_dist = dist.min(axis=3) # b x J x K min_ind = nd.argmin(dist, axis=3) # b x J x K M, N, K = hm_score.shape[0:3] for i in range(M): for j in range(N): for k in range(K): hm_score[i, j, k] = hm_score[i, j, min_ind[i, j, k]] hm_score = hm_score.expand_dims(axis=-1) min_dist = min_dist.expand_dims(-1) hm_kps = hm_kps.reshape((batch, num_joints, K, 2)) for i in range(M): for j in range(N): for k in range(K): hm_kps[i, j, k, 0] = hm_kps[i, j, min_ind[i, j, k], 0] hm_kps[i, j, k, 1] = hm_kps[i, j, min_ind[i, j, k], 1] l = bboxes[:, :, 0].reshape((batch, 1, K, 1)).broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, 1)) t = bboxes[:, :, 1].reshape((batch, 1, K, 1)).broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, 1)) r = bboxes[:, :, 2].reshape((batch, 1, K, 1)).broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, 1)) b = bboxes[:, :, 3].reshape((batch, 1, K, 1)).broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, 1)) mask = (hm_kps[:, :, 0:1] < l) + (hm_kps[:, :, 0:1] > r) mask += (hm_kps[:, :, 1:2] < t) + (hm_kps[:, :, 1:2] > b) mask += (hm_score < thresh) mask += (min_dist > (nd.maximum(b - t, r - l) * 0.3)) mask = (mask > 0).astype('float32').broadcast_to((batch, num_joints, K, 2)) kps = (1 - mask) * hm_kps + mask * kps kps = nd.swapaxes(kps, 1, 2).reshape((batch, K, num_joints * 2)) detections = nd.concat(bboxes, scores, kps, clses, dim=2) return detections
def argmin(data=None, axis=None): res = nd.argmin(data, axis) if res.shape == (1, ): return res.astype('int32').asscalar() else: return res